How do you handle someone who loves to argue?
By candyfairy21
@candyfairy21 (2039)
March 13, 2010 8:51am CST
I must confess I'm pretty upset right now. My aunt she has a way of really getting into my nerves. She loves to start the conversation but we always end up arguing. She opens her mouth before she listens and then she tries to wash her hands off it. This happens everyday and this is sickening. She was asking about getting a credit card and linking it with paypal, she said what if she uses someone else's card. I told her that it would be rejected since the information in paypal that she provided should match the one in the card. She was thinking of applying for online jobs as she had seen me tried in the past weeks. I also told her that all info should match with the site she is applying or risk being rejected. We also discussed the charges and I told her that there are annual membership fees and the fee is determined by the kind or membership you have. She said that its not, its determined by the salary rate. I corrected her on that but she ended up raising her voice. I also told her that the credit card she is planning on using charges so much per transaction if she does the math and she insisted that it will not be that much if you earn so much. Duh... she has not even tried online jobs and here she is lecturing me about online earnings! isn't that funny? Worst of all she always try to make me look stupid.I mean she does this to everyone and this one of her trait that I really dislike. Most of the time I do not bother to listen or comment on her conversation and act as if I am not hearing her because I hate arguing.
So how would you handle someone like this?
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50 responses
@patms1 (521)
• United States
14 Mar 10
Excuse me but why do you put up with her? Aunt or not I would not put up with her. The next time she starts to talk to you just tell her you are not in the mood for an argument and walk away. Don't be fresh just smile and walk away. If she complains to any one about it and they say something to you just tell them what you told her and ask them to talk to her. She knows what she is doing and you are a great scapegoat. She does not sound like a nice person. Do yourself a favor and just stay away from her bfore you get so angry you say something you will regret. I bet she will find some one else to nag. I also bet every one else in your family knows what she is like and are probably glad its your turn whit her.
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@candyfairy21 (2039)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
I think because she is the eldest among her siblings she is used to boss on everyone. In my culture it's like that. She always get the feeling that she is right because in my culture and how she was raised in this culture elders are always right and you just have to shut up. so many time I've told her to just shut up before I blow up. I guess sometimes when she sees me really mad that's when she walks away. I've put up with it for as long as I could because of this great culture but I've had enough and now everybody thinks I am so disrespectful.
@patms1 (521)
• United States
19 Mar 10
I understand that in different cultures there are different rules and you do not say if you are here in America or someplace else. I know it must be hard to have to stand up for yourself but its not fair of her to pick on you. If it really bothers you that every one thinks you are disrespectful then maybe you should just explain that you have tried and tried to be polite but she just makes it worse. I understand if you are here in America that it is hard to accept your cultures ways when you see how much freedom our kids have but there is a saying that say "THIS TO SHALL PASS". Try keeping a smile on your face and be polite to her but stay out of her way as much as you can. When you have to talk to just say yes or no with a smile. I believe ounce she understand she can't get to you she will pick on some one she can annoy. Good Luck
@Bhemzky (423)
• Philippines
13 Mar 10
Don't mind her and ignore the things she says. There are people that are really like your aunt and they don't like to listen at all. They only want their opinions to be heard. Just dont mind people who are like that, it will only give you stress. Just continue living and going for a happy life.
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@candyfairy21 (2039)
• Philippines
13 Mar 10
You are right bhem it does stress me out. I have tried so many times to just shut up and ignore her but there are times like this that I just can't hold back anymore. dealing with her everyday is putting me in so much stress.
@jwfarrimond (4473)
14 Mar 10
Just give them the information that they asked for and not respond to the argumentative nonsense. Let them find out the hard way what the facts are. The thing is though, people like that won't admit that they were wrong even when it's blindingly obvious that they are! They just go into total denial.
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@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
14 Mar 10
I used to argue back, lately I'm tired of arguing so I just listen to what someone says, when they start wanting to argue, I walk away. Later when the 'Know it all' starts to have problems I don't tell them "I told you so" I just say that I know, I've been doing (whatever it is) for a long time and I could have told you but you already knew so much about it, I thought you knew that.
People that try to make everyone else look stupid are actually really stupid and trying to make them self either feel or look better in everyone else's eyes.
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@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
14 Mar 10
I'd do the same, avoid her at all times at all costs. But I know she's your aunt, it's likely that you'll have to talk sooner or later again and again. So I guess if I were you I'll just let her blab and do all the talking by herself most of the time. Maybe simple "uhmms", "yeah you're right", or "I guess so", is enough to keep her happy. I guess even if I know something about her topic I'd still choose to pretend I know nothing just to keep her from arguing with me about stupid little things and senseless topics.
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@namiya (1718)
• Philippines
14 Mar 10
Yes candyfairy, there are lots of people who seem satisfied doing that. Sometimes they would even seek other people's opinion on a certain matter but will end up with her/him insisting that her/his opinion or idea is the valid one. Normally if, I'm faced with a person whom I know has this habit and feels that she's bound to start a discussion I'd usually beg off to leave explaining that i need to attend to some important or urgent task just to avoid arguing on a "lost cause" with her/him.
@ankitshr (228)
• India
13 Mar 10
hey candyfairy21, I got the point, nd believe me i completely understand you, i've went through this too. For this i've got a simple equation, you can only tolerate or we can also say bare a person who is like "who loves to argue over almost anything" it only and only depends on the fact how much you like them or love them or care for them, in other words how much that person hold importance in your life, otherwise it really really is damn irritating.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
30 Sep 10
Hi. candyfairy. Being of the fact that your aunt is acting so heard headed, I would just tell her the truth of what I know. I will then also just leave her alone. I have told her what is what. If she does not believe me, then it is her loss. Sooner or later, she is going to find out what is the truth. She gets mad at you, because she does not want to hear the truth. Your aunt knows that you are completely right! She only wants to hear what she wants and nothing else.

@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
14 Mar 10
Yes, I have a family member who is also so argumentative. It is very difficult and distressing. After trying to be understanding of a situation and patiently asking the person to stop arguing, it is best, as you have said to zone out. The only thing I can think of at times like that is to withdraw as much as you can from the relationship, temporarily, and regroup. It is terribly wearing on the senses to hear constant arguing; it gives me a headache. You can let the person know you love them, but cannot withstand the argumentative behavior, as it is too painful. Perhaps a time of limited contact will enable such a person to examine her own behavior and learn to deal with her anger. That's all I can think of, except for giving it to God and pray, pray, pray. There is only so much one person can do for another; each of us has to assume responsibility for our own behavior and attitudes.
@candyfairy21 (2039)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
yep you're perfectly right, constant arguing is so painful. It's as if I have a sensory overload and it does give me a headache (literally)! I agree we all have to assume responsibilities for our own behavior. But sometimes I wonder if they even notice that in their personality?
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
19 Mar 10
As you probably know, we all are guilty of not noticing the log in our own eye while judging the splinter in another's. Nonetheless, it has been a trial for me to keep having to endure the unremitting argument and consistant headache. Thanks for your understanding.
@RachelleNH (1396)
• United States
14 Mar 10
Ugh, that's annoying. I would avoid talking to her as often..and try my best to avoid argument, just agree and let her make her own mistakes and then (hopefully) learn from them.
I guess I can't compare-because my younger sister is not really the same..but I sure get annoyed! I think she's more defensive...or something! We have gotten into some major word brawls..I'm upset for days, even months after. She doesn't really interuppt me because I can't even state my case! I called her the other day because she never calls me and catches up..and mind you I've been avoiding calling her because this happened: she started in on me about how she's moving to california to make something of her life (she craves fame and fortune) she says I need to do the same...then goes on to say that she's been out there in the world more than me and she knows more than me and my mother combined. Now that started to get me a little frustrated because I've lived and learned and before I could argue, she then launched into this "I'm a self made woman" testimonial and compared herself to my own personal failures. She forgot my successes! I get so annoyed because she always has to be better than everyone else and so unique. I don't bother to try to be different, I am who I am. period.
So, One time I tried to warn her about her wild lifestyle: she gets trashed and sleeps with all sorts of men, then tells me how much she regrets it I advised her against going with this one guy I knew peronally that I thought to be a real loser...She blew up and screamed in the restaraunt about how she doesn't have to explain anything to me. I was totally thrown..I was only trying to help her-why does she tell me then? Why does she ask for advice?
She's tried so hard to be different, or noticed or something...that she's covered in tattoos, piercings and wild hair and clothes. and she does some wild things too. I don't think there's anything to compare. I'm kind of the opposite of her-I like to blend in, I don't like bar hopping and I like a job that doesn't involve a lot of people contact. I have two kids that I've raised alone. I did finish college 2 years ago...and I still work at the same job I had before. I don't know why she's always trying to compare us and make me feel so crappy. I've done my best and am proud of who I am.
Have you tried confronting her argumentive side? maybe ask why?

@RachelleNH (1396)
• United States
19 Mar 10
We are probably not the only ones in this situation...It's crazy how many families compare. In my case-I'm the older sis-she's the younger sis...and the funny thing is people actually think she's quite driven. I let them-because when she takes 2 steps forward in the career-they don't know what she's doing after hours. Let them take their own opinion. I just worry for her as I think this is destructive behavior. I've started to think she's bipolar or something-those moods really swing radically!
@candyfairy21 (2039)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
hi rachelle,
wow what a wild sister you got there! I guess it's sibling rivalry, perhaps she felt left out when you were kids or overshadowed by you that's why she is trying to get noticed by living a wild life. I agree with you there is nothing to be compared between the both of you. What she did in the resto was completely uncalled for. I have a younger sister who is like that, I mean she is not as wild as that but we don't really see each other eye to eye. It's because of my whole family, and I have hated this kind of attitude, for me they were the ones who broke us apart because of all the comparisons between me and my siblings. Normally what would happen is ecah child would be so competitive. Which is not good at all.
I am really mad at my grandmother because she started it all. Then my mother for falling into it. Now me and my sister don't really talk, we have grown up and not be sisters. When I was a child I was always compared to my younger brother or that he was compared to me. Then when my sister came along we were both compared to each other, how I was not good compared to her or how she could not compare to me. We became rivals, well that's how she sees me, her rival that she want to get rid of. My sister although she is intelligent she never finished college, she always shifted courses. I on the other hand got a bachelor's degree and landed a job, and she really feels bad about this because again here comes the comparison.
I know this kind of situation does not heal over time for the wounds are deep. But here is hoping that it does. You and I did the best we could with our lives in the face of adversities, we both experienced personal failures and triumphs, they need to see that we are not rivals or the enemy, No need for comparisons. We are who we are. We decide who we will be.
Your sister I think is crying out for help but she is blinded and she is proud to ask help because she wants to be superwoman. She indeed lives a wild life but I don't think she is happy. Why does she tells you all this? two things. One she really might be needing help but is just too proud to accept it especially coming from you. two, she just want to make you see where she has gone so far and what you missed out, so she knows more about living in the world more than you.
As for me if I tried confronting her argumentative side, I did. I have lived with her since I was a child and I have put up with it for as long as I could. Even tried to understand her, well the reason is she is the eldest among all the children, she was boss, she was always right. To top it all she is naturally intelligent and has garnered many awards and even got a doctorate degree. What do you think that would make her? She is not really a people person she could stay in the house for a month without going out and just read! But that would not stop me from getting annoyed when she starts arguing. I do tell her off especially when I am about to explode.
I've actually put up so much with her, especially when she was going through menopause, man those times were hell! It is as if she was always on fire! I was younger then and did not say one word back. I only cried. Now she is getting old and she likes to argue even if there is nothing to argue. Me and my cousin sometimes just look at each other and sometimes it seems we gang up on her and she stops. sometimes I don't know what to think about. So I go out with friends or alone and hangout at the cafe.
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@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
18 Mar 10
frankly, i don't handle someone who loves to argue. candyfairy, i just ignore them. they don't deserve a minute of my precious time. if they persist, i try to get a mirror and shove it to their faces and tell them, go ahead, argue with the one on the mirror. you will, probably enjoy that. and that ends the lost time i dare spend with someone who loves to argue.

@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
21 Mar 10
for once, you can reverse the situation and give her a dose of her own medicine. probably, if you do that, she will realize how pesky being argumentative is... good luck... muster some courage... try if for one full 24 hours... it may work miracles...
@candyfairy21 (2039)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
lol if I could only do that to her I really would! but she is an elder in the family and I have to respect that. Sometimes she just won't let me be when I ignore her or walk away. At times i put a headset so just she would stop and pretend that I don't hear her. Sometimes it works , sometimes it does not.

@rosegardens (3032)
• United States
13 Mar 10
I would try to ignore them and would avoid any discussions with them, as it sounds like it would lead into an argument.
However, you are in the situation and it sounds like she lives with you. The best thing to do is just know that's how she is, and don't let it get to you. There's nothing you can do to change it. Unless maybe you would confront her with the issue. Do so at a neutral time, and be very kind. She may not realize she is so argumentative.
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@dreamsharmin (2281)
• China
13 Mar 10
I know some person who behave like your aunt.
Yes they are really funny. And you aunt also funny.
Whenever i meet such a person i just ignore them. Or if they ask me any question then i just say i don't know dear. Batter you ask someone else.
I think this is the way to handle such a person.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
24 Mar 10
Hey, friend! I'm right there with you on people like this because I can't stand when people like the argue just for the sake of arguing! We would all get along so much better with one another if there weren't people like this! I've also met my share of people (and family members) like you described. I admire you for even having the patience to finish a conversation with your aunt! Wow - that is frustrating. I hate conflict so naturally, I'm turned off by people who start to argue with me. I'm of the belief that if I tell you about something, I obviously know what I'm talking about; otherwise, I wouldn't have wasted my breath and my time to tell you about it! (LOL) I can't stand it when people who are ignorant try to act like you're crazy or dumb or something and that they know all about it when they came to you in the first place with a question! I don't like know-it-all's because they're unteachable. If someone comes to me with a question, and I know the answer, I try to help them out as best I can. I'll be honest with them, though, if I don't know the answer. I won't act like I know what the answer is because that wouldn't be nice. How I would handle a person like this would be to just end the conversation by saying something like, "If you know so much about ((whatever they're asking about)) why did you ask me about it?" I don't like when people ask a question and don't wait for the answer. That's just crazy and a waste of your time. I think that's all it is dealing with people like this - a waste of time because you can't reason with them. What it all comes down to is that people like this don't listen, don't care what you have to say, and think they know everything. I'm not bashing on your aunt by any means. I'm just speaking from personal experience! Thanks for posting such a great discussion and letting me vent - LOL!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
5 Oct 11
Thanks, Lily. If someone is going to argue with everything I say, then there's no conversation because there's no true communication going on. Someone who is argumentative for the sake of arguing is just going in circles, in my opinion. You have to have a lot of patience to deal with someone like that, and I know I don't have the nerves to endure much of that - LOL! Excellent discussion and thank you for your comment!
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
15 Mar 10
First, realize that you are letting this other person, ruin your happiness. You are unintentionally allowing her to control you.
So you must not allow this other person to steal your joy. How do you do that? Well it'd different for each person.
Second, realize that this person does not want to be told the truth, or to be told how thing really are. She does not want your advice.
So... it's raining out side, and stormy.
Your aunt says:
"What a nice sunny day! I'm going to go take a walk".
And you say...
"Wonderful! Have a nice walk!".
Just let her go. She'll figure out it's raining when she stomps back in all soaking wet.
So... the credit card charges a lot of money per transaction.
Your aunt says:
"It only charges a little. It won't cost much"
And you say...
"Sounds great! Good luck with that" ^_^
She will figure out how much it charges when she tries it and ends up broke.
Here's my basic tip on giving advice. Never give advice to someone who does not want your advice. If they don't want to hear it, then telling them is a waste of your time, and theirs.
@candyfairy21 (2039)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
Yes, I do agree with you there. Sometimes I know that I do fly off the handle. The one thing that bugs me is that I am the one she would always ask to run errands for her. she is always boss. I mean she never withdrew money from her atm card she always ask me to do it or my sister and cousin. with the credit card thingy she wants me to do all the process for her all she would do is fill up the form, in the end if something goes wrong with that she will again blame me even if I told her so from the start. It happened so many times already. She would start to argue again and I'd get all annoyed because I get blamed for doing an errand for her.
@craftyhomebody (443)
• United States
15 Mar 10
well if you live with her just stay in your room away from her and if you dont live with her dont go over there and then there will be no fighting. and have you had good luck by working on-line? but there is aso people that think they know everything and they just have to find out the hard way so that means lose her money because so will not listen
@candyfairy21 (2039)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
Yes I live with her and unfortunately we are in the same room! So I can't get away from her unless of course I move out again. But that is out of the question right now because I have to save a lot of money to move out. Living in this place is quite expensive. For now I have to bear with all this.
@freymind (1351)
• Philippines
10 Nov 10
menopausal stage i think...
one of my aunt is also like that. and if she ask me something about anything that i can check in the website, i just give her the links of the faqs for her to read. its useless to argue with them. yes their old but they think they know everything.
and i think its because maybe their in that stage. i just leave my aunt if she keeps on questioning me then answering it by herself... its funny and stupid at the same time. they ask, you answer, they don't listen and you'll end up being scolded and told to shut up your mouth.
been there, done that. that's why i don't answer anymore or explain anything. i just tell her to read and if you have questions about anything or a website, check the faqs.. i'm not the kind of person that likes arguing specially when i know that i'm right.

@teenieteenez (4)
• United States
11 Feb 11
Just remember, you need not attend every fight you're invited to.... ;)