Do you really pay attention to the priest? Or to the cute baby in front of you?

March 14, 2010 3:16am CST
Hello friends. ;) Okay before I start, I want everyone to know that this discussion applies to all Catholics or non-Catholics alike who also attend mass in their religion. I'm a proud Catholic okay? And I don't want to hear people here bombarding my religion. Respect, please? ;) Hmmm.. okay, good. Regarding my topic, have you been into this situation wherein you really wanna listen to the homily but you're distracted by the cute babies in front of you in the pews or those cute children walking along the aisles of the church? Happened to me earlier, and I feel so guilty about it though I understood the priest's message partly. You wanna listen to God's word, but you can't resist His cute creation--that cute baby in front of you. Has this ever happened to you? What are you doing to overcome it? :D God bless everyone and have a blessed Sunday ;D
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41 responses
@optomyst (47)
• Denmark
14 Mar 10
I don't think you have to feel guilty for admiring the babies and children in church. Jesus was always surrounded by children, even when he was giving sermons, you don't think for one minute they were all sitting still and paying attention. I think you would have a bigger problem with God if you had a problem with the children in church, they are his children and he loves them with all of his heart. I wouldn't feel too badly about not being able to pay full attention, at least you were at mass and the message got through to you. There is always a bigger message during mass then just the words coming out of the priest's mouth.
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
I agree with what you said here optomyst :) Though it's normal to get distracted, in the end what's more important is that we are able to learn from the mass. But though the homily is also important, I believe all parts of the mass are important and should not be singled-out. Thanks for responding and God bless ;D
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
Awww, that is sad MaryK56. I hope it gets back to the way it is supposed to be. A lot of priests indeed add their own words to the teaching. There was this really boring priest in our former chapel (I hated to say that) because he looked like he didn't know what he was talking about.
• United States
15 Mar 10
I'd also like to add something about priests. Not all priests are able to teach the Word of God the way it should be done. After Vatican II, in the 1970's, many priests were not trained properly. It was not the seminarians fault, but those training them in the "new" ways. This only recently became known after the events resulting from the crisis in the Church. The Church has since taken great steps to correct the problems that evolved. If a priest is not trained properly, then the people are not getting the true message of Catholic teaching. Priests can be boring if they don't have an authentic Catholic message, and have their own personal views about what should be taught. The Magisterium dictates what should be the norm for Catholic teaching, but not all priests follow what is prescribed, and do their own thing anyway. This is very sad because so many people are not getting what is needed from the Mass, and they should be getting more from it. (I love my pastor tremendously! He does not speak in double-speak, and really does teach the truth.) There is an attack on the Church these days, and he is the devil. The conspiracy is to eliminate priests all together, and tainted teaching is a part of it. So what is the result of such a conspiracy? No priests, no Mass, NO CATHOLIC CHURCH. My advice is for more Catholics to become more involved with their faith, read what the Church actually teaches in "The Catechism of the Catholic Church", and start asking more, hard questions. Approach your priests after you learn more, and see how they respond. That is the only way to know if your priest is a faithful one, or not. Also, talk to your Cardinals--you will be surprised, I guarantee it. God Bless you all!
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@MaryK56 (26)
• United States
14 Mar 10
I, too, am a practicing Catholic. With the Novus Ordo Mass, there are always constant interruptions going on during mass, and it really interferes with the purpose of being at Mass in the first place: to pray, worship our creator, and to receive the Eucharist. In the distant past, the ushers--or even the pastor--would approach the interfering problem, and ask them to go to the "crying room" so that it would not disturb the service, and in respect of others in attendance. These days, the crying room is either another storage area or used for some other purpose. All churches had crying rooms at one time so that the little ones would not disturb those who wanted to pray. Now-a-days, reverence and sacredness in God's House has taken a back seat to those who insist that they be able to do as they wish, no matter how much it disturbs the service that's taking place. It's their "right", as they say, to do as they wish, allowing the little ones to cry, play with toys (keys, etc.), eat food, run in the aisles, or whatever. They even say things like "they are God's child, too, and have a right to be here." That may be true to a certain extent, but babies and toddlers have no understanding of what is taking place, and it's the parents who expose the fact that they have little or no control over their children and thus don't care what anyone else thinks. They impose their problems on those who want to pray and show reverence to God Himself. That's the real reason for being there in the first place. There is even a worse problem: those who unworthily take communion, and then spit out the host onto the floor under the pews. They don't realize, or maybe don't believe that the host has become the body of Christ. I have given up on the Novus Ordo mass for these same reasons. What I have turned to is the Latin Mass. Some may have a problem with this Mass, but there is real peace, serenity, and greater room for reverence to God. It's the most beautiful service and makes one feel that they are truly in the presence of our God. The priests are very different during this Mass, too. There is more of a silent but compassionate command for silence and reverence and prayer. The updated version also allows some interaction from the congregants during Mass. It's not really hard to follow it, either, if one is truly in-tune with their faith and has a desire to get more from the Mass than one would experience from the circus atmosphere of the modern Novus Ordo "faithful". If you are having a hard time because of the distraction of a cute baby in front of you, then you are not in-tune with the Mass at all. The focus is taken from our Lord in His house toward one of His creations. Do you want just part of the Mass, or all that it offers? Then say something to your Pastor and/or find another place to sit. Otherwise, check out a Latin Mass. You won't be disappointed.
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
Thanks for the honest response. ;) Yeah I'm familiar with the Latin Mass, but I think there's no available here in my place. Mom used to tell me that during their time, the mass are in the form of Latin Mass and you can feel the serenity in the whole mass. Would love to attend to that kind of mass too. It would be a whole new experience :) Thanks for responding and God bless
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
What is a Latin Mass? It just intrigued me, because I haven't heard anything like that yet. My cup is empty.
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• United States
15 Mar 10
Well, Latin Mass is the original Mass performed in the Catholic Church. It is completely said in Latin because it was/IS the universal language of the Catholic Church, meaning that all churches around the world at one time only used Latin in the Mass. These days, they are few and far between because of things that happened during Vatican II. Some people took what was developed from the conclave to mean that Latin was no longer needed in the Church, which was a falsehood. The Novus Ordo Mass, which is said in common language in most churches these days, was developed so that people could understand, follow, and be involved with the Mass. There is nothing wrong with the Novus Ordo, mind you, but the whole atmosphere for prayer and reverence was practically eliminated along with devotions and veneration for individual saints and other such practices. There is a genuine peace and tranquility in the Latin Mass that far surpasses what the Novus Ordo has to offer. One truly feels that they are in the presence of God, and not some public venue free-for-all. If anyone wants to know more about it, check out "The Catechism of the Catholic Church" at any bookstore, go to the library, or just do a search on the internet with "The Latin Mass". The Vatican's web site is also a good place to look, especially since it has been highly promoted by the Pope (both JPII and Pope Benedict). Good reading!
@ElicBxn (63794)
• United States
14 Mar 10
I think the only time I got terrible distracted by something cute, was when the priest's cats got in the open window! Babies are more likely to distract me if they were crying - I hate crying babies!
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@ElicBxn (63794)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Rescue them? Not me, I just wanted them to go away! There are lots of reasons I didn't have kids and that was one of them!
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• Philippines
16 Mar 10
Oh sorry for misinterpreting what you said. Anyway, I too don't like kids sometimes because they can be irritating but that's actually one of the things I like about them.
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• Philippines
15 Mar 10
Haha you're like my mother-- she hates crying babies too. She would often be bothered when she hears a baby crying. In her heart she wanted to rescue for help. Haha. Thanks for responding and God bless ;)
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• Philippines
15 Mar 10
I pay attention to the priest although my eyes are wandering everywhere. I see lovers walking by holding hands. I see someone having their make up too much. I see different kinds of family, fat, thin, medium. I see grandmothers and grandfathers with their strong perfumes. i see good looking guys too. If there is a baby, I will see it also. We are not perfect even if we are in church. Even if our ears are listening, sometimes our minds is flying elsewhere. What I do to overcome it, is to look at the priest's face. I will have my concentration if I am seeing someone's face who is the one talking. And if I will just concentrate my eyes on the priest and not around, i will have the blessing of God.
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
@mjcookie The problem is that sometimes, the front pews easily get occupied so you have no choice but to stay at the back :( @grecychunny Yeah I agree. I'm guilty of the same thing when inside the church. Usually my mind wanders everywhere except in what the priest is saying. Sometimes I too get irritated by lovers who are so much into their PDA thing (well) not because I'm BITTER hahahaha but because they're becoming a distraction to people. They should have gone to the park instead if they do such things.
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
It also helps when you are in the front pews, so there's not much anything to distract you.
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• Boston, Massachusetts
15 Mar 10
Hi Cecille, as much as possible i tried my best not to get carried away by any distractions inside the church while the mass is going on. but of course a sight of a cute baby always catch my attention. then after some moments, i go back to the attention that i need to give to the the message of god for the moment. but those walking and running inside the church, just let them be and just ignore it. they are just so comfortable being in the house of god. parents have the responsibility to discipline kids on how to properly behave while inside the church.
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
I agree with what you last said. You can't blame those kids because they still don't know what they're doing. Though it's encouraged that kids should be brought inside the church so that in their later years they'll get used to going to church, it's the parents' responsibility to discipline the kids how to act properly inside the temple of God. :)
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• Boston, Massachusetts
16 Mar 10
I am proud to say and share that even if my two kids are special and they are really so hyper they behave well inside the church. they know how to behave properly according to the place where they are.
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@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
The cute altar boys distract me the most! LOL. Hahahaha! But anyway I know what you are talking about. There are always cute babies in church, and they happen to always be in the pew right in front of you! Haha. Funny thing is when their curious eyes stare at you, they then smile, and you smile back. That happens to me often. As much as I want to listen to the homily, a baby would either laugh or cry, distracting not just me but many people there.
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• Philippines
16 Mar 10
Hahahahaha you're soo funny!! :)) I haven't thought about it, but the cute altar boys also distract me hahaha.. thank God I am able to overcome the "temptation" because usually they're younger than me. Hehehehe.. :))
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
Yeah, haha, there was a really cute altar boy in our chapel and I just cannot help but glance at him from time to time. LOL. It's a shame. He's younger than me by about four years.
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@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
And every time I go to the chapel, I kinda look around for him. LOL. Such a shame. But I still manage to listen to the priest. I really try my best to not get tempted by that boy. Hahahahahaha.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
14 Mar 10
Hi cecillecarmela. I have just returned from Sunday mass. I was quite surprised how it was well organised. The story of the prodigal son was re-acted while the priest was reading the gospel. A slide feature in the background helped the people to follow the reading. After the reading was finished a song video was shown on a white screen. The priest homily did not last longer than five minutes. After all the message was already made through the re enactment during the gospel reading and the song helped to deliver the message. The homily was brief and to the point. Yes sometimes I do get distracted when homilies take too long. I think its normal to have short attention span.
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• Philippines
14 Mar 10
Hi ronaldinu ;) I'm glad that you also see it the same way I do. Yes today's Gospel talked about the prodigal son but the homily talked about different thing. Anyway I understand the message of the parable; it's all about love and forgiveness. Thanks for sharing and God bless ;D
• Philippines
14 Mar 10
It really depends on the priest, some are really long talkers when it comes to homilies but good in providing programs for the CHristmas Season and Holy Week. unfortunately now the priest assign to our church is not very creative
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• United States
14 Mar 10
me having bad ADD i could NEVER pay attention during church since i havent been much since i became an adult and i wasnt medicated for ADD as a kid.. i would try but something or someone would distract me or something the priest/preacher said would make my mind wander lol.. i think some times really talented/blessed preachers/priests are able to keep your attention when others arent but also the flip side where some cant hold your attention if you were paid money!!
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• Philippines
15 Mar 10
Hello moonlitmagikchild ;) Sorry.. I don't know what ADD means. Is that an acronym? Mind if you tell me what that means? Thanks ;D
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• United States
17 Mar 10
attention deficit disorder. its where you are easily distracted and cannot concentrate on things
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
14 Mar 10
hello there... when i attend our worship services, i always pay attention to the one speaking in front of us and listening well to the message they are imparted to us... i usually try my best not to be distracted with what i see around...oh well what only distracts me sometimes are people sleeping...hehe its a good thing in our church that its not allowed for children to loiter/play inside the church and parents with babies have their own designated place during worship services, actually it is not really encouraged to bring children during worship services...we have different schedule for children worship services...
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• Philippines
15 Mar 10
Hello ckyera ;) Hahahaha I'm also sometimes distracted by people sleeping though they are harmless than the cute babies who have the tendency to cry loud. ;)) Sometimes it's funny too when you see their mouths open.. Oh anyway, thanks for responding. God bless ;D
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
haha true! and another one that distracts me, actually irritates me sometimes are some people chitchatting, like bees buzzing while there's someone talking in front...huh!
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@galileo2008 (1168)
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
I also had the same experience of yours. Although I hate to admit it, I don't really focus on the homily given by the priests. I mean, sometimes if the priest is kind of boring, I could hardly have my focus on. I directed my attention to other people instead, such as cute babies in front of me, or people falling asleep during masses, etc. It's not that I don't really care what the priest was talking about, it's just that I am trying to overcome the boredom.
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• Philippines
16 Mar 10
Yeah all of us are trying to overcome the boredom, but just think of it this way: it can actually help you hone your listening skills. I know it's hard to listen sometimes, but it's God's message so we really have to pay attention. :) Thanks for responding and God bless ;)
@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
HAha lol, yeah I know they're so distracting, it always happens to me at church. I don't think there's anything to be guilty about, I mean, the point is, I still understood the message of God and I don't excessively get myself distracted anyway. I make cute little faces at the babies every now and then and that's it. Love it to see it whenever they giggle back at me. Next thing I do is look away, only to look back again. LoL. I think it's all about love for His creation so what could be bad with loving such adorable babies.
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• Philippines
16 Mar 10
Hahahaha yeah.. What's funnier is that they are innocent of the fact that they're actually distracting people from listening to the priest and all they do is to smile back at you which makes it even funnier hahahahaha :)) I agree that it's inevitable for us to appreciate those cute babies, and though the kids are encouraged to be brought inside the church, in the end it's the parent's responsibility to discipline them how to behave properly inside the church. :)) Thanks for responding and God bless
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
15 Mar 10
Ordinarily I would smile and think "Oh, that baby's adorable!" but when it comes to Mass, I've been known to glare at a mother whose baby is crying and she's pretending like nothing's wrong. That's when it gets infuriating. It isn't like these parents don't know that there's a cry room sectioned off for them to take their children, and it isn't as though the priest himself hasn't mentioned it. Parents who willfully ignore these accommodations and exhortations make me want to pull my hair out.
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• Philippines
16 Mar 10
I agree so much!! Though kids are encouraged to attend the Holy mass, it's still the parents' responsibility to discipline their kids to behave properly inside the church.
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
14 Mar 10
Priest, giving homily, God's message - Priest, bible, sharing
I do listen attentively to the priest but my eyes in the cute baby . Using my sense of hearing and sight heheheh. It is really true that cute babies insinuate your attention because they are angels of God. The most important still u heard what the priest saying at same time winking to the beautiful baby. Most of us our attention will go to the baby specially she respond to our smile and gestures. It is a normal reaction . I'm sure you baby lover too right, like me.
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
Hahahaha this post made me laugh. I think it's hard to listen to the priest while winking at the cute baby. Hahaha ;)) I think God is not a strict God, and I think He will understand it if I appreciate His creation by smiling back at the cute and beautiful baby ;D
• Philippines
17 Mar 10
I'm sure He will my friend! Have a beautiful day to you here!
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• India
14 Mar 10
initially, i would like to tell you, that it was my reply of the this sunday or day, and i am replying to this discussion not because of your topic you have choose, just because of your pearl in your ears, it looks pretty cool, either you will be also beautiful and splendid, as far as my knowledge is concerned regarding this discussion, i am always keeping my eyes over this like priest, child or cute baby or anything else, i am always be attentive ................ love you because you bless them all thanx all those parents like yours type of childrens have ......................
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• Philippines
15 Mar 10
Hahahahaha so you get distracted with the pearl in my ears than with my discussion huh?! Hahaha this is so funny. Anyway, thanks for appreciating my avatar and God bless you :)
• India
14 Mar 10
i like babies or even cute babies the mos, even can't say that ????????????????
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
15 Mar 10
There are always distractions! It is one of satan's tools, I think...anything to get us away from God's word. Anyway, that is not saying that cute babys are bad, or tools of satan...don't read anything into what I'm saying. If you can admire with one ear open, go for it. If you really need to pay attention, because today you really need to get closer to God, close your eyes to block out the distractions. Sometimes we look for people we've missed lately, watch the choir, notice someones' weird hair or crazy shoes...there will always be distractions. We just have to try to pay attention when it is really important to listen.
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• Philippines
16 Mar 10
I agree. In the first place, our main purpose for going to church is to listen to God's word, right?! When we know our clear purpose in everything we do and take mind of it, we won't be distracted by the things around us that can alter us in our direction. ;) I think it's okay to look at those babies since it's inevitable; but in the end we should remember our purpose and that is by hearing and practicing God's word :) Take care and God bless
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
15 Mar 10
haha =D It's just a form of distraction!! It does not only happen in masses, but everywhere, anywhere.. hehe ^_^ Just like u or your bf/hubby?? Try to listen hard to what each other is talking, when a really hot babe/hunk, walk pass, do we think, we are able to keep off the temptation of not looking?? Even so, we will still try to peep, and lose our focus for that very moment.. hehe ^_^ So when that happens to me, i will just look at the babe, till she disappears, and after which i will be able to concentrate again.. haha =D
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• Philippines
16 Mar 10
Hahahaha temptations are everywhere.. and with the tremendous so-called "temptations" around you, it's really hard to focus on the homily. However though this is the truth nowadays, I don't encourage everyone to give in to temptation. We should know our purpose for going to church and that is by listening to the mass and learning something from the message. Take care kun and God bless you! ;)
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@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
Children could really be attention-getters, especially if they display that happy smile at you. No problem there if you smile back. But your ears must focus on the homily. God's words are powerful enough to transcend physical beings. If your are easily distracted by children, try to sit in the front pew.
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• Philippines
16 Mar 10
Hi eileenlevya :) Sometimes the problem is that front pews are easily occupied so there's no choice but to sit at the back pews.. Anyway I think if a person is really eager in going to church, he should go to mass earlier than expected so that he can sit in the front pew. :) Thanks for your comments and God bless!
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@Orea15 (281)
• United States
15 Mar 10
I think in my case, it depends on the priest of pastor. We used to have one whose sermons were wonderful. He kept them short, and to the point, he made them interesting and punctuated with humor. And he made them valuable. I looked forward to them, I listened to them, and my husband and I discussed them on the way home. I love to look at babies, too, and under the circumstances I think if you do so in a way that gives God credit and adoration for His amazing miracles (which I think babies are), then you are still in the "Sunday" frame of mind. :-)
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
I agree with what you last said Orea15, but though those babies don't really intend to distract you in your purpose of going to church, I still think it's the parent's responsibility to discipline their kids on how to behave properly inside the church. :) Those babies are so cute and it's really invetable for us not to get distracted because of their innocence. :)
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
Hi Cecille! I found your post very funny though it is not a joke, sorry. It also happened to me, many times actually. I was always distracted by the cute creatures around me especially when they are crying because I found them very cute when crying. Also, I was distracted by the lovers who shows affections with each other in front of the crowd. And that annoyed me so much. I felt guilty afterward, because I came to the church to listen to the priest and give glory to god but my mind was in different places.
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• Philippines
16 Mar 10
Hello junmae :) Thanks for your opinions. I think cute babies are more tolerable not only because they're cute, but because they still don't know what they're doing. they are still unaware about what's happening inside the church so it's okay. thus, it's the responsibility of the parents to discipline their children to behave because the mass is ongoing. With lovers, well for me it's more irritating and so unethical for them to expose PDA knowing they're in the church. They should know more because they're already grown-ups and they are expected not to act in an awkward way inside the temple of God. Not because I'm bitter, but in my own opinion they should have gone to the park instead so that they can be with other lovers as well who do their thing. NO OFFENSE :)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
hi cecille, you know its been a long time i didn't go to the church. (i have 2 cute babies by the way every mother would love ),anyway the reason why i didn't go to church (or maybe, my created reason not to go to church )its because i dont see meaning in bringing children to the church - i was thinking that they may be more of a distraction. because let's face it, they cannot understand yet what the priest is talking out there in front. however, came the second (cute)baby, my intention in NOT going to the church again is extended, because again "they may be a distraction. just recently, i came in close contact with a classmate in HS who now became a priest. i bring those issue of not bring the baby to the church and my inability to go to the church because of them, and he said "you should bring them to the church and celebrate the mass, though they may not understand yet but the practice will be embedded into their subconscious and being so, they will make it a practice as they grow." makes sense... now, as to resisting the cuteness of the baby infront of you, will God knows the intentions of your heart, if you re sincere in being there, but just a bit distracted but again the HEART IS SINCERE, i don't think it's a sin. this happened to me also, but it does not take away my intention of giving my FULL worship and thanksgiving to MY CREATOR. happy myloting cecille take care
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• Philippines
15 Mar 10
Thanks alexysabelle ;) I agree in some points. My own belief however is similar to yours. I think God is not perceived as a strict priest who demands so much of our attention. He gave us the freewill to do whatever we want as long as we are still responsible with our duties as a believer. ;) It's normal for us to be amazed by the cute babies in front of us in the pews, but in the end what's more important is that we are able to understand something from the message. Thanks for responding and God bless ;)