Do you repair your shoes or just buy new ones instead?

@newtalent (1112)
United States
March 14, 2010 8:30pm CST
I have favorite pair of boots and the heel is need of repair. The boots are great but finding someone to fix them is hard when most of the shops have closed down because of the economy. I am trying to find a new pair but they do not compare to the comfy of my boots,lol. That is why I ask this question. I want to know if anyone else does the same or just buys new and replaces them? Thanks.
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22 responses
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
hello there, actually, i don't usually buy new shoes if i don't badly need it! haha i mean as long as the old one is still good for use, then i will stick with it. if it already have some little damage, i do try fixing it...haha in fact some of my shoes here are going in and out of the shoe repair shop! haha and sometimes i just fix it myself!
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
haha, so i guess epoxy also lied? maybe he wants them fixed because he's afraid you will ask him to buy you a new one...haha just kidding!
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
I wanted them fixed because they are comfortable. He wants to make me happy So I won't whine anymore, lol. Yes they did or it was him that did something wrong when he tried to fix them, lol. In any case I/we are going out today to find a pair, crossing my fingers, take care.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
Yeah i tried the epoxy trick . No luck. My man said it will hold anything--he lied, lol. I think he wants them fixed more than I do lol. Take care.
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
I only have few pairs of shoes. If one breaks, I'll try my best to fix it with some super glue or anything like it. I am a thrifty person and I don't want to buy a new pair because my old one has damage...damage that is actually repairable. I save money and still get to use my favorite shoes.
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• Philippines
16 Mar 10
Oh, that's too bad. It sure is hard to find a replacement for something we used to wear and to find the exact or at least similar features like comfort. I have a pair of sandals and because the bottom got flattened from one of our trips, it has become slippery to use it. I can't find a similar pair of sandals from the store and so, I just carved the bottom part myself. Now, I can use it again. I hope you find the perfect boots to replace your old one.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
I tried to fix the heel with epoxy glue. Yeah that did not work for me. It does not bond everything very well. Or it was not user friendly. Which ever the case may be. I want my boots and cannot get no one to fix them. Replacing them is just as hard because these ones are so comfortable. The other problem is I end up buying shoes for my daughter who does not need anymore. I got her 2 pairs today in my search. I cannot buy boots online or I would already done that. The fit is unpredictable. I may just have to break down and travel further to get them fixed. Thanks
• China
16 Mar 10
Hi, if the boots are expensive, I will repair it, if the boots are cheap, and it's my favorite style, I will repair it, it depends on the price, but sometimes I will choose new one, girls love shoes, and they never feel they have too many shoes, so i will choose buy a new one.
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@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
Yes we do lol. Ask my daughter, lol. I am venturing out today again, I am going to remain optimistic, I will find a pair. I have to find a pair. Thanks.
@nonersays (3335)
• United States
16 Mar 10
I buy all my shoes cheap, k-mart/walmart shoes, so when they wear out (which happens often since I work on my feet all day and go through some shoes) I just buy new ones.
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@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
I have no problem in buying new ones , I just cannot find a pair that is comfortable. I have to go out of town and I want a warm and comfortable pair which I seem to no t be able to purchase so I was trying to fix my old pair which did not work either. Thanks for responding.
@kaylachan (65346)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
15 Mar 10
Its more costly to repair shoes that could need it again, and again and again. Eventually it wares out to the point a repair isn't possible. For me its much cheeper to buy new. I get a new pair of shoes for about ten bucks. Breaking in shoes is not fun to have to do... but its not all that bad. It can take little or a long time and I don't mind. In no time...
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@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
I have to look and try to purchase a pair of boots today. I need them because I am traveling and it cold where I am going. Regular shoes I have plenty. Thanks for responding.
@sinbaby (12)
• Romania
16 Mar 10
usually i buy new ones but...if i have some favorite ones i repair them :)
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@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
I will be trying this again today.
@techgurl (451)
• Greece
15 Mar 10
I love shopping and I have a lot of shoes. So I don't buy shoes only when my old ones need repair. But if it is a pair of shoes that I really like, then I do take them to be repaired.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
I have lots of shoes too. Boots, I only a pair for now. Still don't know how that happened but I just have not really bought anymore. Now I am on the prowl for new ones. Thanks.
@benhilo (871)
• Tripoli, Libya
15 Mar 10
With the price of shoes nowadays, it almost does not make sense to repair them. However, if it is something I can repair myself I would. If it is an expensive pair, I would take it to a cobbler.
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@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
Some shoes are real reasonable. Even the brand name ones. That's why I find it hard that I cannot find a pair to buy. We need new vendors. Thanks.
@teamrose (1492)
• United States
15 Mar 10
It is time for new boots. The economy needs the money. You need new shoes. It is fun shopping for and breaking in a new pair of boots.
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@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
Yep I was trying today. Its funny when you have money, want to spend it,and cannot find a thing to spend it on. Shopping is definitely fun when you can walk out with something. Thanks.
@junrapmian (2169)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
If the damage can be repaired, yes, I have them repaired than buy a new one. It's so seldom that I use shoes since I am a stay-in mom and I work at home. And besides there are a lot of shoe repair men roaming around here in our place.
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@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
you need to send them my way . its like a ghost town here. A lot people are laving. Grocery stores are leaving let alone repair shops. I am venturing out tomorrow again to find new boots. thanks.
• Bulgaria
15 Mar 10
It depends from how much time I have them. It happened several times new shoes to need repair - so I didn't buy new one, but gave them to repair. If the shoes are old I buy a new one.
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@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
I had them about a year or two. They were comfy from the start. We had this little guy that fixed everything and he was a bit high but got the job done, My oldest child broke her pumps heel of her Klein shoes and you could not tell that he fixed it from her running and playing in them. Yeah I was upset. Spent $$ and before I paid card bill I had to have them repaired-not a happy camper. After that he was the man and her shoes lasted until she outgrew them. But shopping is a must. Thanks
@itwirl (44)
• Singapore
15 Mar 10
Usually i don't bother to repair my worn out shoes.. Just get another new pair but there's this one shoe that i'll send for repair everytime the front cloth is torn. It was a special shoe to me because its so comfy, its a birthday gift from a dear friend two years ago and i never had any blisters with it plus i wore that shoe throughout my car practical lessons. And with that same shoe i PASSED my car license, worn it for the car test! So that particular shoe means alot to me =) Its torn again now and i have yet to repair it. If i couldn't get it repaired anymore, i will still keep the shoe! Hehe
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@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
Oh so you have a good luck charm shoes. I would probably keep them until someone else threw them out on me. I am venturing out again tomorrow in search of a repair shop and new boots. I need backups. Thanks.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
15 Mar 10
Well i do repair my shoes cause sometimes i find them my favorite and doesnot want to give away. A sentiment towards my heels too. So, sometimes i think if i really cant manage with old one, then i will go ahead planning for the new pairs.
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@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
I am trying to do just that. get a new pair as quickly as possible. I can do without them, I just want comfortable ones. Thanks.
• China
15 Mar 10
if the shoes which is my favorite has a little problem,just like to change a heel pad,or the vamp is splited off, i would like first to have it repaired, if it can't be repaired or i put on it not as comfitable as before, then i will plan to buy a new one.
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@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
I know they can be repaired , its finding the person to repair them I also want to find another pair but, I cannot which bites, lol. Will try again tomorrow. I need them for Saturday. Thanks.
@zzyw87 (1254)
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
I usually just buy a new pair rather than repair the old one. I had this pair of shoes that were very comfortable and my favorite, but for the amount to be paid for repairs, it is wiser to just buy a new one. So I had no choice. I just donated it to charity and bought a new pair. Sometimes I just buy new ones and sometimes I take the shoes for repairs. It really depends on the situation and condition of the shoes.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
17 Mar 10
Timing was my biggest issue. I actually found a pair yesterday. So I am good to go for our vacation. But I am still going to repair the other pair after that. Thanks.
@sublime03 (2339)
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
If the pair is something I really like to wear again and it is repairable why not go out and have it repaired. But if it is something that you can just buy and it is not that expensive as well, then I would just go and buy a new pair. Most of the time, the pair of shoes I but are irreplaceable so I would rather have it fixed if possible.
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@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
Yes they were expensive perse. But it is hard finding a person that can fix them. The local person closed shop because of business being low. I mean most people cannot afford to spend (figuratively speaking ) 20.00 or more to fix a certain shoe when you can replace it from new at that price. I have been shopping though, no luck. I must have curse on me or something, lol. Thanks for responding.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
17 Mar 10
I've never repaired a pair of shoes in my life. I will wear them until they are worn out and then I will go out to the store and buy a new pair of shoes. The reason that I do it that way instead of trying to have a pair of shoes mended is because I never buy anything that is full priced. I will find a comfortable pair of shoes and wear them as long as I can and then I will wait until a store that I like is having a sale and then I will go and find another comfortable pair of shoes.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
17 Mar 10
Yeah, i hear ya.. I actually found a pair to replace them yesterday so everyone is happy. Its hard though when you plan on going somewhere and you catch a snag because something happens that you do not plan on. Thanks.
• Philippines
15 Mar 10
If my favorite pair of shoes needs repair i will most likely have it repaired. Lucky for us we have plenty of shoe repair shops in our place. But in your case wherein it is difficult to find a shoe repair shop, i guess you will just have to buy a new one. I hope you can find one that is as comfortable as your favorite boots. Good luck shopping!
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@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
Thank you for your well wishes. I am trying to find new ones. I either have to do that or travel further to get them fixed. I would rather spend the money on a new pair that will last me a few years I hope since it does not get that cold here to wear the year round. Take care.
@series6 (294)
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
it's always good to have extra pair of shoes... do you have plenty of them cause i'm in need of extra shoes also... haha.. really there's really nothing wrong with having many shoes...having only a pair of shoes will wear them out in just a short time... but don't be like imelda marcos...
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
I have plenty of shoes but only pair of boots comet o find out when I was looking to see if there were any other pair. Going shopping tomorrow again.
@dr0czh (53)
• China
16 Mar 10
If i were you,i will buy a new different one which i always wanna have.The prior one can be for the time being clear readjusting oneself to the shoebox.And then continue seeking place being able to repair a shoe,i kown i will find the someone to repair my shoe with my great efforts at last.Good Luck.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
16 Mar 10
WE will be shopping again today! Yeah! lol, take care.