can you do this to your child?

South Korea
March 16, 2010 1:27am CST
yesterday i was surprised..when my son come home with his friend...i was infront of my computer and i heard that my son told his friend..saying "dont worry my mom is very understanding person and she loves to help."i become curious on what i heard so i pretend i dont son speak up and is it okay if my friend will stay here today? i ask him why? his parents will going to look for better go he replied to me..he said my mom is cruel..look what she did to me...i saw bruises,blue black skn,cut by the knife..i felt pity and he told me his mom used kitchen knife to him so he got cut on his feet,hands and elbow..out of pity i ask him to stay and give him food to about you mylotters what can you say about this cruelty ? pls.share
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53 responses
@mrrome (73)
• Philippines
17 Mar 10
Well I do think that your son is right about "understanding person". nowadays it's hard to look for a good Samaritan one of the characteristics that your son should be proud of... I do think that you never let this matter sitting down its a motherly instinct to fight for the right of abuse children and though your not my mom I'm really proud of you!
2 people like this
• South Korea
19 Mar 10
thank you..,im going to help the boy..whatever i can
@tessah (6617)
• United States
17 Mar 10
please tell me you did more than just give the kid something to eat? his mother attacked him with a knife.. and i certainly hope that you called the proper authorities to report such a horrendous action and got the child to safety.
1 person likes this
• South Korea
19 Mar 10 planning to do it thanks
@tessah (6617)
• United States
19 Mar 10
planning to? are you saying you sent that poor baby with KNIFE WOUNDS back to the person who attacked him?? ;sighs;
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
17 Mar 10
This sounds serious. You should call social services to check out the home for physical abuse. Of course, you would be opening a big can of worms and won't know what the end results would be and how it would affect your sons friend and your family.
1 person likes this
• South Korea
19 Mar 10
yes.. thats true..thank you
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
19 Mar 10
In the U.S., anyone who saw what you saw would be obliged to contact Child Protective Services. The child would be taken into the custody of the state while the home environment was investigated. The child would probably be placed in a foster home where, we hope, he'd be better treated.
1 person likes this
• South Korea
25 Mar 10
so far the child is doing good after the incident
@namiya (1718)
• Philippines
17 Mar 10
It's awful. I'm wondering if this child is really her son, nevertheless may it be her own son or not doing these cruel acts to a helpless child is very inhuman. A mother is supposed to be the greatest protector of her child and I really can't understand why, she could be so callous to her own flesh and blood. Hope, it won't be too late for her to realize the possible effects of this kind of treatment she is giving to the hapless child.
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• South Korea
19 Mar 10
yes..its true..i do hope i could talk to the sons father too.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
17 Mar 10
Tears just started pouring have way through the reading, In some way I was hoping they were playing a practical joke or something , but this is no laughing matter. This woman may end up taking his life out of a fit of anger if she is not stopped. I would already contacted any of the authorities , a rescue squad to look at his wounds since most areas will not allow you to take to medical and sign for treatment. I would let these figures do their job. I would also state that I would take care of the child if I could so he is not placed in foster care if I had the resources. No child should ever have to suffer like that . I am shocked that the children were so calm in telling you. That child would not make it back home,. Unfortunately it is a hard decision for most. The child is separated by all the people he knows as if it was his fault he got in this mess which IT IS NOT. The poor child needs to learn this is not acceptable behavior and hopefully redirect any thoughts and possible patterns that he has learned as acceptable behavior. This is not. Domestic violence, abuse (verbal, physical, mental)or other forms is not correct behavior and is installed in children recorded memory as tape that will keep playing over and over again. Do the right thing and sometimes if you can communicate with the person in charge they will allow his friends to see and interact with him. Its very slim but some workers feel more compassion than others.You are his and he is looking for some big help. take care and good. I hope he gets the medical attention he needs to heal the scars also the mental scars he has, Take care.
• South Korea
19 Mar 10
thank you..i do try to investigate that woman i think she is insane..
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
25 Mar 10
Wow, good for you for taking this child under your wing to care for him. That's so scary when there's parents' abuse of a child. I think the proper authorities should be notified of what's going on or maybe at least other members of the child's family like grandparents, aunts and uncles, or something so there is someone else to care for the child while the parents get counseling, therapy, or whatever they need to stop hurting their child. This is just wrong what's going on here. I'm sure you will do the right thing for the child, though!
• South Korea
25 Mar 10
after the incident the boy says his mother change a bit but her drinking attitude still the same..but i let the social worker know about this matter
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
25 Mar 10
That makes me feel so much better. I knew you would do the right thing about this situation. That's wonderful the child is getting the care he needs, although it's sad what his mom does when she drinks. That can be so heartbreaking. Thanks for posting such a great discussion.
• Canada
17 Mar 10
Since you did not witness this 'abuse', you don't know for certain if it is abuse or a child making up stories. But, because it very well could be abuse, you should call the child protection authorities to investigate properly, find out the truth and make certain that the child is safe. So, that means a bit more than just giving him a meal and sending him back home to more possible abuse. You actually have to get involved if you really care.
• Canada
19 Mar 10
Have you called the authorities yet to investigate, like, before the wounds heal? Evidence is being lost every day, you know?
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
17 Mar 10
You should call the athorities and report what happen.
• South Korea
19 Mar 10
yes.. iwill thanks
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
19 Mar 10
Dont wait in doing that either. Sometimes when people wait to report things kids die. Sounds like this boys mom would be capable of killing him. Somethings not right in her head.
1 person likes this
• Boston, Massachusetts
18 Mar 10
Hi Marketing, That's an obvious case of child abuse. that's really terrible. i can't take cases like that. it has to be reported. i admire you child for providing the necessary support to his friend. he's brave enough to offer your place a for him to have a temporary shelter for the meantime that he's in such situation. you are a great mom for training your son to be like that. congratulations. so what's your plan now?
• South Korea
25 Mar 10
thank far i talk to the social worker i know so that she could think the best
1 person likes this
• Boston, Massachusetts
25 Mar 10
that's the best thing you did. you're able to refer the child to the right person. i hope the case will be attended to immediately.
• India
18 Mar 10
dont understand how a mother can be so cruel . but u r great that you gave shelter to him . but i think that ,if the childs mother knows that he has disclosed all the cruelity happened to him she may trouble him lot more . i think some kind of conselling must be done to her mother to undrstand the pain the boy is undergoing at a tender age.
• South Korea
25 Mar 10
yes i think so..thanks
@celticeagle (172553)
• Boise, Idaho
25 Mar 10
Good. Glad you are doing something.
@basqui (3888)
• Philippines
17 Mar 10
It just saddening to see people not only moms who does that to their children. i had neighbors before who really physically hurt and beat their children. they say that it is their right because those are their children, but it is not just right to beat your child up. Thanks that our country now has Rights for the maltreated Children. If they will seek help then the Social Workers Department will come and care for them.
• South Korea
17 Mar 10
oh yes some parents think..they can do what they want because that is their kids..but why some people think that way...maybe they are uneducated
@basqui (3888)
• Philippines
17 Mar 10
Maybe even if they are educated, they have the same experiences during their childhood too. Their parents may have beaten them up once before and so they have thought that it's the right way of parenting. Now that they are the parents, then they now do it to their own children.
@yresh12 (3210)
• Philippines
16 Mar 10
Why did she do that kind of horrible thing. It should not be this way. Do you have plans of going to the police and report this. It should be notified the child could be killed, if it's going to be repeated again and again...
@freeboy90 (456)
• Italy
16 Mar 10
This is a very cruel behaviour from a mom to his child an educational smack from time to time can't hurt too much but beating and cutting a child is a severe and wrong thing to do, if I were you I would probably investigate more to what happened to the kid and if it's true do not doubt in contacting the local authorities, you don't want to leave a little boy in such a traumatizating situation, but investigate well before you do any move do not put yourself and your kid at risk, but try to help the victim if what he tells it's true, we know children tend to lie sometimes just to get attention.
• China
17 Mar 10
o,his mom is very violent,you must help the child ,and tell to police !
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
21 Mar 10
Hello marketing friend. I am so sorry for the small kid tortured by his mother. It is hard to imagine a mother torturing her kid like this. It is cruel of her and it is unacceptable to any one of us. I wish the boy were now being treated well by his mother. Thank you for being so nice and kind to the small boy.
• South Korea
25 Mar 10
yes..the mother came to me and ask apology...i actually say yes but i already inform our community leader so that she will make action..
@celticeagle (172553)
• Boise, Idaho
18 Mar 10
I think the correct thing to do is call the parent and tell them what you have seen. If the parent reacts in a weird manner I would call the authorities. Or is he one of those 'bad seed' kids that wants to get his folks into trouble? You just don't know. I would let the authorities sort it out.
• South Korea
25 Mar 10
yes..thanks for sharing
@coffeegurl (1467)
• United States
19 Mar 10
Well I see You live in Korea, so I don't know what kind of laws they have there to protect families, but i would call the authorities if you could do it without bringing harm to your own family.
• South Korea
25 Mar 10
yes.actually i already inform one of the community leader
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
24 Mar 10
If this is true, the police must be notified immediately. The child must be removed from that situation and protected.
• South Korea
25 Mar 10
thank you..
@lindsiko (355)
• United States
18 Mar 10
Yikes! That's horrible! I agree with the other comments that you should report it to the police or child services. He can't continue to grow up with that kind of abuse from his family.
• South Korea
19 Mar 10
yes..thats true..thanks
• Philippines
18 Mar 10
You did the right thing, he definitely needs your understanding, compassion and empathy. It is also your duty to report the incident to DCFS (ASAP), while the bruises and cuts are fresh. The Depatment of Children and Family Services will make the proper evaluation. Being an excellent mother yourself and being a mother myself, we can clearly see that the broad is not fit to be a mother. God bless you, marketing07!
• South Korea
19 Mar 10
yes..i am a proud mother to my kids but i want also to be a good mother to all and i do want to help