Have you ever had a seizure before?
By Sheri
@tuckersheri (1327)
United States
March 20, 2010 10:35am CST
I think I had a seizure before. One day I was sleeping on the couch and I tried to wake up and my eye lids were so heavy. I could hear every sound around me but and j could feel my whole body shaking. I could not control it. It would stop. It was an awful feeling. I remember waking up with a headache, felling tired and completley drained. My speach was even off and my legs felt like jello. I felt like that for the whole entire day. It was awful. I want to go to the doctor. I am afraid if they say I have seziures that the will take my licence away. I have never had them before. I don't understand how this can happen out of the bludgeon like this. It's so scary. I dint know if I did have a seizure or not but it sure seemed like it. I hope this is just a fluke anx it never happens again. It scared the living daylights out of me!
5 responses
@kaylachan (76356)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 Mar 10
Sounds to me like it was a very real possibility. You had what's known as a brown-out type. It means that you lost physical control of your body, but you were conciously aware of the events around you while it was happening. Meaning you heard sounds and could feel the convoltuions. I've had several over my lifetime, and they can occour at almost any time.
It doesn't take much for those to occour. They are caused when eltrons in the brain mis-fire and shock you. This usually results in what you experanced, and sometimes can be more suvere. Go to your doctor as soon as possible. They will run a few nerlogical tests on you, which will determine weather or not you require medicine.
Chances are you'll be fine and required to check in with a nerologist anually. But no need to take chances.
@deedeehall (1144)
• United States
20 Mar 10
i hae never had a seziure before but one of my triplts have . and let me tell you you are under estamating when you say it is scarey. i was heart broken when i saw this and will never in my life for get it. he first bacame very stiff with his eyes wide open but defintley not able to respond to me.he then went limp and his eyes would roll in back of his head. i kept shouting to him to look at mommy. look at mommy. i was waiting out side with him for the ambulance to come the shireff in our town was there with me. my son would look straight up to the sky but did not respond to me at all. after the ambulance was here they started a iv and told me he was very dehidrated and had a fever of 104. in this case it was the fever that had caused it. he has never had one sense then and the docter said he probably never will unless his fever runs that high. i now watch him very close if he gets any kind of fever i take care of it right away. i ask him later if he remembered me calling his name and crying. he told me he does not remember any of it.if i were you i would find out what happened with you . i have woke up not able to move before but it was due to a very bad dream.
@EnslinPorter (1718)
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
I have experienced that type of seizure some time in the past. That usually happened when I feel very bad the night before. I would then wake up in the middle of the night shaking and I can't stop, even if the air conditioner is already turned off and I'm under my blanket. When that happens, I am sure that I will have fever when I wake up in the morning. I think that happened two times to me. Sometimes, it happens because of very high body temperature. I don't think they would take your license away since that seizure does not happen all the time. 

@batcountry72 (219)
• United States
20 Mar 10
You need to get that checked out. If you don't have Epilepsy, and have never had a seizure before, they won't take your license. The fact that you haven't been diagnosed with epilepsy is a reason for concern. There are many reasons why you may have a seizure. You really need to find out the how's and why's. My mother went through a point where she was having mini strokes and minor seizures. It permanently damaged her eyesight. The state still didn't take her license. Her eyesight was adequate (barely), and the problem was controlled through meds. Please don't try to close your eyes and wish this away. If symptoms persist you need to get attention. Next time could do permanent damage. The fact that it affected your mobility and speech is alarming. Love & Luck!
@kar295rocks (2116)
• India
20 Mar 10
Well, yes people do say that seizure can deprive you of your driving license! Also, it is sad that you have them. But, I could just not get the root meaning of a SEIZURE, so I referred Wikipedia, this is what I found :
An epileptic seizure can be defined as "a transient symptom of excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain".The outward effect can be as dramatic as a wild thrashing movement (tonic-clonic seizure) or as mild as a brief loss of awareness. It can manifest as an alteration in mental state, tonic or clonic movements, convulsions, and various other psychic symptoms (such as déjà vu or jamais vu). The medical syndrome of recurrent, unprovoked seizures is termed epilepsy, but seizures can occur in people who do not have epilepsy.
Well, forget it and just consider it as a nightmare, know it is tough
, but you gotta carry on with life!