Hate my mother.

March 21, 2010 2:32pm CST
Thismay be a bad thing to say but its true in the most general form. I just dislike my mother very much and in every way. She screams at me all the time and I am obviosuly outted from the rest of my family from her. I think being called a b*t*h by her daily is not an appropriate thing. I had palnned to move out when I was sixteen and am now 16 and a half. I dont have the money to leave now but come this summer hopefully things will be better and Ill be able o move on with my life. Whenever I have friends or my boyfiend over she is the most fake person Ive ever met. And then my friends think im the crazy one or the mean one. I HATE IT! Is there anyone else out there like this? Any comments or questionsor anythign is appreciated. :) Happy mylotting.
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31 responses
• United States
21 Mar 10
I can understand your problem with your mother. My mother was sort of the same except yours sounds more devious than I want to believe mine was. Everyone thinks my mother is "so nice", well guess what? She didn't leave my stepfather after I told her he sexually molested me. Is that nice? I think not. The other person who responded and suggested you be nice to your mother and all does have a point, but then again it is possible that your mother will never change. I hope you can get the money to go out on your own soon. No one should have to put up with that kind of abuse on a daily basis.
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• Brazil
21 Mar 10
Well, my mother says that my life have no meaning and I'm useless... And I don't hate her, I used her money for a long time and she feed me and other stuff, so I'm grateful. Your problem is your age. Is normal hate the mother in this age.
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• Canada
22 Mar 10
You are not useless and your life does have meaning and I hope she'll never make you think otherwise! Im glad that you have no hate in your heart and you can find it in yourself to forgive her. That gratefulness coming from you is perfect and amazing of you. I dont think its very fair to say that because of my age I ahte my other. I think I have the right to dislike someone who calls me names like that and treat me like Im worthless. Someone who beats me about is not someone I ahte just because of my age.
• Brazil
23 Mar 10
Sorry, I didn't explained what I tried to say when said that is your age is the problem. I meant to say that your age is the age that is more easier to hate and it's kind of hard to understand and don't give a damn for things like this. Because on my sixteen my life was a big war with my mother, but when I grow a little more in my eighteen, I just started to don't give a damn for what she was saying of me and things like this and so, she stopped to act like a sh**. Try to ignore the things that she say or do, maybe it can works. Sorry by the bad explained comment.
• United States
22 Mar 10
You are not the only one. I know a lot of people who hate their mother's, or they hate them, and they don't know it. Everyone thinks that their mother is perfect and infallible, like the father, but that is not so. The mother and the father are not perfect. They have many flaws, but because they gave birth to us, we look to them to guide us and to be there for us, when often times, they cannot be. I love my mother because she gave birth to me, but boy do I hate the things she does. My mom is far from perfect, and I know this, but sadly, she is still my mother, and she has been there for me when I really needed her. I could not say this for my father or my step-father. From what you have said, it seems to me like you do have every right to hate your mother, but you do have to remember that she is your mother. My advice, when you do get the money, and when you can get on your own, do so because if it is this bad, you should not be around her. My mother has never called me those names, and she has never be rude around my boyfriend or friends, even if she has told me after she has met them that she does not like them, which she is allowed to say. I wish I could help you out more, but I have never had this problem with my mom. Again, my mother is not perfect, and she has made terrible decisions in her life, but she has always been there for her kids, and she has been to Hell and back for us. She does love us, and she has shown my brother and I that she loves us.
• Canada
23 Mar 10
Thank you for your comment, advice, support and understanding. I really, really appreciate it. I know that parents are not perfect adn I think everyone reaches that point in their lives where they think that their parents are perfect and when they finaly realize and see the flaws in their parents adn everyone else in the world. I dont think giving birth to you is a good enough reason to love someone or respect them. It is at first but after that they need to start earning it, just like you need to earn theirs and just like everyone else in life does. Thanks, I plan on getting out of here soon.
@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
22 Mar 10
Sorry to hear about your situation at home. I can't blame you for hating your own mother, but try to get rid of the anger (you'll be able to do this once you move out) - hating her will only cause you pain and stress. . Yeah I think the best way to deal with your problem is to just move out of the house, but for now, you have to bear with her since you don't have the money yet and 16 1/2 is really young to be moving out and being independent. Life out there isn't easy too. Just as it isn't inside your house. Your mother will always be your mother, there's nothing you can do about it, so just go with the flow.
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• Canada
23 Mar 10
Thanks. :) Im not saying its right of me, but thats just how it is right now. Im tryuing to shed my anger and such but it is kind of difficult when she continues to do the same stuff day in and day out. I wuld ahve no problem getting social assistance but I really dont want to do that because someone else who needs it more can get it instead. Im planning on just going with the flow because really I cant do anything about it.
@TheAdvocate (2392)
• Philippines
22 Mar 10
Your discussion is not really clear on some points. Is she this way to you only and not to your siblings? When I was a teenager, I hated all "adult interference" and I had a lot of drama in my head. Now that I am a little older but with no kids of my own, I understand how confusing it must be being a teenager. You feel that you are an adult but you have no means to enforce your authority. I hope you can learn from us adults and enjoy your teenage years. Don't be in a hurry to grow up because I can tell you, it is difficult to be an adult. I do have a friend who I think is the only person I have met that truly hated his mother. His mother was also good at pretending and was very nice to all of his friends. I could not believe that somebody was this evil, until she threw out my friend out of the house because of a piece of bacon. Go figure. I see my friend and he seems a lot happier.
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• Canada
23 Mar 10
Im sorry for my clarity issus. Shes only like that with me and not my younger sister with whom she has an amazing relationship with. I dont hate "adult interferance" I just dont like feeling like sh!t because my mom decides she wants to be a b!tch that day and scream and hit me. Im not confused, as much as most teenagers deny this and truly are. I dont feel I am an adult yet but I also dont feel someone should be treate as I am being treated. I enjoy just being a kid. I dont want to be forced to grow up but if things continue to go as they do I will be forced to move out and join the world of adults. Yeah, my mom is like that friend's of yours mom. She acts all nice until one day her perfect disguise breaks and her true colors show.
@pcserver (392)
21 Mar 10
You shouldn't hate her. She is obviously doing for your best, but maybe she doesn't know how. just show her the right way and if she doesn't understand you just ignore her. But after all she is your mother and you should love her no matter what. It is just ridiculous to hate somebody from your own family because you are stuck with them for the rest of your life. It is not possible to choose your mother. So try to forgive her... and have a nive myLotting...
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
23 Mar 10
I do not have anything to do with my mother. We have nothing in common, so why would I. She might have given birth to me, but that does not give her some special right to always be apart of my life. We all have one life to live, make the most of it, do not be around people that you do not like. I know that you situation is different because you are only 16 and a half, so it is not as easy for you as it is for me. When you get the opportunity take it and do not look back. It is your life, not hers.
• Canada
23 Mar 10
Yeah, I knwo waht you eman. While I still think Id want to see my mother once in a while, Im mostly stuck seeing her because I want to see my dad and sister and I cant see one without the other. Thanks for the support. I feel tghe saem way that my mother doesnt and shouldnt have a hold over me and my life because she gave birth to me and its not a reason for respect. I think eveyone needs to earn their respect not just have it because of something they think validates it all.
@trina48D (88)
• United States
21 Mar 10
I am so very sorry for the way your mother calls you names nad yells at you. I pray there will come a day when she realizes her ignorance. Hopefully it won't be too late. I wonder and maybe you could ask her sometime, what her relationship with her mom was like. Do you have other brothers and sisters? Does she treat them all like that or is it just you. Are you the oldest? Unfortunately, anyone can become a parent but not everyone should. As hard as it is to do I hope you will be mindful of how you are treating her, regardless of how she treats you. If you practice self control and respect for her there will come a day when she will need to ask you for forgiveness. One of you need to be the bigger person and it looks like it is up to you. Pray that you can let go of the hatred and anger and just know she has issues you are unaware of. Pray for her and whether you feel it or not, tell her that you love her. A kind word turns away wrath. Hatred and anger will leave you bitter and will affect every other relationship you have. You don't have to allow her anger and self hatred to affect you in a negative way. If you don't practice the opposite of what she is doing you will tend towards treating your own children the same way. I will pray for you.
• Canada
22 Mar 10
Thanks for your prayers and support. Ive tried talking to her abiout it before but without an avail. Ill continue to try though because I truly do want a better relationship wuith my mother. Im the oldest of two and have a younger sister. My mom dosnt treat her the same at all, in fact they have an amazing relationship! Im not going to allow her feelings to change the way I feel about myself and my life. Im determined to pave my own path in life, and its a brigth one, no matter what she says. Its still good to know I have support and friends like this from people Ive never met. :) Happy mylotting.
@sether7 (183)
• Philippines
22 Mar 10
I don't know what occurs on your mother's head but I think mother's loves their children, they just don't know sometimes how to show it. Have you tried realizing how you'd done in the past that made her mad at you everyday? or asked her what she's always mad at you. Because I know there is a reason why she feels that way to you. My husband is not in a good relationship with his mother right now because there is also a reason. He is lurking in his own world and didn't even bothered to greet her mother for her birthday last saturday. They are always good together but there is a reason why this thing happens so I know there is a reason for your problem. Its ok to leave her as long as you can support yourself but it would be better to leave without you feeling a grudge for her. Its always good to talk it out with her. A mother is still a mother and you can't take away the truth that you are from her womb and nurtured you until what you are now. What I just don't agree is hurling bad words to you and I don't do that to my daughter. I don't even want her to hear such kind of bad words, because its really not good. Talk it out because its nice living in the world with a clear conscience and goodluck with that.
• Canada
23 Mar 10
I have no doubt that somewhere in her twisted mind she loves me but she sure dosnt show it and she cant go with the excuse of she dosnt know how to show it. Ive asked her but she says its all in my head and that shes not the one with the problem,. Im not the kind of kid who will start the fight witnh my mom, I do my chores, do well in school, dont bring anyone bad home and I dont ignore her.
@bestylish (922)
• Philippines
22 Mar 10
Personally, my mother can sometimes be very annoying. There are times that she says bad words at me but it's only when we quarel. She is a nice mother but can sometimes be very annoying. I just turned 16 last February and after a few more months I'll be going to college so I'll be living on my own. Well... I'll be living with my brothers since they are also still in college. I hope you'll be able to overcome your problems. God Bless.
• Canada
22 Mar 10
Mothers do tend to be annoying some of the time. But as do all family members. Im with you on the age thing and waiting to move out. Honestly, Id get outnow, but Ijust dont think I have the financial stability to go out into the world. It would be different if I had an income but with school I cant make enough to pay for a place. And once Im off to post secondary school Ill be able to get loans and hopefully scholarships plus a part-time job so it wont be as much of an issue. Good luck. :)
• United States
22 Mar 10
I think you can still work things out. Just try to talk to her, I don't know how this may sound to you, but you should try to talk to her. Maybe there's a reason for that. I feel sorry for you that you've been called names by your mother, but she may probably going through a hard time. If she's over 40, you should know that women undergo significant mood changes at that age. Don't hate your mother, She's probably done more positive things for you than negative ones. You're way to young to FULLY support yourself on your own. This is coming from someone that's 2 1/2 years older than you.
• United States
22 Mar 10
I happen to be over 40 and I don't go through significant mood swings. Mood swings can occur when one reachs menopause, but that doesn't happen at 40 for everyone. Some women are way into their 50's before they experience it. I don't think that is the problem here.
@tjen_anni (317)
• Indonesia
22 Mar 10
I'm so sorry for what you've experienced with you mother. A mother should not call b*t*h to her child. I understand how you hate her. The things are : you have to be strong, release the power of forgiveness, make changes within, and PRAy. You have to be strong - she is still your mother no matter how cruel she is. she had delivered you into this world, and trust me..the pain of delivering a baby always remember all the time. Release the power of forgiveness - I used to say that my father was suck. Many people advised me to forgive him. It was a hard thing to do. But when I did it, I can feel pity on him. Make changes within - Before you ask someone to make changes, we have to change first. What I mean is that try to respect her, talk in a good manner - even she screams at you or calls you a b*t*h. Someday she will realize her mistakes and say sorry to you..Perhaps you could say that you loved her..?? PRAy - Ask Jesus Forgiveness and remember..HE loves you..HE always there for you.. I hope it helps you...Thx..Happy mylotting too..
• Canada
22 Mar 10
Thnaks for all the understanding. I will try to be strong and forgive while working on myself in the most personal and intimate way like you suggst. I will also continue to pray. As much as I dislike her, I know that she still sort of provides for me (although its really my fatehr who does all that) and that I should be grateful for her.
• Philippines
5 Apr 10
I know how you feel. I feel the same way. Or well, I used to. Although I was not verbally abused as much as you are, I believed my mom didn't like having kids. Actually she's pretty vocal about it. Explains why I'm an only child. My parents didn't have me until after 3 years into their marriage. My mom expects so much from me as an only child, and I keep wondering, you want me to do all this stuff, then you should've gotten more kids! Any time I failed something, She'd compare me to others and make me feel bad. When I actually achieved something, she'd be formal, which I guess for me was okay. But most of the time, she didn't like things I were doing,or activities I would join in school. I'd wake up to yelling every morning, eat lunch while my mom was yelling at me, and go to sleep with my mom yelling at me. My dad would just usually go out, go fishing most nights. (We lived near the sea where he could fish). I guess I kind of gotten used to it since it would happen almost everyday. And most times when she was really frustrated, especially if I didn't react while she yelling at me, she would throw things at me which I just stepped out of. Now that I'm grown with kids, she still yells at me, although there are times that she would be nice. I guess because we don't live together anymore. I wanted to move out before, but since I could not provide for myself, there was really no other way but to stick it out. Things will work out. Not exactly the way you want them. But this is just for now. This isn't much of a helpful post, I know.. I just wanted to rant a bit since I saw your post, and I felt the same way.
• Philippines
8 Apr 10
Sad to hear that you hated your mother, but for me even though they are like that to us i guess they just want to express how much they love us. Maybe there are things that we cannot hold up too but hating our mother is such a big mistake to make. We need to love them what ever happens, because they mean so much to us. For you, i feel bad on it, but maybe there are some ways you can make to lessen that feeling. Honestly i felt the same way too sometimes towards my mother, but i just ignored it as the days goes by, hope your like that also. Just pray to god and he will guide you what to do, ask assistance for him.
@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
23 Mar 10
it is normal if you were feeling that way. I hate someone if she/he called me like that too. maybe it is a better way for you to move out. I hope time weal heal your hate, and when the times comes out, i hope you will love her instead to hate her.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
22 Mar 10
hello arts, I just started a topic about hugs and kissing parents,since my mom is coming home this Wednesday. And that i missed my mom so much since she only comes home to visit us once in a year. I feel sorry upon reading your topic. Your mom maybe doesn't know that she is hurting you. Sometimes,mother's doesn't know how to say they care for us. Maybe,you just misunderstood your mom. Why not talk with her,and asks her to say what are the things that she doesn't like you to do. Asks her what she wants you to behave or do/act the way she wanted you to be. You can sit and have a heart to heart talk. I love my mom so much,she's my best friend...and my kids loves me same way as i do love my mom. I respect my kids,and listen to them,i made them my friends and not just my kids. They can tell me what they doesn't like about me,they can tell me things that they don't want me to do. They can suggest me what i wear,and tell me how ugly or pretty i am with my dress. Just try to talk with your mom...it's not too late to patch up things with her. There is no other person that will love and care for us in this world but our mom. I knew that,coz i am also a mom myself. Cheer up girl...smile and kiss your mom and be sorry for all the bad things
@myramae19 (667)
• Philippines
22 Mar 10
you should treasure your mom, maybe she has the reason why she treated you that way. And I know You would exactly understand her when the time you become a mother, mom knows best! you should be thankful for still having a mom. I am far from my mother now and believe me you would miss her when you are away from her.. Do not leave art,try to understand your mom.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
23 Mar 10
Sorry to hear about the situation that you are having with your mom. I'm really sorry if you are having a hard time with her. Just try to understand her maybe she's really thinking about so many things. Just respect her and honor her. It says there in the bible, "honor you mother and your father". Maybe you observed in that scriptures it didnt say any condition on when we are going to honor them. So no matter what they are and who they are, we should always honor them. I think this will be hard on your part but I tell you, it will turn out right in the end. I hope all the best for you and your mom.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
31 Mar 10
Hi friend, i can understand your feelings..in general as a human, we dont like someone yelling at us and finding faults. So your decision is right. But is she not affectionate to you at all. When she screams, have to tried to show your love and feelings for her.. ok i can see you are hurted more, ok better live your life of your choice, hope she understands you and loves you! But later in your life try to forgive her, you dont need to like her,,hating right!!
• Netherlands
22 Mar 10
Well you are pretty young and that's a normal reaction. It will pass in time, however meanwhile you should strive to get more independent like looking for a job and a place so you can get out and basically step on your feet. Every mom loves her children it's just the way it is and they give you a hard time if they see you are not going in a good direction, however I don't believe that's the case here. I think you should try to be nice to her despite her yelling and tell her you love her more often. She'll soften up, maybe it's just a bad family moment that you are all going through plus puberty can never be easy, you say things you don't really mean, or your hormons make you act crazy, like you want to scream at her with full voice for example, you feel alienated and all but that's not true. If you really can't have a good relationship with your mom, then I advice you to work towards getting your own place and setting up an income and stand on your own feet... still I believe you will resolve that issue if you try hard enough :)