Anyone feels that the movies of the past is better than that of today?
@Astroshepherd (22)
March 22, 2010 2:42am CST
I just feel that the movies that are produced today are not as good as those of the past (when I say the past I mean 10 years ago). The movies that were made years or decades ago, though did not contain any special effects, can always appeal to people's certain kind of sympathy and feelings. In other words, we can feel connected with the movie-makers and the actors when enjoying their story, especially that of literary films. They can affect my feeling so deep that it usually takes a long time to "get out of them" after watching.
But when I'm watching the movies that were made recently, all I can feel is boredom. Admittedly lots of them boast glaring special effects, bizarre plots, laughter-provoking-clowns or Cinderella-style-romantic-urban-love, they are getting either stereotyped or vulgarized or overly solemnized. I cannot help pressing the speed button so that the hugely propagandized merchandise would not take too much of my time. But still I have to pick ones to try to match so as not to miss the valuable ones whose number is very limited.
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20 responses
@sheetalnr (586)
• India
5 Jul 12
I do agree with you when you say that the movies of today is more of special effects and big budgets than of good plots and story lines. However, there are exceptions and there always is some movie that captures the imagination, just like 'old times'.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
1 Apr 10
I don't watch as many new films as I did 20 years ago. Back then there Were more different types of films to choose from. There were action films and Science Fiction films with special effects but ther also great Regular comedies and deep dramas. There were so many films that came out that I Wanted to se I had to wait for most of them to come to cable! These days it feels like there are only either horror "Romantic comedies", the quotes because to me they aren't comedic or romantic, or big budget special effects fests.
I think I know why and it is so sad. The suits own the movie companies. Back in th day there were men who ran thr movie companies who had vision and they would try to make a different type of film If they liked the plot. In other words even if the movie were a little or different , they would still back it and send it out. But today the companies are looking to make money , period. So they play it safe by bringing out the type of film a 12 boy wuld like to see 13 times! So if you aren't a 13 boy , you may npt find a film you Want to see.
@estherlou (5015)
• United States
23 Mar 10
I love the new special effects, but I loved musicals of the past and the old time westerns. What has deteriorated is making a movie without objectional language. My husband was watching a movie the other day and every other word was a F... this and F...that. I asked him, "How can you stand to listen to that?" He said it was angry men and went with their characters. I said, "I'd like to see an actor stretch himself and try to create a scene portraying anger or whatever without the crutch of extremely bad language or using God's name as a cuss word." Hubby said it wasn't the actors, but the screenwriters. I said okay...I'd love to see the talent of a screenwrite not have to depend on the bad language to make the scene for him!
@hagirl (1295)
• United States
23 Mar 10
The ending of movies are really getting ridiculous.... Not that I have been wanting to watch but yesterday I was skimming through the channels and the movie Swing Vote was on.... I had not watched so figured to check out..... The whole movie as we know went around this one mans vote..... At the end we see him going into ballot box and then it ended.... It really upset me because they did not let us know who he voted for.... That was the whole point of the whole movie.... It is not like there is going to be a sequel to come out or anything
@blogsblog (81)
• Portugal
25 Mar 10
I have to agree but i would go further than 10 years.
But for me the main issue are not the actors but the directors. I think i was spoiled by great directors like kubrick, kurosawa, coppola, lumet, renoir, fellini... These more than directors were true artists. They made films with true depth and insight.
@recycledgoth (9894)
22 Mar 10
Sometimes I feel that the old movies are the best. There are a lot of remakes coming up now too, and they will never be better than the original.
@thedailyclick (3017)
22 Mar 10
I'm completely with you and as someone who watches over 14 movies every week the majority of those tend to be over 10 years old, in fact many are from the 80s and before.
I've said this before and no doubt will say it again, but the movie industry now is such a cut throat business that production companies are being forced to make crowd pleasing commercial pap because it guarantees them a profit. They can't take risks with something uniquely brave and original because it probably won't turn a profit.
It's the old adagae of if something isn't broke so why fix it. Therefore because the perceived mass movie watching public are content to pay for the same stars and storylines recycled in various glossy movies that are more about special effects and set piece gags than coherent storylines there is very little which hits the big screen that is any different from the last movie.
Until the mass public grow tired of these unoriginal movies very little will change.
@silvercoin (2101)
• Lithuania
22 Mar 10
I can't remember the last time I really enjoyed a movie.I mean a new one.The past two years were disappointing.I'm not a teenager anymore, so this 3D stuff won't impress me.Sorry,Mr.Cameron.Twilight trilogy - the worst romantic story ever.No offense,please.
Bad bad bad acting.I think that some of these new movies don't deserve to be mentioned here.People who work in this industry should have pity on my poor friends who continue buying me tickets.

@timhinyy (1653)
• United States
23 Mar 10
I would agree with you that a lot of the newer movies coming out anymore certainly don't grab you with anything except the effects and they think if they have overwhelming special effects they figure that alone will draw you into the theater to go and see and for me there has not been many recent movies that i was jumping out of my seat wanting to go see.
I think a lot of the movies from the past either had better writing or better casts in them that have made them more interesting to me then the more recent ones and I am much more likely to buy an older dvd of one of those movies then to buy a new dvd of one of the newer movies as i just don't get excited to see a lot of the newer ones, because they just don't seem to be as good.
I'm not saying that they are all bad, but the ones that are not as good seem to be overshadowing the ones that are good.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
22 Mar 10
Well, I do not know if better is the right word. However, the fact is that I can get into movies that were made years and years ago, more than I can get into the movies of today. There is just something about the movies of today that is not attracting my attention as much as much as the movies of yesteryear. There is still one every now and then that does, but for the most part, my interest is not being captured from them.
I think I have figured out the reason. The fact is it is the same old, same old. Ideas that I have seen countless times over and over again. Done better as well come to think about it. Done much better. And those are not even counting the outright remakes of the movies, that just seem less most of the times. I guess the lack of fresh ideas has caused Hollywood to be less interesting and thus the movies have not been capturing my interest.
@falcon724 (14)
• China
23 Mar 10
I can't agree with you.
Well,whether a movie is good,lies on the plot and the acting skill of the actor/actress.
IN any decennium,there're many good movies and bad movies.What we can remember is the good,while the bad has gone.
@lilraya12345 (6)
• United States
23 Mar 10
naw i dont think so. the movies of the past were good. but movies today are also.
maybe movies today are better. idk. lol
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
22 Mar 10
I think what you mean to say is that the 'story line' of before is better than today. It took a lot of acting and story-telling a few years back because they only got that to bet on. But these days, it's mostly cinematography and CGI's (computer generated imagery)that make the story look 'good'.
CGI is used for visual effects because computer generated effects are more controllable than other more physically based processes, such as constructing miniatures for effects shots or hiring extras for crowd scenes, and because it allows the creation of images that would not be feasible using any other technology. It can also allow a single graphic artist to produce such content without the use of actors, expensive set pieces, or props.
But, it doesn't really mean that all movies of this genre is no longer worth watching. We just got a lot of choices of bad movies these days as compared to the few years back. Perhaps it's the attitude of moviegoers as well. Some are just in it for the actors and the actresses, or simply because it's 'cool' to watch such. But basically, the storylines are predictable.
Anyhow, I could still say though that there are still movies of today that are worth watching in movie theaters and some which are better off pirated. Sorry.
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
22 Mar 10
however, I'm prefer movie made at this time than movie made in the past. I'm feels, film-film is now much more alive, even though it too many visual effects and camera tricks
@frontvisions101 (16043)
• Philippines
22 Mar 10
Well, you re right. there are lots of movies that s made of nonsense nowadays. it s the effects that makes it attractive. and it s different for other people when it comes to choosing their movies. for instance, i like my movies to have clean special effects, nice action sequences, and perfectly mastered sound fx. the storyline for me is not so much of an issue. as long as it goes somewhere then it s alright for me. as for what you were saying with the acting, there are alot of actors out there that can really act. i guess you re just overseeing them.
@slovenc1 (2089)
• Slovenia
22 Mar 10
I agree most of new movies are boring and many old movies are way more interesting and watchable than new recent movies. But i did notice that some old movies that i once loved also turned a bit boring when i watch them now. I download more than 10 movies per week and out of them there are usually 2 barely worth watching and one a little over average but on the other side some are so lame i can't believe who made them. Anyway if you haven't seen these next movies i suggest you do: Into the wild, Harry Brown, Taken; 7 pounds. That's all i can think of wright now. Hope you really do watch them if you are looking for good movies and have a great day!

@freetalkpp (21)
• China
22 Mar 10
Hi astroshepherd, I don't agree with you.
I think is not movies's fault, it's because human is changing, people now is really diffrent from before, people want too much than before. In the past there is no movies people only want to look. After that people want to think and play it. So they become censorious for movies's quality.
Also the reason is the best story is only one, you can not create another one with same style. With time going, when all good stories become movies, you will know it's very hard to creat a good movie.
@vielerfolg2010 (30)
• China
22 Mar 10
I totally agree with you. I think there are several reasons. Firstly, there weren't lots of special effects in the past, so the actors and actress had to show the thieme by body language and emotion, but now, the directors only pay attention to the graceful scene. Secondly, we feel the movies not good enough because we have seen a lot of movies nowadays, so we only feel the thieme just similar to others, and no fresh story there. Last one is the actor and actress not only focus on acting, but also some commercial activities.