Scary Poll About Republican Attitudes About the President
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
March 24, 2010 4:07pm CST
A new Harris Poll, the full results of which will be released shortly, shows some disturbing signs about the way Republicans in particular feel about President Obama.
67 percent of Republicans (and 40 percent of Americans overall) believe that Obama is a socialist.
57 percent of Republicans (32 percent overall) believe that Obama is a Muslim
45 percent of Republicans (25 percent overall) agree with the Birthers in their belief that Obama was "not born in the United States and so is not eligible to be president"
38 percent of Republicans (20 percent overall) say that Obama is "doing many of the things that Hitler did"
24 percent of Republicans (14 percent overall) say that Obama "may be the Antichrist."
Any thoughts? I know there will be some of you who don't like this polling company or whatever and that's certainly your prerogative. By posting this I'm not vouching for its accuracy, I just want to discuss it. Personally, I hope it's NOT accurate because if it is it's pretty disturbing and SCARY! I mean, come on, I know Republicans disagree with President Obama on many of the issues, it's a matter of a totally different philosophical view for the most part, but for nearly one-quarter to think he "may be the Antichrist", well over one-third comparing him to Hitler and close to half siding with the birthers?
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9 responses
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
25 Mar 10
Question. what is a socialist? What is wrong with being a Muslim? What has Obama done that Hitler did? I don't understand? But I can understand where they got the antichrist idea. They see his charm and sadly his color as a sign of the end of the world. For some they have a president that is smarter than they and they are afraid.
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@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
24 Mar 10
I'm so tired of people and their crazy talk over the President. The guy is trying to do what he can to clean up the mess this country has been in for years. I think a lot of people just have a bug up their butt and need to lighten up. If anything comes up about him that is truly terrible, I have confidence someone will "take care of it".
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
25 Mar 10
I just find it very difficult to believe these numbers. Even if someone were to believe that a notable percentage of republicans believe these things, the poll also seems to indicate that a fair percentage of non-republicans also believe that Obama's a Muslim, the Antichrist, etc.
Note, the one thing here that doesn't surprise me is the part about him being a socialist. He has not only put socialists in his administration, but a communist as well (Van Jones). He has also made statements showing a support for socialist policies so unlike the Muslim and Antichrist crap, that belief actually has a factual basis.
Frankly I'm having a hard time finding any information on the Harris poll itself. Their website is not functional nor is the website of the company that apparently owns them I'm not sure if their servers crashed due to traffic brought on be the recent articles or what. Either way, I'd like to see their sampling data and the complete results of their poll because obviously, this all sounds pretty ridiculous.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
25 Mar 10
I don't know this particular Harris or what they've done in the past. But I will say this: If you were looking to create a controversial poll with skewed numbers that painted opposition as the fringe, the best way to go about that is to preselect people whom you're going to question instead of choosing them at random.
I'm not saying this is what was done. But if I were to conduct a poll and wanted it to read a certain way, I'd be sure to select people whom I know are more likely to say a certain thing rather than taking my chances at random.
Just like if you wanted to paint something in a bad light, like the Tea Party for example, you'd only show the most inflammatory signs and interview those holding them, ignoring others in attendance because they're not as likely to be lunatics.
Just more stuff to rile up the base.

@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
25 Mar 10
I am not a republican...can I still answer about it?
The whole socialist thing...yep that sounds about right. Compared to the kind of government the republicans want...ya I can see how they think he is a socialist.Although most probly don't know the true defination of the word.
Personally I think it is the whole "big" government vs "small" government thing.
I really don't hear much about the whole "muslim" thing or the whole "birther" thing. But that may just be in my area. Unless they are making fun of them...yep I hear republicans making fun of the birthers. Most of the republicans in my area see Obama as making huge federal power grabs. They see him growing the government instead of shrinking it.
The big one I always hear is his comment he made during his campaign about "redistributing the wealth". that one ticks them off BAD and they are still mad about it now. That is a lot of the reason why they call him a socialist because that is one of the principle of socialist governments. so basically they are scared Obama is going to "redistribute their wealth". Nobody wants their stuff or money taken from them..they are not any different.
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@AmAllen (119)
• United States
24 Mar 10
I'm not a fan of Obama in any way shape or form. But here is my opinion, I'm tired of hearing he isn't US born, ya know what, at this point it is starting to sound crazy and fanatical.
Second, if he starts going nutso on American the way Hitler did, secret service, cia, fbi or lord the army someone will take him down... and not in a nice way. Our country wouldn't allow it to happen, even if taking him down caused another civil war or rioting or what ever. I have faith in our coutry for that. I don't think its time for the Jewish culture to head to ground. My grandmother was raised in Nazi Germany, from the stories I've heard Obama doesn't hold a candle and looks like a saint in comparison.
third, who cares if he is Muslim, we do actually have muslim culture in this country that support the USA so good grief who cares about his religion.
as for the Antichrist, who knows, but i think that is the go to for everyone when they "hate" something someone in power is doing. Blah, history shows that people have been speculated to be the antichrist over and over again.
As for him being a socialist... uh duh, of course he is, but the majority of America voted for him, so well...
I again say i don't like Obama, my dog would have made a better president, at least he knows how to hush when we tell him to, and hey he's cute.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
26 Mar 10
You have every right to support or not support whoever is President at any given time. I'm glad that while you're not a fan you do respect that he won the election and that's that until the next election. I respectfully disagree about him beinga socialist but many people use that word incorrectly these days.
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@tylerscotthess (129)
• United States
25 Mar 10
they think these things because its politics. hyperbole is the way to go when you want to get some claim out there to get the other guy out and your guy in. the more they can make people not like the other guy, the better chance their own guy has to get in. ive heard a saying that the more you tell a lie the more people will believe its the truth. if they stick to the story, eventually enough people will believe it, or at least that is the hope.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
25 Mar 10
well Annie, regarding him being muslim or the antichrist, I disregard, I believe in God and if the end of the world is here, I am ok!
The birther issue, I dont understand why he would spend so much money to not provide such irrefutable proof.
Now to the socialism/marxism/hitler thing -
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods[/i]
car companies? Health care? Banks?
Now Annie, I know I wont sway your thoughts or opinions on this any more than you will sway mine. But I take great exception when our current administration are trying to bring to our country what our fore fathers fought so dam hard to get away from. The United States of America is so bad we have MILLIONS of people coming through the door every year legally and illegally. Why in the world do we want to model our government after these other countries when so many countries are fighting constantly for the freedoms that our citizens take for granted every day?
“The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.”
Thomas Jefferson quote
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
25 Mar 10
I do not remember being part of the poll but I must have been as that is exactly how I feel about Obama. THANK YOU for reminding why I think Obama is a diabolical danger to the United States of America. Once a proud country, considered a leader in the world, but sinking fast. If Obama keeps on the track he has chosen for our country we will one day be reduced to being considered another third world country.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
25 Mar 10
Forgot to add I am not a Republican or an Independent I but could be am heading that way!
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
26 Mar 10
"Diabolical danger"? Ok...
Ladybugmagic, you may as well save your time and energy here but thanks for really putting up a good fight in this discussion! Everyone has a right to their opinion but this Hitler stuff is truly offensive. It's beyond offensive.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
25 Mar 10
Do you think that the people who Obama helped enter into a pool of other high risk clients with preexisting conditions, so that they may get medical coverage, consider him a danger?
It was he who admonished the supreme court for giving too much control to the corporations.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
24 Mar 10

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