Cleaning and Organizing

United States
March 29, 2010 2:47pm CST
are you good at keeping your house clean and organized? I am not! I wish i were, but it always seems my house is a mess! I would love to have a system to keep all of my things organized. How do you organize? I would love to have my daughter's toys, paperwork, our closets, etc. organized and neat. I just don't know how to do it, and where to start! How often do you clean? what is your cleaning routine? I'm hoping this post will somehow get my motivated and in the cleaning mood!
18 responses
@hofferp (4734)
• United States
29 Mar 10
I keep my house organized by picking up everyday, but that's not very hard to do, because I'm single. I have two cleaning ladies that come in every other week to dust and vacuum (I hate doing that). About once a year, I deep clean every room. It takes me weeks to pull everything out, wipe everything down, and put it back. All I can offer is putting things back immediately, rather than letting it pile up. Once it's a pile, it's a pain.
@hofferp (4734)
• United States
30 Mar 10
Good idea on the toys. Then when something "new" comes out it's like Christmas all over again.
• United States
30 Mar 10
Yeah, the trick will be to do it when she's sleeping! She will not let me pack up anything when she's awake. If i do it when she's asleep sshe won't even know anything is missing!
• United States
29 Mar 10
oh wow! it must be great to have a cleaning lady! i would love to have a cleaning lady...but i'm sure they'd just hate my house! lol. I agree, it is best to pick up things rather than letting them sit, once it becomnes a is just too overwhelming. This goes mostly for my daughters toys! i think i need to pack up some toys, and than bring out so many at a time..she just has too much!
• United States
29 Mar 10
I go through cycles. Usually I am casual about the house cleaning until it reaches a certain point. Then I will suddenly take a look around and say, "This mess has to go!" Then I will become a cleaning dervish for a couple of hours and I will make it very clean again.
• United States
29 Mar 10
That's great! that is exactly what i need to do! Once i get on the mobe..i do find it is a lot easier..but the problem is getting to that point that i actually want to start cleaning!
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
29 Mar 10
i am good to a certain extent, if i have the time that is though. i dont always have to time and unfortunately, then my house gets messy.
• United States
29 Mar 10
i have the time, like right now, i could be cleaning instead of being here on mylot. My probalem is that i just cannot seem to get motivated enough to want to clean. Don't get me wrong, i do clean from time to time, but it always just a little here and there. My house, especially my bedroom is always a mess and it is hard to keep it clean with my husband and daughter, both of whom just don't clean up after themselves!
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
31 Mar 10
I am sometimes lazy to clean the house. cleaning house jobs seem an exhausting and never finished. but now I have a strategy in place to make my house be kept clean, without having to tired to clean. The first thing I did was always to return the goods taken back into place. when done use. I did not clean the entire home straight. usually every day I clean one room only. so I do not feel heavy.
• United States
29 Mar 10
Not so great at cleanig myself, either. But I have got motivated since we are having a yard sale at the church and I have a deadline for getting the items to them. Usually once a year I do a big clean out and either have a yard sale or send stuff to the Goodwill. Maybe that is what you should do, set your self a deadline by having a yard sale. This may help to motivate you to get rid of stuff you no longer need and with a firm date you will have to get it done in a certain time frame.
• United States
29 Mar 10
It's funny you should mention that! i am hoping to have a garage sale either this or next saturday, so i have gone through some of my things, and have already put some things in boxes, all packed and ready to go. The thing husband does not want to get rid of any of his things, and he has lots of things he doesn't even use..i bet if i just took his things and sold them, he'd never know! But, yes..garage slaes are a great way to clean out the house!
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
30 Mar 10
I think I should do both. I need to clean and organize our house now cause my mom and the rest of the members of my family are coming for a visit and my mother doesnt like messy and unclean homes so I have to clean. I think its also a good thing that they are going to visit cause I think this will be the only time for me to have a general cleaning in my house.
• United States
30 Mar 10
I must admit it's definitely a lot easier when I'm not working 40 hours a week to keep the apartment clean and a lot more organized. Working so long during the week makes me tired and uninterested in doing much of anything. It's hard to motivate myself otherwise. I try hard, sometimes it's just the matter of actually doing it.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
30 Mar 10
I'm pretty good at keeping clean and organized, of course it's just me and my pup, so not that hard. But even when my daughters were growing up I still tried to keep things picked up. I found that picking up things that go to another room when leaving a room is one way. Also placing a basket for things that don't belong in that room is easy too, just pick the basket up and take it to the room where the items belong. I normally pick up around the house each evening before heading to bed. The one room I ate waking up to dirty is the kitchen, I usually clean it up and get the coffee pot ready for the next morning after dinner time. It's harder to get things cleaned up and keep organized only doing it once a week or every few days, then it becomes overwhelming. Also, you might think about going to the library and checking out some books on organizing your home, there are a lot of good tips in those books.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
30 Mar 10
Hi Kainalu, when you have little ones, I swear that it is an ongoing battle. The work is never done. My kids are grown and my house is fairly easy to keep clean now even when it gets really bad. I don't have little ones to distract me and so I can clean it top to bottom in under two hours at it's worse. I clean some every day and so it never gets really bad. When the kids were small then it was an entire different story.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
30 Mar 10
i am much better at the organizing part than the cleaning part but i really do try very hard to do both. i keep my house very neat and relatively clean as well by most people's standards. i am pressed for time so that is part of why it is not 100% the way i would like it to be but i run out of energy and time on most days so i do what i can and try to keep up so things do not get out of control.
@sublime03 (2338)
• Philippines
30 Mar 10
I usually clean our room and would love to organize everything but I am stuck with a limited space. Thus, I can only do so much as well as I have limited resources. But if I were to have money, I would definitely buy stuff that I can organize my cabinets with. I have always been organized if I put time and effort on it.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
30 Mar 10
I have always loved cleaning and organizing. Unfortunately, if you have kids at home, you will not be able to maintain it that long. It is good that you can start first on your own home and next will the the other rooms. I wish I could have it in that situation everyday.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
30 Mar 10
I have my house organized, but in my very own way. I live by myself, so it's better to organize it in a good way for me to find things when I need it. From an outsider's point of view my house might look messy, but it's not messy at all for me
@setsuna26 (2749)
• Philippines
30 Mar 10
I try to as much as i can but i dont try hard enough though. Im too busy with my job and there are alot of stuff that im taking care of most of the time but i make sure to it that somehow i do my cleaning too. I can remember theres this time that my room looked like a jungle because its too messy bad me i know but hey at least im improving bit by bit ;)
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
30 Mar 10
yes we are. my wife files all the bills that we payed already in a folder. the water bills go together and the cable bills go together. if it is not yet payed you will see it hanging at the cork board to remind us to pay. so once it is payed in the folder it goes. so as the other paper works it is kept inside envelopes that has tags so we wont have to open each envelope to see whats in it. toys are kept on plastic boxes and my wife rotates our sons toys. she does not let all the toys be seen for when he gets tired of the toys he does not want to play with it already. we taught also our son to put all toys back after playing before he gets anything he wants to eat. of course a price for being a good boy. we clean once a month but my wife sweeps the floor and dust the windows everyday. she change the curtains once a week for it is really dusty here at our place. the shoes has proper storage and we also make sure our son puts his shoes back at the rack after taking it off. read about cleaning on this site actually that is a tv show, my wife enjoys watching for she gets a lot of tip on how to clean and manage to make it tidy. hope my response helped you in a way. when you tidy things up already you need to make sure everyone in the house participate on putting it where they got it and clean as they go. goodluck
• United States
30 Mar 10
I am a single mother of 4 children, so cleaning and keeping things organized is nearly impossible at times. I have found that if I can get things done right away, it is much easier. However, this does not always happen. There are times that I get behind and it is horrible trying to get caught back up. I have started using totes, refrigerator clips for the kids homework and papers, and many other methods for keeping things somewhat organized. I also got a chore chart and keep track of the kids chores and daily responsibilities on it. They are able to look and see what they are responsible for everyday and it makes things a lot easier and gives me some help at keeping on top of things.
30 Mar 10
I have a horrible feeling as I'm typing this, that I'm going to come across as some kind of clean freak, truly I'm not, but.............. I work my way systematically through the house EVERY DAY, dusting/polishing, scrubbing surfaces cleaning the bathroom mopping floors and wiping skirting boards. I just could not go out unless I'd done it. To be fair because I do these job every day, nothing ever gets the chance to get really dirty, so the time taken is halved to start with, I always work with music on, and work from top to bottom, and it rarely takes longer than a couple of hours at most. I just love the feel and smell of a fresh clean home, I have to admit I think my desire for order came after I was caught on the hop once a few years ago. I'd been persuaded to have a lie in one Sunday morning and reluctantly agreed, when to my horror about an hour in to my "treat" a whole pile of visitors called in to see us, the feeling of complete and utter ohmygod-iness has never left me, that wont happen again, so if I decide to have a lie in on a Sunday, I ALWAYS do everything that needs doing, the night before......then I can lie there reading the papers knowing that the world and his wife could call, and it wouldn't matter a bit.............. unless of course they wanted a piece of cake with their coffee...... hmmmm maybe I should BAKE as well as do the housework, the night before!!!!!!................... Ok I'm a freak ;o(
29 Mar 10
I always start really good, I have this burst of energy where i get really organised, put everything where it should be, throw lots of junk out and then it all goes downhill, it doesnt get very messy as I try to do a bit each day, but it could definately be better.