Christians, why do you believe that the Bible is true?

@Pose123 (21635)
April 3, 2010 8:01pm CST
I was raised a Christian and was taught that the Bible was true. I listened to radio and TV evangelists and accepted Christ as my Saviour, yet nothing changed but I didn't give up but kept practicing my faith every day and attending church regularly. I began to have doubts when I saw some Christian friends leave the church saying that it just wasn't true. Others left one church for another,some family members joined the Mormon church. Eventually I realized that there was no proof that the Bible was true but that I had been indoctrinated at an early age and found it very difficult to change. I knew however, that I could not pretend to believe something just to please others. I know that there is much that is good in the Bible, especially the teachings of Christ,but other parts depict a God that I could not believe in or follow. I still believe that we are spiritual beings and death is not the end. Please tell me why you believe that the Bible is true.
16 responses
@bhawanee (174)
• India
5 Apr 10
You accepted Jesus as your saviour then nothing to worry because you may not find changes but did you observed that Jesus is taking all your burdens on him and making you lead a happy life. Now Coming on to the Bible I should confess that it is only instrument through which we lead a peaceful life. Believe in Jesus and believe in Bible you will attain enlightenment very soon.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Apr 10
Hi bhawanee, Thank you for commenting but that was a long time ago and it didn't work for me. The teachings of Jesus are good, especially the golden rule but I think the church has changed everything. Blessings.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
I believe that the Bible is true cause I prayed for it. Its also the same thing with another books God prepared for the children of men. We also have to pray for them to know if they are true. I have read the book of mormon and I also believed it is true cause I also prayed for it. The Lord will provide a way for us to know that things that we ought to know cause I know God will be happy if he will see us do things for the welfare of our souls.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Apr 10
Hi p3ks626, Thank you for commenting, I have nieces and nephews who would agree with you although it didn't work for me. Blessings.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
4 Apr 10
When you think about how impossible the Bible is, its absolutely astounding to learn that the bible is used by Archeologists to pinpoint long lost ruins that they come upon in their digs around ancient Palestine, while searching for proof of the life of Jesus. Sadly, the search so far has failed. The big question in my mind, about the bible (Gods Word) is, why did God cause the Bible to be written, and stop at one book? A trilogy would have been so handy, what with the Old testament in the first Book, the new Testament in the second Book, and His Plans for Mankind in Book Three? He has never Spoken Publicly, or caused anything (Officially from God) to be written in the last 2000 years. Its no wonder Mankind is getting tired of the same-old, same-old. Obviously, with religion rotten to the core, its high time that God cleaned this mess up!
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
5 Apr 10
Many people are in constant loving contact with their God, so much so, that they do not find it necessary to bend a knee, or close an eye to pray. Indeed, Church and Christianity is unnecessary window-dressing in their lives. Would, that there were more of these!
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
5 Apr 10
Hi barehugs, In Revelation it talks about new scrolls that are yet to be opened. I wonder if it will contain what you are hoping for? "Its high time that God cleaned this mess up". AMEN!
• India
4 Apr 10
The Bible has a theme in which God is the recurrent element. Every religion must have these six points. 1) There is a living God. 2) He has a redemptive plan for us. 3) We are part of His redemptive plan. 4) His redemptive plan comes with a promise; we know it as a word of God. 5) The word of God is that whenever humanity will be in distress; or if would ever fail to live according to the given nature then he himself would come as one of us and save us. 6) According to God, the inability to live according to our given nature is sin. Everything in the bible, which is in agreement with these six points I have mentioned is right. Anything, which is not in agreement with these six points, is wrong. Likewise, any religion, which has these six points, is the right religion. The religion, which does not have these six points; it is not a right religion.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Apr 10
Hi achilles, Thank you for commenting and I hadn't heard about these six points before but I don't see how it has anything to do with whether or not the Bible is true. Blessings.
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
5 Apr 10
Achilles, I was wondering how you know that each religion must have those six points?
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
The BIBLE is TRUE. When you accept GOD you will be change. There is something wrong with your church I think. The Church I now with is true , because everything we believe and follow is in the BIBLE. I you dont mi8ne my I know where are you located? if you want to answer it , it's fine. I will just give you a website www.justintv/elisoriano. there is interaction , but I dont know the exact time and the day. In the philippines it is wednesday at 7am.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Apr 10
Hi tnsct22810, Thank you for commenting but I can only speak from my own experience. You say the Bible is true just as others say they know that the Book of Mormon or the Koren is true. If you are happy and content with your belief, that's fine and I don't intend to condemn your faith or that of anyone, I can only speak for what I have found to be true for me. Blessings.
• India
4 Apr 10
The bible is not the word of god, it did not descend from the heavens as the voice og god, it is just a compilation of historic events written by people in history that was compiled for their convinence and propagation of christianity by the holy nothing wrong in reading it and taking good things from it to improve your life but just reading the bible and expecting a miracle to happenn will only lead to disenchantment.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Apr 10
Hi arvindnair, Thank you for commenting and we agree. I read the Bible, take the good from it and discard what I know isn't true. Blessings.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
4 Apr 10
Hi Pose, I have been raised as a Catholic, I was a lapse Catholic for a number of years. I took interest in other religions, asking questions, reading, attending even different religious functions. However I returned back to my catholic faith. I do believe that the Bible is the Word of God. I believe that God is the TRUTH, so I do believe that what;s in the Bible is the truth. He is not going to lie to me. So the message in the Bible is the truth. My faith does not depend on how many new Catholics join from other denominations or how many Catholics leave their faith to join other Churches. I believe in a personal relationship with God. The Catholic Church is a means to reach the TRUTH. I believe that all roads all denominations leads us to God however I do believe that certain roads are shorter than others. Thus I stick to my Catholic faith.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
5 Apr 10
Hi Pose.... Faith is not something linear.... People may go astray due to personal difficulties in their life or they are passing from religious doubts. I don't take the Bible literally. It's difficult to understand a book which is 2000years old written for a different audience from the people of today and keep interpreting things literally. I believe its the Church's duty to interpret the bible and issue teachings and subjects that Jesus did not spoke about because they were not an issue during his time. For example a case in point abortin, Ivf, euthanasia and other medical issues.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Apr 10
Hi ronald, Thank you for responding and for your comments. It is good that you can be content in your faith and it isn't my intention to destroy anyone's beliefs but to get people thinking. I see that you have already done that and come to your own conclusions. My question is on the truth of the Bible and I feel most Christians are indoctrinated as children and believe without question. It has been a long time since I took the Bible literally but it's only been in recent years that I can't accept most church teachings. I take what is good in the Bible and believe that Jesus came to teach us how to live. There have also been others but in my way of thinking he was the greatest of all teachers. I also feel that few understood him or his message. We may believe differently but I respect your honesty. Blessings my friend.
• India
5 Apr 10
I think the biblical writers thought that what they were writing was true. So when the Genesis writer constructed a myth to tell a speaking snake tempting a woman to eat fruit from a tree that bears strange fruit to the modern reader I believe he did not think of deceiving the readers. To a modern reader who did not understand the author's employment of literary genre and intention may consider the Genesis text to be historically implausible and so judged the Bible to be untrue. But such judgment lies in the reader's illiteracy of hermeneutics and not on the writer. I think "Bible is true" is little vague. In what sense is it true? Historically? Astronomically? Zoologically? So I find your question little vague. Traditionally Christians do not take the Bible to be an authoritative text on Quantum Mechanics or Grammar or Botany etc. Traditionally Christians affirm that what the Bible affirms in matters regarding doctrine and Conduct are authoritative. I don't think when some people say that the Bible teaches 666 is Pope or UN it is true. The Bible never teaches that. Some say the Bible says evolution is wrong. Well, the Bible never says that. The Bible does teach about Christians' doctrinal belief like Jesus Christ will return or about Christian conduct like murder is wrong and so on. I have come across interpretation being untrue. But I have never come across anything in the Bible that is untrue (from the authors' perspective).
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Apr 10
Hi headhunter, Thank you for that comment and sorry for being a bit vague. Many Christians take the Bible literally and I guess that's what I was really asking but hoping to get other comments as well. I find your comments interesting and I agree that the author, whoever it was may have been, could have thought that what he was writing was true. It is generally believed that Moses wrote the first five books of the old testament but of course there's no proof of that. The myths in Genesis, such as the garden of eden story, would have been passed down by word of mouth for a long time before it was written down. I think that we can get a feeling for what's true and what's not. Certainly the teachings of Jesus, especially that found in the sermon on the mount, are probably the best the world has ever seen, and should be what all Christians are striving for. I cannot however see God telling someone to commit genocide. I consider parts of the Bible a good teaching guide but there are other parts that no one should have to read and would give some people and especially children, nightmares. Blessings.
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
4 Apr 10
I truly believe in Christ ,but the way that I interpret the bible is somewhat different. To me is a book of stories ,and every author describes events in a different way based on their own experiences and believes. Humanity needed some guidance and direction ,and the Bible was created to bring civilization and structure.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Apr 10
Hi Mirita, Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I think the teachings of Jesus, where they haven't been tampered with, are great. I wish that we had more of them. I agree that humanity needed guidance but all of the teachings of the Bible are not good for us. If we all followed the golden rule it would be enough. God is love, God is compassion and is found everywhere and in all things. Isn't that the real message? "Consider the lilies of the field..." Blessings.
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
4 Apr 10
Hi Pose123. I guess it has nothing to do with the Bible being true or not, it is a case of faith and how strong it is. I guess everyone's faith is tested somewhere along the line.
• United States
4 Apr 10
Thanks, zoner. Years ago a priest told me taht we are all given the gift of the ability to have faith, it is up to us how we use the gift. I believe the Bible is the Truth as its words are proven true through time and experience... including my personal experience. That is how I use that gift.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Apr 10
Hi thezone, Thank you for commenting but where does faith come from in the beginning? Isn't it because we are indoctrinated as children? If you had been born a Muslim, you would be saying the exact same thing about the Koren. I pick and choose from the Bible because I know what rings true and what doesn't, but many say that people should not do that. Blessings.
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
8 Apr 10
That is a very good point as most are indoctrinated as children. Some people have blind faith and will take the bible literally and to be true. I see it more as a guideline for life for most people. So you are right in picking and choosing, as guidelines are merely that, not rules that are set in stone. I do not consider myself a very religous person to be honest, it is just my opinion based on my experience and others around me.
@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
5 Apr 10
I can't. There is my faith that is there, but I also love history. I do not doubt that the Bible was started as an original document of the coming and life of Christ, but I also believe it was changed through translation and even by the church itself. I do not hold a lot of stock in organized religion, yet we still need a teacher to guide us. Here is where I struggle. I have visited many churches and even those of different denomiations. I do believe there is a higher power that guides us. Not an angry God but one that forgives. We each need to choose our own path and life with ourselves tomorrow. These are the things that I live my life by.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Apr 10
Hi kprofgames, Thanks for sharing and I feel that we think very much alike. Blessings.
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
5 Apr 10
Know what I find kind of funny, I was reading through this again today, because I find it interesting peoples views, I especially appreciate Barehugs views, he is a wonderful person, with a beautiful view of God and Life. Anyways, of all the answers, there were about 4, that said I know it is true because....many said I know it is true, and I know it is false, very few included because. Also, I wanted to share with you, a sign of those days, as described to me by a member of LDS. It made me laugh the other day. He said, "Everything is well and fine, right up until the Church, calls in all the missionaries, then you had better look out." Just amused me to no ends, at the time though, we were discussing their odd, affinity for being prepared. With appreciation.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Apr 10
Hi CJscott, Thanks for coming here again and I do share your amusement. I heard that the LDS had some trouble a couple of years ago because someone was misbehaving and their prophet didn't know about it as you would expect him to. A lot of people lost faith and sadly, one person even hanged himself. I guess they found a way around that one just as all churches do. The Mormons do teach a good way of life and I guess the Book of Mormon is as reliable as much of the Bible. Blessings.
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
4 Apr 10
I think I have a two or three part answer that may best serve you in your quest. The first being, that the ideas and principles and guidelines portrayed in the Bible, such as service to others, kindness, forgiveness, etc, have time and again been proven to be the best, and most prosperous way's to live our lives. So, in that sense, the main "morals" for lack of a current better term, are a great way to live your life. Second, there is scientific evidence that supports some of the Bible stories, and documentation that has survived the centuries, and offer unbiased verification of these truths - but there is just as much evidence to disprove it, so it would rely totally on your faith of said scientists, and I would like to know who pays them, before I decide how relevant their information is to me. Third, and my personal choice, and where my belief in the Bible, as well as the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. Is I Prayed, with a sincere heart, and serious intent, in the Name of Jesus Christ, to know the truth, and it was manifested unto me by the confirmation of the Holy Spirit. This of course, is what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Missionaries teach investigators to do, and, if you pray and do not get confirmation, they will go their way, has yet to happen though, as far as I am aware, if one is to pray in that fashion. In essence, follow the guide lines of the Bible, and Ask your Heavenly Father. With Appreciation
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Apr 10
Hi Scott, Thank you for commenting and I appreciate your sincerity. I agree completely with the first part of your statement, although I can't accept the Bible literally. I think it is certainly true of the teachings of Jesus in the sermon on the mount. I really haven't heard of any scientific evidence for the Bible unless there is a religious connection somewhere. I have read for example, that there is absolutely no proof that King David ever lived, and if he did he could not have been the great leader that he is portrayed to have been in the Bible. There really isn't much proof that Jesus lived outside of what we are told in the Bible, however I find it difficult to think that Christianity is founded on a myth. Your third point is one that I considered about fifty years ago. One of my sisters converted to the LDS church and eventually all her family followed. Later one of my brothers also converted but none of his family followed him. I was a young man at the time and decided to give it some serious thought. I took lessons from the missionaries, read the Joseph Smith story and the other books that you've mentioned. I also prayed about it but there was nothing there for me, in fact I felt strongly that it wasn't true. I returned to traditional Christianity but eventually lost faith in that as well. Another brother also joined the Mormon Church and was a faithful member for four or five years. He suddenly dropped it all saying that he could no longer believe it. I feel that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints teach a good way of life but am at odds with them on the issue of homosexuality as I'm firmly convinced that Gays are born that way. I have my own beliefs today which accepts the good in all world religions. I also feel that we are here to experience life as physical beings and our work here is to make this life better for everyone we meet. Life itself is a prayer and I leave the rest to a power greater than any of us. Blessings.
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
5 Apr 10
I have seen documentaries and other biased videos on the Discovery and Learning channels over the years, that try to recreate events, and exam all sorts of geographical phenomena. I saw one that showed, how, an earth quake could have caused the sea to divide, the bible doesn't say, that there was pillars of waters, just that the waters parted, and they claim, that an earth quake, in a region fairly far, cause the seas to recede and let a sand bar emerge, and then when the land resettled, to come back...Things like that, but I don't give them much merit, because I don't know who is paying them to produce these videos, and it has been years. - There is no proof that Kind David didn't live either. Much proof of Jesus, here I always thought his name was on some ancient Roman record or something. If you prayed, and did not feel confirmation, then you did what was asked of you and received the answer you needed. Good morals in that book as well. So long as you are strong in your believes, keep the commandments, Love the Lord your God, and Jesus Christ. Then the rest doesn't really matter. Because you will be blessed for what you do. But like I said before, and I am just repeating what Jesus says, Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto ye. Or something like that. Sincere heart, and serious intent. That could use a bit of explaining, and you are far older and seemingly far wiser then I am, so for the sake of the younger people that are curious and wish to know what I mean by that. Sincere Heart, means to me truly wanting to know, for your own reasons, not to prove others wrong, or to hurt people, but to just know. Serious Intent, means to me, having decided before hand, that you will act on whatever information you find, be it what you were seeking or otherwise, for the highest good of yourself and all concerned. With appreciation.
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
5 Apr 10
Hi Pose, I believe that the Bible is true, and though I know there are some inconsistencies in some parts of it, I still prefer to believe it because for me, it gives me the wisdom to know right from wrong, and it guides me whenever I feel lost, and helps me make better choices/decisions as it teaches more of good things, and that's what I want to follow.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Apr 10
Hi doryvien, Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I too believe that there is much that is good in the Bible but I think it is found mainly in the teachings of Christ himself. It would be a wonderful world for example, if everyone followed the golden rule. Blessings.
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
The truth is probably how you depict and relate the events to history and your life, but the more important question is have you truly read the Bible and truly made ways to understand it? Before you doubt your religion and your faith, learn more about it. There's nothing wrong about trying to know more, and then perhaps after learning the truth then you could decide whether it is true or not.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Apr 10
Hi choybel, Thank you for commenting. I have read the Bible many times there is much that is good in it. The problem as I see it is that people have been indoctrinated and really don't know why they believe it. Blessings.
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
i believe it that it is true because many scriptures in bible are really happening and if you will observe every line or scripture you can really say that it is for real
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Apr 10
Hi jiraiyasanin, Thank you for your comment but I really don't see that at all. Follow the teachings of Jesus in the sermon on the mount and make this a better world for everyone. Blessings.