The qualities of a Good wife.

United Arab Emirates
April 5, 2010 2:12am CST
I belieive that for a marriage to work, a wife should have good qualities. She should be able to be able to cope up with whatever she has to face during marriage. She should give her husband the support he needs when things go wrong for him, for example, when the financial situation in home gets really bad. Also she should be able to keep a good home so that a husband will always want to come home and not go out. This is what I think, what do you feel about it.
6 responses
• Philippines
7 Apr 10
100% agree with you. and im adding my responsibilities as a mom too...
• United Arab Emirates
7 Apr 10
It nice to know that you agree, that is why the same reason that a marriage can work, and also yes being a good wife also adds to a good mom too.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
5 Apr 10
I guess that varies from person to person/marriage to marriage really...FOR ME PERSONALLY my being a good wife is no different to my husband being a good husband which is also no different to being a good partner in general...Compassion, understanding, great communication, acceptance, unconditional love, equality on all levels and so on are all IMO key componants to being a good partner
• United Arab Emirates
6 Apr 10
I agree with you your comment. What I meant is the basic qualities, and the rest of it goes with what you have said.
@Galena (9110)
5 Apr 10
I think that the qualities of a good wife are the same as the qualities of a good husband. to be caring. to love completely. to be supportive and to do his or her fair share of the workload. both in and out of the household. I don't think that you need different qualities dependant on your gender.
• United Arab Emirates
6 Apr 10
Well I respect your opinion but I started this discussion not to discriminate any gender. Yes I dont say that a woman should slog all day and a husband to do nothing. I am only commenting on qualities of a wife. The other part goes with marriage.
@ghieptc (2522)
• Philippines
5 Apr 10
Good qualities of a good wife is she is loving and took good care of the needs of the children. She take care the husband, household choir.
• Philippines
15 Jul 10
A virtuous woman always is a good wife... The bible describes her in Proverbs 31.
• Philippines
5 Apr 10
You're absolutely right that a wife should have good qualities.
• United Arab Emirates
6 Apr 10
It is nice to have a reply in the positive approach. Thanks