If your in PAIN, how do manage it? Dou you take medications immediately?

@greyz7 (859)
April 5, 2010 7:08pm CST
last night i had an abdominal pain, because i have eaten lots of different kinds of food from late afternoon up to dinner...i just didn't mind the pain..but as time goes by, the pain really worsen and i can't take it anymore, that's the time i took a medication. gladly i was relieved. how about you? do you take pain reliever immediately or just wait for the pain to worsen?
3 responses
@elamel (127)
• Philippines
6 Apr 10
i will wait for about a couple of hours and after that if the pain is still there then that will be the time i need to took a medication.
@greyz7 (859)
• Philippines
6 Apr 10
hi, yeah! we are the same, taking medications when can't handle it anymore.
@bagputza (504)
• Belgium
6 Apr 10
Good mornuing dear friend Greyz , well i am usually pretty tough when it co come to been in pain my friend , but when we talk about tooth pain then there i have my certain limmits because , i used to have nights where i used to tooked five , six even seven pills pof anti - pain and still had no effect on me , still was in a verry big and roughlless pain tooth , but i think i was passing trough all of that pain because it was the Bigg Mental Nerves tooth , and when you have to change that one , hold on tight my friend cause you might need somn sleeping pills an,d really good ones with immediat effect ...because if i'd of ha my hands on a little box i would of drinked those pills in zipp of seconnd dear friend , so i guess i am not that ressisting to toothpain , but i cann still go to work if i dont have a big carriees that buggz my nerves lolz. Have a nice day dear Greyz7
@greyz7 (859)
• Philippines
6 Apr 10
hi there bagputza. well , a toothache is considered as really as the most painful..a pain reliever should really be taken for that matter..because it really hinders you from work and a lot of stuffs.
@trotter (102)
• China
6 Apr 10
i have abdominal pains on occasion.but most of them are not very serious.i seldom take medicines immediately such as painkillers as many tablets have side effects. besides,i usually have a good rest and drink some water when in pain,and both of them are quite helpful to release the pain.