If its your last day on earth, how will you spend it?

@setsuna26 (2751)
April 8, 2010 10:25am CST
If its going to be my last day on earth i will have to choose to be with my family, my parents telling them how much i love them how much i care and that they are precious to me more than anything .I will tell them how much i appreciate their efforts ,the love that they gave me ,attention and the lessons of life. And if i still have some hours left then maybe i will give some to my friends too, thanking them for all the lessons, the laughters and the tears that we shared .Too much to do too little time hahaha its always so bad to say goodbye to people whom you care so much. What about my friends? how will you spend your day if its going to be your last one?
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30 responses
@Bhemzky (423)
• Philippines
8 Apr 10
I think I've answered this already. I will spend the rest of my remaining life with my family and loved ones. I will make the most of it and try to be happy no matter what. I will do everything to make all of them happy also.
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@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
8 Apr 10
Well if you already answered the same question before im even more grateful to you now that you gave me this chance to know your thoughts bout this matter.Truly being with our loved ones will be the best choice nothing compares to the feeling of being loved and thats what most of our families are making us feel. Again thank you and hope to see more of your ideas in mylot. God bless
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@arunvenu (273)
• India
8 Apr 10
If it's the last day i will have a few drinks and go to my lover and just be with her for the whole day
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@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
8 Apr 10
Cool! then you have to tell this lover of yours how much you care and that you enjoyed your time and the companion that he/she gave you.A sad question but it makes us realize how much the people around us means to us by these kinds of situational question. Thanks for the comment and have a great day
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• Philippines
8 Apr 10
i will just order all of my favorite food and eat then i will not going to sleep as i will going to go around the city even if its already night time so perhaps i will die in the car while watching those lovely scenery. of course i will also going to spend whole day with family and friends and have a big party together and invite everyone. though i know we only live once but i wish to live longer for my baby as i know by baby need me more now.
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@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
8 Apr 10
I can just imagine the rush in your mind, its like too many to do, to many to prepare and too many to lose as well .Saying goodbye to just about anybody is really hard specially if you deeply love someone and its true we just get to live once thats why we need to cherish all the time that we have together .I feel sad whenever i hear people dying without even able to talk to their love ones like the ones dying in accidents,im hoping and praying that nobody anymore will be feeling those kinds of stuff but all we can do is pray for the best. Thanks for sharing again my friend
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• Philippines
8 Apr 10
If it's my last day i'll spend it with my family and loved ones and pray for forgiveness.
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@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
8 Apr 10
Yeah,if your lucky and you were warned that this is your last day then i too will spend it with family and ask forgiveness as well.Show everybody how much i care for them and make them realize that i appreciate everything that they did to me.Simple yet meaningful answer thank you frontvisions. Have a great day too
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• Philippines
8 Apr 10
Hi there setsuna, Well we do have the same point in here,if it's my last day on earth ,i would definitely spend it with my family especially my daughter,telling them how much i love them,thankful that they are my family & for everything that they have done to & i will hug my baby so tight & will ask forgiveness to her that i won't be able to be with her anymore. It would be very hard but i will make the most of it...& of course i will not forget my friends, if no chance to see them as i want to spend it with my family then i will call them & thank them for standing for me in any walks of life & that i am so thankful that they are my friends...
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
8 Apr 10
Yeah, thinking bout that kind of scenario is really sad indeed but talking about it in mylot is more like a reality check for all of us, bout how much we care for our loved ones and how much we feel for them. I just cant get enough reading responses and sharing my own thoughts too when it comes to these kinds of questions. Thank you again for your time and for your honest and meaningful answer too
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@sheanne (440)
• Philippines
8 Apr 10
Hello setsuna, I think I'll be spending my last day with my loved ones. I agree with you I'll do the same as what you mentioned. And will try to recall and will be talking all the good and happy things we had in life. Will phone and thank to people who'd been good to me and lastly I'll say sorry to all the people I offended to and asked forgiveness.
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@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
8 Apr 10
Yeah , can you just imagine trying to squeeze everything in just one day! its going to be so hard for us to say everything in just one day, show them how much you care for them, show them how much you appreciate them,sad but some people dont even get the chance to tell their love ones how much they care. Have a good day my friend and thanks for sharing
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@globell45 (142)
• United States
8 Apr 10
If it were my last day on Earth, I would first start out my day with God and thank Him for all He has given me. Secondly, I would want to be with my family and make up with all who I have a problem with. Lastly I would want to do something I love for a few hours that would give me some fun......like going to the casino and trying to win a little money to leave my family.
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
Yeah spending time with God and family are the best choice to go indeed maybe i can also include some like eating my favorite food and all but overall i think reflecting more on your life will be great too not to mention makes you feel good too. Thanks for sharing your time and effort with this discussion
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Apr 10
I'd be going and doing something that makes me happy, that's for sure!
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@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Apr 10
I didn't specify on purpose. lol I'm torn right now between wanting to spend time with the children and with somebody I care about whom I've never met.
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
And so the question goes what kind of things would that be? like being with family? spending some time with friends, and tending to your needs too? like eating your favorite food etc etc. There are just tons of stuff that we can do specially if we already know thats our last, thanks for sharing
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@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
Wow thats something new for me. I would want to know more of what you feel right now lol . Nah thats just fine with me im glad that your able to share some of your thoughts at least that all that i need to know ;) Thank you again
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@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
8 Apr 10
if it is my last day on earth i do not want to know it is my last day on earth. that would just be too sad and too hard to take. ignorance is bliss when it comes to some things.
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@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
So you just want it to be a surprise? like it will just happen without you knowing it or something like that? you have a point there in that case you should be prepared for everything too, like your heart and soul because any day will be THAT day. God bless and have a great day a head of you
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
10 Apr 10
seriously, if i know it will be my last day on earth, i will kneel down and pray and ask God to make me worthy to enter heaven. i don't wanna go anywhere else. and of course i will pray together with my loved ones. but i think your question is if it is my last day one earth and not necessarily the end of the world. but i will still do the same. i will just pray.
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@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
10 Apr 10
Asking for forgiveness is such a great deed.Facing God and humbly asking for forgiveness and maybe thanking him for the chance to be with your family, the chance to have alot of friends is given to us. A whole day is not enough to thank God for all the blessing , but the fact that he knows you appreciate the blessings will be enough for him to bless us some more. Thanks for sharing my friend
@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
Well if it is the day I'll talk to my love one and family and friends. I'll ask for their forgiveness telling them that they are especial to me. But if i didn't know what time of the day I am going, i better spend my last minutes asking for forgiveness to the Lord taking to Him to beg Him for forgiveness. So that i have a chance to see and go to heaven.
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@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
Thats so sweet of you to be with your family and ask for forgiveness for whatever it is that you've done.Me too id rather spend my time with my family making them happy at least for the very last time and enjoying most of my time with them as well. Praying to God and asking for forgiveness and mercy is one great deed too. Im sure God will be pleased to know that his son /daughter is ready to come back to him and be with him as well. Thanks for the time and sharing your thoughts with this topic
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
10 Apr 10
i would probably dance in the rain knowing that i'v done my best. i would probably shampoo my hair as well as i dance around and i'm sure my family would too.
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@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
11 Apr 10
seems crazy though. something unconventional. but thought that would be a great time to remember for a long time. thanks pal.
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
Yeah seems crazy but hey what makes us feel good is what matters the most. No need to pay attention to what other people will say to us at all. Im glad that im able to share these kinds of ideas with you my friend
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
10 Apr 10
Yeah its more like enjoying your few last hours with what you like doing the most. And its a good thing that you want you family to be with you as well while you do your thing. That will make them see how much you care for them too and at the same time make them appreciate the fact that you like giving your special last time with them. Family always brings out the best in us, thanks for sharing
• United States
8 Apr 10
I wanna go to the private beach and enjoy the day with family and friends..watch the sunset,pray together with family, be thankful for all the blessings I got and ask for one more chance to live longer.
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@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
That would be definitely fun! Like we will be able to explore more and enjoy the time with family but keep in mind that you should cherish every minute because they are they last that you will have then. And thats the time where in you will realize how important these people are to you . ;)
• Indonesia
9 Apr 10
If its going to be the last day of the end of day than I will : 1. Always calm and realize that this is the day of Judgement. 2. Willing to accept whatever happens 3. As a Cristian pray and gather with family until the day end That what will I do.
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@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
Just as i thought spending the time with family will the best choice to spend your last day on earth with the people whom loves you the most will be a great way to wait until the last minute of your life indeed. To share your true feelings with them to tell them how much you care and tell them how you appreciate the love that they gave you! everything will be priceless that way. Thanks for allowing me to hear your thoughts and im hoping to see more of you in the coming topics of mine
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
If it is my last day on earth I would probably spend it with my family and friends. I will cherish the unforgettable moments with them.
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
Yes telling them how much you care and how much you feel for them is the best way to go. And maybe you can exchange some more smile and laughs with them too.And then tell friends how much you care for them too, asking for forgiveness for all the people you've done wrong with 24 hours is too short to give to all the people whom we love. Hey thanks alot for sharing your opinion and how to hear more of your thoughts in my next topics too
• China
9 Apr 10
Well,my last day on the earth,so it means that I would go to the other planet ,right?Let me think it over.I think I would choose sleeping to spend this special day certainly.And when I wake up,I have arrived another home with my family certainly.Just kidding.If it's my last one,I will certainly spend it with my family .That neddn't think it at all.
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
You got me there! i thought you got the wrong question lol . Well thats the way to go indeed spend with family and giving them some quality time and making them feel good and making them feel that you appreciate everything that they've done to you .Sad but thats life sometimes we need to say goodbye to people we love the most. Glad to see you again my amber! have a great day!
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@ghieptc (2522)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
Last day on earth. I'll invent a space craft going to Mars. I'll stack food on the spaceship and technology gadget that I can used. I will create a space center near Mars because Earth will be destroy.
@ghieptc (2522)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
If this last day of my life. We have to pray and hug my family. Surf the internet and say bye friends.
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@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
Yeah, i thought you really got it all wrong a while ago good thing you posted one more .Yeah praying with loved ones and being with them will be a great idea. And for the friends that you just cant visit anymore using the internet to say goodbye will be a good idea indeed! thanks for sharing and have a great day my friend
@siliguri (4241)
• India
9 Apr 10
If i know that 24 hours left of my life..then i want to spend this 24 hours for praying to god..and asking him not to send me in hell..please send me in heaven..
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
I like that too, you will be asking for forgiveness for just bout every sin that you've committed and maybe you should include some quality time for your family too because this is the chance that you get to say your goodbyes to them as well. And maybe a few minutes for your friends too . Thanks for sharing with me
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
I don't know, I'm still not thinking obout it and I'm not yet prepared. Still want to do more things.
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
Thats why i asked you bout this hypothetical question for you to give me a hypothetical answer too, i just want to know what will it be that you will be prioritizing . I have some suggestion for you try giving some time for your family and every loved ones that you have too! Give them quality time so that you wont be sorry when you leave them behind. Hope to hear more of your thoughts and ideas my friend
• South Korea
14 Apr 10
Well maybe I will 1.Hug my mom,dad,sister and brother really really tight..and whisper that I love them so much. 2.Pray for forgiveness. 3.Sleep the remaining time...and never wake up... lol
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
Thats just so sweet of you. I mean considering that you want to spend most of your last days with your parents and family, a sad day indeed but im pretty sure that you will be feeling good because you will be with your family even in your last few hours.That so noble of you as well. Thanks for joining and hope to see more of you too