If you could have any Superpower what would you want and why?

United States
April 8, 2010 7:45pm CST
Do you ever wish that you could have superpowers to accomplish a particular goal? I used to watch the show Heroes where in the future many citizens had superpowers. I personally would want the ability to turn into a Super Saiyan or maybe to have the ability to seduce women. =) What would you guys choose?
5 responses
• United States
9 Apr 10
I would want the ability to disappear and be any where else in a split seccond. this way if I needed to get a way it wouldn't cost me any money to fly or drive I could just poof and be there.
• United States
9 Apr 10
Teleportation is a pretty cool ability. Have you seen the movie Jumper? You could do a lot with that kind of power. Also you would save a lot of money in transportation!! Good one! =)
@ada8may21 (2405)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
Yes I've watched that movie and that's what kind of power I would like to have if ever given a chance. With that kind of ability, Just like you, crysontherocks I could have travel around the world and maybe other planet is just a split of seconds. That would be very wonderful power.;
• United States
9 Apr 10
with being so pretty i've done a lot of driving in the last week or so and i've sun burnt my arm so having that power would be totally awesome. Also I was thinking about being invisible as well like a coupld of stated. I tend just need to be by myself and if no one knew I was there then that would work better..... but then again if i had the ability to "Jump" as you say then I wouldn't need the invisiblity ray......
• United States
9 Apr 10
I would like invisibility. I love observing the way people are when they think no one is looking. Also, I would like lasers to shoot out of my eyes, green ones. I don't care if they actually do anything, I just think it'd be purdy.
• United States
9 Apr 10
Cool. You'd be an invisible person that shot out green lasers. That would be deadly as you could operate covertly. They wouldn't be "purdy" because you wouldn't be able to see them because you'd be invisible silly!! Have you seen the movie Invisible Man or listened to the song "Invisible" by Clay Aiken?
• United States
11 Apr 10
Lol. It is true that some people do not like Clay Aiken and I have no idea why. Being a fly on someone's wall is kind of creepy. I just wonder what it specifically is about him that makes him so strange. I heard that he is gay but I thought that gay people were lovable. What do you think?
• United States
11 Apr 10
They'd be lovely invisible green lasers! Maybe these powers shouldn't be used in tandem... I've never seen the movie, though I've heard I should. Clay Aiken makes my tummy feel funny so I don't listen to him. Something about his voice just makes me angry and ill.
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
if i could have a super power then i wish to read everyone's mind so that i will know what are they thinking if its agaisnt me or not so i can prepare. and also so i can read the mind of those politician and other leaders to the country.
• United States
9 Apr 10
With that power no one would be able to outsmart you. You would know how to beat all your opponents. That would make you a strong superhero. Would you use your superpowers for good or for evil?
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
I want the ability to steal the other abilities. I'll steal everyone else's abilities so that i'm the only one left that has superpowers. Ha ha
• United States
9 Apr 10
You're just like Peter and Sylar from "Heroes" and Rogue from "X-Men". That would work if there were multiple powers out there. What if you were the only one with power? Then that would make your power useless. Good thought though. ;)
• China
9 Apr 10
When i was kids then i thought that i could get any super power. But now i know that's not possible that's why never want like that. But i really could have any superpower then i want a power that will help me to reach any place within second. Because i stay abroad and i really miss my parents. Then anytime i can go to my home and meet my family. More over i can visit all the beautiful place in this world. Wow. By the way your wish is evil wish.
• United States
9 Apr 10
Lol, I know superpowers aren't real but I guess it's fun to dream sometimes, even as an adult. You are thinking of the ability to teleport. Teleportation is pretty, just like Nightcrawler from X-men or Hiro from the show "Heroes." I know my superpowers are pretty evil I'd be a good Super Saiyin. ;)