I never ever give up! I want it bed enough to keep trying, what about you?

@34momma (13882)
United States
April 11, 2010 11:28am CST
A few years ago i started a website. it didn't go so well and in a few months i took it down. A few years later i am going back at it. I have a great web designer working on the site (my wonderful son). I have really worked my a$$ off to put it all together. In a few months i will have it up and running! I know this time it will be great. What is something you want and will do whatever it takes to make it happen for yourself?
3 responses
@Rhazelle (356)
• Canada
11 Apr 10
Finding my true love. Corny but true. That is what I strive for and will keep looking for no matter what.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
11 Apr 10
that is so not corny!!! finding true love is amazing. that one person that means everything to you and you can share your lives together. nothing corny about that.
11 Apr 10
Well done on not giving up, there are a few things that I want to do right now but its going to take time to save money, so thats what I am doing right now, working hard and trying to save as much money as possible! I want to go travelling around america and australia, so yeah need as much money as I can scrape together, but the saving is going good so I know I will get there! Well done on your positive attitude! Whats the website for?
@34momma (13882)
• United States
11 Apr 10
saving money is the in thing to do! good for you Auntiescarf! i have so changed my spending habits so i can start putting more money away. and i must say, i am very proud of myself. things are going really well. well i am working on two sites right now. one is a blog and it's for women. what's the latest things in fashion and what's the best way to bake a cake, just all things we as women want to know. i will also allow women to submit their stories and ideas. recipes and other things. my other site is a downline builder. i have been working with some of the best sites on line for over 5 years now. So i am in the process of creating a site that will promote all of those sites from my site. just a way to make it easier for others to promote those sites by just promoting my site. I got some work to do, but it feels good watching it coming to life
@common_man (1799)
• India
11 Apr 10
Hi I like your attitude of not giving up and keeping on trying for the thing you want in life. At present there is nothing that much important in my life. Wish your new web site will bring you what you want to achieve through it.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
11 Apr 10
thanks common man. i am really serious about making this work. not only for me but for all of those who want to join me. my mission will be to make sure they are all successful which in turn will make me successful.