I saw a horrible motorcycle accident yesterday.

@mentalward (14690)
United States
April 13, 2010 6:54am CST
I was driving home from dropping my husband off at the dentist's office because he was pre-medicated with strong narcotics because he was having surgery. On my way home, I had to stop for what at first appeared to be a traffic jam but turned out to be an auto accident between an SUV and a motorcycle. Off in the distance (not far, though) I heard an ambulance coming. Police were directing us all around this mess. As I passed by, I saw the guy who had been on the motorcycle. He was lying very still and didn't open his eyes. No one was doing anything for him; they were all just standing around. This happened at the intersection where my bank is located. I was going into the bank to pick up some penny rolls, so I had to pass this accident again when leaving the bank. The guy was still not moving and the paramedics seemed to be taking their time about getting the stretcher out of the ambulance. Still, no one was working on this guy lying on the ground. I think he was dead. It made me think about the reasons why I never want to hear that my sons have bought a motorcycle. Heck, I don't even want to hear that they've been on one! I saw another guy die after being hit by a car while on his motorcycle, many years ago. I have a good friend who has had two major accidents while driving his motorcycle (a Harley at that!). One of those accidents almost killed him. Both times, he slid on gravel. Now, I've seen careful motorcyclists but the majority I've noticed do not pay much attention to driving laws. They speed, weave in and out of traffic, do not signal turns, etc. So, it's not always the fault of the other driver not seeing them. Do you drive one or know someone who drives one? What are your thoughts about the safety or, rather, non-safety associated with them? Have you ever been in a motorcycle accident or do you know someone who was? What are your thoughts about them?
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21 responses
@mac_fish (723)
• China
13 Apr 10
Hi,mentalward I quite understand u as a witness of an traffic accident,I know ur feeling,maybe u were frightened by that scene and it will cost couple of days to get that sort of enmotion. I also understand why u will never buy ur kid a motosycle,I do construe it as the most dangerous transportation in the world,even it's on high speed.Apparently,it doesnt get shell , seatbelt,SRS,ABS..... what's worse,it can run in quite a high speed...
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
13 Apr 10
I wasn't frightened by this accident. I've seen worse but never with a motorcycle involved except for that one time I saw a guy die after being hit by a car. He was not wearing a helmet. This accident just reinforced my feelings about motorcycles in general. You are very right about them not being safe as far as safety features go. Having a helmet on, and a good one at that, might prevent a fatal head injury but, then again, it might not. I have nothing against motorcycles or the people who love to drive them. I just wish ALL drivers would obey all the driving laws and use caution whenever they're on the road. There would be much fewer accidents if that would happen.
@OConnell87 (1042)
13 Apr 10
My mum used to live in athens when she was a teenager and she said the main transport was mopeds and no one wore helmets and sometimes rode with an extra person hanging on the bag at high speed through very busy main roads. I think this is very careless to put your life at risk. I will never get on on a main road but in a car park maybe i would just test drive one
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@smacksman (6053)
14 Apr 10
It is very upsetting to see an accident and worse when someone is badly hurt. I rode bikes as a young man for the simple reason that in the UK you could ride a bike a year before you could drive a car. Later, I had a bike simply because they were cheaper to run. I was knocked off a few times. The driver simply didn't see me and pulled out. The reaction of the hospital and police was the same each time - motorcycle; therefore I must be in the wrong!
@smacksman (6053)
14 Apr 10
True. My wife grows horns every time she gets behind the wheel!!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
14 Apr 10
That is just plain wrong! No one should assume fault without knowing all the facts. I've had friends with motorcycles tell me of numerous occasions when cars would pull out in front of them or cut them off as if they weren't even there. I've seen many bikers who had no regard for any of the traffic laws but I've also seen way too many stupid drivers of 4-wheeled vehicles. It boggles my mind to see just how many people (in cars, trucks or SUVs) can't even drive in a straight line and constantly weave back and forth in one lane, crossing lines for no obvious reasons. What worries me most is that the bikers have no protection, other than a helmet if they're wearing one, against massive injuries that can happen in a motor vehicle accident. Most accidents will never stop unless everyone learns to obey all the traffic laws, no matter what vehicle they're driving. It really makes one think when we realize that a person's true personality is prominently displayed when they're driving. It's scary to know that there are so many almost violently aggressive people out there.
• United States
13 Apr 10
I am sorry you had to see that but mentalward that is life you live life to see the dangers of it every once in a while i to seen horrible car accidents its bad to see but it makes you think about how important life really is all we can do it thank god that it wasn't one of us and bless that person for taking the risk of driving a motorcycle
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
13 Apr 10
Whenever I see an auto accident, I feel so bad for anyone who is hurt. I know it's all a part of life but I don't have to like it. I've always been overly empathetic and very often will physically feel the pain that others are feeling. I am always telling people, like my husband (he feels that he can drive as fast as he wants as long as traffic isn't heavy), that the traffic laws are there to protect us but it seems more evident all the time that people just don't care about things like red lights, speed limits or yielding the right-of-way. Things like this do make me very aware of how lucky I've been and I can appreciate the little things that life offers. I never take anything for granted. I used to get upset that I couldn't walk much without bad back pain but then I think of those who cannot walk at all and I'm thankful.
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
I'm scared of riding on a motorcycle because I have heard and seen actual accidents which involved this vehicle. When my husband bought one before our wedding day, I was hesitant yet he convinced me to approve. Everytime he uses the motorcycle, I do whisper fervent prayers for his safety, I was always worried about him. Unfortunately, his motorcycle which was parked outside a certain grocery store was stolen by unknown strangers. I was also sad upon knowing the news but at the same time, I was thankful & happy that it's already gone though it broke my hubby's heart for he's really attached to his belonging. Maybe God spared him from an impending accident that happened 3 days after. His co-worker was seriously injured when a car suddenly hit his motorcycle and to think, that guy was my hubby's usual companion every time he travels the road back home. Yeah, everything has a reason. God is so good...
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
13 Apr 10
I like to believe that everything happens for a reason but sometimes I just can't see what that reason might be. However, it sounds like your husband's motorcycle being stolen was a gift in disguise, for you at least. You didn't have to worry about him having an accident anymore. Accidents happen with any kind of vehicle but it seems like the worst ones happen to motorcycle drivers, whether they are at fault or not. I like having all that metal surrounding me when I am traveling at speeds much faster than I can walk! I feel SOOOO much safer!
• China
13 Apr 10
I've been in an accident 2 years ago. It was a nightmare.I just scared 2 talk about it. It bings me back 2 that day. I wish it will nerver happen 2 me again like that. And I hope everyone take an eye on themself when they're driving
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
13 Apr 10
Hi cerkeevans and welcome to myLot! I hope you like it here. It's a pretty nice place to hang out. I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. I know that they are never nice but the first one always seems to be the worst. The fear will fade after awhile, although you will never forget it. I had an accident in the rain once and couldn't drive in the rain for years afterward but I can now. It just made me extra cautious while driving. I think something should be done to make sure that all drivers obey the laws and use caution at all times. It seems like more and more people disregard the laws and always seem to be in a big hurry. They forget how easy it is to have an accident. Take care of yourself and enjoy being a member here. I'm glad to meet you.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
13 Apr 10
I have ridden on a motorcycle. I use to have a few of them. I like motor cycles. I like riding them. I have seen accidents. A friend of mine was in an accident on his. The pavement was uneven and he hit the bad part and went for a tumble on the interstate. Bikes are nice. The riders are not always as careful as they should be. Some of the 4 wheel drivers and others are careless towards them as well. Motor cycles are not bad vehicles. It's some of the drivers that are careless as well as other drivers that do not want to acknowledge them or watch out for them. Not all people that ride motor cycles are careless. I know many riders that are very careful drivers.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
13 Apr 10
I agree with you that not all drivers are bad. It's the bad ones that make it miserable for everyone else, no matter what they're driving. I've noticed a drastic increase in people breaking traffic laws since I've been driving. I used to love driving and often drove hundreds of miles just for the fun of it but, these days, it's the bad drivers that make me stay home more often. I heard something once that makes a lot of sense. A person's true personality comes out when they're driving. Since I heard that, I've watched people and the way they drove. It's very true! It's also very scary to realize that the number of bad drivers and road rage is growing all the time.
@AmbiePam (96508)
• United States
16 Apr 10
I don't want one, and I hope someone I love never rides one. My mom said my dad had a motorcycle when they first got married. They both worked, but only had one car. For a while my mom took bus transportation to her job, but that ended up not working for various reasons. My dad really didn't like her riding the bus alone (she was really young, and at the time they lived in a really big city). So my dad gave my mom the car, and bought a five year old motorcycle from one of his friends. My mom hated that he had it, but they really didn't have much choice. After two years mom had my older sister, and my mom quit her job to stay home with her. So my dad got the car back, and they sold the motorcycle. My said she was very relieved.
@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
22 Apr 10
In August of 1980, I was driving home talking to Maggiepie. We were sitting at a light when this guy on a motorcycle pulled up next to us. It was REALLY loud and we were no real happy with the noise factor. When the light turned green, he took off, and we were happy to see him take his noisy motorcycle away. Now, he may have been speeding a bit, but honestly, on a quiet Sunday afternoon, on that stretch of road, I would probably be speeding too, but my old car didn't have that great a pick up. Anyway, at the next light - that was the entrance to the State mental hospital, a van turned right in front of the guy on the bike, he swerved to try and miss it, but still clipped the rear fender. He managed to pull the bike down rather than going head over teacups down the road. The guy in the van said he never saw the guy on the bike. The guy on the bike had right away, since the van was turning left and should've yielded. I pulled up so that the lane the guy and the motorcycle were in were blocked. The guard in the gate house called the police. A car from the other direction stopped and blocked the left turn lane. Some guys in a truck stopped too, they seemed to know the guy on the bike. Happily, the ambulance came and left after giving the bike guy some treatment for scrapes, the guys with the truck helped him load his bike on the truck, the front tire was locked up. The van guy got a ticket and we drove the bike guy home - he said that lots of bikers have the motor loud so people that don't see them can, at least HEAR them. Didn't do him much good did it?
@commanderxo (1494)
• Canada
14 Apr 10
I've never been in a motorcycle accident, nor have I ever seen one; thank God for that. Motorcycles are O.K. I suppose, but I've never really been interested in riding one. I've always liked something having four wheels...much more stability...less likely in tipping or falling over. Now the girlfriend on the other hand, just loves them...since she used to ride on the back of her friends' bikes many years ago, and I guess that "fever from her past", hasn't worn off. As a matter of fact, lately she's been talking about buying a new bike; not a Harley like she's used to, something a trifle smaller, but a bike non the less. I've spoken to her about the dangers, and how some drivers today are in too much of a hurry...but she's determined to get one; and of course she's over 21, and I'm not her father. Don't get me wrong, I like big bikes, from a distance. They look and sound great on someone else. But IF I were to get one, it would have to be one of those slightly over-sized electric scooters; something I KNOW I could handle; something where my feet could touch the ground once I stopped. That's about my speed. Heck if I got a Harley and if it ever fell over, I wouldn't be able to pick it up. If it ever fell on me...I'd be a pancake. I wouldn't NEED a car to be in an accident! Sad news it is to hear about the fellow you saw, and it's for reasons like this, that scare me about them. cdrxo
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
16 Apr 10
OMG mentalward that is an awful thing to see! Your post made me shed a couple of tears because the motorcycle subject is a very touchy one for me because my husband bought himself a motorbike not long ago and I don’t like it at all; it scares me and I know I will worry about him every time he is on the darn thing but I cannot talk him out of it so…The only consolation is that he is a cautious rider but it is what everyone else does that worries me!
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
I don't drive motorcycles, and I don't ride them. I think it's just too risky to ride one. Motorcycles are a fad here in our country, and you see careless drivers everywhere, just riding like they own the ride. I also hate it when I have to cross the road cause I have to really look carefully whether there's a motorcycle near me, cause sometimes they won't even stop for you. Argh. I just hate them.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
13 Apr 10
I think that's the biggest problem with them, that the majority of people who ride them do not obey the traffic laws. I've seen some who are very cautious and respectful of the laws but the majority don't seem to care. If they are on the road and there is no other traffic and also no pedestrians, I wouldn't care how they drove or how many laws they break but, as long as they are around other people, they should be respectful of those people and obey the laws.
• China
14 Apr 10
Dear Mentalward,I am very sorry to hear that. it's really a very grief thing for us to see a accident. it also remind us to drive carefully every minute.
@charylady (419)
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
in the philippines, the number of motorcycles is increasing everyday. i think about 8 out of 10 road accidents that i have seen involve motorcycles and my guess is that most of the time it is the motorcyclist's fault. my car was hit by a motorcycle when i was leaving a parking lot. i was driving slowly because of an intersection but the motorcycle driver was in a hurry and did not even slow down. fortunately i was able to stop my car but he could not stop his motorcycle and so hit my car (which had just recently been painted!). motorcyclists seem to think that they are exempt from traffic rules. when other vehicles are stopped at red lights, they go counter-flow so they can be at the front when the light turns green. they weave in and out. they overtake at the right side. they park behind your car (i almost hit one parked that way). don't they know that they are not always visible to other drivers? do you know what a 'habal-habal' is? the first time i saw one was in the outskirts of davao city. it's a motorcycle equipped with a wooden plank so as to extend the seat allowing three (sometimes four) passengers behind the driver. driver and passengers do not wear helmets!
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
14 Apr 10
I have never been in one, but have lost a couple of friends to these types of accidents. I think it is very stupid that people in a car have to wear seat belts, but someone on a motorcycle does not even have to wear a helmet. That just really makes sense. My husband bought a scooter two summers ago, and I worry all the time he is out on it. He don't ride it much anymore, I guess the newness is gone.
@pratheep87 (1227)
• India
14 Apr 10
Now a days increasing traffic is causing most accident. Infrastructure should be built to match the increasing traffic so that we can reduce the accidents.
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
I also experienced what have you seen. I am one of those riding a motorcycle daily and always afraid in Jesus name hope I am far from it. Only my husband will drive to it. I am comfortable when he is the one driving for he is so careful with it not like with others than they will let it run fast as they could. For me it is not safe to ridein this kind of vehicle but I don't have any choice for it. I don't have enough money to buy a car.
• China
14 Apr 10
I can ride motorcles now,when I studied the motorcycle,three little accident happen to me,though the accident has not injured me,my motrocycle has been spoilt,think about it now,I am really very afraid.
• Indonesia
14 Apr 10
i don't drive motorcycle because my whole family never likes it. they say it causes a lot of accident and i think that is true as well, so i never rode them before. i have a lot of friends that have been in a motorcycle accident. one was this girl on my junior high, she was hit by a motorcycle when she tried to cross the road, and the guy was also a guy that i know, because he's my senior. the girl was in comatose for a few days, and the guy was also hurt badly. and then there's this guy at my high school, i don't really know the detail of the story, but my friend that's his classmate said that he was unconscious for a week. it was just really sad, and it put me off to ever ride a motorcycle.
• Australia
14 Apr 10
I have a motorcycle in my hometown,it is so convenient that I can drive it everywhere quickly. I often saw traffic accident of motorcycle,which it is terrible.once I saw a man who the motorcycle's owner was lying on the ground near the car's type,and I can not think what happen in there a minute ago.the ground was full of blood,and had something about organic maybe. This scene alway remind me to drive carefully. The motorcycle Is not safer than car,at lease it has a iron exterier that can afford more chance to live.