Cops have NO sense of humor!!

Quebec Provincial Police or QPP for short!! - Guys who dont have a sense of humor anymore!
April 13, 2010 2:09pm CST
My 21 yr old nephew drives a red sports car. Him and his friends go out on the weekend and sometimes during the week also. He works at his dad's (my brother) company. He also likes to make fun of people but didnt we all at that age?.....or dont we for those who are his age lol. So he was with his friends at a store, they all went in of course, then came out and were having some fun, so, as a joke, they pretended they were stuffing one of the girls in the trunk of the car. No harm done, she was let out right away and they all left. A woman was witness to all this and she thought they were kidnapping this girl. She called the cops!!! Its understandable that she did, a few hours before, a woman was kidnapped coming out of a supermarket, taken and raped. My sister in law gets a phone call from the QPP (Quebec Provincial Police) they're looking for her son, my nephew!! They wont tell her why, they threaten to arrest her if she doesnt tell them where he is. Now my nephew has his own apartment, so he doesnt live with mom anymore.....he could be anywhere for all she knows!! She gives them his cell number, hangs up and right away calls him to find out WHAT the hell happened and why they're looking for him regarding something at a store. He starts laughing and tells her that it might be some goofy thing they did there. He went back to that store and the QPP were there waiting, they pulled him out of the car as soon as he got there, handcuffed him and THEN they asked questions. Of course he wasnt alone, all his friends were there and the girl also. So it was all settled and no charges were laid against him. Do you find that cops dont have a sense of humor lately? They seem to be so trigger happy, its scary. If I were 21 today, Im afraid Id be dead by now thinking back to all the stuff I did. Once I had the cops chase me because I was driving too fast and wanted to find out if they could catch me or not......they didnt but if it were today, they would have shot me. Is it the cops that cant use judgment now or is it society thats changed?
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9 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
13 Apr 10
I understand the cops wanting to take precaution but seriously! That was kind of messed up, I mean your nephew didn't do anything wrong. Sure I can understand that the joke maybe wasn't one of the best ones to play, but everyone was fine, and the woman who called police, though she did the right thing, maybe should have stopped to look for another minute, it seems like she just missed the girl being taken right back out of the trunk! It does seem like cops are all "do first ask questions later" and in some circumstances I can understand that, I can also understand them protecting themselves but for all they knew your nephew could have not been the guy to do it.. Well I hope you get what I mean! :D
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• Canada
13 Apr 10
I guess times have changed while I wasnt looking. Reading all the answers I ot here, it made me think that maybe they were right. Its just that when you're not guilty of anything and just having a good time, its quite a downer to be handcuffed. I might be over protective of my nephew......or maybe I see myself in him haha! Thanks for your reply!!
• United States
13 Apr 10
Of course being handcuffed even when you're innocent and are released shortly after would still be terrifying (especially for me), but the cops have to take those precautions. There are WAY to many stories about cops being killed while doing something that should be so fast and easy...check this video out, it is so shocking!!! (Thankfully that cop lives, but they're rarely this lucky)
• Canada
14 Apr 10
Lily, I know some cops get killed, it happened here also and its always very sad, any human life lost is sad. But there are also people killed by cops by mistake, so it goes both ways. Thanks for the link, its scary!
• United States
13 Apr 10
I don't understand the comment about 21 year old's making fun of people. I'm 21 and I think it's horrible to make fun of others, for any reason. We're suppose to be mature adults at this age. And in this case, when it comes to a POSSIBLE kidnapping, cops should not have a sense of humor! I understand that what your nephew did was just a harmless joke, but the cops don't know that--and kidnapping is a horrible, real threat these days. They have to take any and all reports seriously. They did nothing wrong in your nephew's situation (although I don't think you were trying to say they did anything wrong-I might be wrong about that though)-in possibly dangerous situations like kidnapping they HAVE to handcuff first and talk after, for their safety and the public's. I respectfully disagree that cops have no sense of humor--cops have GREAT senses of humor. It just all has to do with the situation they find themselves in. And kidnapping is not one situation where a cop can feel light hearted. I have a couple cute videos to share that you might get a laugh out of Enjoy! (The cop reading in the second one is so adorable! I feel so sorry for him, he can't stop laughing!)
• Canada
14 Apr 10
Haha, loved the link you sent. As for kids making fun of people....he's always been that way, he likes to poke fun but nothing bad. If you miss a word when you're talking, he'll burst out laughing. If you slip on ice, he'll laugh his head off. He's a happy kid and I remember being his age, I sure would make fun of people.....I must admit that I still do at times but never in a mean way.....its just fun and I dont mind if people make fun of me either. We need to laugh a little sometimes. I know kidnapping is serious.....But they werent even pretending to kidnap the girl, apparently they were wondering if a person could fit in his trunk since he has huge woofers in there, so she said she'd go in and they would know if a person could it was all done as an experiment more than a joke really. They didnt push her inside or anything, she got in as you would if you wanted to know if you could fit in the trunk of your car. But I can understand why they took it so seriously since there was a REAL kidnapping the night before. Thanks for your answer!!
• United States
14 Apr 10
I'm glad you liked the videos! :P They always make me laugh lol I understand the whole issue with your nephew not actually doing anything wrong. I'm not questioning that. But unfortunately the cops aren't aware of any of the circumstances before they get there and have a chance to talk with people. I'm glad it all got resolved! Oh, I thought you meant he likes to make fun of people like...point and laugh at overweight people kind of situations. My family and I will laugh at each other if we slip or something goofy like that happens. But I don't like to actually make fun of people in ways that could be really hurtful to them and make them feel bad.
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• Canada
16 Apr 10
Nooo, I dont mean to say he makes fun of overweight people or things like that, he just makes fun of goofy mistakes we all do at times and then he wont let you forget it anytime soon. haha. Yes I do understand the cops didnt know who he was. I guess Im over protective of my nephew and hate when something like this happens to him. Thanks!
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
13 Apr 10
I think it's a little bit of both. But I also think the cops have no choice. You mentioned the women that was raped. And sure, we all did things like that when we were in out teens and early twenties. But As I sat reading your post, I thought you were going to say Nephew was put in jail or something. As far as putting him in handcuffs and then start asking questions, they had to do that. You know your nephew but they don't. I think that was for their own protection. it's just like you can't go into an airport and jokingly say you have a bomb. I think it's better to be too careful, as long as they can release once they find he didn't do it. Imagine if you saw a crime really happen, called the poice and later on, find out the police never respoded because they thought it's probably just kids hoursing around.
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• Canada
13 Apr 10
No he wasnt taken to jail....thank God!! That would have been awful if they did that and Im sure my brother would have sued them for sure. I cant imagine being in jail when you're innocent. This is precisely whats bothering me.....If they can handcuff an innocent person, how do you know you cant end up in jail even though you're innocent. I couldnt imagine what it would be like if someone were to joke about having a bomb in an airport. My God, they'd have the SWAT team there and would probably shoot that person. As for the woman who was raped, heres a link of the story. Maybe in light of what had happened before, thats why they reacted so strongly. I know my nephew is still in shock and he probably wont be clowing around like this again. Thank you for replying.
@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
13 Apr 10
Honestly, I think that today people need to assume the worst. I have heard too many stories about someone getting kidnapped and killed, and later on people saying things like 'I saw someone lurking around, but didn't think anything of it at the time. I would rather be too cautious and find out there was no reason to worry than do nothing until after it is too late and someone has been murdered. You mentioned that another woman was taken and raped. What if someone saw that happening, maybe a struggle, and did nothing about it, assuming it was nothing. Maybe it could have been prevented if they had reacted the way the woman at the store did to your nephew and his friends.
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• United States
13 Apr 10
Also, did you hear about the guy on a plane who was arrested for making a comment about blowing up the plane? I don't think that is overreacting, either. It is necessary to take all possible threats seriously. It's not about whether they have a sense of humor, it's about appropriate times and places for joking.
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• Canada
14 Apr 10
Yes another woman was kidnapped and fortunately for her, the employees at the supermarket saw it happen and called 911. She was raped....theres link if you scroll up. I guess now is not the time to joke anymore when you're in public places. WIth the help of all of you, I can see it now. Yes it could have been a real kidnapping... but I dont think a woman would be laughing her head off if she were kidnapped. Its still has to do with the woman who called. But my nephew says he wants to forget about it and move on. He was shaken. Thanks for replying
@maxilimian (3099)
• Indonesia
14 Apr 10
The curiousity of cop i think, so the cop didn't guilty, the curiousity of the cop help them in fact in the field, so if the misunderstood of the cop with your nephew problem is reasonable and right, how if it is real happen on other people, i mean not your nephew on the field ... The cop should settle their duty, i think it was a lesson too not to be kidding with the cop It's too dangerous, since cop duty sometimes related on criminal things ....
1 person likes this
• Canada
14 Apr 10
Yes, they sure got the message now to NOT be kidding around in a public place anymore. Yes cops have a job to do and they sure do it. Thanks
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
14 Apr 10
Cops are extremely serious lately, you're right. Here if you find some wallet and decide to do the good act to bring it to a police station so the owner can get it back, they will interrogate you as if you had stolen it . I wish they had more sense of humour.
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• Canada
14 Apr 10
I know, this is exactly what I mean. At times, they seem to be nicer to criminals than honest people. Now it feels like its best to avoid the police altogether, even if you find a wallet, well dont touch it and dont try to do the right thing as you'll get in trouble. Its not the right way to go and Im sorry we're there now. Thank you!
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
14 Apr 10
This is a seriously good question. Since you are residing in Canada, you are likely no stranger to the news article after news article about Police brutality. I think it must be both, the police and society.I can understand the cops point of view however because it wasn't all that long ago that human smuggling was a big deal. Still is. Often times it is girls being hijacked and smuggled elsewhere to be forced into all sorts of crazy stuff. Using the truck of a car as a means of transport is not uncommon. As well as in the case of moving children. I have seen it, in Vancouver. It is scary but is real and happening probably as I type this. So I do not feel that this was something that the police should of laughed at anyways, even though it was the kids joking around, I understand that but I also know the real life tragedies occurring right under our noses that are not a joke but real life trauma for some. Thank full y we do have cops that take this kind of report as seriously as it could of been. No offense to your or your son and his friends.
• Canada
14 Apr 10
Yes there are lots of police brutality here and the courts are kept very busy lately. They seem to shoot and ask questions later. I guess we're lucky they didnt shoot my nephew first!!!! Yes lots of girls are being kidnapped and taken out of the country. But thats always been going on. I remember as a kid my mom telling me about it and to NEVER EVER talk to strangers or go near them. We have "men" to blame for girls being kidnapped and since we cant get rid of the men....we need to be careful (as women). No offence taken about my nephew, I know now that the woman who called 911 had something against kids being noisy around the store. I dont believe one minute she thought it was a kidnapping, she used that excuse since there had been a kidnapping the night before. She knew the cops would come fast if she said that. BUT, my nephew will be careful from now on. Thanks!
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
13 Apr 10
There are so many more serious crimes these days, I think it is the society that has changed. We cannot afford jokes about stunts that might be perceived as crimes, because there are so many real crimes happening.
• Canada
13 Apr 10
Yes you're right. Its society thats changed and so many crimes are happening now that it must be hard to tell who's guilty and who's just playing around. Im not sure I like this change though. Makes you afraid to do anything since it might be perceive the wrong way now and then you get into trouble!! Thanks
• United Arab Emirates
14 Apr 10
I think that the cops have done a good job. They were good enough to question your nephew and others and when they found out the truth they let them go. I dont blame them they are only doing their duty. Your nephew is young and they normally do such things so there is no harm done.
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• Canada
14 Apr 10
Yes I can see it now, it was great that they DID something so fast. In a way, we know we're being protected. I was just a little alarmed about the handcuffing before finding out what happened but then again, I can understand that now too. I do think there was harm done though with my nephew and his friends, they are confused and cant understand why it happened. We're a good family, we all stick together and we'll explain it to him. Its too bad kids cant have "innocent" fun anymore, but I guess thats what life is now. Thank you!!