How much do you know about your own religion?

April 14, 2010 10:19pm CST
I hope no one gets offended by this, but i feel that a lot of people do not really understand much about their religion. There are many people out there trying to instill their point of view about religion to others and showing people that he or she is right. I have seen people following different religions, converting themselves now and than. What do you think, do you really understand your religion enough that you can stand by it?
12 responses
• United States
15 Apr 10
I stand by Wicca quite comfortably.
• Singapore
15 Apr 10
Is Wicca a religion where you pray to the horned god? paganism?
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
15 Apr 10
Wicca is in fact a recognized religion AND is in fact a PART of Paganism much like lets say Catholisim is a PART of Christianity..BUT Paganism is a blanket term for numerous paths and/or denominations just like Christianity is a blanket term for numerous denoms.. As for the "Horned God"...please understand that though the Green Man as SOME would say, is horned, he is NOT to be confused with the Christian Satan...they are NOT the same
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Apr 10
Wicca is a form of Paganism. The Horned God is one of the Gods to Whom we pray, the Green Man, Sun Child, Maiden, Mother, and Crone are some others.
@zim1fW (284)
• Philippines
15 Apr 10
I believe I know enough, with intellectual honesty (not getting defensive when non-believers through some good points against what I believe), to convince me that I am in the right one. And that faith or religion nourished me well in my relationship with my God... and to the extent that should my time comes, I can peacefully say to myself: "Then so be iit. I want to meet you in person too."
• Singapore
15 Apr 10
It`s true that no one has the right to question your relationship or believe in god. But "I believe i know enough, with intellectual honesty" this is what i got from quite a lot people. But in what way did faith and religion nourish you? Help you to be more relax towards life? more of a sense of belonging?
• Singapore
15 Apr 10
But doesn`t that mean that you are binded to something and you will end up not exploring other possibilities? Even if so what if the decisions in your life requires you to do something that could be against what you believe?
@naka75 (795)
• Singapore
15 Apr 10
Hi I will liken my religion to my mother and it makes sense to know her as much as possible. Since she's my one and only mother, I cannot have another mother, which is the same for religion. I don't see why people should impose on converting another party to their religions or show they are more superior. I always believe that religion exists for the sake and welfare of human beings. Human beings come first before religion. We must not make use of religions to exploit any loopholes to justify authority over another person.
@naka75 (795)
• Singapore
15 Apr 10
Yes I would. But not going to riots or using violence to prove justice. Doing so is no different from those who insist of imposing their teachings onto others.
• Singapore
15 Apr 10
But don`t you feel that people like you should stand up to those who are trying to impose such views on others?
• Canada
15 Apr 10
Not much, I'm just starting out now. I really like going to church though and I'm really happier now in all of my life.
• Singapore
15 Apr 10
Since you are starting out so i can safely assume you do not really know about the in depth knowledge about the bible?. But you said you are happier, is because you feel that there are people around you and paying attention to you and becoming friends? Or because the environment you are in calms you down?
• Canada
16 Apr 10
No, it's not the people wanting to be my friend or paying attention to me. It's the act of getting up on Sunday and going to a place that doesn't judge me or make me feel stupid. It's going to a place that makes me feel safe and cared about and i carry that throughout the week in my life. Since I started going to church my marriage is doing better and the way I talk to my family is better. Even the way I handle stressful situations is better. I don't need to have a greater knowledge of the Bible to know that my life is changing in a positive way.
• Canada
16 Apr 10
No, it's not the people wanting to be my friend or paying attention to me. It's the act of getting up on Sunday and going to a place that doesn't judge me or make me feel stupid. It's going to a place that makes me feel safe and cared about and i carry that throughout the week in my life. Since I started going to church my marriage is doing better and the way I talk to my family is better. Even the way I handle stressful situations is better. I don't need to have a greater knowledge of the Bible to know that my life is changing in a positive way.
• India
16 Apr 10
I am a Christian, but I am not a theologian. I know about my religion as much as I need to know. I know as much as that would help me to live according to my human nature. I think that is the only aim of every religion.
• Singapore
16 Apr 10
But i have researched and a lot of people who have religion will not be able to live accordingly to what religion preach. Which means religion is contemporary ?
• India
16 Apr 10
There are some who profess they belong to a religion, and there are others who truly follow the religion. Then not all religions are the right system of faith and worship. Some religions are just imparting a lesson in morality. They ask you to be good by mastering the art of opposing tendencies; and ask you to be good by mastering the art of pretense. They show you the path to attain moral values but that is not the aim of religion. The religion should be able to take care of your morals without you having to make a conscious effort for it. It should be able to make God's goodness trickle into you; and lace your conduct with it. The religion, which is able to do so, is the right religion. If it does not; then it would lead you to the road to perdition.
• Philippines
16 Apr 10
yup i can truly say that i know my religion like the back of my hand. also you are right,many religions now are not a true religion.sad to say they only put up churches to steal others money.
• Singapore
16 Apr 10
I do think churches steal money, the fact is even they need money to run a church. But those that are calling themselves as the "child of god" or those that can do miracle healing in the name of religion are the ones to aware off.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
15 Apr 10
I'm not religious anymore but am very spiritual and yes I am more than strong enough and educated enough on my path to stand by it and have for yrs...
• Singapore
15 Apr 10
Explain the difference between being spiritual and religious please?
@Galena (9110)
15 Apr 10
I think my knowledge of my spiritual path is pretty good. I do like to study it from a more academic perspective, as well as live it. so I like to read up on the historical facts associated with my religion, and I also enjoy reading about other paths within Paganism than my own. it does seem very much to me that there are a lot of Pagans who are quite ignorant about the historical facts of their own path, and then they like to complain that non Pagans don't understand their beliefs. they need to start by learning more about it themselves.
@asja1388 (131)
15 Apr 10
I am a christian- and I suppose I know quite a lot about it because I think without a God to hold on there is not much meaning to exist. I will never though try to force someone to listen to me about my views... and if someone doesnt agree with christianity I will accept it but also expect to be accepted as a christian ( hope it makes sense)
• China
16 Apr 10
I'm a antitheist.My schoolmate has her own religion,but she never want to make us to be a believer like her,maybe she think we are not interesting in it ,she never talk about her own religion with us.
• South Korea
15 Apr 10
I dont know bout it...but honestly Im devoted to it.....I mean how could i know sure It will takes forever to learn...:)but its worth it.. learning is a never ending process
• Singapore
15 Apr 10
But what if you are learning something that is not something that might not be the right thing? Isn`t it better to have a choice in life rather than being into something that you are unclear off?
@mjanakha (479)
• United Arab Emirates
16 Apr 10
A religion is to guide a person in a right way, to follow good morals. So even if a person does no not understand his religion completely(its very difficult to understand too), a good way of life is necessary. Surely I am against those persons who convert from one religion to another. This happens just because they are not believing in themselves and running here and there