God can't be trusted!

United States
April 19, 2010 6:50am CST
No He can't! I believe in Him but I know trusting Him gets me no where! He doesn't help me when I need Him the most! Praying doesn't help! All my prayers are ignored! God refuses to get me through bad times like I am now! I am ready for a nerveous breakdown! I want to trust in something but when you can't trust in God you are screwed! I am screwed! God puts me through all these so called tests and never lets up on them! I keep battling with the same crap over and over again! I never have peace of mine! I really believe He and the Devil are doing this together just to drive me crazy! I wish I had my crap together but everyday I feel like I'm being screwed over by God! I really think He is out to get me with the Devils help!
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17 responses
• United States
20 Apr 10
I question the existence of God. Is there really a God? How can we prove the existence of God? What is God? Define God? If there is a God then why can't I see it? Why is there so much suffering? Why call it God?
• United States
20 Apr 10
It would be GREAT if YOU could give me a title, and tell me what it is about, so that I can start looking for it. Also, I said this kind of sarcastically and metaphorically, if you get what I mean. I am Agnostic, and I don't believe that their are truly answers to the any of the questions that I posted. I say this because I have heard Deepak Chopra and I have heard Dr. Michael Shermer debate several times about there being a God and there not being a God, that I came to the conclusion that they are not right, nor are they wrong.
• United States
23 Apr 10
I think that many people struggle with this and don't know it, or they are in denial. Also, many people are told not to question what they believe in, and thanks to this, they stick to what they know. For 22 years, I was told, believe in God, be a Catholic, don't question, but I do!
• United States
23 Apr 10
I battle with does God exist or not? I wish I knew! I have been going through that faze lately! I just want to get over the fence and never look back! I have too many issues that I can't conquer! if God was up ther I wouldn't be so mentally crazy as I am now!
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@megrawab (166)
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
Don't talk like this si'l vous plait!...
• United States
30 Apr 10
I have a right to my own opinion! You also could write three lines! Otherwise you don't get paid for this response! Please read the guidelines! Please also write the whole discussion in english! I don't speak another language! So I have no idea what you all said!
@megrawab (166)
• Philippines
30 Apr 10
I replied to this not because of earnings. I said "pls". I respect what you feel, it's such that I don't want God's name or anything about him treated as negative in public cause you might influence others on what you feel. Hope you understand and hope we are good, are we?.... :
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
19 Apr 10
Hi Blue, I'm sorry that you are going thru such a hard time. Life really is a never-ending obstacle course Isn't it? Not sure what is going on in your life right now but would it help to talk about it? Sounds like you need a hug! {{{{{HUGS}}}}} Feel free to PM me if you need to vent.
• United States
22 Apr 10
Thanks for the hug! When I was young I battled with religion. Now I am battleing with if God even excits. Then in May I will be 48 and getting older and not liking it! Things are getting harder to do and then the darn doctor yelled at my to lose weight! I was sick for almost two weeks with a sore throat! Then I realize I still struggle with self-confidence,self-esteeem,guilt, and foregiving myself for letting all this happening yet! This is why I think God can't be trusted! Everytime I have I feel let down! So right now I'm so darn frusrated and hope I get out of the blues soon!
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
23 Apr 10
I question the whole God thing too. I always did. When I was a kid my mom would slap me if I questioned it. Some things just did not make much sense to me. I know what you mean about the self-esteem issues. I go back and forth with it myself. I'm lucky in that if I get down, I'm usually able to pull myself back up again fairly quickly. Depression is a horrible feeling. Just remember, Blue, that even though the good times don't seem to stick around for long, the bad times don't either. Oh and that doctor that yelled at you to lose weight is very unprofessional! Advising someone to do something that would better their health is one thing but it is not ok for him to berate you! Up until recently, I smoked. My doctor would always remind me that I really should quit but never was I yelled at for it. If I were I would have switched doctors really quick. Like I said, I am here any time you want to talk. I hope things get better for you real soon!
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
20 Apr 10
If God has always refused to get you through bad times, and you've had bad times before, then you wouldn't be here now. I don't know your situation or what you've prayed for, but sometimes it helps to ask God what to pray for instead of trying to decide and direct ourselves. I know that God doesn't always save us out of consequences of our actions, but HE will preserve you if you've committed your life to Him. Trust means we understand that God is just and righteous and we believe He knows how much we can stand and how much we need. Whatever you're going through, know that God cares and is there to listen and He will send comfort. Even Paul prayed for the thorn in his flesh to be removed, but understood that God might leave it untouched for a reason. We don't always get what we pray for, but if we pray for God to come closer to us, He will answer. Peace of mind comes when God is close and we know it.
• United States
23 Apr 10
My big thing is I keep having these down issues where I keep hitting the wall instead of going over the wall! I get so frustrated with stuff I have been dealing with forever! I'll be 48 next month and hope I don't have to deal with the endless issues I can't seem to overcome! If God exist he better be there when I need him! I can't do it myself no matter how I darn try!
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
Don't blame God for all the things that have been happening to you. First blame yourself my dear. Have you been really good enough to merit a perfect life without any tribulations. Even the most faithful and even called perfect like Job suffered the worst trials of his life but he never blamed God. So how about you? Are you as perfect as Job? How could you have the guts to blame God?
• United States
30 Apr 10
I blame God because I am struggling with alot of stuff! I have blamed just about everyone else for my problems so God was last on my list! I have struggled way too long on stuff that still haunts me! My life is not perfect! I don't want it to beperfect! I just want it to be easier! If I had some darn confidence and self esteam I would not be in that boat! I grew up with parents who acted like they were perfect and been around alot of people who act like they are perfcet! Even though I know this people aren't I feel they live on easy street and I want to be like that! I can't get it through my head! So many mind struggles and I get know where with them!
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
I have a friend who undertook tough and difficult tests but when she was able to surpass everything through her faith, she was blessed a hundredfold. She lost her 2 children in an accident, her husband left him for a mistress and she was diagnosed having a cancer but she survived amidst all the storm. We can always trust in the Lord, He has ultimate love and compassion to those who believe in Him wholeheartedly. Never lose hope and continue praying. God is faithful, He will not allow tests and problems beyond what we can bear. If we encounter such things, He will provide solutions in due time.
• United States
23 Apr 10
If he is real why can't he help me get over the darn wall I keep hitting! I keep having issues on stuff I have had forever! No matter how hard I try I can't get over the wall! I don't have peace of mind when that happens! So if I ask for some help why aren't I getting it?
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
19 Apr 10
At one time I was in your position, I believed in God but could not trust that He was going to save the day. I am not like that any more because I now do not believe he or any of them exist. Once I realized that they do not exist I realized that I could save my own day, half the time it was me to begin with, and the other half it was other that I could deal with.
• United States
23 Apr 10
This is something I recently started battling with,if God exists or not. We just don't really know! So do I believe in God,do I pray to God and should trust him? If He does exist God has let me down way to many times! I battle with issues I just can't seem to get over! I just keep running into the brick wall! Getting older doesn't help either! It used to not bother me but in the past year it started to bug me! So I got alot of issues to deal with! I need help but do I trust in God? That is the answer!
@dbeast (1495)
• India
20 Apr 10
Hey buddy whatever be your situation it is something I am sure everyone goes through.You dont have to believe in God.Just in yourself.Do not blame anyone else.I think you have to watch the movie Bruce almighty and get a few pointers.Whatever be the pain you are going through is definitely going to vanish soon and you are going to feel much better very soon.do not worry.
@maxilimian (3099)
• Indonesia
20 Apr 10
Maybe He knows that you didn't have a full trust for Him, that's why He let you down and watching you, never do a Try to God, He knows ... Sometimes we are too busy asking God this and that, but we forgot, that He gives us a gift and bless to us but we forget with the others .... Or Maybe He wants to show you that it is not your "road" , so that's why you keep failing, He wants to tell you that, so He tries to make you uncomfortable on everything that you try, try another "road" blue ... May God keep Bless you ....
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
Hi.....really there is God. If we don't expect from Him, we get nothing from Him. Sorry for all the hardships.....I also been through many hardships. Sometimes, we say all those are test from God, but actually, maybe they are consequences of our actions and decisions before. Though, whatever it be, hardships cause by our own or really trials from God, He is not just watching us. We can call to Him and asked Him with humbly. Surrender to Him and let Him work in our lives. You can pm me if you need someone to talk.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
21 Apr 10
Is it really God's job to solve all your problems???? Isn't it better to be able to stand on your own two feet??? Let me give you a few things to think about. Maybe it will help.So very much of life is a choice. Did you know happiness or peace of mind is no more than a choice???? Think about it. We all have the power to CHOOSE what we deem important in life. Perhaps there are better choices you can make.I do know that if you absolutely need help, God does send it. Life is about learning and growing as people. Sometimes that takes adversity in the way of problems for us to overcome and grow by doing so. Take a day off, relax, smell a few roses and think about it!!!!!It will be brighter soon!!
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
All prayers are answered. Sometimes we just don't like the answer.
@sheanne (440)
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
Hello blue65packer, I do hope you feeling alright. I do think God won't test you into any trials if He knows you can't get through with it. Our life is like a wheel, sometimes were on top of it, sometimes were down. There's always a way in every trials that we do have in life. Not that we'll keep everything in the hands of God, but we have to find some way to help ourself. God we'll see how faithful you are, and to the end He'll give more than what you asked from Him. It's not only you whose suffering in this world, there's more worst than you if you think. If you can see the people, family suffering from hunger, thirst, wars and more but they still stand strong never lost their hope and faith to God.
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
im sorry to hear that blue. i hope you get better soon. but if you think you really are not fortunate.try to watch "nick vujicic" in youtube. he doest have any arms and feet when he was born. you might find inspiration on his life. goodluck blue. we hope you all the best.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
For me God is be trusted because his holy spirit is alive when you call him in prayers he her's but you must called him in his name and his name is Jehovah try to said Jehovah God in your prayer then the holy spirit is active to deliver your needs.
@ghieptc (2522)
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
Above anything else, God is the only one who we can really trust and rely with. He can be our bestfriend, our father and specially our Savior. God tested us through problems, hard times, suffering and etc. So we bring closer with him and to cast all our fears, worries who hinder us to do what is right and be what we become. The problem is we don't actually ask, pray or come to him because of our personal reason or interest. And that's the problem that we usually complain on this life. God didn't promise that we're not experience problems here on this Earth but he promises us the salvation that everyone needs.
• India
20 Apr 10
GOD is the shortform for GOOD.Who doesn't have problems.It is how one overcomes proves his worth.We r his children.By giving difficulties he s making us stronger.GOD is always GOOD.Without difficulties life would be a cakewalk.But accepting challenges is the key to success.So in each test GOD is making us stronger to make us great one day.But it is the sad fact that we think of him during difficulties & when happiness blooms he s ignored. Pray & think of GOD during difficulties,happiness,always Won't he who created us not know how to help us Stay FIRM n DETERMINED VICTORY IS DEFINITELY YOURS