Do you believe in “Rapture”?

April 25, 2010 2:07am CST
Do you subscribe to the idea that believers would be caught up prior to judgment on the earth and Jesus' Second Coming? At 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, Paul cites "the word of the Lord" about the return of Jesus to gather his saints. “...and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.’’ Matthew 24:29-32 also describe return of Jesus in the clouds with angelic activity, trumpets, heavenly signs, and a gathering of the saints. However, Some Amillennialists, not all, take this event to be figurative, rather than literal. I would like to have your opinion on this.
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8 responses
• United States
26 Apr 10
yes i believe so. why? the bible like you put down. jesus is real and he is coming back.
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
26 Apr 10
Hey there moonbutters - thanks for opening a can of worms subject here LOL - - there are a lotof different viewpoints on all of this. I found a rather interesting website that shares all of the various beliefs on it at: I guess I kinda stand in what is called the 'mid-trib' catching away of part, but not all of the born again believers - - whoa now it's my turn to open a can of worms! LOL The reason I say that is because the scriptures says He (Jesus) is coming for those who are "looking for Him" - - which I take means that they are living as exemplery a life unto the Lord as possible. The story of the 10 wise and unwise virgins leads me to believe that not all are "trimming their wicks (making preperation), and having their lamps (their spiritual lives) filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus asks the question:"When the Son of Man comes, SHALL He find faith upon the earth" - that tells me it's goning to be pretty bad. I believe that the so called 'great falling away, is in it's very infantile beginning, and will be much worse over the next decade or 2. And He said also:"When you 'see' the abomination of desolation, look up for your redemption draws near" - - He was speaking to deciples - - so that leads me to believe that the church will be here to identify this abomination of desolation - - we're the children of light and the Lord will have those who walk close to Him prepared. No matter what happens or when, He'll take care of us - - of that I am convinced. Just a 'few' of my thoughts on the so called 'end time' and the status of the born again believers. C. C.
• India
26 Apr 10
I am anxiously waiting for moon's comments on this very interesting post.
• India
27 Apr 10
Moon, may be I have not expressed myself well. I will gladly clarify if you wish.
@Galena (9110)
26 Apr 10
this isn't part of my belief system. we neither have to die nor be there at the end of time to experience deity first hand.
@Galena (9110)
26 Apr 10
what I mean by that is that the living can experience deity first hand. an encounter with God isn't necessarily something that will only happen when we die or at the end of the planet. Deity is all around us. with practice we can build a first hand relationship with Deity.
• India
28 Apr 10
I couldn’t really understand what you meant by ‘rapture’…however, I don’t believe in any Day of Judgement i.e. I don’t believe that on a particular moment there will be a great fight between believers and non-believers (whatever that means to each religion) or that we all will have to stand in a queue awaiting our trial before God…I believe in the theory of Karma and reincarnation. Other than that, I believe in prophets though I have not been fortunate enough to have come across any of them yet…almost all godmen and gurus I read about are unscrupulous people out to cheat the gullible and weak. However, I do believe that the cycle of reincarnation continues and great souls come to the earth again and again to redeem us and show us the path to spirituality.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
26 Apr 10
Hi achilles2010, I hope that this website be of some help to you. I do believe in Jesus's second coming where we all receive the reward and punishment that we do deserve.
• India
28 Apr 10
Thank you ronald for providing me the link. I saw the details given therein. Someone has taken a lot of pain to explain Rapture in detail.
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
26 Apr 10
No I do not and I also believe that anyone that does when the end time comes will have a big surprise in store for them. The New Testament says "If it were possible even the elect will be deceived". That tells me the few elect will still be on this earth when everything hits the fan. Jesus also made the statement that He would send His Angels to pluck out all that offends. This indicated there will be one last trial to see who is worthy and who isn't. Art
• United States
29 Apr 10
Perhaps this link will help explain why I believe in the Rapture.
@allknowing (141600)
• India
25 Apr 10
Looking at what is going on with floods, earthquakes, storms, and such calamities which take away the lives of millions who will be a part of what is written in the Bible?
• Philippines
25 Apr 10
well, it could happen in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye.. others will go to rapture, others may remain. i can not explain this to you in literal one but the Bible is the word of God, inspired by holy spirit, i think this will happen same as what the Bible says it...