Do you agree that many adults act more childish than children?
By megamatt
@megamatt (14291)
United States
May 4, 2010 9:44am CST
I think the term "acting childish" is one that is not completely accurate. I have seen small children who have had better control of their tempers than many adults. The fact is, children, they have their tantrums from time to time but they move on and get over it in a short amount of time. Some adults on the other hand, when things do not go their way, they can lash out in more complex ways, sometimes reacting with violence and then they hold onto these grudges for a long time, even over the most petty things. So what are your thoughts? Looking forward to hearing your response and thanks.
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11 responses
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
4 May 10
Yes, indeed, it just one of those things in life that tend to be unfortunate. I guess some people just grow up while others just merely get older. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@kheigh (215)
4 May 10
i agree that adults sometimes act more childish than children but you can't blame them.. people tend to hold grudge over something big. kids usually doesn't know which problem is big which is not while adult does.. therefore adults that held grudges can't really be called childish unless of course it's only about little and simple things.. that's really childish..
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
4 May 10
Yes, that is what I meant. There are some people who have held grudges over the absolute stupidest things that you could imagine. I mean, mistakes were made, no one was really harmed in the end, there was a conflict or disagreement, move on with your life. There are many grudges that might be more valid but there are many that are absurd. Therefore, that's where I think the childish actions are in place. Thank you for your response, it was much appreciated and contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@tranquillity (20)
• China
4 May 10
There're many emotional factors what affect adults' behavior.But for children,things always being simple.So to speak,here is a candy,adults may said in heart:If I took it away,what would others think?But for children,whatever,it's just a candy.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
4 May 10
Yes, exactly, with children, everything is simple. With adults, the most simple things in the world can be complex and thus that is where the problems lead to. Thus it is a downward spiral. Of course, those who are able to take things at face value and not blow a simple thing out of proportion would be a lot better off. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
4 May 10
As long as you keep the temper under control, than most of the battle is already one. I do not really see playing video games is a childish thing. Because, there are a lot of video games that might not be appropriate for children to play for one thing. Still, thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and contributed to this topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@frontvisions101 (16043)
• Philippines
4 May 10
Thing is, a child wouldn't know if it's a severe thing or not that's why they get over grudges more easily than adults. And i don't think holding grudges is childish at all. Sometimes, when you get angry, you really have to let it out or it'll be held inside you making you feel heavy and uncomfortable. Even if it's a small thing. ive attended anger management seminars and thats the basic point of it. if youre angry at a person then let it out but not by punching him. a conversation would be nice. state why youre angry. it could sometimes lead to arguments, but hey, at least you let your anger out and avoided being a sissy right? lol. its much better than being plastic and smiling and pretending everything is alright eventhough its not.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
4 May 10
True, but the problem is, many people tend to just hold onto the grudge past the point of remembering when it started. And if they stopped and thought about it for one second, they would realize how foolish it is to hold onto it. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@Auntiescarf (842)
4 May 10
Yes I do believe this, when I was younger I always remember looking up to some adults and thinking that when you became an adult, when you became grown up, then all the playground behaviour stopped e.g. making fun of others, being nasty, fighting, talking about people behind their backs. Ok so now I am an adult I know this isnt true, I know that this happens, and I know it probably happened with the adults I was looking up to as a child. But I keep meeting people who I feel still act is if they are children, I understand that I dont get my own way all the time, I understand all people are different, and I understand that as an adult I have certain responsibilities, I understand that sometimes you have to do things you dont really want to do, thats life, but some people I know who are actually older than me, spend their time kicking off when they dont get what they want, having arguements on their facebook status's, and just generally acting like children in the playground. I dont understand it. Children seem to forget things, they wont bring up something that happened a year ago, whereas like you said adults hold grudges.
By the way I dont see anything wrong with people who want to live like they are younger, enjoy your life! Thats what its there for, and I hope that I keep hold of my young feeling as I get older.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
4 May 10
No, there is nothing wrong with living like you are younger. However, I think there is a difference like living like you are younger and acting so immature that it really causes your life to be disrupted. There are some adults who do act like children kicking up a fit in the middle of the grocery store because they did not get any candy. They just convey it in a different manner and often times, can lash out in a more hurtful manner. Children will go "I hate you" to a person and then five minutes later, play with them like nothing has happened. Adults will hold onto the bitterness for months and years. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@syndibee (799)
• United States
4 May 10
I don't feel that holding grudges and acting childish are the same thing.
Acting childish is not doing things in a complex way that a child couldn't even understand, it's impulsive and petty.
My oldest son was one child who held a grudge for a very long time. He is still that way as an adult of 21. If someone does something that he finds unacceptable he will hold that against that person for a very VERY long time. He's been that way since he was a toddler. Though he does hold grudges he does not have tantrums. He is generally a laid back "live and let live" type of person. He has also been like that since he was a toddler and that is a rather adult perspective.
Now back to childish. Childish as I said before is impulsive, without thought or consideration of ones surroundings. Yes many adults do act this way. It is also the way of the stereotypical "spoiled brat". This is a very dangerous trait in adults as they have access to weapons and more vindictive thought. Though a child will yell "I hate you" an adult going through the same rage may shoot you. I feel our society caters too much to these "spoiled brats" and I do mostly blame parents for this behavior in their children who eventually do grow up.
Teach a child proper and acceptable behaviors while they are young and we won't have so many issues with adults. Our society needs to take control of our own species instead of making excuses.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
4 May 10
Well said. Yes, holding grudges and childish are not the same thing. However, people who hold grudges for reasons that are stupid can in fact be interpreted to be childish. I also agree that we need to take more of a control but these days, that is a step that a lot of parents tend to overlook. I am glad mine did, as I think I was better off but for every parents that did manage to teach acceptable behavior for their children, there are several more that did not and it just amplifies in adult hold. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
4 May 10
Point well taken. Although many times, it is a very fine line and sometimes that line gets blurred. There are differences but there can be times where both can spill over into each other. Thank you for your response, it is much appreciated and contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
5 May 10
Children are expected to be childish at times. it is part of the growing up process. Adults are expected to have already achieved this. Adults are expected to act more grown up and responsible. When an adult is taken childishly, they are taken less seriously as well. We can have fun as adults. Just take take care at what level you want to be perceiived.