Can one open Multiple Accounts in Neobux?

May 5, 2010 8:49am CST
Though i have not practically done this thing, i have noticed that I have a dynamic ip address. It changes everytime I connect to the internet. Is this possible to open multiple accounts in neobux through different ip address. Will they be able to catch me out? Waitin for replies. . .
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19 responses
@bloggeroo (2167)
• Philippines
5 May 10
As a rule, you need a different computer for each account. Or, you can have a dual-boot (or triple-boot) computer so you have a partition behaving like a different computer. You can easily do this by installing different distributions of Linux. I have Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Mint in my notebook side-by-side Windows XP. In order to complete the illusion, you need to install an IP address add-on for the Firefox browser so you can be sure that your IP did change. Usually, they expire when your computer hasn't logged in for the last 12 hours. P.S. One very important thing, you need to behave as a different person with each account. So, you will need a different style of choosing a password. Anyway, this is how I would do it if I have multiple accounts at ... Shhhhh.
@bnx2212 (712)
• Philippines
6 May 10
hahaha.. great mind.. it's tempting but it's against my principle..
@bloggeroo (2167)
• Philippines
6 May 10
Actually, it's a technical solution for a technical problem. For programmers like me, it's a way of life overcoming challenges like this. It's second nature.
@bloggeroo (2167)
• Philippines
5 May 10
By the way, you should jot down the IP address you use for each account. You should never continue if the IP address hasn't expired yet, hence, you need a tool that displays the IP address so you will be reminded always.
@rsmanik (103)
• Czech Republic
5 May 10
Sure, IP is one of tree conection changes. You need to change DNS server and proxy, If you want, I can write an easy software, which will change DNS, Proxy and IP every time you connect the Internet. If are you interested, PM me please!
@rsmanik (103)
• Czech Republic
5 May 10
*Sure You canĀ“t
• Canada
6 Jul 10
Hi i know this is an old post but code you write me that software?
@smacksman (6053)
5 May 10
Even if you can, what is the point. Most people are here for the fun and also a bit of cash. So you open another account and refer yourself [against the rules]. You also have to fake another Paypal account and if Paypal catches you you loose both accounts. To get money out of Paypal you have to verify the account with your bank. So you then have to open another bank account. So you have made 19 posts here and if they were quality posts you may have made 20 cents. Your other duplicate referral account would have effectively stolen 5 cents referral fees from us honest members. So for the extra 5 cents you have to have two computers in two houses each with a telephone [or two laptops and travel to a hotspot with one of them], two bank accounts, two Paypal accounts, two Mylot accounts ... Geeez! there must be an easier way to steal 5 cents and then get caught and loose 25 cents and have your IP addresses, both static and dynamic added to the blackball list run by webmasters so that you will be blocked from getting paid out by other sites quickly followed by your wails in forums that you have been cheated by a site not paying you - "I have done nothing wrong" - yada, yada, yada... I've heard it all before.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
10 Dec 10
Wow, this is something that I definitely wouldn't even attempt. The reason that I wouldn't attempt this is because of the fact that most sites do limit you to only one account per address. So, though your IP address does change, it means that when you have to put in your address, you would surely be caught because of the fact that you have the same address no matter what. This would definitely we somewhere that you would want to tread very carefully with because you don't want to have your account locked.
@atv818 (1980)
• United Arab Emirates
8 May 10
I don't think it is worth the risk. So little to gain with everything to lose once you get caught. We can only give you so much advice but the final decision is up to you. Make sure that you make a good one. Good luck!
8 May 10
Well I think there are greater chances of being caught. and also if i am successfull in doing this, this may not help me in earning a lot of dollars...
• India
6 May 10
If u hav dynamic Ip than u can open multiple accounts but you need different PayPal account also u can sign in with different browsers
8 May 10
Well I have no problem of having two paypal accounts. Paypal is not available in my country and so i use Alertpay. I have two Alertay account, one is mine and the other one is of my close friend who is ready to share his account. . . So now since I have two Alertpay account, is this possible for me to open another neobux account with a different ip address but from the same computer. . .
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
6 May 10
Yes they will It is classed as cheating and that is not really fair on the other Members
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
6 May 10
HI, I think they allow you to open one per household right? I never join them so I dont really know. better keep just one to make a good maintain
• India
9 May 10
NO. You can't Do not even think of trying. I had one Neobux account. One of my family member too registered from the same computer, and bust., both our accounts were suspended.
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
6 May 10
I think you need a different computer for each account that you open with neobux. I have read that some members have gotten in trouble for doing this. But I don't know for sure. I think its best to use only one account so you don't get in trouble with neobux and get banned.
@manbir84 (134)
• India
7 May 10
No don't do that.Never cheat anyone because it have always threat to get expose and you will always feel uncomfortable while cheating.Neobux is genuine site so don't cheat them because they don't cheat anyone.Beside cheating them you can invest some dollar to rent rerrels.So rent refrrels and purchase upgrade membership you will definitely earn good money continuously. My refrel link :
• Hong Kong
6 May 10
I thought you're not allowed to use a dynamic ip adress... You will be banned...but for a different reason. Probably someone else uses the same dynamic ip as yours coincidentally and neobux thinks you are a cheater!
• Bulgaria
5 May 10
I forgot to say that if you try to do two or more accounts on one computer they will banned.
@eeeaaa (1)
• Hungary
20 May 10
Hey, I have two laptops, but one internet... if I hide my IP on the other laptop with an ip-hider program, is it possible to have two accounts? What do you think?
@Lucky12 (767)
• United States
5 May 10
I have to say that only hurts other members of the site. Many people wonder why a site closes or becomes a scam. Many people try and cheat the site. I would not do that, because either way you will get caught.
• Bulgaria
5 May 10
There's nobody that can make you more than one account in neobux. If you have two computers and two different internet you could have two accounts.
@zralte (4178)
• India
5 May 10
I don' know much about computers or internet IP to advise you on if they can catch you out. But what I do know is that you are allowed only one account per household. And if they do catch you out, then all your accounts will be deleted. It is against the TOS.I wouldn't do it, if I were you.
• Indonesia
5 May 10
Sould open one account only. howeverwe will trouble themselves
@nsj947 (284)
• India
5 May 10
No it is not possible remember there are two IP addresses Dynamic and static IP. Dynamic IP is assigned every-time you switch on you modem or system,whereas static IP is permanent,so neobux actually tracks and keep record of your static IP, so I suggest never try it or your account will be banned forever. However you can do one thig, if you have more than one computer/laptop then create a seperate account from each sysytem with differnt e-mail ID.