Good thing happens with good people only!!!! what you say about this

May 6, 2010 9:42am CST
Friends is it right, that i have mentioned above.... because i saw so many good persons are my neighbours and they are struggling a lot to lead their life and some people are leading their life with love and care. So what do you think Always good thing happens with good people only!!! share your thoughts with me and get reply for your response, earn and enjoy mylot.....
15 responses
@kheigh (215)
6 May 10
yup.. i think it's right.. even if good people suffer at first, i'm sure they will be rewarded later on for their generosity.. on the on the other hand, if bad people get good things at first, later on life will take it's payback on them for the bad things they've done.. so better be good.. ^^
• India
6 May 10
yup friend, they will be rewarded at the end but why not in the starting or middle why always it is in the end only????
@kheigh (215)
7 May 10
actually there's no end.. 'cause every ending is a new beginning.. it's one of life's mysteries..
@rudyro (110)
• Romania
6 May 10
What exactly is the meaning of 'Good'? I personally believe that the perception of 'good' is a socially constructed value. What we think it is 'good' is a norm instituted by education, by the social and ethic rules of our communities and, by the way religion shaped our spirituality. Let's take the following example. A group of 3 (a Muslim, a Hindu and a Christian) goes to the countryside in a short Sunday trip. On a field, they see 3 men (1 working the field and 2 eating). An old man approaches them and tell them that one of the 3 people is going to kill the other 2 and asked them to help him find the murderer. The 3 tourists take a closer look and see that one of the two men not working was eating a cow steak while the other one was eating a pig steak. Each of the 3 tourists analyses the 3 men with the help of his own conceptual lenses. The Muslim would say, that the man eating the pig steak is an probably an infidel and possibly not a good man(as the pig meat not being halal is prohibited by Islam's Holly Book, the Qur'an). In his oppinion, that had the biggest chances to be a killer. The Hindu will say that the man eating the cow steak is probably a bad man, because in the Hindu religion the cow is revered as the source of food and symbol for life and may never be killed. In his oppinion, the man eating the cow meat should be watched more closely than the others. The Christian would say that the man working the fields in a Sunday is the one that probably is going to kill the others, as in traditional Christianty, God decided that man should rest in the day of Sunday. With this story in mind, I have to contradict you. Good things happen to everyone. Ony those that keep believing in their dreams get to see and feel these things. For the others these 'good' things remain unoticed.
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
7 May 10
Yes,good things happen to people with an open mind and heart. I believe that there is 5% of goodness in a bad person, and there is 5% badness in a good person. So, good things can happen to bad people, as well as good things can come from a bad person. Just open your mind and heart, we cannot judge a person bad or good until our paths cross.
@picjim (3002)
• India
6 May 10
Work hard and do good.Don't willfully hurt others or deliberately mislead them.I accept the view put by several others that good karma leads to good results for the person ultimately.Ultimately more than all your intelligence its your good and benevolent deeds that are remembered.
• India
6 May 10
Yea friend willfully we should not hurt others. If we made that big mistake then we won't get peace life time, thats for sure.... Thanks for your response.....
@Hervey (3)
• China
7 May 10
In my humble opinon, generally, good thing happens with good people, however, not only. According to Chinese traditional philosophy, good fortune tends to go with the good people and vice versa. But, there exists exception. As a member of the globe village, we should believe in the fact good thing happens with good people, thus contributing to a better world.
@caliya (1168)
• Philippines
6 May 10
I believe in good karma. It is the general golden rule. If you do good then good things will come back to you but not only that you also have to work hard in order for you to achieve good things in life.
• India
6 May 10
Ya Caliya you are right, if you do good then good thing will happen in your life often and often but bad thing won't leave you that much of happier, but you have to sustain all criticisms and lead the life courageously. Thanks for your response.
@juggerogre (1653)
• Philippines
6 May 10
I don't treat those struggles as bad things. I think of them as challenges that will make us stronger. So its not a bad thing because if you were able to surpass the challenges you will become a better person. Good thing happens to both bad and good people but I think the difference is that in bad people it is only temporary. There will come a time that they will experience bad things for every bad things they have done.
• India
6 May 10
Hmm friend you are quite different than other including me also.. why because i thought it as a bad thing but you are taking it as a challenge!!! its very nice by seeing your response. Thanks for your time being.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
7 May 10
i believe so... although some bad people will also experience good things, but it won't last very long and they will bear the consequences sooner or later... and vice versa... good people might not experience good things all the time... but i believe they will eventually reap the results at the end for their good deeds... that's why i always try to be a good person all the time as much as i can... take care and have a nice day...
@maxilimian (3099)
• Indonesia
7 May 10
Good people? what did your definition about that? Did you mean good because of they are generous or good in rich meaning?? I guess not all of the good people above always receive the bless thing from God, but it's usually happen to the people who are generous to others
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
6 May 10
Good thibgs are meant to happen for all people. Good people just seem to feel better about themselves.Siyuations have a way of turning around. Good thinhs can happen to you and for you. You just have to believe.
• Philippines
7 May 10
I hate to disagree but yes, I do disagree. Life isn't fair. Good people aren't assured of good things. In a perfect world, we should get what we deserve but in a real world deserving is just a notch higher compared to day dreaming. In spite of it, we should always act within the scope of goodness not because we will get something good in return but because it is the right thing to do. Life isn't as easy as good equals good. I don't want to be a pessimists but we must face reality, life is cruel.
@roldango (229)
• Philippines
7 May 10
Good people always have good intentions in almost everything. and having good intentions command positive energy triggering good things to happen. The golden rule do unto others what you want done to you is and will always be right. the flow of positive energy always end up to positive people. So intend to always be good and you'll surely have the best in this world.
@joanick27 (141)
• Philippines
7 May 10
Good things happen to both good and bad people. Basically, you reap what you sow. You do good things to other people and God will reward you. Also, God allows good things to happen to bad people because God wants these people to change. God wants them to experience a good life and He wants to give them reason not to do bad anymore. So it's basically a start up for bad people. Everyone needs a chance anyway.
• Philippines
7 May 10
I believe good things happen to good people. Remember there's a thing called the Law of Attraction, and whatever your thoughts about your life will actually manifest itself. So, if your thoughts are good, you feel good, and you do good things, good things will come your way.
@emdyey09 (263)
• Philippines
7 May 10
That's not a rule. I mean, that's not always the case. In filipino there's a saying, "Ang masamang kabayo, mahirap mamatay." Which translated means, a bad horse doesn't die easy. It means, a bad person won't die easy. If it is so, then that's something good that will happen to a bad person, right? I disagree with saying, good things happen ONLY to good people. In life, we all know that's not always the case. But good people always has something good happening to them. I think it's the attitude. If you're good, it rubs off. It's always better to be at the good side of things. Lesser stress.
@kat001 (92)
• India
6 May 10
Hi Sach143_u, Good things happen with good people only because bad things make them better! :) Better things can happen to them if they utilize the knowledge that made them better!! :) And the best things can happen to them if they don't compromise on becoming better!!! :)