The Honeymoon Period in a New Relationship

@x_Jo_x (1040)
May 7, 2010 7:29am CST
How long should it last? Are you still all over your partner now and how long have you been with them for? Ive been with my bf for about 3 months now and i still want to be with him all the time :) Do you rekon Romance is part of it? In long term relationships do things like them buying you flowers or chocies stop too? I think those kinda things should never end, its all part of showing each other that you love them and care about them. Obviously there needs to be other things too, not just material things - Like asking how each other are, asking how your days been. And just generally being there, Cuddles when youre feeling sad etc. All the cute things :) I love random special things. So that you know theyve put some thought into it and theyve actually been thinking about you enough to thing "I know i'll go and buy her some flowers" or "I'll take her out to dinner tonight" or random visits to my house, something like that. Who else likes those kinda things?
5 responses
• United States
8 May 10
You'll have people tell you that this period will end in a few months or a year, but that doesn't have to be true. When I met my husband, months passed and I expected to want free time to myself soon, but that never happened. Now, five years later, we still cling to one another no matter what we're doing. I think part of it definitely has to do with the romance you put into the relationship. We still give each other love notes and cards for no special reason or dates, we call each other by pet names (literally nothing else), and we continually strive to please one another in doing household chores for each other, etc. We talk all the time as well...not just the "how have you beens", though, because we're usually together so we already know! We'll talk about some recent issues that have been in the news, or the recent news of a family member, something one of our kits (cat children) did that was cute lately, etc. I never get tired of having intelligent conversations with my husband...both of us are pretty intelligent people so we tend to have very interesting and involved conversations...part of what attracts me to him so much. The Honeymoon Period CAN last forever. Sure, it's something to keep working on, but five years after mine started I can say it is WORTH it!
• United States
8 May 10
Those who love each other immensely do not have to worry about honeymoon period. This term actually applies to people who in the end move in together or who need constant stimulation in the relationship. Buying of flowers and chocolate never stop. Each year you will feel like doing something new. And believe me there is no end to romantic ideas that impress a partner. I am not into things that come from store. Neither is my boyfriend. So we basically spend most of our moments admiring the beauty of the nature somewhere in the hill or cook new foods for each other for a special evening. Also we both enjoy creativity. So we have created handmade gifts for each other.
@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
7 May 10
I have been with my beau for a year and a half and still get the honeymoon part. In past relationships, it stopped after a short while. I would get bummed and look for something in life to make me happy again. Here with Josh and I, we are happy. We have our ups and downs and STILL do our little things that we love to do. He gets me flowers, and I get him candy (he's a diabetic) and we try to do everything we can together. Even if it's a short trip to the store. It should never end and the one thing you want to do is NOT smother each other. Let him know you care, but don't slobber all over him constantly. Give each other space and still hold hands when you are out. It's about not letting stupid little things get in the way too. He's my best friend and favorite enemy at the same time. We work well together even when we are fighting. One good phrase in the middle of a fight even if it comes out hateful is "I might be mad at you but I still appreciate all that you do for me, and I love you". Stops the fight immediately and then you both are laughing. It's hard to insult someone with a nice phrase like that. Works for us and we have 8 kids altogether.
• China
7 May 10
It should last as much as possible. As i believe it's very romantic period of couple. I am unmarried so didn't go any honeymoon yet. Yes i like those kinda things also. It's so romantic.
@caliya (1168)
• Philippines
7 May 10
Who wouldn't want the romance to last forever but reality is the only constant thing in this world is change and it can really happen.