Do you observe all God's commands?

May 9, 2010 8:36am CST
Well, as we all know there are ten Commandments which God has given to the Christians. SO now i want to ask you, do you people observe all these Commandments or you violate them all, or at least some of them?
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7 responses
• United States
9 May 10
Not being Christian, there are some "sins" the violation of which I regard as virtue.
1 person likes this
9 May 10
which sins so you exactly regar as virtue!?
@marguicha (225707)
• Chile
9 May 10
I think that the 10 commandments, as so many written laws, should be put in a historial context. I´m no believer either but find interesting how these laws helped a group of shepherds to stick together and keep their identity as a community for milleniums.
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@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
9 May 10
Sorry to say this but being Cristian not just to follow what your church or shepherd said. Its all about your personal relationship with God. If we good relationship God will help you to understand his word in bible. Don't be to cynical my friend especially the think you are not sure 100%, maybe you just need to open your heard to God and try to call his name, maybe someday you will understand what I feel. Have a nice day.
@hvedra (1619)
11 May 10
Not being a Christian they are not applicable to me - I certainly wasn't a slave in Egypt either...
@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
11 May 10
The bible also says to obey the laws of the land and the laws around here are not to kill, steal and so on....just sayin
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@hvedra (1619)
11 May 10
Not in the way of "I must do/not do this 'cause it's in the bible". I don't murder, commit adultery, covet my neighbours ox, etc, but that's because those are not nice things regardless of which faith has them as laws.
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11 May 10
well, so you don't observe the Commandments, right?
@ByronEA (109)
• United States
10 May 10
I disagree that the Ten Commandments were given by God to Christians. The Ten Commandments were given to Israel, and are part of the Old Covenant. Today, we are under the New Covenant, which places us under the Law of Love, which has two commandments: to love God, and to love our neighbor. Thank you for taking the time to read this. God bless you, and have a good day! :)
11 May 10
well, it was my mistake, about what I am really sorry, if i have insulted someonewith my saying that it was given to Christians. I am really not that religious person and even don't know under which law we are living now, but now there are many things about which I already have an answer thanks to all of you
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
12 May 10
I follow the only commandment given by Jesus (really badly), love. If you follow the commandment to love then you are automatically following the other commandments.
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• United States
12 May 10
Then you leave that person. Someone that loves you would never ask you to sin.
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13 May 10
yeah, i also guess so
12 May 10
yeah, I guess that you are right, because if you love someone you will never kill him/her, will never steal from her/him, will never betray her/him, but what if you must kill someone in the name of your love to that person? what then!?
@marguicha (225707)
• Chile
9 May 10
Hi phoenix, Not all of us think that the 10 Commandments were given to Christians by God. I´m an agnostic, so I will skip the part about them being given by God. But if I was a believer,I would have to say that God gave the Commandments to his chosen people, the jews. Christ came a long time after that. As a person living in a jewish-christian culture, those laws are somewhat inserted in the laws of my country. At least from the 4th commandment on. Thou shalt not kill (or you´ll go to jail). I follow my concience, but I´m sure that it is molded in some ways by those laws. I try to be as decent as I can and respect everyone, no matter if they don´t think as I do. That´s the best I can do. Take care!
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9 May 10
well, you both gave me a really nice responses and I really understand Marguicha, because I myself sometimes wonder do God really exists and I really think sometimes that I am an agnostic. well, yeah, i have really forgotten that the commandments were given to Jews and not to Christians actaully, and I am sorry for the msitake. maybe they are really given to them, just to gather them as a social comunity and to show them the rigth path! BTW who's Amalek!?
• United States
9 May 10
@JerusalemFolk: The first, second, third, and fourth commandments are not universally acceptable. Genocide is the method by which Jhvh set out to erase the name of Amalek. I direct your attention to 1 Samuel 15:3: [i]No go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey[/] and 1 Samuel 28:17-18: The Lord has done to you as he spoke by me, for the Lord has torn the kingdom out of your hand and given it to your neighbor David Because you did not obey the voice of the Lord and did not carry out his fierce wrath against Amalek, therefore the Lord has done this thing to you this day. Not only did Yhvh command genocide against the Amalekites, he punished Saul for not committing that genocide.
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@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
10 May 10
Like all humans, I have kept most of the Commandments but not all. I don't think anyone can keep them all. Christ was probably the only one that could. All we can do is try our best.
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10 May 10
yeah, guess that even priest can't observe all of them. and what can we say about people like me, who don't really care much about these things- well, I don't mean that I am some God defiler or something like that, I just want to say that I am really not that much religious like you people are!
@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
9 May 10
Hello phoenix. is it your username the name of bird (phoenix). Well I try my best to follow what God ordered me to do in bible but I often fail in part DON'T JUDGE. It is really hard not to judge others, for their act and the way they treat us, but I try to positive thinking to any one. Thats help me feel much better.
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10 May 10
yes, it is the name of the bird calles PHOeNIX. yes, as You have mentiones it is really hard ot to judge the others and many people find it difficult to observe,but for me it isn', because I actaully dislike doing that, it is just like an insult against the people we are talking about. we ca only judge others if we have their permission to do that :)