MY BOSS WON'T GIVE ME MY PAYMENT. Is anyone here a lawyer? HELP.
By jeeyah
@jeeyah (1092)
May 13, 2010 1:13pm CST
If you've read my discussions about my boss (please go to my profile for the links), you know almost everything that has happened.
Now, I've been asking him for the payment he owes me. He made me write 6 articles and do 6 blog posts before I resigned. I wrote the articles, and he accepted them without any complaints. As for the blog posts, that's where the problem started, so I don't really care if I get payment for those.
BUT HE WON'T PAY ME FOR MY ARTICLES. He's saying that I owe him because I wasted his time, he sent me some software WHICH I USED FOR THE TASKS HE MADE ME DO, and because he trained me. HE SAYS I OWE HIM FOR THAT.
Since I can't copy paste here, I posted the content of his e-mail here:
His website is
I'm really in a panic right now, and I don't know what to do! It's only $30, probably a small amount for Americans, but it's still big, and HE OWES IT TO ME. By the way, it's only $30 for the articles alone, the blog posts are not yet included.
MyLot people, PLEASE HELP ME. :( I don't know what to do. I hate that guy! HE OWES ME. I can't believe he's so unprofessional like this!! 

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15 responses
@Auntiescarf (842)
13 May 10
Ohhh Im fuming!! After everything you have put him with him, this guy is an idiot, Ive just had a look at his twitter page, and saw the photo of the grinning idiot. Im really sorry babe, I dont know anything about whether it is legal for him to do this, hopefully someone here will know more about it. Ignore his stupid email, first off, you do not owe him anything, if he has provided you with training videos then that was up to him, as he never mentioned that you would have to pay, also you dont pay for his time he pays for yours, that is part of being a boss, and free software application, hello!! He just mentioned the word free, how on earth he has come up with this I dont know!
I was really hoping this wouldnt happen to you, I really hope someone here will be able to give you advice.
Good luck!
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@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
13 May 10
I was also fuming when I read his e-mail! I was seriously shocked, because I never thought he'd be THAT unprofessional. :|
And yes, the training videos and all those software were PART of the job. The training videos were basically the instructions (that weren't so clear, by the way). The software used were for the tasks that he made me do for his 'business'. I was like "WHAT THE @#$Q$!"
It's okay, auntiescard if you don't know about those legal stuff. I just need people who, I know, understand me and are on my side. :| And thank you so much for that! I just really don't know what to do. I'm actually thinking to let him not pay me anymore, but because of the way he treated me, I do NOT want to let him get away with this. And he calls himself a professional! And I'm the one who's juvenile! He accepted those articles without any complaints, and just because I argued with him and fought for my right, he's doing this!?
Anyway thank you so much again, Auntiescarf! I just need support right now, so really thank you so much!

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@Auntiescarf (842)
13 May 10
I just re-read that email, try not to reply for a while untill you have calmly planned what you wanted to say, he seems like the type of person that loves to push peoples buttons to get a reaction. I dont know what to advise you, do these articles happen to be copyrighted by you, that would be good, as you could get them removed, but Im guessing as he was meant to pay you for them then they are probably not.
I really wish I knew more to help you! He's an idiot!!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
13 May 10
Do you have a written agreement with him? If not, I suppose you could sue him for plagiarism. I'm sure you could prove that you wrote these articles before he came into possession of them.
If you don't have a written agreement with him about payment and you can't actually prove that he plagiarized your articles, you could at least tell him that you can and will sue him unless you receive payment. It might scare him enough to at least pay you for what you've done.
Good luck!
@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
13 May 10
I don't suppose I have a written agreement with him. But I don't know if it's really worth my time, since I'm afraid that other people would view it as such a small thing, considering the amount involved.
Anyway, I've thought about that, but considering the way he has been replying and treating me, I don't think it will be effective. I don't think that he would actually believe that I would be able to do that. He might just throw it back at me and proceed to blab about other things that don't make sense. :/
Thanks mentalward!
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
13 May 10
Hello "Ex-Slave" ;)
I guess you can't do anything. More you're in philippines, he's in US (if I understood well), and the site where you meeted was US. So probably for the US laws, you should file a legal iussue in an US court.
But what WE ALL can do, is let this man spend some of his "valuable business time" in answering our emails!
In the site page, there is a CONTACT section. If ANY of myLotters will spend 10 minutes of their time checking the site, and asking him some more proper information, probably he will need to answer to everyone, right? And he will spend lot of time for nothing. This will give not you your money back, but, at least, you will know he got some hard moments ;)
In addiction WE ALL can post a comment to your articles (as Ex-Slave already done). He will need to delete all, but we can post them everyday.
I commented one of the Ex-Slave comments. I guess you can see it ;)
Have a nice time, friend, wish things will go better in future ;)

@pierone (1893)
• Italy
13 May 10
Sure, he CAN still delete comments. BUT! First: he should be awake to do that, is a man, he need to sleep. We are from all the parts of the world, we are many, he's alone....
We need 2 minutes, he need hours ;)
Let him have some gym with the mouse. At least we do that for his hillness, right? ;)
@markleob (1902)
• Philippines
13 May 10
if you comment, he can still delete this commment because he has all the control as what will come out to this site.
@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
13 May 10
Lol, you read my comments. I didn't really know what else to do so yea. It was sort of my last resort. Lol.
I like that idea! It would be nice to get back at him like that! Lol. I just feel a little bit shy to ask for all of you guys' help. But if some myLotters do have some free time, then why not! That really made me smile. :)
I just read your comment, and it made me smile again. I really appreciate the effort and support you're giving! :D Thank you so much!
I guess the reason why this happened to me is for me to meet you kind myLotters! I'm actually looking at the bright side of it now. Thanks so much again, pierone, and to the others who're trying to help! :)

@cmang83 (285)
• Malaysia
14 May 10
Hey Jeeyah, i really feel angry after i read the email between you and your boss. There is one thing i can confirm, he is really unprofessional and shame on him as a businessman. From my point of view, if you are the writer of all the articles, he don's have to right to post it without your permission. But anyway, i think you better get advice from your local lawyer since the laws is different between every country. But really wish you can get back what you should get. At least let him know that he is not that clever. Good luck.
@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
14 May 10
For the ones I previously wrote, I was actually the one who posted them on his blog because it was my task. It was part of my job to post my own articles on his blog. But I don't really care about those, because he paid me for the previous ones. My concern is the 6 latest articles that he made me write. Just because some issues happened (see my other discussion about this), and I stood up to him, I guess he got pissed off and wanted to get back at me so he decided not to pay me for them. Yes, you're right that he's unprofessional, and that's an understatement! Oh well. The only reason I'm going after the payment is because I don't want to give him the satisfaction and I don't want to let him get away with it without me giving a fight. It's my right, after all. Thanks so much!
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
14 May 10
I am sorry to hear what you have here.
Before you consider legal litigation, I think you will need to consider the following facts.
1. What are your terms as far as hiring and remunerations are concerned?
2. Do you have a contract (written)?
3. What is the amount you are claiming here?
Now, I hate to be a dampener here, but if any of the above reply is a "NO" or the amount you are claiming is of any significance - then, I would suggest that you try and settle it on your own without any legal representation. It is just not viable other than writing it off. Don't get me wrong that I do not want to see justice but you need to be realistic and feasible here.
Take care.
@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
14 May 10
Hi skysuccess,
Thanks for the effort and help, but I'm afraid a lot of myLotters have already told me that, and I've also said my thoughts about those legal stuff in my previous comments. Please just read them.
Anyway, we do share the same thoughts that I don't think the amount is worth the trouble of having to go through legal actions. However, I do believe that there are certain internet laws here that he could have violated by not giving me the payment. I just don't want to go through the trouble anymore of researching and consulting lawyers and such. As for my post, I was so much in a panic at the time (I posted it right after I got his e-mail), and I really did not know what to do, so I thought maybe someone in myLot knows about legal stuff and could give me some advice regarding this issue, which is internet-related. But I'm fine now, so yea.
Anyway thank you so much for the response.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 May 10
jeeyah well I am one American who does value thirty dollars highly. do y you have an equivalent of our fair labor board in your country or area? If so you do need to report this jerk of a man to the board as what he is doing is illegal, he wants free labor so he tees off the people he chose then gets their work and probably fires them. He is a real jerk
in my eyes.Also we have lawyers here who do pro bono work, that means free and if you have anything similar where the lawyer will take on your case just to do good without expecting payment go get one and see if you c an nail that jerk employer of yours. good luck God Bless

@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
13 May 10
I really don't know if there's an equivalent in my country, or if they would actually care. Lol. Well, just to clear it out, I was the one who resigned because I felt mistreated. He did pay me before, but now he won't because I guess he got pissed off that I stood up to him and argued with him. :/
Do you know where I can find those kinds of lawyers, Hatley? I don't really know if consulting a lawyer would be worth it, but since most of you suggested it, then I'll look into it. Thanks so much Hatley!
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
14 May 10
Hi jeeyah!
Hope you are in good mood today. You try to approach him
in personal and ask your payment about what you have
deal with. If he will hesitate to do it then try to go
to your labor office or public lawyers and ask good advices
in what to do with it. I'm sure he will afraid of it if
you consult the personnel for that or the lawyers about
job. If you have some evidence with it then nothing could
be afraid to fight for your right. It is a good way to let
people know that not all men can be fooled by just always
promised and then nothing is done with that debt. Work at it
then I am very pretty sure that you will be paid of it if
you look for a lawyer or an adviser.
@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
14 May 10
Hello geniustiger! I'm fine now, thanks to the support of myLotters and my lover. :) Anyway, it was an online job, and I don't think I'd go to Las Vegas just to get my payment. Lol. I've thought about suing him, but I really don't have the money and the guts to do so. And besides, I'm still too young so I don't know if I'd be able to handle it and if it could really help. Thanks, though!!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 May 10
Well, I'm not a lawyer and I really don't know a lot about the law and I really don't know about the law in the area that you live in. That said, there are a lot of lawyers here in the states that will meet with you initially to discuss whether or not you have a case and that will cost you nothing. And then there are also a lot of lawyers that work on a basis of not getting paid unless they win the case. This is the kind of lawyer that I would go with. Oh, and unless you have some form of a contract with your prior employer, there is a chance that lawyers will say that you don't have a case at all.
@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
14 May 10
That guy is a user. Thanks for warning all of us here. Everything will soon go back to him when no one will no longer work for him. I think it will be a waste of time and money on your part if you pursue this. What you can do is to inform as many people about this man's reputation. He is a scammer!
@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
14 May 10
He's more than a user. If you check out my other recent discussions (go to my profile and check out the "I finally quit my job.." and "I think my boss is PMS-ing.."), you'll see what a real jerk he is.
I was actually professional enough that ruining his reputation never crossed my mind, even though he mistreated me and told me insulting and derogatory stuff. But now that he's crossed the line and decided that he won't pay me, I'm determined to let everyone know how he really is. I'm exposing him for what he really is. I hope you guys could also spread the word. Do you know any other site wherein I can post and expose what kind of businessman he really is?
@basqui (3888)
• Philippines
14 May 10
That was very unfortunate of you, maybe you'd better find some boss with big reputation in the future.
Hope that won't turn out for me coz I just started as a writer at constant-content but haven't started writing yet, I'm still researching if they really pay.
@parulbidani (138)
• India
14 May 10
hi my husband is a legal advisor(C.S),i can help you regarding this matter..if you want you can discuss this matter with my husband