Hero Dota
By gunter22
@gunter22 (35)
8 responses
@geniusvinz (419)
• Philippines
16 May 10
I like to play Pandaren Brewmaster..He has slow as his first skill in which it inflicts damage to the enemy and at the same time slowing it which alows you to hit it more..His second skill is also great if your enemy are non-skill types and just rely on hitting you with their normal attacks..This skill makes them miss most of their attacks..I like his third skill because it increases the critical rate of your attacks and also grants you some percentage of evasion..What I like the most is his fourth skill..When you have a low HP, you could use this skill to somehow avoid being killed by your opponent or you can kill him if you do it right..You can take advantage of the variety of skills the three mighty pandas have..One of them have tornado and the other one has a rock throw..They have other skills as well aside from these two..
For the items..I build power threads for increased movement speed and attack speed as well..I switch the Power threads to strength mode to increase HP and damage..Next I buy Ring of Health for increased life regeneration..I try to last hit most of the creeps until I have 3800 gold then I buy Sacred Relic..After which I convert it to Radiance which allows me to last hit greater number of creeps and it also helps when fighting enemy heroes..However, if I'm not that lucky in last hitting the creeps and don't have enough money, I just go for the Battle Fury (Ring of Health Void Stone then you have perseverance..Next is Claymore then Broadsword or vice versa..) and Vladmir's Offering..Last hit of the creeps is mostly my aim in the first minutes of the game..When I'm strong enough, I go for the enemy heroes..As much as possible, I try to aim for the Radiance..It's really helpful in battle and in pushing..
@geniusvinz (419)
• Philippines
17 May 10
When I first played Pandaren, I also had difficulties but then eventually, I got used to it..But you can use any hero you like and win..So long as you are comfortable with the hero you use..I believe that every hero has it's own way to win..
Alright..By then you can see how Radiance is very useful in the early and mid game..
I also like to play Rexxar - the Beastmaster..He's quite tough..I like his first skill which causes damage and it's ranged..The boar in his second skill is quite useful when chasing enemies because it has slow..His third skill is also great..It increases your attack speed each time you hit a particular target..And what I like the most is his fourth skill..It deals damage and stuns the enemy..I use this skill for escape and to kill the escaping enemy as well..I use the same items I use with Pandaren Brewmaster..
I play different heroes but my favorites are Pandaren, Rexxar, and Treant Protector..
@juggerogre (1653)
• Philippines
14 May 10
My favorite hero is Juggernaut. He's strong early game because of his blade fury and depending on how you play the game you can be uber strong late game. Skill build will be to make sure max out blade fury first then of course get your ultimate skill, the omnislash. It will be hard to detail everything here. You can find here nice guides of playing yurnero: www.playdota.com
@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
30 Dec 12
One of the hero that I like to use is Bristleback. Although his spells seem very weak at first glance, Rigwarl is a bad hero to underestimate. Quill Spray, Viscous Nasal Goo, and Warpath all provide relatively small effects when used only once, but each ability stacks when cast multiple times. Enemies of the Bristleback will soon find themselves covered in goo and shredded by constant quill fire if they aren't careful. Quill Spray deals increasing damage with each cast on the same target, and due to its low cooldown and mana cost it can be very deadly over time. When Rigwarl sees that his enemies are sufficiently weakened, he can move in for the kill with Viscous Nasal Goo. This ability slows the target and reduces their armor, increasing the damage of Quill Spray and Bristleback's physical attack and making it impossible to escape. Furthermore, casting spells puts Bristleback on the Warpath, which increases his movement and attack speeds as he uses his abilities.
@kla55lazers (492)
• United States
22 Dec 10
I enjoy playing Shadow fiend. Just beat their mid solo and control runes with bottle. Get a Treads/blink dagger/bkb and you will be fine.
@brylle454 (606)
• Philippines
18 May 10
My personal favorites are Vengeful Spirit and Dazzle :)
Here is for Vengeful Spirit
-early game
just farm and kill creeps, you are a nuker and a stunner, having an ally on your lane is good, soloing is also good, if you are the killer or main hero on your team, secure yourself some ring of bassilius (for mana regen on early game), power treads(agility) and some wraith bands or some attributions items, branches if its 5v5
-mid game
now its the time that you let your enemies feel your wrath, remember that you are the nuker on your team, you are the one who starts a clash, gangbang all the way using your stun and your swap till you have yourself lothars edge and eaglehorn (for butterfly)
-late game
if you are on the verge of winning because of all your imba kills, then you might have got yourself some pleasant items, lothars edge, butterfly and probably vanguard if you need some def. If you want some orb effects, desolator is the way to go, you will be imba on these state, just continue nuking and also push.
For Dazzle
-early and mid game
your heal skill can help you alot in staying in your lane, the first thing you need is the empty bottle, and buy also a courier to stand guard on those rune spots. You can stay on your lane till you get a guinsoo, just heal and runes can make you to it :)
-late game
here is your role needed alot, you are kind of a buffer and also a debuffer, just spam heal and with your guinsoo, you are a semi nuker, buy some nice items like linkens sphere and of course Desolator to compensate with your negative armor skill.
@saetan (16)
• Singapore
28 May 10
Pudge will be a good hero to use, Its easy to use and the thing you need to know about him is to master your hook.
Regen item for him will be good.
For me i will buy: pipe,bot,scepter,hearts
Master your hook first, its important
Be patience with it, treat it just like fishing.
Look at how your enemy move and follow its flow.
Do not alert your enemy and hide yourself well.
Lastly wait for the chance to hook your enemy. Thats all i can tell you :)