Do you ever feel like you know when there is going to be a arguement?

@jugsjugs (12967)
May 14, 2010 7:01pm CST
I always know when there is going to be an arguement in my house as it feels like the calm before the storm.I hate to argue, but tonight with my partners attitude i know that there is one about to happen.He is getting snotty with my son as he wants his light on and his door open, with the raised voices aswell as my son being upset i was on my sons side as i could not see what the problem was as my son would have gone off to sleep straight away where as now he is upset and this will now time time.Most of this week he has been like a bear with a sore head when he has got in from work so i know there is a arguement thats going to be a large one.
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35 responses
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
15 May 10
Hi, jugsjugs. Me and my husband don't argue like we used to. A couple of years ago, we did. But after praying and trusting God. Things have gotten so much better for us both. It was not all that easy. My husband is very strong minded when it comes to dealing with stress. So, when he gets home from a long day's work, he does not act mean towards us. He may look tired. But sooner or later he will talk to me about what is going on with him. Sometimes, I can just look at him and tell that he may be exhausted. So, I won't bother him. Maybe your husband is stressed out about something that is going on at work. I would suggest that you talk to him and ask him what is bothering him. Give him as much personal space as you can. And pray for your family to stay closer. When my husband is irritated with the kids making a mess in the apartment, he will get agitated. I know that he is upset when he starts complaining about the mess that is on the floors. I hope that things will get better in your home. And I hope that he gives your son a break. Seeing your family in this condition can make you feel confused and worried, I am sure. Take care.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 May 10
jugjugs I just realized when you said mood swings, has your husband ever been tested for being bi polar, a person who is bipolar and go back and forth, like a DrJekyll and Mr Hyde, one day be all smiles and loving everone and the next day growling and angry at everyone for anything at all. I worked under a head librarian who was bi polar and refused to take her pills that would even out her disposition. so one day she loved us all, we were the best staff any one had, next day we stayed as far away as possible as she yelled at us, told us we were the worst staff any one had, and so on and on. I would suggest he get tested by his doctor about those mood swings as that is just what bi polar people have.there are medications that can help and will control those swings.
@jugsjugs (12967)
15 May 10
I would not mind if there were things that were worthy of an arguement,to start an arguement but there never is.I feel that neither of us is getting any time much of an evening as the children well mainly my youngest son is in full swing with his adhd and then with the other son wakeing up during the night we do not get much sleep either so that do not help.Its his mood swings that he has and it can not be his job as he loves his job.
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@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
15 May 10
Yes, there are times, when I can somewhat tell when there is going to be an argument, whether I'm going to be involved in this argument or not. There just seems to be a few signs, at times, which kinda lead up to these arguments. At least, this is what I've noticed.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
15 May 10
I felt that way on Friday evening. My husband came home after a three day business trip and I was looking forward to seeing him but I knew the minute he walked in that he was in a lousy mood and I just had to say one wrong word and all hell would break lose so I said nothing, made him a coffee and kept working on my computer while our daughter played with her friend. I know better now and by ignoring him for a few hours I avoid huge arguments. We used to fight regularly and my daughter once heard us and got upset and from that day I vowed never to do that again and nowadays I avoid conflict as much as I can. Believe it or not, since my doctor prescribed me anti depressants for bouts of depression that I had been suffering from since childhood, it a lot easier to let things go and keep calm. I’m not suggesting medication of course; I think that, sometimes it is a matter of making the decision not to argue. It does get easier...Hang in there...
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
16 May 10
Staying married for a few years always teaches us lessons and wisdom comes naturally to us Paula! Finally, we modern creatures too do the same that my 82 year old mother did when she was young.She has advised me a lot saying that men would have their moods and tensions and this gets aggravated when a woman[the wife] raises her voice .Our wisdom starts off as "self preservation" and then matures into understanding.
• India
15 May 10
I have also felt like this several tmes, yeah an argument is in the offing = a blowing up of the individual perceptions turning into intransigent stands. Where will all that end up in trading abuses and more misperceptions, hurriedly drawn conclusions, and escalating tension. The sad thing is that, in order to circumvent the blow up od a domestic quarrel, which we know is sure to happen, one of the parties need to downplay, (or if necessary even retreat) their irritation(the spark that ignites the fire), so that peace prevails. Otherwise peace will return to the household only after the pent up negative energies are fully spent. There are times when I have used this to avoid the escalation of tension. The problem is sometimnes this is seen as victory by the other party! Even that is fine, there may be repetitions of similar situations. In domestic difference of opinions, while the retreat of one party does "solve" the problem, if that party happens to be the same all the time that could lead to health problems in later life.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
17 May 10
So Gadhisunu! From your last sentence thta "the retreat of one party does "solve" the problem, if that party happens to be the same all the time that could lead to health problems in later life." it obviously means thta the party who was silent is likely to face this ehalth problem more in his /her life than the "tantrum throwing partner"isn't it?Is it not an unfair situation? Moreover you yourself have pointed out that this would be seen a s a victory by the other person. If things had been addressed in the beginning then this escalation can be avoided isn't it? At elast the calmer person can be happy and satisfied thta he/she had addressed the issue at one point of time.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
15 May 10
I never know when an argument is about to start since I live alone. However, I don't like to argue, either. It upsets me. There are some people who seem to enjoy arguing, though. I had a boyfriend one time like this. He thought it was stimulating, lol. We met in college and would you believe he was majoring in pre-law, lol? Our relationship was pretty stormy and I broke up with him because I got tired of arguing so much. Your husband must be awfully tired when he gets home from work. That might be why he wants to argue. That's just a guess, though. I hope everything is all right now.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
15 May 10
I forgot that your son has adhd. I'm sure it's a lot of stress on both you and your husband. You're absolutely right, though. Your husband doesn't have to be this way.He shouldn't take his feelings out on other people.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
15 May 10
We are both tired as my youngest child has adhd and he never settles of an evening so we do not get time there to relax then his brother who is in the same room as him wakes up early hours of the morning and wants his light on so i tend to put it on that gets him off to sleep again,where as tonight my husband was shouting at him and saying thats it your not having your light on and was going off on one which in my eyes there was no reason for my husband to be like that and upset my son.I think perhaps he is picking for an arguement and he just hasnt come up with what to argue about with me yet.
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@climber7565 (2566)
• United States
15 May 10
OH yes I tend to tell that too, and usually like to end them before they start. Some people really go out of their way to disturb the peace.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
15 May 10
Its horrid as i would like you say get the problem and all the things you want to say sorted before it causes a arguement.
@jugsjugs (12967)
15 May 10
There are loads of things that i could argue about with him,but i dont, i just keep quiet.I hate to argue and as for the make up bit well lets say there are other things going on like the children being awake aswell as him soo tired.
• United States
15 May 10
oh is not easy at times, unless you are used to take control of situations. Some people actually love to start and make up issues for no reason and out of nothings.
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
18 May 10
I sometimes feel it too. Many times we bring it on ourselves cause we are afraid to discuss somethings. I tend to let things build up and unfortunately they get loose. Living with anyone we see the best and the worst. Little irritations build up and we suddenly realize that a lot of things bother us. Some of us can even feel an argument coming on just by body language. Life can be annoying.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
15 May 10
Oh yeah, like I could feel that argument building up and its just gonna explode. But anyway, I hope you and your husband would talk it over and try to have an open mind as to avoid a huge argument. Good luck!
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
17 May 10
Luckily there aren't a lot of arguments in our house, but that doesn't mean that I don't feel when there is a storm brewing under our roof. It will feel to me like I am being ignored for a period of time. And then when I feel like saying something, it is like nothing that I can say is the right thing. It is really a terrible thing to go through. My husband and I have luckily only fought with each other a couple of times in the course of eight and a half years, but still, every time that we have an argument it is almost more than I am able to bear.
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
15 May 10
Hi JugsJugs Yep I can feel it too But its important to recognize whats happening and try to put a stop to it or at least minimize it before it gets out of hand By doing that it will lesson the impact of what can easily get out of control sometimes we as people can push our partners buttons and vice verse and before we know it BANG the gloves are on! If your partner has been in a snit all week it could have nothing to do with you or your son and could just as well be something at work or something that involves him and some other issue , As far as your son is concerned whats wrong with having a night light on and the door open? Any chance of you guys sitting down and talking about whats really bugging your partner that might help things
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@hexeduser22 (7418)
• Philippines
16 May 10
I hope you could talk it out smoothly with your partner. Sometimes I know and sometimes I'm caught unaware that an argument is coming up. When I'm ready I try to talk calmly but when I'm caught unaware I easily get upset and become stubborn
@yresh12 (3210)
• Philippines
18 May 10
HI Jugs!! Arguments and misunderstanding is a big big no no, when it comes to me and my family because it would really smell trouble around the place that's why we learned to be more patient and understand one's mood to avoid such confrontation.
@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
17 May 10
It is sometime sure that certain topic would end up with a few arguments. If things are without any reason or just for a sake of argument, ignore it and does not advocate for the same. If you keep silent and you can get peace of mind and get away from such pointless arguments. Regards, Thank-s
@alocure (370)
• United States
15 May 10
yeah when my nervous start going bad thats when i know am about to get into and argument with someone or something bad would happen especially on a rainy day or when everyone has a bad attitude.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
15 May 10
It is like a ttal calm before the arguement and all of a sudden you get the attitude from a person and then the arguement will start.I hate it as i think life is too short to be angryand most arguements there are no need to have them.I just hate the waiting for them.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
15 May 10
When my house gets strangly quite ya get that feeling altho I havent heard the fight I know one has happened for no one is talking
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
16 May 10
May I suggest something? If the issue is between father and son, keep yourself out of it.It is his son too and unless your partner is a drunkard and you fear the safety of your child, allow them to find their level.Whatever the issue is, they can sort it out themselves.Interventions normally tend to aggravate issues and blow things out of proportion.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
15 May 10
Don't avoid it, face it straight on and get it over with. You know how. Just be kind, say I know that something is really bothering you, you've been upset all week can we talk about it? Can I help. Then listen, don't talk no matter what until he's finished, then think before you answer. Take your time. Blessings
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
15 May 10
Oh, I know exactly what you mean. I totally hate that. It's like walking around on eggshells, knowing one will break, just not know which one and when. It's the worry that is the worst. Your poor son. I remember being a child and feeling like that with my parents. Horrible.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
15 May 10
Some people are just like that. They seem to like to argue. I like knowing how to head off an argument before it starts but sometimes the person will not let you.
@doormouse (4599)
15 May 10
my boyfriends like that sometimes,but i just ignore him,well first i say ' what the hells wrong with you ',,he replies nothing,so that's when i ignore him,coz i think he wants me to keep asking what's wrong so he gets all the attention,well that's not happening,ignoring him winds him up more,,childish i know,but it's fun