Goodbye Cinema

May 17, 2010 11:27am CST
Despite not going to the cinema as much as I use to it was a big part of growing up. As a child it fuelled my fascination with movies which is still as strong as ever, it was the place I went on dates and each week I would eagerly wait for the next big movie release. BUT ... With the advancements in home entertainment and agreements for studios to release movies straight to on-demand I can foresee a time when cinemas will be a thing of the past. It may not occur in my lifetime but at some point in the future people won’t go out to watch the latest movies, instead paying to watch them as soon as they are released from the comfort of their home. Whilst I am all for making movies easier to watch and look forward to a day where maybe I can see a new release without having to sit in a noisy cinema there is part of me which feels sadness at the prospect. I would hate for future generations not to have the opportunity to experience a movie on the big screen, to experience the atmosphere of watching a movie with others or just that big sensation of a big movie magnified on a huge screen, with big sound to go with it. So would anyone else mourn the loss of cinema when the day comes, and it will, where you no longer need to venture out your living room to watch the latest movie?
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8 responses
@rsa101 (38117)
• Philippines
18 May 10
Yeah I guess the cinemas are already fast approaching its end. The advent of the new age on home entertainment is slowly making many to just settle down at home and enjoy the movie there. I also grew up loving watching movies on cinema. But when the VCRs started coming in it somehow dampened my watching them in the cinema.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
17 May 10
I am ashamed to say that I am one of those people that wait for a film I want to watch to come out on DVD as opposed to visiting the Cinema. The main reason for this is that there are many people (young and old) who cannot sit still for a couple of hours without 1) talking or, worse still using their mobile phones and 2) eating! I really can't stand all that anymore. I reckon the glory days of cinema-going were the 1980s (in my lifetime anyway). I remember vividly going to the Cinema with my mates (all women) to see 'Fatal Attraction' and the place was packed. Everyone was so "into" it. There are many films like that, too numerous to mention...films that looked so brilliant on the big screen I didn't want them to end! Going to the Cinema was an experience to relish. Waiting for the curtains to part and the lights to go down was the best bit...anticipation! Downloading films online will increase in my opinion...and it stinks. But even knowing that doesn't force me off my backside to go to the Cinema. Sad but true.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
17 May 10
I don't always enjoy going to the theaters. They're expensive, and as you said, they're loud! It's sort of hit or miss when going out to a movie, you may end up in an empty theater or you may end up crowded and having to listen to people play with wrappers, chew loudly, talk on cell phones.. and some people have no common courtesy what so ever. I do prefer to watch movies at home.. but it's still nice to be able to say "We saw that in theaters". It's nice to be able to have a date night at the movies.. because even though hubby and I will watch a few movies a week after the kids are in bed, it doesn't feel like a date night. And I know hubby will miss the movie theater popcorn which cannot be duplicated at home or in a store bought package.. trust me he's tried! You know what I miss from my youth is the cheap theaters. We had a few around that would show movies that were not on video yet, but were no longer in the theaters, you know, and we'd pay like $1 to see it. I saw Free Willy and Jurassic Park that way, as we couldn't really afford to go to major theaters, but certain movies just have to be watched on a big screen. I know there are still a few cheap theaters around.. but there used to be so many more. And the ones we do have now are not in good neighborhoods so I would not want to sit with those people!!
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• Philippines
18 May 10
i still prefer to watch movie in the cinema, i appreciate the movie more in big wide screen and good audio, i can watch and download movie at home but i really dont appreciate it compare to what i see in cinema as i can see every tiny details of it even the small background which i didnt notice once i watch it at home since the screen of television is not that wide and big compare to the screen in the cinema. though if your in a budget and watch movie then if its not blockbuster i just watch it at home, but once it blockbuster i will surely watch it in the cinema to appreciate it more.
@nangisha (3496)
• Indonesia
1 Jun 10
I find I have the same story with you. When I was child I see cinema as giant magic box. I will really glad if my mom and dad take me there. Today I can count how many time I go to cinema in a year, because I tend to watch movie in the comfort of my how house. I can watch it on DVD or my laptop. Yeah its give different sensation with watching it in cinema especially that big screen and surround sound thats make its so real.
@karen1969 (1779)
18 May 10
I think it will be a huge shame if cinema ever finishes, as it is a great evening out, but the cinemas need to reduce their ticket prices. One cinema near here charges £12 a ticket, yet I can buy a DVD of the film for that amount and watch it over and over! As we get bigger TV screens in our home and Surround Sound, I guess the "big screen experience" will be something we get at home, so then going to the cinema may be redundant, but it will take a long time for everyone to afford that kind of technology at home.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
17 May 10
i don't really go to cinema that often... in fact, i think i haven't been to the cinema for years now... i prefer to watch movies from the comfort of my house... and it is much cheaper as well... so i think i won't really mourn for the cinema when they are gone in the future because i don't really go there that often anyway... take care and have a nice day...
@nvtellan (1907)
• Philippines
18 May 10
Hmm... I'm not sure. Right now, its no big deal for me if I can't watch movies on cinemas. Reasons because it's getting un-affordable to buy movie tickets nowadays. Prices are getting higher and I dislike the thought of buying pirated movies, I just borrow from my friends or officemates. But I hope the Cinema will continue to be there. Even if there are advancements in home entertainment, they would definitely improve the experience of movie watching at the theaters or cinema.