Have you got to the stage where as the children do not let you talk to anyone

@jugsjugs (12967)
May 18, 2010 4:34pm CST
when they come to see you so now you tend to either tell people not to come round when they are there or do you try to talk to people with the children still disturbing your conversation even when they are supposed to be in their beds aswell as asleep.This happens nearly any aswell as every evening when someone comes round even if it is someone important that they do not know.
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24 responses
@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
18 May 10
My roomie's dad won't let her mom talk on the phone without wanting something, he's just like a 2 yr old! (He's actually 72)
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
18 May 10
Oh my goodness!
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
19 May 10
My dad gets jealous and needy for attention when my mom talks to anyone on the phone. Especially one of us kids.
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@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
20 May 10
we're talking about her mom talking to HER! Have I mentioned in the past that he's an a$$?
@doormouse (4599)
18 May 10
my son is the same,he likes to be in on everything,he hates to miss something,even if i'm on the phone he's constantly saying,who is it,who are you talking to,what are you talking about,it drives me round the bend,as much as i love him sometimes i just want to have a conversation without him there,a bit of adult time with my friends
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 May 10
doormouse listen to Tamara below you, my parents taught me to respect others conversations and not but in, why do you let your children rule you you are the parent, and parents have rights to. it will not hurt your children to learn that butting in is rude, better to learn when little than be an adult who will always butt in on conversations where he is not welcome.
@jugsjugs (12967)
19 May 10
I think that the main reason why my younger son is like that is due to his medication has worn out the evening aswell as the night time so he is then in full swing.As for my other children they see their brother running around and they seem todo the same it is a vicious circle all the time no matter what time of the night it is.I will be getting him more help as now he needs sleep therapist and the adhd clinic have put me on the waiting list for that.
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@doormouse (4599)
19 May 10
hi hatley,my son doesn't rule me,if he interupts while i'm speaking i make him wait til i've finished speaking,then he can have his say,as jugs knows children with behaviour problems take longer to teach things to,he's gradually understanding,but it takes time
• Malaysia
18 May 10
I'd been trained by my parents during my childhood to discipline myself giving respect to my parents' invited visitor(s). Welcome and regards them during their point of entry and will never bother for the next agenda between my parents and visitor(s). So I did the same practice as in-home-culture to my kids.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
19 May 10
I was also brought up like that myself and i have been trying to ensure that my children also learn to respect other peole aswell as letting other people talk.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
18 May 10
Yes, my kids are the same way. They will not let me talk to someone on the phone. And when someone knocks at the door, they will come running to the door. They won't let me enjoy even a couple of minutes with someone. It is very aggravating. I need a break and my kids make it very hard for me to have one. They love to be the center of attention a lot. That is why I will talk to people on the telephone when they are asleep or even when my son is in school. That is when I really have some peace then just as long as I am awake. I can't wait until this annoying stage that my kids possess will go away.
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@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
19 May 10
sad, ain't it?
@jugsjugs (12967)
19 May 10
I never had this type of problem with my girls that are now 17 and 18 years old but the boys are such a pain and they never seem to sleep either so no matter what the time of the night it is i can not chat to anyone as they seem to play up if i am on the phone aswell as when people come round.I wish they could just give me the time to chat rather than not chat to anyone all the time as it is such a horrid feeling as they get you soo angry aswell and then they seem to do it all the more no matter how you try to correct or punish them.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
18 May 10
No, my children understand that it is rude to interrupt an adult conversation, and if they attempt to interrupt I tell them they're being rude and need to wait before speaking. If it's an important conversation that children shouldn't be involved in I'd send the child to another room so they couldn't disrupt us, and if it were bedtime the child would sternly be told to return to bed, and they'd probably get some sort of punishment for not staying in bed when they should have been.
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• United States
19 May 10
Being ADHD doesn't make it easy, that's forsure!
@jugsjugs (12967)
19 May 10
I have a son of 6 years old with adhd and he is always in full swing of an evening as the medication has worn out and therefore he can not seem to settle let alone let anyone else settle or do their own thing of the evening aswell as at the night time no matter what the time of night is.I have tried all the punishment routine aswell as had training to deal with the adhd and nothing has worked soo far.
18 May 10
Hi jugs, Don't let your children rule you, when they are supposed to be in bed, tell them bed means bed!!! and its very rude to interrupe when grown ups are talking, remeber you are the boss not them. Tamara
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@jugsjugs (12967)
19 May 10
I have tried all sorts with my children and explained aswell that if i was like that when their friends were to come round how would they like it as they also would not be able to chat to their friends.I have also punished them for interupting all the time like not let them out to see their friends aswell as taken things away from them.My youngest son is on medication for his adhd and that wears out in the late afternoon so that do not help so they are getting us an appointment to see a sleep therapist but there is a waiting list.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
19 May 10
yup grand dqaughter does it al the time. and we tel her we are talking and she will be pateint for awhile then she asked if she can talk now!
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
20 May 10
My youngest two don't live with me so when I get them they are the center of my attention. I am sure they wouldn't mind if I was talking with someone else, as I do have a girlfriend who has kids the same age and they get along well together but still when it comes to my kids they get my attention first because I don't have them all the time.
@chiumee (850)
• Philippines
19 May 10
i knew i was very well taught by my parents how to behave and respect. even just the two of them talking, my siblings and i knew that we were not supposed to insert ourselves in their conversation unless, we were the ones who started the chat. in two different occasions, i attempted not to follow this discipline, and i received two different responses... i was ignored as if i didn't exist, and the second, i was scolded and grounded.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
20 May 10
umm no.. my kids will do as they are told, or i will pick them up and carry them back to their beds where they belong, and if they STILL get up and disrupt grown up conversations.. they get themselves grounded and lose tv and vids for a few days
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
21 May 10
Oh my gosh, I really think that children have some sort of radar when it comes to their parents talking to someone that isn't in the house with them. Whenever I get on the phone it is like all heck breaks loose, they immediately need everything under the sun because I am not giving them my full attention. However, when we are around other people in person, the kids aren't quite as pushy because most of the people that we are with are parents as well and I allow them to correct my children for rude behavior. So, I will say something and if they keep it up, the other person will say something.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
19 May 10
I don't have any kids, but some of my friends talk to their kids when they are on the phone with me. Not just their kids, their spouses or whomever. I think it is very rude and annoying. I will usually find some excuse to hang up. I was always taught you don't talk to someone who is on the phone, but apparently everyone wasn't.
@jugsjugs (12967)
19 May 10
I have tried to explain to the children that they do not try to talk to me when i am on the phone as i can not listen to two people aswell as talk to two people at the same time.I also asked them how they would feel if i kept interupting them from chatting to their friends and i have also taken things away from them aswell as not let them out the next day so that they knew i ment i wasnt going to put up with them interupting me.
• India
19 May 10
No, I have never been in such situation but feel that it would be very difficult to communicate if there is continous inturruption.
@jugsjugs (12967)
19 May 10
It is hard when you start a conversation with a person and can not finish it as all the children do is butt in all the time and in the end you just give up trying to talk to the people that you are trying to have a conversation with.I have tried all the punishments and nothing at all works with them.My son has adhd and he is never tired so that do not help.
• India
20 May 10
I think you should try to make him understand instead of punishing. may be food supplement may also work.
@pabreen (237)
• Philippines
19 May 10
My children would hand me the phone if someone calls and they would ask me who called only after the converstion . And if I have visitors and it happens that my kids are around, they would politely greet the visitor them walk to their room or do their own thing. Well, in your case your son has adhd so it's understandable. Haven't you tried food supplements for your child, I also have a special child and I gave him any food supplement which I find beneficial for him. There are products that claims that it is helpful with patients that has adhd.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
28 May 10
Well some kids are very possesive and they behave the same way. It applies even to the pets, they never allow us to talk to others.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 May 10
LOL! Well, SMALL children can be excused, I'm talking like toddler age and under, but I would just keep putting them back in bed, or put a baby gate in front of their door, or shut the door. Sometimes I encounter frequent interruptions from kids, especially when I am on the phone. Usually that means I will be on the phone LONGER before I give them any attention. I expect certain behaviors from the kids, including understanding that if they are supposed to be in bed or otherwise NOT bothering me when I am entertaining company or on the phone, that is what I expect, and I won't tell people not to come around, that would be akin to allowing the kids to dictate what goes on!! Not a good thing, not good at all. In fact, I have trouble understanding anybody who allows kids' behavior to effectively curb their social connections with friends or cause them to just let the kids walk all over them. There is a time and a place for everything and kids need to learn that as well. It's pretty simple - you respect ME, then I'll respect you in return. Also, whatever the parent says is the bottom line. When they are the parent, it will be their turn.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
19 May 10
our 3 year old son wants lots of attention, most of the time. even when there are visitors or someone in the neighborhood have a talk with my wife, he makes something to get her attention and makes you stop talking with the friend. of course, he's too young to know that this is not good. most annoying is when the older kids talk with you in between the conversation with the friend.
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
19 May 10
I would never let my children have that much control! They do it because you let them. I would repremand them, take priviledges away, etc. Children should never be allowed to act this way. You are the parent and they should treat you with respect. If you tell them you need to talk or visit and they need to go play they had better do it!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
19 May 10
I have the same problem with my eight year old daughter! She constantly cuts into conversations and if I’m not the phone she insists on knowing who it is and interrupting. A couple of my friends who have children the same age have the same problem. It is children being curious but we discipline our child when she does it now because it is rude; I would not have dared to do that when I was a kid! Times do change...
@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
19 May 10
This is a topic to be considered very seriously. I have observed this situation many a times and discussed also. While we are in a discussion or any chat or any kind of engagement with few people, if small childrens are around, they make notice. If possible, in louder and again if not attended, they will scream and rag our attention to them. Even if they are small, their behaviour has certain physic attachment. They know that something is going on and they are not noticed, to get their attraction, the child will make notice. If noticed, they will become calm and if not, they will try more. You also must have noticed the same. So, be sure that they are attended or surrounded with some one. Regards, Thank-s
@oldchem1 (8132)
19 May 10
No they would not dare! My children have been brought up to respect their elders - especially their parents. Too many parents are too soft on their children, discipline does not have to be harsh, it should be fair and explained to the the kids, it is needed for them to grow up to be well rounded and polite adults.