how to quit smoking cigarettes??

cigarette - burning cigarette
May 19, 2010 1:53am CST
Hi people! I want to quit smoking. But i have no idea of taking pills for that. have you got any better idea which will work effectively and of course let me follow it without any trouble. I can accept any ideas unless it doesn't disturb my daily routine. I mean i cant stay at home , take rest due to strong pills...etc. I need a best solution and an easy solution to do that. have any of you tried to quit smoking and succeeded? please let me know your thoughts on this.
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13 responses
@udaymohan (437)
• India
20 May 10
Determination is the key word for quitting smoking. With your will power, you can achieve any thing. Just take a vow that you would not smoke, and you are on your way. No medicine is required nor you require and accu-puncture or pressure. Yoga execises would help you a lot. Go for morning walk and take deep breathing which would let you know how enjoy the clean air. Never decide to quit smoking after one or two ciggarettes or from next day. Just leave it. Remember, you can do it subject to your determination and will-power. If you cannot do, you are a weak person.
• India
20 May 10
Will power! thats the word. Thank you. After 20 responses for my questions i can easily narrow down to a single word called " determination".
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
19 May 10
My dad stopped smoking some 20 years ago cold turkey. My boyfriend stopped smoking just 9 years ago last month and he did it by acupuncture. The doctor put some type of medal thing behind his ears that he had to wear for I think a week or so. He accomplished what he needed to and hasn't smoke again. Once he quit he couldn't believe how smelly other smokers were. He complains when he smells the smoke and now understands why I wouldn't want to kiss him with that smell on his breath. Good luck to you and hope this helps you.
• India
19 May 10
Hey thanks , atleast i can save my girlfriend from this bad odour coming from my mouth due to smoking..
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
20 May 10
i'm not a smoker... but i have other type of addiction that i have to quit... even though it is not smoking, but i think the way to beat an addiction will be quite similar... we just have to have the will and strong determinations to be able to do that... also, a 'never give up' mentality... joining a community of people that share the same addiction will help a lot because you can share about your story and you will get the support that you will need to quit... take care and have a nice day...
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
20 May 10
there is really no easier way to quit smoking than being strict and straight to your goal. look who's talking? a smoker for more than 20 years and still smoke after more than 3 or 4 tries.
@JoaniZik (90)
• Philippines
20 May 10
hi! i appreciate your goal to quit smoking! anyways, I don't smoke, but I have a chance counseling people with addictive habits. there are two areas that i usually share to a person who wants to stop a habit.first, it starts with making a decision and following it up daily. second, is to ask God for help. I don't want to sound religious or churchy here, but there is a spiritual side to anything addictive habits that a person have that it goes beyond the natural. i don't know but maybe you tried stopping before but just can't do it, why is that? third, accountability partner, could be your wife or best friend or anybody who you really trust.
@dhezrn (98)
• Philippines
20 May 10
Hi dietxpert! My husband just recently quit smoking. Actually what happened was, he got sick for about a week (he had the flu), so he could not smoke at all. After recuperating, he just suddenly decided for himself to just stop smoking. Yes, he tried nicotine patches before, tried to cut it down, but they weren't working for him. So he just quit cold turkey. Instead of smoking, if he feels the urge, he would chew gum/candy. He enrolled at the nearest gym, and got a new hobby, mountain biking. Biking took off his thoughts from smoking, and he says he feels a healthier with this new hobby. I guess it's all about mind setting, and seeing smoking as a habit rather than an addiction. If it is your habit to smoke after eating, and you've been doing such for years, than your mind is automatically tuned to doing so. Break that habit and turn it into something productive. Do something else if you feel the urge to smoke. I used to smoke myself for several years before I went to nursing school. When I started to go to back to school, I felt that it wasn't right to smoke and wear a nurses' uniform. I did it cold turkey too and I haven't smoked since. Once you stop for a week or so, you may notice that the smoke is not too appealing anymore. :) try it. Good luck!:)
@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
19 May 10
I stopped smoking in 1997. One week I did the patches, but because the instructions told me to take them off before I go to sleep, I ended up with withdrawal symptoms every night. Knowing that nicotine withdrawals should last no longer than three days, I went cold turkey after that. I did have a big motivation, having developed the smokers' cough, having such fits daily. I had always said before then that I would quit when it becomes more uncomfortable to smoke than not to, and that time finally came for me.
@jhenn22 (1242)
• Philippines
19 May 10
my father quit smoking for quite long now. He was a chain smoker before yet he successfully quits smoking. At first it was hard for him but because he had self discipline and goal which was to quit from smoking and he did. A friend of mine also successfully quits smoking by the use of "something" usually found in bars. i just don't know the name of that facility but the effect is just like you are smoking but there's no nicotine on it.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 May 10
hi dietxpert, Try using the patch. It helps take the edge off the withdrawals and weans you from the nicotine gradually. It isn't magic. You still have to fight off urges. I think most important is to have the mindset that you really really really want to quit. I don't think there is any real easy way to quit. It's really hard but people do manage to so it is not impossible. Set a quit date and really work on syking yourself into quitting. You can do it!
• India
19 May 10
i guess you are so addicted that its almost impossible for you to leave smoking.i would advice you to develop another good interest and get addicted to that and hopeful you will leave smoking.also keep reading the harmful effects of smoking and automatically you will stop smoking.well if all this doesn't work then i don't know maybe pray to god that soon you will be allergic to smoking.
@shibham (16977)
• India
19 May 10
Hi , i m a regular smoker who smokes more than 30 cigerette per day. I have not thought to quit it still today. But i know that its too hard to leave it but if u have strong will power and mental determination, then u can quit othewise there is no medicine. Thanks.
@DummyBlog (379)
• Pakistan
19 May 10
I have a very simple and applicable solution and it takes nothing. At first reduce smoking! Don't some a full ciggeratte. Have a few puffs and turn it off, keep it with you and remove that black tip. When again you feel the need to smoke, use delay tactics. Get youself busy with something. When its out of control, take out that ciggrette again and repeat the above given procedure again. In addition, smoke a third class brand of ciggrette. You won't like it and you would definitely start hating ciggerattes, after some time. Hope this helps!
@vjself72 (15)
• United States
19 May 10
hi......For me i just told myself i need to quit.i also had a pack of smokies unopen for a year before i just throw them out.i told myself i had them if i really need one.