What will you prefer?

@wahsher (175)
May 20, 2010 7:11am CST
I want to discuss a very interesting topic which was in my mind since my childhood. Science is developing at very high pace. New inventions are being made everyday. One of the most interesting gifts from science is space research. We humans are now looking in the space to search another place where life can exist, and we can live comfortably there. Suppose, we have found an another place where we can live. Now my question is - If you will get a chance (free off course) to live on 'another planet' (ex. moon, mars). Will you go? What will you prefer - live on earth or leave earth and go to the another planet? I will prefer to live on earth because the earth gave us life. We born here, we grown up here, We can live here safely. I will live here because this is our own home. Why go anywhere else if you have your own home? Why go to the place you don't know about? That's why I will live on earth. And also will like to die on earth. What do you think? What will you do? Please give your reasons to support your thought.
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12 responses
@Draeke (322)
• United States
20 May 10
tough call. But wouldnt it be great to go out and explore a new place? To make discoveries in the 'new land' like Columbus and all the other explorers into the Americas? I think I would go, at first, and depending what it's like, I might stay.
@wahsher (175)
• India
20 May 10
wow.. courageous thought. I think you are also right, as day by day our earth is getting worst to stay due to pollution, global worming, unstable weather, earthquakes etc. We will need to find another place to stay. But, Will you like to leave your MOTHER EARTH 'lonely' even if she can't nourish you any more?
@Draeke (322)
• United States
20 May 10
if it comes down to survival? I would go to where the chances of survival would be greater. There are some theories that we have already 'hopped planets' once. That we originated on Mars and moved here, to Earth, because of the deterioration of Mars. But that's a bit far fetched, not sure where I want to stand on that one. I do see mankind going into space and travelling the stars someday, and living among them. I believe we need to discover gravity technology before star travel for humans becomes a reality.
@mtvmtv (600)
• India
20 May 10
Hi, Nice topic.Really science is developing at a very high pace.Achievements of the science is beyond thinking.Perhaps with time it is possible that human being may develop a new world at any other planet.No doubt it will be long after many generations. So,i think our generation has no option i.e. choice between the earth and another planet.
@wahsher (175)
• India
20 May 10
yeah, we currently have no option. ..We just have to suppose that the time has came............. We are only bound to think about the situation in advance. So that our future generations can boost their thoughts as they will get a very rich material generated from the thinkings of our generation. and as one of my friends said - ... It is not too early to think about...
@med889 (5940)
20 May 10
I like being here and this is a good place too because we do not know how other places will be at least here we know every thing and every where. However if given the chance to move then I will definitely be trying for a short period of time.
@wahsher (175)
• India
20 May 10
:)) good balanced answer. I respect your comment. thanks..
@picjim (3002)
• India
20 May 10
If i'm in good health then i'll make a visit to the places you've mentioned.But i'll do it on condition that they can support life.My visit will only be a short one to explore the mysteries of the new place.After i satisfy myself then i'll return back to dear Earth.If there is a place as hospitable and beautiful as earth then i might consider staying there.
@wahsher (175)
• India
20 May 10
... hmmmm..... I'll respect your decision. I hope it should be more beautiful than earth as it will be very fresh and new. Because, still humans haven't got a chance to contaminate and pollute it. :))
• India
20 May 10
I would say it is too early to go and live on another planet but it is not too early to think. We say the earth is getting crowded. Developing countries like India and China are already over populated. There is not enough food, enough shelter and enough water for everybody. The supplies are depleted. People are starving. They are already fighting with each other. I say it is too early to go to other planets because the environment is not yet conducive for habitation. Gravitational force is not similar to ours. Atmospheric conditions are different. We are used to certain way of life. We will have to change the environment there to suit us or we must become adaptable to that sort of environment. Besides, to sustain us we will have to grow kind of food we are used to. We may find not only the conditions inimical to us but we may find the living things, if at all they exist, hostile to us. We will have to prepare ourselves for all this. If you see the history of our planet the civilization, which left the land they always lived prospered tremendously in the alien land. People who went to live in America and Australia are more prosperous than any other. If I were given a chance, I would rather go to live on another planet to experience things that I have never experienced before.
@wahsher (175)
• India
20 May 10
good thought achilles2010. Yeah, we will need to adjust ourselves and adopt to the conditions that will be present in new place. As far as I think, It will not be so difficult as we certainly now much more about environment and gravitation and all that.... Production and of food and prevention to unknown diseases can be a very major deciding factor.... Yeah, If we go to any new place, we automatically tend to make it more beautiful and rich because we got our previous experience and knowledge with us. Our management will be definitely better at that time. So, we will start to manage things neatly from the beginning at new place. As far as I think....... lol :)
• China
20 May 10
I will prefer to stay here. As my belongs stay here. More over i feel comfortable to stay in earth. I know what is bad things and good things here. So why i will go there. And i don't feel any trouble to stay here. But i love moon planet.hehe
@wahsher (175)
• India
20 May 10
hehe. nice to hear that from you. Our earth is very beautiful and full of life. It has been alloted to us. Then why go anywhere else? Moon is beautiful and we can see it every night. :))
@Sagar_ (80)
• Pakistan
20 May 10
Well, quite obvious answer you will get that everyone will like to live on this beautiful earth. This earth is so beautiful, besides this we've everyone out here, our home,relatives, family and everyone whom we love and like. Besides this i would really like to go once on any other planet just for sometime, to see what's the life out there?
@betlynfrnds (4069)
• United States
20 May 10
I, no doubt, am in awe of the beauty as I gaze the starry heavens and wonderful planets. It's a marvelous creation from The Almighty God. However it was earth that was created to be home for humans. I intend to live on earth because this is whaere I belong.
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
20 May 10
I would stay right here on earth. According to the people who are suppose to be looking for planets, and studying them, so far they haven't found a planet like earth. They say the odds of it are pretty high, but if so, then its probably so far away that if you left when you were a baby you would be a really old person by the time you got there. And the cost to make a planet near us inhabitable would be outrageous. No one would pay for it.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
21 May 10
You know, it doesn't matter where we go because we are going to end up destroying it anyway. So the thing is, even if we inhabit all life-supporting planets in the universe we are bound to destroy it because we humans are not good stewards of creation. But well, if flying off to Mars is our chance of survival when the time comes that earth is no longer suitable for supporting life, and there are means to get to Mars, why not? But still eventually we will destroy Mars because of our irresponsibility.
• China
20 May 10
Actually,I think that is not realistic,because the environment is very different from the earth,the biggest difference I think is the gravity,the gravity on the moon is just too little and the gravity on the mars is just too big for human being,I think that will take a very long time for huming being to be adapted to the new environment,if all these won't be a problem,I think I will have a tour to the new world to have a look just to satisfy myself,but I will come back to earth very soon because I was borne here ,I like here,I belong to here,
@karen1969 (1779)
20 May 10
I would prefer to stay on Earth as it is my home and I know about life here. I would find it very frightening to live on a different planet, as it would be an unknown quantity and it may be too hot or too cold or have some unknown dangers like fatal diseases or alien monsters or something! But if the Earth was about to be destroyed, then I would give another planet a chance!