Do you mind other people sitting on your bed?

@poohgal (6845)
May 20, 2010 12:53pm CST
Have you ever had a friend/relative/visitor coming into your room and sit on your bed? I'm a clean freak. I hate it when other people sit on my bed. The only people I allow sitting on my bed are my parents/brother (only after they have taken their showers) and little kids (since they are kids, I won't be so particular). How about you?
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22 responses
@xtinelee (3371)
• Singapore
3 Jun 10
I don't really like anyone else but myself to be on my bed. And I don't like people who didn't shower just before to go on my bed. I can be quite particular about this. :D Love it that my bed is just mine, and mine alone.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
9 Sep 10
My bed is mine and mine along too! ^^
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
9 Sep 10
@anuraa32 (2446)
• India
21 May 10
Well I generally dont let people who I dont know that well into my bedroom. And those who I know, and am sure of their cleanliness are allowed into my room. But I do put on a bedcover over my bed and the linen. So even if they do sit on it, I just take it off at night and vola have a clean space to sleep at night.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
22 May 10
That's a good way to protect the bed. As for me, my bed cover is my thick blanket.. I don't like people to sit on that either. Thanks for sharing.
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@anuraa32 (2446)
• India
25 May 10
Well I wouldnt want them to sit on my thick blanket either.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
21 May 10
I know alot of ple, doesn't like that, but not for me.. haha =D I guess the bedroom is one private room, which most wont just anyhow invite anybody in it.. Even when i'm in my friends house, even for guys, i wont be sitting on the bed anyhow.. haha =D One of my friends even said to him, " the bed is meant for sleeping, how u expexct me to sit on it".. lol =D When i heard that, i was kinda shocked, because of the way he said it.. haha =D
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
21 May 10
Cute baby! yours? I guess some guys are just not so particular about such things.. Thanks for sharing.
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
22 May 10
NAh, not mine!! haha =D
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
25 May 10
I wouldn't want people to be sitting on my bed either unless invited and I think by you letting them in your bedroom you are kind of inviting them, aren't you? If you don't want people to sit on your bed then you need to put in a couple chairs. And then when they are in your room, indicate to them that you would like them to sit on a chair by showing them it by gesture and asking if they would like to sit down. Or you need to tell these people that your bed is off limits and no one is allowed to sit on it, plain and simple, and if someone gets upset about it then they need to be told they need to respect your decisions. Good luck with this.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
26 May 10
That's exactly what I do. Thanks for sharing.
@galileo2008 (1168)
• Philippines
20 May 10
I guess it fine with me when people just sit on my bed, as long as they're not sweating and filthy (that's gross!), or they just don't put their feet on my bed, that's absolutely fine. I have a friend who's also a neat freak and every time somebody comes inside her room, she would warn him not to sit on her bed or else will definitely gonna freak out.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
21 May 10
But.. you will never know how clean the person's clothing is.. Thanks for sharing.
• Pakistan
28 May 10
Hey! Are you on youtube?? I guess, I have watched your touring vids.
• Malaysia
20 May 10
i wouldn't mind at all only certain people are allowed into my room. everyone else is limited to the living room area only. so if someone is allowed into my room, then they're also allowed to have a seat on my bed but then, my bed is a loft bed. so they might have a bit of trouble getting onto it in the first place
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
20 May 10
I should get a loft bed too Thanks for sharing.
• Malaysia
20 May 10
and then everyone will think twice before sitting on it
@balasri (26537)
• India
21 May 10
Yes I do mind.Bed is a very personal thing and I never liked strangers sitting on it.In fact it never happened in my life time. But it is a different story with the kids of my niece when they come from abroad for their annual vacation.The used to leave the 'B E D' as 'E D B' as they leave.Can't help it.Can I?
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
21 May 10
I have a soft spot for kids too.. Really can't be help.. Thanks for sharing.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
21 May 10
Hi, poohgal. My grandmother is the same way too. She does not like when someone sits on her bed either. I guess it is because someone may mess the covers up or break something on the bed. My kids can sit on my bed, I don't mind. But when it is cleaned I don't like it when anyone sits on it. My kids love to play on the bed, and I have to tell them not to do so. But if I have guests, I don't want them to sit on my bed at all. That does not look so hot, you know...
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
22 May 10
Most kids who enter my room like to go to my bed because of the many pooh bear stuffed toys I have on it. I have a soft spot for kids, I usually let them on my bed so long as they are not filled with dirt/mud. Thanks for sharing.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
21 May 10
I am not very particular about my bed. I am fine if any of my friends or family members want to sit on my bed. My husband even let his friend's dog stay in our bed the whole day when I was at home. I am sure that you won't allow that. He said that the dog doesn't shed hair and so it is fine to keep the dog in the bed. I honestly don't prefer that.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
21 May 10
I love dogs but I don't like them on my bed. Thanks for sharing.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
21 May 10
I think my issue on that matter is not much on the cleanliness side but more on the invasion of my space. There are people that I don't feel comfortable sitting or sleeping on my bed. If the person is close to me, I wouldn't mind but if someone is still on my bed when i am sleepy, thats when i start getting edgy.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
21 May 10
I guess you just have to carry a chair to the person and ask him/her to sit on it. That's what I'll do. Thanks for sharing.
@malpoa (1214)
• India
21 May 10
Ah I was more or less like that when I was a kid. I wouldn't let anyone sit on my bed. Not even my father or siblings. I would ask my mother to change bed sheet everytime someone sits on my bed!!! Now I have changed for the better. I am just particular that any one who sits should be clean, wearing clean clothes and definitely very clean feet. Whenever my husband's friends come, I change bed sheet as they and their kids hop on to the bed without clean feet...and kids sometimes with shoes on!! I do not blame kids but their mothers who let them do that. If it were me, I wouldnt have let my kid do that.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
21 May 10
Yup.. the mothers are definitely at fault. In the first place, I wouldn't even allow kids/adults to enter my house with shoes on. If someone steps on my bed with shoes on, I'll probably go crazy. Thanks for sharing.
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
22 May 10
Hi Poohgal I feel the same way you do I don't like people sitting on my bed especially after I make it up and just like you he only people I allow to sit on my bed is family members and they have to sit on the end of the bed not up by my pillow (after all I lay my head on those pillows don't want any butt prints on my pillow After all I don't know where they been sitting before they came to the house
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
22 May 10
Agree! I don't sleep with pillow though but I don't want butt prints on where my head rests. Thanks for sharing.
@evepin (721)
• Philippines
21 May 10
well, not really. it depends actually. if they sit properly then yes i guess its ok. but if they lounge around like they don't care then i get a bit irritated. i'm kinda a neat freak too, though not that much! cheers and happy myLotting!
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
22 May 10
I don't like it too when they start treating my room like their room and lounge around. Thanks for sharing.
@lakman (56)
21 May 10
I too agree with your view. It is not good to sit/use others bed, specially if yuo have skin infection like fungal rashes. But in some places like hostel it is not possible. When your friends come in, they sit or sleep on our bed.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
22 May 10
I lived in hostel and I totally understand that!! That's one of the reasons why I only stayed in hostel for one term. Thanks for sharing.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
21 May 10
My bed is room is special. I have a water bed and as they are not fashionable now they are a bit of a novelty. People don't just wanna sit on my bed, they want to lie down to try it and I encourage that. It's waveless and easy to sit on as it does not seem like a waterbed to look at. For my girls and granddaughters to come into mty room they know they are in for a treat. They get to go through my clothes and jewellery and usually, someone receives something. It could be a garment, a brooch, earrings or a ring. If someone feels unwell they get to rest IN my bed and that is truly special. It doesn't happen often but the times it has the kids have slept for several hours and woken refreshed and well. I'm very happy for people to sit on my bed...everyone is welcome...pets too!
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
21 May 10
That's very kind of you. I doubt I can ever be so open about my bed. Thanks for sharing.
• United States
21 May 10
I guess I don't really mind people sitting on my bed. It would b nice if they asked first but I'll probably say yes anyways. My bed is the one closest to the door and there are no chairs besides the one at the desk and whenever my roommate's friends visit, they always just sit on my bed. I'm a little sloppy so I don't mind that much.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
21 May 10
Most of the time, my friends don't even ask. It's nice that you are so nice to let your roommate's friends to sit on your bed. Thanks for sharing.
@sskelvin (133)
• India
21 May 10
Yes,sometimes it can be irritating if someone sits on my bed.I don't even allow my sister to sit on it unless it's really important.Ofcourse when someone already sits I don't ask him to get out because that would be too rude but it does irritate
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
21 May 10
I won't ask him to get out too but I'll carry a chair to him and ask him to sit on it instead. Thanks for sharing.
@iwinagain (545)
21 May 10
If I invite someone over like a friend or guest, I would not have them sit on my bed but I would have them sit on a chair, which would be the most appropriate thing to do. I wouldn't let visitors sit on my bed because it's not appropriate for me to do that.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
21 May 10
Yup. It's definitely not appropriate. But some people like to sit on others' beds. Thanks for sharing.
@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
20 May 10
No this is not a big problem for me. I also like being a clean person. But some time we should compromise to support others and for being mannered. There are some cases when they are very tired so even i have to give them my bed to sleep. So i know the states what could arise in different situations.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
21 May 10
If my friends are tired and want to sleep, I have extra mattresses in my house for them to sleep on. Thanks for sharing.
@mjanakha (479)
• United Arab Emirates
20 May 10
Have you ever lived in a single room which serves as living room, bed room, study room, dining room etc. I have lived like that. We can never say dont sit in the bed because we dont have any other space to make our friends sit. 40% of the people lives like that only.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
20 May 10
Yes, I had. I stayed in hostel when I was in University. My dream is to work in Japan and I know that Japan has a lot of one-room apartments for students/travelers. If I were to live in a one-room apartment, I will not have a bed. Instead, I'll just get a flat mattress which can be folded and I can keep them aside easily. I think that will help save a lot of space. Thanks for sharing.