Do you listen to music when you are sad?

May 28, 2010 10:07am CST
I always listen to music when I am sad or when my mood is off or when I am tired. I really feel relaxed and my stress reduces. I listen to romantic songs and sweet music which is pleasurable to my try it you will see the difference!
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19 responses
@Skade24 (750)
• Romania
27 Jul 10
It`s crucial for me to listen music when i am sad. Well, it depends of what kind of music you listen, i like to listen instrumental or classical music, it helps me calm down and relax.
@george000 (166)
• India
27 Jul 10
Yes,I am doing same thing because when I listen all the music except the sad one .When I listen to sad music I am getting more hurt and I like to be lonely .If be with friend than my mind won't forget the situation which I had before.
@kshp_dpk (213)
• India
26 Jul 10
Ya!I always listen to music.when I feel sad I used to listen sad songs and when I am happy I listen romantic songs.I really feel free and relaxed when I listen the music.I like to listen music.Listen music will also reduce our stress.
@krnavtr (285)
• India
26 Jul 10
whether i am happy or not i listen to music everyday.Most of the time i listen Romantic and heart touching songs thats dedicates me and pinches my heart .
@krnavtr (285)
• India
26 Jul 10
whethet i am happy or not,i listen to the music everyday as its my interest.Most of the time i listen romantic and heart touching songs thats dedicates me and pinches my heart too.
@krnavtr (285)
• India
26 Jul 10
whether i am happy or not,i listen to music as this is my interest.Most of the time i listen romantic and heart touching songs which pinches my heart.
• United States
28 May 10
When I'm sad I try to listen to happy and uplifting music to get myself to cheer up. It usually works. I enjoy music that really makes me happy, and that really speaks to me. I have a playlist of songs that I think are really uplifting and help me when I'm in a bad mood.
@belitb (31)
• United States
29 May 10
Music can be very helpful in making you feel better and get over your bad mood. It can be the words or the beat or tune itself. I find the music can be happy or upbeat to make me change my mood. Sometimes though it does make me feel better to listen to sad or slower music, maybe it is just good to wallow in my misery, as they say, to feel better. Whatever your preference is, I find that it helps to have music.
@dheckerz (473)
• Philippines
31 May 10
I do. But I listen to rock, or R&B whenever I'm sad. In this case it reduces my sadness and makes me think of happy thoughts. Usually i often do this and it makes me feel better at the end of the day.
@pabreen (237)
• Philippines
29 May 10
I love to listen to music because it inspires me to perform better in what I'm doing. It helps me get away from boredom and puts me in good spirits.
@crackx (628)
• Belgium
29 May 10
Yes, I listen to music when sad, but also when happy, feeling normal,... I almost always listen to music, cause without it, it makes me feel like there is nothing going on. Even though listening to some music makes me sad, cause one evening I went to a performance of a girl, and we almost had relationship, but the day after she wasn't really into it yet. Ever since I had problems with the music I heard that evening.
• China
29 May 10
I listen to music both when I am happy or sad.When I am happy,I listen to some romantic music,some very beautiful ones,I enjoy it very much.When I am down,I listen to some that like screaming,it is a good way to release depression.
• Philippines
4 Jun 10
i do it myself, too. most of the time, i listen to the songs of taylor swift and carrie underwood, you know, country music stuff for that laid-back feel. but when teen-angst overpowers me, i listen to rock music...then suddenly shift to love songs to cease my anger. :)
• India
26 Jul 10
Yes It depend up on the music and why I am sad.Mostly I listen music because it's makes me feel happy.I usually listen music which is emotional and makes me more depress.Which can make me feel happy for the day.
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
28 May 10
it depends on the music and the reason why i'm sad. sometimes music makes me feel more sad when it brings up memories. so sometimes i'd rather not listen to music when i'm feeling so sad. but when i do, it's usually music which i wouldn't remember the reason. so i usually end up with screamo or metal music when i'm sad.
@la_chique (1498)
28 May 10
I used to listen to romantic songs when I felt down but it would just make me feel worse more often than not so I turned to Alanis Morisette. All her songs are so emotionally angry, and I love screaming along to the jagged little pill album. Always makes me feel better!
• India
28 May 10
yes i also listen music when i am sad and also i like to listen music when i am happy also. sometimes it may happen that when i am sad and when i listen music I automatically cry. I dont know how but it happen sometimes,
• India
28 May 10
I am not so much fond of listening music. But I used to listen music whenever I am free and but not in tense mood. Whenever I am in tense mood, I used to match some comic scenes from youtube and meet my friends and start some comedy.
• Philippines
28 May 10
Yup, i listen to music when I'm sad. It makes me think and reflect on what have I been doing all my life that needs to be change. A relaxing instrumental music would better for that.