Flooding the forum with non-sense short discussions.

@jamed28 (1903)
May 28, 2010 9:37pm CST
Well I used to click new started discussions and I used to see several new discussions coming from one member. When I tried to check her discussion in usually compose of 6 to 15 words only. And most of them where just simple common questions like, "What computer are you using?", "I love walmart" and others. Without even elaborating the discussion. Well I just wanna know if this kind of discussion receive some rewards from Mylot? Because if this is the case here, this site will be flooded by this kind of discussions just to earn more.
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13 responses
@zralte (4178)
• India
29 May 10
Maybe they do receive something, may be not. If it is not a topic of discussion, for eg. 'I love Walmart', it gets deleted and therefore no earning. If it can be classified as discussion, eg. 'What computer are you using?', then there will be reward. To elaborate, 'I love walmart' and such kind are not really topic for discussion. That is stating your opinion. However, if it is followed with questions like - do you love it too and why do you love it, I guess that would make it a discussion. Just my humble opinion. And if you think the discussion is against the guidelines set out at myLot, you can always report it to the admin and they will review and delete if necessary.
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@jamed28 (1903)
• Philippines
7 Jun 10
Is this supported by the Mylot's terms and conditions? are you sure the discussion "I Love Walmart" been deleted? I don't think so.
@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
29 May 10
Such discussions are 'poll type' discussions and are against the Guidelines. The proper thing to do is to report them.
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@jamed28 (1903)
• Philippines
7 Jun 10
Well if it is against the guidelines, then why didn't Mylot delete them? There are a lot of them in here.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
29 May 10
Hi Jamed, Yes, there are way too many of those types of discussions and there have been many discussions started complaining about them and still it happens. They don't earn more by starting those types of discussions unless somehow it turns into an active discussion in which they participate. Most of the time they start them and then don't bother participating so they earn next to nothing. Mostly these discussion just take up space and make it more time consuming to shuffle past them to find something worth responding to.
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• Australia
30 May 10
As said by many others, after the initial flow of great questions there's not much to ask on here besides very heavily biased and/or opinionated questions and responses. I guess from time to time there might be a few discussions regarding current events but oh well. At least it improves the community.
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@Luwiego (622)
• Israel
29 May 10
Not all of them are nonsense. Because someone write less but simple.
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@jamed28 (1903)
• Philippines
31 May 10
The topic here is non-sense short discussion. I never said ALL short discussion are non-sense.
• United States
29 May 10
I do agree that some of these discussions are nonsense. But, I have a feeling that it isn't just because they're doing it to earn money. Some people might be, but also, a lot of the good discussion questions are taken. I mean, it's hard to come up with a discussion question that starts a discussion. I try my best to create discussions that is common aamonst a large amount of people to start a discussion.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
29 May 10
stephanie remember that people from allover all have families and mates and children and touch on the commonalities like does your husband ever help you with the housework, things like that that all people can share.
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@primeaque86 (8108)
• Philippines
29 May 10
The only thing I am very sure for is that the none who make it won't earn. Because the secret of earning here is quality, a quality discussions are the one rewarded! Do not worry, they could not pass the judgment , those topics would just be here for a very short while because every now and then, mylot admin always run and eye to all our posts.... they always keep this site from trash! Happy mylotting!
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
29 May 10
jamed those discussions just really annoy me no end. and in the guidelines it asks us to make intelligent discussions not just inane nonsense that you have no way of replying to. I found as a new person here three years ago that those brief discussions do'not net you anything. So I made mine at least four or five sentences long and saw my earnings grow rapidly.So I do not think they earn any rewards and some of the real nonsense ones are just deleted. How are you going to reply to I love Walmart unless the person asks if you like shopping there, and if so why and if not, why, now that would at lest create a discussion of some sort.
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
30 May 10
Those really aren't discussions, but just questions, and nothing more. I don't like those either, as there is nothing to them, and I think what it is, they really can't think of anything else to post, so they post nonsense ones, which probably aren't nonsensical to the ones who start them. I have seen a lot of those too, and most of the time, I will just leave them go and not respond, or if do respond, I will try to help them out and tell them that they really have nothing to discuss, and mylot is about discussing, not just asking questions. It could be that person is trying to pst as much as she can, to make as much as she can, but unless she takes the time to comment back to the responses, she won't make anything. I have responded to discussions like that, and I don't understand why they just leave them go, but they do. They are in for a surprise when they don't earn because they didn't take the time to comment back. It is rude and if they can't comment back, then don't start a discussion in the first place, as it is just a big waste of time. That is just my opinion though as others might feel differently. Good luck to you and happy mylotting.
• Philippines
29 May 10
Just review the terms of service of mylot and I think mylot did allow any discussion that is nonsense and a simple questions that is only requires to answer yes or no.
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@xeroeight (1060)
• Philippines
29 May 10
well you can check it on the sites, guideline don't worry I think they don't get reward from those kind of discussion here in mylot and most of those kind of discussion is getting deleted by the admin, and I also notice those kind of discussion is made by the newbie in the site.
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@animemisa (130)
• Philippines
29 May 10
The reason why I registered as a member of mylot is because of intelligent discussions that is brought out here. It gives me more knowledge about anything. I always seen some discussions, that I think, has no sense at all. I just ignore them and look for topics that interests me. Normally, I don't participate with discussions or open a discussion (If you'll just see my profile). I enjoyed myself reading here. I think you should thank the member who wrote this stuff. Because you have started a conversation because of him. Just joking. You're right. it would be unfair for those who use a lot of time and effort thinking of intellectual conversation to post when others are making profit out of nothing.
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• Singapore
29 May 10
Well what can I say? Some people are just desperate to make some extra dough. To them sites like these are just tools for them to exploit.