Have you noticed that some days seem to fly by yet others seem to go on forever

@jugsjugs (12967)
May 29, 2010 10:20am CST
Well today has been abit of a struggle what with the rain and it being a cold dull day aswell as the children have been playing up since the time they have got up.I think that today is really dragging along it do not help that i am soo tired so i think that do not help.Another time the day seems to fly by.
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62 responses
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
29 May 10
Hi, jugsjugs. Yes, I have noticed this too, myself. Time will go by fast during the week and just as soon as the holiday comes by, it goes by so slow. The weekends are like this too. When it is slow it makes time go by so slow, almost to the point of the day dragging.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
29 May 10
I feel like some times the clocks have stopped and the day seems to go on and it feels like it will never end.I think if you are tired from the night before then it really do not help as that is another thing that makes the day seem to go slow.If i am out with friends then the time seems to fly by.
@bigrod (31)
• United States
30 May 10
Time do flies when you are home and not at work to me when Iam at work time go buy slow.
• United States
31 May 10
ahhh time.... the one thing we dont actually have! we cant spend time, just use it wisely! Just have fun in everything you do :)
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
29 May 10
hijugsjugs Oh I know that feeling as yesterday I go up tired and my tummy felt upset. the day just went on and on, I felt just this side of throwing up and my lunch looked awful and felt awful going down and since I had not slept at all the night before I was really tired yet it seemed like the day was two days long. I went down to dinner and the food looked again awful, tasted awful and I just ate a couple of mouthfuls and left.After a long day that seemed like two in one I got to go to bed and did I ever sleep. nOw today I feel so good and the hours are sliding bytoo quick. I can well imagine with six children all cutting up that the day can seem like two if you are already tired. hope you feel better tomorrow. good luck God Bless. Time to yell at the kids, now look here it may be raining but quit the racket, and i do mean now. tough love.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
29 May 10
I hate feeling ill and yes when you are ill the time do seem to drag on.I am glad you are alot better now.I have tried everything to get the children to stop upsetting each other aswell as find something todo.I have took head ache pills aswell as they are soo loud and with lack of sleep it do not help aswell so perhaps an early night will be in order all round.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 May 10
been up sine 4.30 and I just looked at clock and its only! 8.45 now lol this will be along day or morning then afternoon will fly since we have apark cook out for the t-ball team!
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 May 10
AWWWWWWWWWWW blessed bed time lol
@jugsjugs (12967)
29 May 10
I think that some days really drag but when i have things aswell as people to see the time seems to fly by soo fast and it feels sometimes there are never enough hours in my day.I think that if today is anything to go by then tonight will be just as bad as today with the children.I can not wait until they are asleep later.
• Philippines
7 Jul 12
Hi jugsjugs! There are really days that seem to fly us by and there are also those that seem to go on forever. When I need more time for whatever it is that I need to accomplish, time seems to just pass me by without me even noticing. When I am bored, time seem to crawl so slow. Time also seems to go on forever when I am waiting with excitement for a particular day to come. Today, time seems to fly by...
@jugsjugs (12967)
27 Aug 12
I love christmas and like all the other christmas times when our friends as well as family are all together, time seems to fly by. It seems that no sooner has one christmas has passed, then there is another upon us.Thankfully I have saved money all year round for christmas again this year and I now have 1350 pounds in shopping vouchers ready to spend and I can not wait.
@mareeh (266)
• Philippines
29 May 10
I usually notice that my day just won't seem to end when I'm not doing anything productive or when I am just at home doing nothing that important. But when I work or when I'm out with my friends, it just seems to go faster and before you know it, it's next week again. . .
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@tankut78 (119)
• Turkey
29 May 10
same applies to me, for instance some weeks pass easily some go on forever.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
29 May 10
I find that when the children are off school the weeks seem to drag yet other times they seem to fly by.I hope this week passes quick as the children are off school and i can not get much done when they are at home,other times they are great and can amuse themselves.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
4 Aug 10
I do notice. Most of the ones that drag on, are ones that aren't going too well. I think the evenings always fly by.
26 Oct 10
Yes I have. It's something that I notice often when I am enjoying myself, as time just goes by so quickly and you can easily lose yourself. I think it's something that generally always happens when you do have fun, as when I have nothing to do it goes by ever so slowly. I think it's down to how you notice the time :)
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
i always noticed that time doesn't fly whenever i am in the province..time is very slow in there..i always feel like it will be daytime forever..but in the city..time is moving very fast all the time that sometimes i want to stop the clock from ticking..i can't seem to do all the things that i need to do in a day..also i can't seem to notice the time when i'm infront of the computer..
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
2 Jan 11
Time does fly by fast. This discussion is 8 months old and I have only gotten around to responding to it.^_^ It is also the 2nd day of the year 2011 and Christmas as well as The New Year has gotten past. I also didnt feel like those holidays happened because I had school on those months other than 2 days before and after Christmas day and New Year itself. I guess Im speaking in a general manner. Time goes by fast when you're busy or you're enjoying what you're doing. Time would drag on if you dont like what is going on or maybe you are in a hurry to do something else but cant yet. Anyway, Happy New Year!^_^
• Singapore
1 Jun 10
Fun days seem to pass very fast for me, while boring or painful days always seem so slow.
• Canada
2 Jun 10
so true
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
7 Jun 10
It was sunny on the weekend. And I did notice that the day seemed 'quicker' than usual. I planned to do a little cleaning in the garage, but I never did get time to do it. I did however watch a local basketball team play, played water pistol fight with my kids and some kids from the neighborhood, walked a couple of miles to the mall and back, did a barbecue. Still, it wend by so quick.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
29 May 10
I couldn't have agreed with you more jugsjugs! When I have a deadline to meet the days just seem to fly away. On a lazy Sunday instead, the day seems to go on forever. They all have equal hours in a day actually but isn't it strange how they affect our perceptions differently. That has led me to deduce that what we do or how we do affect the way we feel on how fast or how slow the day is. Can anyone actually strike a balance by saying I feel the same way everyday by weighing how much of his/her activity to put in. I don't think I could. I prefer to equate days with 'make' or 'break' just like how this topic makes my day!
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
31 May 10
You are absolutely right jonjee!
• United States
29 May 10
When I am waitng for something to come in the day will drag. When I am having fun and don't want it to end the time fly's on by. Wish I could trick my mind so the opposite would happen in thoise situations. Any mind trickers out there?
@jugsjugs (12967)
29 May 10
I wish that the opposite would happen aswell as i think like everything that when you are having fun time fly by so quickly.I am not having any fun at all today as the children are really getting to me now and they are not letting up.I hate days like this aswell as being tired.
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
4 Jun 10
That's why I wish I could always stay busy. Time flies when you are "having fun" or doing something you like. But when you get stuck doing something you don't like or have nothing to do it drags.
• Pamplona, Spain
2 Jun 10
Hiya jugs, Had a start to the Week like that the weather cold and in two hours it was really hot a really big swing and it´s been like it all week. It´s really difficult to keep going I know. Many times when I just got out the Door with my youngest I had to go back in and change him again so a lot of times I gave up and stayed in. Once we were both ill at the same time and it was very hot sticky weather and I had no one to help me out I had to drag one foot in front of the other but I got there. Hope you feel better now.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
31 May 10
Jugsjugs. ALL of my days fly by. When I have a job, I put myself into the job and set goals. When I do that, time seems to speed past as if not wanting me to reach my goals. The closest I get to time seeming to go forever is when I'm sick with a cold which barely happens now days.
@stevman (63)
• Canada
2 Jun 10
I notice this allot to. Days seem to fly by im doing something fun and days seem to drag on when im bored.
@MDG2211 (711)
• Argentina
31 May 10
When one this one doing something that he likes, the time happens flying and we do not want that the end comes as for example the vacations and when we are doing anything in that we are not interested or it we do not please or are an obligation since for example working the time does not happen mas or the day becomes endless.
• United States
31 May 10
I have been counting the days until I get to see my boyfriend again. I started with 39 days. The first three weeks dragged by. I thought I would never get through them. Now I'm down to less than two weeks, and the days are going by a little faster. Once I get down to the last five days, they will fly by. I can't wait.