Junk mail and more junk mail through the letter box.

@jugsjugs (12967)
June 1, 2010 5:08pm CST
It seems like every day all we get is aload of junk mail.I have even noticed that the postman is delivering the letters along with a load of leaflets at the same time.Then of an evening there is more junk mail put through the letter box by people.I would not mind but we have to sort our rubbish into different bins and it seems that i am in and out all because of the junk they put through my letter box.
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18 responses
• Australia
1 Jun 10
This seems to happen here in Australia too...the only difference is, we have the 1 wheelie bin for rubbish & 1 for recycling - we don't need to sort the paper from the plastic, etc as that is done at the recycling plant. These days when I get junk mail, I tend to put it straight into the recycling bin. Have you thought about putting a no junk mail sign on your letter box?
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
1 Jun 10
I can't stand junk mail either. The postman seems to take great pride into stuffing junk mail in peoples mailboxes. The mailman that delivers mail to my address stuffs mail that belongs to previous tenants that used to stay out here. I keep sending it back. And his dumb behind, keeps on sending there mail right back to me.. I did not come to walk three minutes from my apartment just to check someone else's mail.. I want to check my mail, only. When I get a heap of junk mail, I will just throw it in the trash can. You can also try contacting the sender by telephone, email address or by postal mail. Tell them that you no longer want to receive anymore mail from them. And hopefully they will stop sending it to you.
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@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
1 Jun 10
This is defiantly a fact, I get more junk mail than anything. It is a pain to have to sort it out. If I am not careful, I will throw the good away with the bad. Then my bills do not get paid.
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• United States
6 Aug 10
Yes, we are like that, too. Some days that is the only mail that the postman delivers to our house. I had rather not receive it.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
1 Jun 10
I get a lot of junk mail but not this much. I don't get so much that I have to be in and out of my house all the time, anyway, lol. My mailbox is close to the road and it would be quite a ways for me to walk from the house, as my house is set back quite a ways from the road. I get a lot of junk email all the time, .
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• China
1 Jun 10
Every day we got so many junk mail in our mail box. And we need to clean it for spreed our mail. But we should check the junk mail before delete it as some important mail come to the junk box. But why people send junk mail i really couldn't understand.
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@derek_a (10874)
2 Jun 10
Yes, that is the case with me also. For instance, I sent to a charity, and the next thing I know there are loads of letters coming from other charities. I am a little sceptical because I have noticed that some of the different charities are using the same address - usually a box number address. That would mean that maybe, they could be an agency that is earning comissions from genuine charities to collect money? _Derek
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
2 Jun 10
The local post office actually told me there is no such thing as junk mail. Snotty thing to say, huh? So I don't use the post office for anything except junk mail any more. All my real mail comes through a mailbox mail forwarding service. I have to pay for it, but at least I do get service.
@littleowl (7157)
2 Jun 10
Hi JJ there is a solution to the problem of junk mail a neighbor does it and that is to leave a notice on the front door saying 'no junk mail leaflets etc to be posted here'-they never get junk mail, but it doesn't bother me throwing things in and out of the different bins. Try the note on the front door though and see if that works for you, LoLo
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
2 Jun 10
We have not gotten to the point where sorting is compulsory so junk mail doesn't bother me that much. I'm just relieved to see it rather than bills! It is bothersome, though, when I think of how many natural resources go into making something to put into my mailbox that I don't even open most of the time and when I do it's only to shred it because it's a credit card offer. I do get some use out of junk mail, though. Sometimes they have nice pictures on them that I cut out and use for greeting cards.
@med889 (5941)
2 Jun 10
I thought with emails and Internet we can get less letters in the letter box but I was wrong as even today we have so many letters every month, they are from the water supply, the electricity supply, the bill of Internet, the bill of other things too, so when I open the letter box every month it is such a big junk there.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Jun 10
I just went outside to retrieve our mail for the day because I am expecting a check to come in the mail any day now. But, the check wasn't here yet and I didn't get any bills either (not that I'm upset about this fact). What there was in our mail box was two sets of sales fliers and one envelope full of junk (coupons that were "selected just for us" for things that we've never and will never use). I feel bad for the mailman that he has to take the time to deliver all of this junk to us that is simply going to end up in the recycle bin.
@hvedra (1619)
7 Jun 10
For the unadressed mail (leaflets and things to "The Occupier") if it is the Royal Mail delivering them you can ask them to stop, there are instructions here:- http://www.royalmail.com/portal/rm/content1?catId=400126&mediaId=500081 It is also worth registering with the Mailing Preference Service which cuts down on unsolicited addressed mail here:- http://www.mpsonline.org.uk/mpsr/ It can't stop everything, there are always rogue companies that don't abide by the service and the local take-away will still push their leaflets through but it does cut out a lot.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
2 Jun 10
There are two kinds of mail that I get. Bills that cannot be done online for whatever reason and then junk mail. There seems to be more junk mail, because that is about the only kind of mail that I get, because I have pretty much am at the end of my rope with the United States Postal Service. So other than a few bills and a few other odd exceptions, junk mail is about all I get. It can be annoying. Very annoying to try and sort through all of the rubbish. Especially when there are days where a lot of it is found. Of course, it is not as nearly as bad as the spam that is sent on E-Mail, but at least there are programs to knock that out. Still, at least I have something to start fires when I have to burn things outside. So, I guess junk mail does have a use.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
2 Jun 10
This happens everywhere too, including in my country.. haha =D BUt one thing, most junk mails are not being delivered by the postman, but rather, ple whom are trying to promote their products or services.. lol =D I have got lots of junk mails/leaflets in my mailbox, mostly with ple looking for rental or rooms/flat, or plumber services, locksmith etc.. lol =D I'm used to it, over all the years.. haha
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Jun 10
hi jugsjugs I have found a neat system here at Goldcrest.the ones that are junk I tear in two or three pieces and hand them back to the helper that passes out mail. she files them in the round file called a waste basket.lovely as I do not have to thave the junk littering my room. My email is something else but the old delete tab does it business.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
2 Jun 10
Some days it seems the only mail I get is junk mail. There is a number you can call to get taken off their lists (at least in Pa.). Kind of like the "do not call" list. I was on it for a little while but I went off it again because I order a lot of things through catalogs and I guess that is considered junk. With all the concern about being "green" I would think they would cut down on junk mail and save some of the trees. I guess making money is more important.
@sallyj (1225)
• United States
2 Jun 10
We do not have to sort our garbage, but we have been putting our newspapers separate and later take them to a church parking lot where they have a semi trailer. Over the winter we had over 18 paper bags full. The church takes them off for extra money and we have not added to the land fill. Then i open my email and tons of garbage. That is what annoys me.