Do I Really Need To Ask Your Opinion?

United States
June 5, 2010 1:54pm CST
This is a discussion forum, right? Therefore, the fact that I am starting a discussion would imply that I want to know what you think about the issue, right? So, do I really need to ask you questions in my discussions in order for it to be a valid discussion - isn't that already implied? On the other hand, some "discussions" are not really discussions unless they do ask a question. For example, if I tell you that I watered my cat, fed my flowers, cut my daughter's hair and combed the lawn, then there really does not seem much to discuss. However, if I added a question such as "Have you ever had those kinds of days where everything you do seems to turn out backwards?", then that would give people a starting place to discuss things, in my opinion. Similarly, "discussions" that ask questions are not necessarily discussions, either. If the sole content of the "discussion" is one sentence such as "Do you brush your teeth every day?", then that really isn't a discussion, either. I am sure that there are members that could expand on this topic and turn it into a discussion, but as it stands it would just be a question and most probably a "yes" or "no" answer, which myLot tells us is not a valid discussion. I am resisting the urge to prompt you with questions at the end of this discussion, because I want to see where you take it.
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32 responses
@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
5 Jun 10
Ah, but if the title of your post is a question Looking at my own started discussions I have a few that I don't ask questions, or the question is rhetorical, not expecting any respondent to actually answer, like the "Am I going to have to compete with these criminals?" in the plagiarism post. But most do have a question, a few of my earlier started posts end with "Comment as you see fit." I suppose I was following the examples of most of the other posters. I used to answer such trivial posts ("Do you brush your teeth every day?") with a more elaborate post, like with the history of the practice, how it was done in other cultures, and the like, but then of course they got deleted because of the original beginning post. That does give me an idea; maybe I can start more elaborate posts from the one liners coming in here. I'll have to meditate on that - So no, to answer your question, I don't believe you need to ask for our opinions. You get them anyway when we reply.
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@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
5 Jun 10
That would explain several reactions I got on discussions, with the title like "Who is your favorite band?" and the original post was about one's favorite band that I don't remember. I replied with my favorite band and their history, and the original poster replied that the post was about his favorite band, not mine. The most bizarre one was "This is my discussion" and told me to leave. But I suppose I'm getting off topic. I considered the questions in your first paragraph to be rhetorical, to enhance your post that I assumed was the question in the title. So I'm still learning.
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• United States
5 Jun 10
If the title of the discussion is a question, does it still count as a question within the discussion or was it just asked to get the attention of the reader? Some people use the title to capture a person's interest, but the title really has little if anything to do with the actual discussion. However, you are right that I not only asked a question in the title but also the first paragraph was comprised entirely of questions. I do like how a discussion can go in many different directions and take many paths. Sometimes the inspiration for another discussion comes while responding to a response within a discussion or the discussion itself, and that can also further the current discussion.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
5 Jun 10
Well observed Qaeyious ! Why the title of this discussion without question is a question ?
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
5 Jun 10
'I am resisting the urge to prompt you with questions at the end of this discussion, because I want to see where you take it' There is the topic for this discussion! Are you a voyeur (or peeping tom) Now we discuss whether you like watching us or like us to watch you lol I think that half of the problem lies with the fact tha many do not realise that we earn for discussing here on myLot and the other half is because not many know the meaning of 'discussion'
4 people like this
• Grand Junction, Colorado
5 Jun 10
beanie peeks around corner watching all the interaction, commenting from time to time to show I'm not a complete peeping tom.
3 people like this
• United States
5 Jun 10
LOL! I am not sure what you could possibly referring to, MysD. If I did know, however, I would answer that this discussion came to my mind about a week ago when someone else started a discussion without asking questions and was apparently reported for it, even though the discussion in question provided ample opportunities for back and forth interaction. Then today, I saw something else that spurred me into having to go and start this, because it seems that this is an area of contention for many here. As to your other question, I like you watching me watch you ...
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@cip116 (1011)
• Romania
5 Jun 10
and I watch you two
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Jun 10
hi purplealabaster you have outlined what I do most of the time, I set up a scenario of sorts, then ask what is your take on this, or did you ever have this happen to you, or other questions that make it a discussion from just a more or less happening. You have to g ive mylotters something to discuss or else its just a quiz not a discussion at all. Like one time I told about how sometimes one thing leads to another like dominons set up to strike each other sending whole line toppling over, then I asked if anyone else had days that seemed to have one irritating thing after another happen just like the toppling dominoes. I think you have explained just what real discussions are very well.little that I could add to that.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Jun 10
thanks purple and wit
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• United States
5 Jun 10
Hatley - Thank you for the compliment. *HUGS* You did an excellent job of expanding on the topic and backing it up from your personal experience. I do think that sometimes questions are necessary in a discussion, especially as they help others relate to what you are talking about or they make it clear what kind of information you are trying to learn from the discussion. Other times, you might just want a person's reaction to the topic without prompting them in any particular direction, and these are valid and useful discussions, too, in my opinion. Wit - Didn't she do a wonderful job of it?
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@topffer (42155)
• France
5 Jun 10
I agree that a question is not necessary to start a discussion. An information, a news, is sometimes enough to begin a discussion, without any questions. Some members here are thinking that these discussions are "articles" and not real discussions. It is not true : they often get good responses and comments, and are more interesting than many discussions beginning by a simple question in one or two lines. No needed at the end of your discussion, purple .
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@topffer (42155)
• France
5 Jun 10
What is the bet cip ? You are in good shape today !
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@cip116 (1011)
• Romania
5 Jun 10
How nice that you came topffer.I have a bet and I want to win
• United States
5 Jun 10
Topffer, I agree that news and other things make good foundations for discussions, especially since they usually elicit a response, especially if it is something that triggers the reader's emotion, and make people want to respond without any questions necessary. Those are definitely good examples of discussions that do not necessarily need questions as long as they are not just copied from the newspaper or another online site. Cip - We shall see ...
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@zralte (4176)
• India
5 Jun 10
Another good one from the purply one. Is this a result of frustration, I wonder? I agree completely with you there. It is just common sense that you know what a discussion is. It does not necessarily be a question, nor does it need to be a statement always. I sometimes post some informations that I think other members should be aware of, may be not much of a discussion, but may be useful for some members. So I am guilty on that. But then I don't post discussion everyday, so I think I should be forgiven for that.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
5 Jun 10
Frustration... I must go and look that word up because a 'frusta' in Italian is whip. So does that nean that PA is conducting this one with her whip close at hand?
2 people like this
• United States
5 Jun 10
Thank you for the compliment, Zralte. It comes from a little bit of frustration and a little bit of wondering whether or not I am the only one that thinks this way. I mean, there are definitely some discussions that are not valid discussions without adding the questions, because the questions are what make them relevant to the general population rather than to one specific member. On the other hand, I see too many people posting one or two line questions and thinking this is a foundation for a good discussion, which it isn't. I think that either format can be a valid foundation for a discussion but at the same time neither is necessarily a discussion depending upon the content of said "discussion".
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@zralte (4176)
• India
5 Jun 10
May be you should make a tutorial on how to make a discussion. Just a suggestion, cos there are lots of members here who does not seem to know. How about some members thinking that the more sentences they post, the better their point is? I mean, it's a bit of grey area there, sometimes you need to write more lines to make your points clear and sometimes I notice that one or two lines would have given the same meaning to the 10 lines. May be you can tackle that in your tutorial.
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@oldchem1 (8132)
5 Jun 10
I must say that I am always very tempted to write something along the lines of @The world is a better place for having me in it' discuss!!
3 people like this
• United States
5 Jun 10
LOL! I think that is a wonderful reply! I would respond with "You don't have to ask my opinion, because I give it freely whether you want it or not!"
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Jun 10
Irish - that only made you giggle, because you know it is true!
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• United States
5 Jun 10
LOL! I was talking about both the initial response and the reply!
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• United States
14 Jul 10
i want to know what happened after you watered the cat but yea,asking something that begs a question is ok sometimes.. unless it's thread spam for people selling bulk nose hair clippers i'd don't think i'd ask on that one..tho it begs a question of sorts LOL don't mind me..i'm on my first coffee today.
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• United States
14 Jul 10
LOL! Well, when I watered the cat I quickly found out that he does not like it one little bit. By the way, do you happen to know any first aide as I seem to have developed a bunch of lines all over my arms and hands that are seeping red liquid, and coincidentally they appeared immediately after I tried to water the cat. Do you think there might be a something wrong with my water?
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
6 Jun 10
No, to answer your question, you don't need to ask anyone's opinion, hee.. Since you didn't ask any question, let me ask you instead, sweet Purply.. Where did you get the idea to start this discussion? Was it triggered from something, or was it just out of the blue..
• United States
6 Jun 10
LOL @ "it was just out of the purple"! It has been something that I have been thinking about for a while, and something that I was reading yesterday spurred me into starting it. Apparently some people feel this is not a discussion, and I suspect that it has been reported as such, so I really do hope that myLot Admins do not agree with them. Since there seems to be differing opinions on what is and is not a discussion, I think that these responders have actually perfectly proven my point. Some people think that if you ask a question without any "meat" to the topic, then it is a valid discussion. Others disagree and think it is just a series of questions and answers. Some people have a lot of "meat" or "food for thought" in their discussions but do not ask any specific questions, although they give a lot of things for responders to discuss. Some people think these are discussions while others disagree. I was merely trying to point out that just because a post asks a question does not necessarily mean that it is a valid discussion nor does not asking a question mean that a discussion is not valid. Of course, that is just my opinion, but isn't that what this place is all about?
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
6 Jun 10
It struck her mind when we were having a great time watching "The Omen" Dont you dare to ask me now-----in what way it is related to this post bro
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• Malaysia
6 Jun 10 was just out of the purple..
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 Jun 10
so funny friend. i often wonder why others have such fun minds and come up with fun discussions and fun answers/responses. i do so wish i could do this as all my discussions seem to be flat. i read ones like this and think what a fun and intelligent person no question to answer here but an opinion is obviously on the table. hugs, bon
2 people like this
• United States
6 Jun 10
Thank you for such nice compliments, Bon. *HUGS* It seems that some people liked this discussion very much while others are disputing whether or not this is really a discussion. As many people, including yourself, found things to discuss and ways to express their opinions, and many of the responses had completely different perspectives than all the other responders, I would have to conclude that this is most definitely a discussion. I do hope that myLot agrees with me!
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• United States
6 Jun 10
You don't need to ask a question at the end; you asked it at the beginning. Yes, I think you do need to ask questions in a post to promote discussion, unless you want short answers such as, "aw, isn't that sweet?" or "Wow, what a cat!" or "You REALLY brush your daughter's hair?". Many people cannot write a lengthy post WITH a question, so expecting them to without one may be hoping for to much. And, we do want answers longer than a sentence for the most part, right?
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• United States
6 Jun 10
• United States
6 Jun 10
Alright, but if the only question that I would add to the discussion is "what is your opinion", then isn't that already implied, even if I do not ask any questions whatsoever either in the discussion itself or in the title? Do you really think it is necessary for every discussion to ask that just to make it a valid discussion? For example, if you like baseball and you read my discussion about how I think that "XYZ team" is the best because "blah, blah, blah", then wouldn't you want to respond if you agreed? More importantly, wouldn't you want to respond if you did not agree, because wouldn't you want to tell me how wrong I was on all my points? Similarly, if I said that I believed that all children should be beaten with a belt before bedtime, because it will instill respect for authority and build their moral character (by the way this is just an example and I definitely do not believe that!), wouldn't you want to chime in on the matter? I am sure that I would be inundated with responses, even if I did not ask what anyone else thought on the matter. That was my point here. Some discussions clearly need guidance by way of questions, while others illicit responses with the mere content of the post.
@hexeduser22 (7418)
• Philippines
6 Jun 10
Sometimes I post discussion just to share some of my activities or experiences and I don't ask a question in the end. The ones who would try to respond would be the one truly interested in the discussion and have also something to share with regards to that discussion and also the ones who would just want to earn some cents and leave a respond that goes like this "Congratulations! happy mylotting!", "Wow that's cool", "Thank you for sharing this" I shared information for us to discuss and not just to make you read it and say thank you. I know how you feel in here Purple. Maybe there are really different meanings of the word discussion to some people. I guess next time we should create a discussion entitled "What comes into your mind when you read or here the Word discussion?"
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• Philippines
7 Jun 10
Of course when I say I share my experiences and activities I try as much as possible to be creative so that the discussion would seem inviting even without me going the trouble of asking questions. I don't just enumerate things Sometimes when you post a very inviting and informative discussion and someone replies with just "thanks for sharing" that wouldn't justify your aim to discuss something on the other hand when someone replies with "I'm sorry to hear that" one can say it's valid(situational)because you can say they are just being thoughtful but of course you cannot really discuss anything with just being thoughtful. In the end you'll end up as some individual who just shared his/her experience and nothing more which is totally not what you aim for. This is just what plays in my mind about this things, I'm not totally right on this one
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• United States
12 Jun 10
Hex, I was not in the least bit implying that your discussions were just a list of things that needed to be done in a day or anything even resembling that. I was merely pointing out that I have seen a few people start "discussions" doing this, and unless they can add questions that allow users to relate this things to their own lives or experiences, then these are not really discussions. Similarly, just asking a question does not make a discussion. If there really is not anything to discuss other than answering the question, especially with a "yes" or "no" type answer, then it is basically the same thing as just enumerating a bunch of things, even though there is a question present.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
6 Jun 10
Sweetie, i think we need to start another party here. I do not have a cat, have no children's hair to cut, i won't ever comb the lawn. All my days these days feel freaking backwards, might be the blond thing. I do brush my teeth twice a day and for the question, didn't find one, but i am sure you will try to answer me on all this. TATA.
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• United States
6 Jun 10
Saphy - I think that it would be wonderful if we started another party here, especially since it will give everybody something to discuss as there seems to be some debate here over whether or not this is actually a discussion. Now, you have chosen to discuss topics that were definitely in my post, and these happen to be things that other people have not even touched upon with all the other responses, so I would have to say that there was definitely amply things to discuss in my post. As to your answers, I have watered my cat when he was misbehaving (I sprayed him with the water bottle). Occasionally I feed the plants plant food, but that does not happen very often. I do cut my daughter's hair once in a while, but I have never combed the lawn and can't envision myself trying. Hex - You do not have to make a discussion within another discussion, but I am glad to hear that you are one of the ones that believes that this is actually a discussion.
• Philippines
6 Jun 10
Okay now I would liked to share mine but I don't want to make another discussion within a discussion and I'm quite lazy today too
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@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
6 Jun 10
You cannot really share without a discussion, you know. Don't be lazy sweetie. Give it a go. TATA.
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@cip116 (1011)
• Romania
5 Jun 10
A good topic for discussion may be "Why you are not in my friends list...yet?" You should say that you are very busy with the other problem:"as I hold the brush when I brush my teeth" And look...there is a discussion
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• United States
5 Jun 10
LOL! See, I knew that someone could turn that into an interesting discussion. Of course, my reply would have to be that I can hold the toothbrush with my toes and still have my hands free to request you as a friend.
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• United States
5 Jun 10
And who would have thought that one little question could lead to such a lengthy discussion! I thought that it was pretty impressive that I was talented enough to brush my teeth with my toes, and now you make me feel inferior by wanting me to floss with them, too?! What does it take to impress you - lol?
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@cip116 (1011)
• Romania
5 Jun 10
The discussion then continues with "you use dental floss?" So...we make a discussion about 1 hour Now I receive an friendship invitation If it is from you...I must think deeply ...I accept or not (you finish brushing your teeth)
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@hamid14 (79)
• Canada
5 Jun 10
This site isn't only for asking people's opinions, you can ask for help about things from other people too. You really need people's opinions, or the post will get deleted and you won't earn anything. Another thing is that you don't have to care about what other people think, but still.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
6 Jun 10
'...or the post will get deleted and you won't earn anything' If it receives responses but you do not comment on them then you would not anything regardless of how many responses there were. We do not earn for the responses of others, they do. We must comment if we wish to earn too.
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• United States
6 Jun 10
Good point, MysD. Also, if we do not respond to comments on our discussions, then there is no back and forth interaction, which would also imply that it is not a discussion.
• United States
6 Jun 10
"You really need people's opinions, or the post will get deleted and you won't earn anything." This statement really is not true. I could start a discussion and not get any responses, which means that I didn't get anybody's opinion on the issue. If my discussion is valid, though, then it will remain and will not be deleted. Just because a discussion does not get responses does not mean that it was not a valid discussion. Similarly, if I start a discussion and get 100 responses, then I will have received many people's opinions on the matter. However, if my discussion was a violation of the guidelines, then it will be deleted no matter how many people responded to it. Yes, I agree that there are many different kinds of discussions. However, isn't asking for help on an issue still requesting a person's opinion? One post asking for assistance could receive responses from ten different people, and each responder could have a different approach and view on how best to handle the situation. Isn't each way just their own opinion of what is best in any given situation? On the other hand, there are some things that can be backed up by facts, which obviously are not opinions. Even with this, however, each person could interpret the facts slightly differently, which would also give rise to differences of opinions on what they mean or how they relate to a given situation. I am not saying that it is bad to give your opinion on a topic ... in fact, I welcome people's opinions. I also care what people think. I was just trying to make people think in a different way and perhaps get a glimpse of a different perspective on what may or may not be considered a valid discussion.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jun 10
Is there an implied question here? Is that question: When is a discussion a discussion and when is a discussion not a question? Or, is it: When is a question not a discussion or when is a question a discussion? Personally, I'll be happy when people stop saying "to turn this into a discussion" then they ask a question which they believe makes their piece into a discussion. It should not be necessary to do this. If you are confused, that's ok, you're meant to be....this way you can choose if this is a relevant response to your discussion or not and if I'm making any sense at all it's a ruddy miracle!
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• United States
21 Jun 10
Sorry it took me so long to get this response ... notifiers have been sketchy at best lately. LOL @ "if I'm making any sense at all it's a ruddy miracle" - Does that mean that I am just as crazy as you are if I understand what you are saying? Yes, I agree that people should not feel the need to add an often times irrelevant question at the end of a discussion for fear that otherwise it will not be considered a "valid" discussion. That was very much my point here, because many times the discussion is entirely valid without a question as long as there is something to discuss. Other times, there is a question but not really anything to discuss, which would not be a valid discussion. Unfortunately, if some people do not see a question, then they do not think it is a valid discussion.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
25 Jun 10
No, you don't need to, but it makes for a more interesting discussion, I think. As you pointed out it gives people a starting place to discuss things. It won't stop people from answering if there isn't a question, but it might just help generate more responses if there is. Can I guarantee it? Heck no! LOL But it never hurts to start discussions in the form of a question. It is a discussion forum, after all! Happy mylotting!
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• United States
1 Jul 10
You make a good point that asking a question does give a good starting point for a discussion, even if the responders choose to ignore the original question and take the discussion in an entirely different direction. Also, if you form the discussion properly, then more than likely people will feel compelled to respond whether or not there is a question present. Your last statement, however, was really my point. This is a discussion forum, so I thought it was implied that people want to discuss a topic, even if they do not ask whether or not you agree with what they are saying. Yet recently I have read several people complaining about ... uhm, I meant to say "discussing" ... whether or not a discussion is valid if it does not ask a question. In my opinion, if there is something in the contents of the discussion to talk about, then it is a valid discussion, even if the original poster does not ask any questions. I was just wondering how other people felt about this.
• Iran
6 Jun 10
Yes, my friend, I really agree with you
• United States
6 Jun 10
Thank you, but what are you agreeing with? Do you think that a discussion needs a question or do you think that a discussion can be valid without a question as long as the original poster of the discussion provides ample information for people to talk about? Do you think that we need to ask for people's opinions every time we post a discussion or is it just understood that we want to hear them, because we are posting them on a discussion forum?
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• Philippines
7 Jun 10
He is right! I agree too I agree with him and you too so in the end we all agree and we are happy
@shibham (16977)
• India
11 Sep 10
hi...i am agree with you. there are tons of discussion where you can put only yes or no... but due to some expert mylotters they turn to some interesting discussions.
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• United States
12 Oct 10
I do have to agree with you that the participation of the myLot members, especially when the original poster of the discussion joins in, can turn a rather drab and perhaps borderline "non-discussion" into a very interactive and interesting discussion. I have also seen discussions that have no clear "question" at the end turn into heated debates or interesting and fun interactions. That is exactly the point that I was trying to make here ... just because there is a question does not necessarily make it a "discussion", while the lack of a clear-cut question does not necessarily mean that there isn't anything to discussion, and therefore it would be a discussion.
@rosegardens (3032)
• United States
27 Jun 10
I have witnessed a few very short yes or no answers here. I do not respond to them because as you say, how does one turn that into a discussion? Perhaps I should tell the poster that it is not valid and point them to the faq. And of course, not every discussion needs to have a question involved. I do put questions out just to get responses, but I do not get many responses. Which begs the question what am I doing wrong and how do I improve my skills to make the discussions more exciting, but that is a horse of a different color entirely.
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• United States
1 Jul 10
You can tell them that discussions that require yes or no answers without any kind of follow-up explanation are normally violations as they are considered poll-type questions and include a link to the Guidelines (well, you can include a link once your count reaches 500 anyway). If you do not want to do this, then you do not have to, although myLot does ask us to help out when we see these types of things. I have had several discussions that have not gotten many responses, but that really does not bother me much, especially if the responses that I do get have a lot of interaction. The discussion that I had that got the most responses is actually one that I consider to be not very successful, since I got a lot of negative ratings from it and many people seemed to miss the point of the discussion.
@dav20b (507)
• United States
6 Jun 10
Well I am not a english teacher and so hated my english class boring stories.I think a discussion is when you are talking about some topic.
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• United States
6 Jun 10
Yes, I agree that a discussion is back and forth interaction between two or more people. However, since myLot is a discussion forum, which encourages us to exchange ideas, experiences, opinions, viewpoints and cultures with other members, then do we really need to ask everyone what their opinion is every time that we start a discussion? Shouldn't we, as responders, realize that if a person starts a discussion, then they are looking for our input and feedback, which would also include our opinions and viewpoints on the subject?
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