What is the place that you visited recently? Can you describe about it please?

Kathmandu Pashupathinath temple - The image of Kathmandu Pashupathinath temple
June 5, 2010 4:25pm CST
Travel is a very interesting one. We can see many new places, people, culture and architecture. It is interesting not only for the people who visit but also to the persons, who hear about the place. My daughter visited Vietnam recently and I was asking about all the details as to about the people, roads, food, hotel, museum, transport etc. What is the place you visited recently or even before? Can you say few details about the place so that we can know something about the place. Thanks for sharing the information with us.
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10 responses
@yugasini (12891)
• Secunderabad, India
6 Jun 10
hi buchi_bulla, my recent visit is to Hyderabad with my family members that is 8 members, my mother,my wife,my 2nd brother,his wife,his son,my first brothers wife,his daughter and i too visited to attend a marriage engagement of my eldest son,the engagement was arranged in hotel Grand Sampark,the function was very success,have a nice day
1 person likes this
• India
6 Jun 10
First of all CONGRATULATIONS for your son's engagement ceremony. I wish him best married life. Hyderabad is a lovely place. There are many places to visit there like zoo, Birla Mandir, Golkonda, Salarjung Museumm, Char Minar etc. Even public gardens is also worth seeing. If we have time, we can go to Ramoji film city.
• India
6 Jun 10
Thanks for the invitation. It is difficult for me to leave the family and come to Hyd. My blessings are always there for the couple.
@yugasini (12891)
• Secunderabad, India
6 Jun 10
hi buchi_bulla, thanks for the response and greetings for the engagement,do attend my sons marriage will be held in August month,if you provide your email id ,i will send the wedding card to you by mail itself,come with the family and enjoy the marraige celebrations and city tour of Hyderabad,have a nice day
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
6 Jun 10
This weekend I visited two different places Yesterday my husband, two of our friends and I visited an island called Barsoe. We had a great day there. Barsoe is quite small, only 25 people live there and the atmosphere was very peaceful. We didn't met any cars while we were walking around the islands, and there were no paved roads. The houses were beautiful and the people were friendly. The shop was closed, but a woman from one of the other houses offered us some soft drinks. That was really nice of her. She also gave us some advice about the best places to visit on the island. Today I have to been to Copenhagen. I visited a sculpture exhibition while I was there. I am an artist myself I found it very interesting to see the different sculptures, and I enjoyed learning more about the past. The building was very beautiful as well, and I enjoyed seeing the decorations in the rooms. I especially liked the winter garden in the middle of the building.
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@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
6 Jun 10
Last year I traveled to Cape Town and found it was a very beautiful city with some interesting sights. There is a bus that goes on two journeys around Cape Town. You can buy a one day or two day pass for it. I suggest that if the traveler doesn't have a car. On it I went out to Camp Cove, the botanical gardens, the cable car up the mountain and to a poor township. I also took the local train down to Simon's Town. There I went to a fun place called Scratch Patch. It is full of crystals. I walked down from there to Boulder's Beach. There I saw the penguins. Wow! Then I got buses along the Garden Route. The coach services drop passengers at a petrol station. I think that the backpacker's Bus was more fun. It drops passengers at their accommodation.
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• India
6 Jun 10
It is amazing to know that the bus drops the passengers at their accommodation. It will be so convenient for the passengers who are new to the place. When I read about your travelled places, I felt I should visit those places one day. I hope the cable car ride should have been a thriller one. Thanks for the detailed information. Those who are going to travel to that place, for them this information will come handy. Thanks for providing this valuable information.
@marguicha (217771)
• Chile
6 Jun 10
The Villarrica volcano as the background - I´m at less than a block awayfrom the lake. Thetre is this giant aspen and the great volcano in the horizon.
I went for a 10 day´s vacation to the south of Chile, my country about a month ago. It´s a place with mountails, volcanoes and great lakes, There are many hotsprings and I wanted that as I had shoulder surgery and the water from the hotspring was healing and made me do in a better way my exercises. The place was beautiful. The name is Pucon and it is between the Villarrica volcano and the Villarrica lake. I´ll post a picture of the volcano for you to see. t´s awesome! Take care.
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• India
7 Jun 10
Thanks for the information marguicha. I enlarged the photo that you sent and saw the volcano at the back. It was thrilling. Is it the real and live volcano? How was the water in hotspring? Very hot or warm? I never saw any volcano or hot spring in my life. Can you post a photo of hot spring please?
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
6 Jun 10
About two weeks ago my family was in Hong Kong, China, it's probably the most famous city in this country. We've been to the city's famous destinations like the Disneyland, Ocean Park and Victoria Peak. It is such a beautiful place, at one spot (the Peak), you can see the whole city and it's so awesome. Public transport is so efficient that we never worried about traveling without a private car. I also enjoyed shopping there.
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• India
6 Jun 10
That is really nice to know that you have visited such a good place. If public transport is good, then our travel will be economical and comfortable too. The credit goes to the Government there. Have a good day and thanks for posting such good information.
@olisaur (1922)
• United States
6 Jun 10
The last place I visited was Los Angeles and Orange County California, in April. They are pretty near each other, and cover big areas. It's pretty urban with a mix of really nice upscale places and shabby poor places. While I was there I visited Disneyland (for the 15th or so time in my lifetime), Hollywood blvd and friends who live in the area. I wrote about it more extensively in my blog.
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• India
6 Jun 10
I do not know whether I will be visiting disneyland at any time in my life time. I will at least go to your blog and read the experience. Thanks for writing in your blog.
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
6 Jun 10
Really Buchi, I enjoy visiting to places where I have never been before. It's a great pleasure to explore to places with fascinating scenic sites. To see different people believe in different cultures having their respective living life styles. Anyway there are thousand and one interesting stuffs like food, clothes, etc to see as well as to experience with personally. I did visit Vietnam few years back. I loved the seascapes of the Halong Bay and had taken some photos of it. We really enjoyed the hours of fantastic cruise on a traditional junk; discovered the most stunning caves and grottoes of the beautiful Bay, as well as the fresh seafood lunch on boat. I hope your daughter didn't miss the unique and attractive Water Puppet Show. I loved the delicious food served there might be it's more or less similar to that of the chinese cooking style If we are healthy and fit as well as have leisure time and extra money there is no problem for us to travel to places we love. It's not bad to have vacation in local tourist sites as well. My husband likes to have a couple of holidays in the popular and hot tourist spot in our place, the Genting Highland. Other than the famous casinos, shopping outlets, restaurants there are yet lots of fascinating sites with beautiful landscapes to explore in that mountain area. I could see lots of visitors from different countries like China, India, Arab, etc having fun there. I hope I could meet you there coincidentally one day Last week I did meet a teenage lovely boy, as well as his brother and mom from Bombay. And we have become friend. Take care and happy posting
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
7 Jun 10
You are really fortunate to have such a filial and considerate daughter. I hope you don't let go the wonderful chance to enjoy staying in the luxury five star hotel with all the advanced as well as comfortable and convenient facilities. you could communicate with them with body language. It's really funny and fantastic. I did do this while visiting Turkey. I just wanted them to tell me whether the big half boiled eggs were from duck or goose. My friends couldn't but bursting into laughter I didn't care much but felt glad and satisfied I finally got the answer. Thanks for liking to read my response Have a nice day!
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• India
6 Jun 10
I envy those Bombay visitors. They were not only able to see the lovely places but also could meet you in person. My daughter is telling me that she will take me to Vietnam one day and stay in the same five star hotel in Ho Chi Min City ( I think D-Sector or so). She says Vietnamese are very friendly and good people. I want to meet them if not talk to them as I do not know their language unless they know English. I want to see your place too. When I come, I will inform you so that we can at least meet in some place. You describe things so well Ikbooi. I feel as if I have gone myself there. Thanks for the elaborate response. Take care.
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@vathsala30 (3732)
• India
5 Jun 10
Recently I have visited Tiruchendur, a pilgrimage centre in Tamil Nadu to offer a prayer for my son. The temple is big and all the people around are extremely helpful and cooperative. We stayed in a Hotel and the Service and comforts were good in that hotel. My son enjoyed the bus and train journey and he also enjoyed using a tonga ( a cart pulled by a horse) to travel from the temple to the station which he is seeing for the first time
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• India
6 Jun 10
That is really nice to know that you have visited Thiruchendur temple Vathsala30. It is very powerful deity and your sincere prayers are answered there immediately. Many write about their experiences there. There is a hole in the prakaram wall of that temple. It is facing the sea. Behind that hole, only sand and sea are there. When you keep your ear in the hole, instead of the sea and breeze sound, you hear the sound OM OM. It is thrilling to hear that. In the other places the sound is usual sea waves sound.
• India
6 Jun 10
Nice to know your daughter visited Vietnam, did she join some job there? This month me and my wife had gone to Bargarh , my daughter lives there with her family. This is a business centre in western Orissa. This place is famous for Dhanu Yatra, where you can see entire episode of Krishna-Kansa leela over a period of 14 days. This is supposed to be the greatest open air theatre in Asia.. Thanks for sharing. Welcome always. Cheers. Prof
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• India
6 Jun 10
That is really nice to know that you have gone to Bargarh and saw Krishna-Kansa leela. My daughter went to Vietnam on official visit. In her free time and on holidays, she visited few places. You seem to be travelling much. It is good and enjoyable. Have a great day.
• United States
5 Jun 10
I rarely visit places outside of my state. I don't travel much. I did travel to my bed last night though. It was awfully comfy. The mattress held my weight perfectly. The pillows cushioned my head and neck nicely. I curled up underneath the soft bed sheets and closed my eyes. The comforter tickled the top of my neck as I drifted into sleep. It was such abnice place I visited last night.
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• India
6 Jun 10
Ha Ha Ha. I think this is the best place anyone can visit without spending even a pie. Not only that, you can go to even moon in your dream and wander around in the unknown and not stepped in places and enjoy the scenery.