The Fourth Kind - Do you believe aliens exsist? What did you think of this film?
By ellie333
@ellie333 (21016)
8 responses
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
6 Jun 10
I have not seen the movie, but I believe that there are aliens on other worlds, but not as one assumes them to be - weird looking such as in Aliens, creatures of non human appearance, etc. - but they would be descended from humans who may have been taken to other worlds either by demons, or other methods. And they would have had to come from Earth. Now one knows that supernatural beings such as angels and demons have power beyond human kind, not to mention that in the beginning God created everything good and that although HE intended Earth to be man's home, that does not stop the idea that visiting other planets would be within man's desire and until man sinned, man could have traveled via worm holes to other worlds.
However since Jesus Christ only came to Earth, in order for the men on other worlds to be saved, a priest or pastor or someone who was a Christian would have had to go to the other worlds too.
And of course, if that did happen, then depending on who went, the appearance of the people on the other worlds would be dissimilar to those on Earth, maybe with violet eyes, pale skins with broad noses, short with long arms - so that to us they would seem like aliens.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
28 Jun 10
Thanks for the best response. It seems to make sense because I feel if the aliens landed here, if they were of a different construct then us, they would not be able to survive here on the air we breathe for that long.
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jun 10
That makes sense Suspenseful as there are always invisible battle going on on a spiritual level between Angels and Demons. Within this film it could have been demons that took the people in this film and yes that would become different to us so we would class them as alien. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@artizan (195)
6 Jun 10
oh this is great., some one who has had similar thoughts to myself in explaining the alien theories. thank you suspenseful...
hope you dont mind me saying so..,
Mine comes from the science point of view and history., and faith., in so much as that the science world is proving the existance of other dimensions and in the past couple have years have proven more., after re-jigging Einsteins theory of relativety and so on.. this is the string theory that each dimension hangs along side one another., litterally and occasionally bump into one another., thus causing a cross dimensional moment that , 2 sperate places i the space time continum share the same , space and time., thus the inhabitants from one or the other would/ or could look like aliens to the other viewer...
Also this may explain more rationally the bemuda triangle incidents, and for unexplained artifacts that seem too far advanced for our ancient civilisations kinda thing...
Which to me from this undestanding, is more plausable on the cause and effect scale than space ships and all that ... but also dont rule that out either
thanks for saying this and sharing, and giving me the opportunity to agree with you kinda....
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@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
6 Jun 10
I liked the whole owl thing and I'm glad they never showed the aliens. But I thought it was very annoying how it was jumping from the movie footage to "real" footage all the time. It would be better if they done the whole movie one way or another. Especially when you find out that the "real" footage is actually filmed for the movie. The "real" Dr. Abbey Tyler was played by the actress Charlotte Milchard. Even the audio footage is fake.
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@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
6 Jun 10
I wasn't too sure if it was real footage while I was watching too until the scene when a guy started levitating on a bed, I knew that part was fake, but still hoped at least something was real. Turned out it wasn't.
lol owl comment. I even titled that picture as "4th kind owl" but I misspelled and you can see it says "4th kind own" lol
There's no jumping between stories in 4th kind or anything you'd have to think about twice while watching...I was talking about changing and intercepting the 2 "real" and recreated versions and that was just visual thing that totally lose it's purpose when you know the film is fake. Then it gets even more annoying.
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jun 10
People do levitate though, was a while since I watched it although it was on dvd last night itwas my house guest watching rather than me. I know you even named photo 4th kind owl - don't know wher my head was at lol. I didn't think film was great although I know it freaked a few people out. Huggles. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jun 10
Hi Bionicman, Oh I thought it was actual real footage, learn something new everyday and just commented on your pic saying it looks like an owl, of course it is an owl lol - very tired today. I don't mind films that jumop in this way as you really have to watch and work out, in fact one ofmy favourite movies is Sliding Doors which jumps from one story to another the whole way through. Huggles. Ellie :D

@moondancer (7431)
• United States
10 Jun 10
Yes, I certainly do think they exsist. It is hardly conceivable that in the entire universe that we would be the only living creatures.
I think there are many different ones out there.
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@AmbiePam (96509)
• United States
5 Jun 10
I want to see it. It is on my Netflix queu. Did/do you think it was worth seeing? Did you like it more than Paranormal Activity? (having already responded to the Paranormal Activity discussion) Have you seen any other similar movies that you enjoyed? When I saw Blackout with Kate Beckinsdale, I thought it would be similar to The Fourth Kind, but it wasn't. I mean I haven't seen The Fourth Kind, but I know it has do with aliens, correct?
By the way, Blackout was a pretty good movie, if you are ever bored and wanting to see a suspense movie.
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@ellie333 (21016)
5 Jun 10
Hi AmbiePam, All, I cansay is that it is deep, ithas real footage and yes about aliens. I have never seen Blackout so will look up, all I can say is that this one isweird, didn't bother me but I know grown men who went to bed with the light on. Don't buy at a price but if you get the chance watch it I would say it is more of a pyshcological thriller with a deeper base theory of alien abuction. huggles Ellie :D
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
6 Jun 10
This movie had me on the edge of my seat. I think it was because it could be possible and that terrifies me. I reccommend this movie to any one that enjoys syfy movies.
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
6 Jun 10
Exactly! It was toooo real for me! lol
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@artizan (195)
6 Jun 10
hi ellie
I enjoy most films that make you think out side of our comfort box., and have responded to suspensefuls comment which opened the way for me to voice unspoken things before...
Yes I do believe in the existance of other creatures other than human beings, but the origins i have yet to make any conclusive decision on...
I think the same as Wendi, it is slightly arrogant of us to believe that we are the only "KIND" in existance in a universe so vast, an diverse., but why would aliens always be a threat or danger to us.... a part from making better movie plots of course., why cant they just be adventurers or healers or anything other., than harmful to us...
Isnt it a sign to ourselves that we give aliens/other non human creatures our faults fears and warring ways...
Is it not possible that 'aliens' have a completely different ethos or way of conducting there lives also as well as being different in appearance., from us..
Or let me just say I really do hope so if they get around to landing in force., it would be such a refreshing change to find friends not enimies... but maybe thats my ever the opptimist approach and belief that not all things have to be bad...
So from this stand point found the film an interesting take on the way we humans react,and like most others need more proof or evidence before excepting the normal response of kill them...
i know this was given to us on actual events, and you cant help but feel for the woman that the movie is based on..,
so remain open minded... and hope ful
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jun 10
Hi Artizan, I have in fact discovered via another response that it was footage created for the movie and not real life footage so therefore have aliens ever really harmed anybody? I feel they live amongst us already anyway and yes it would be lovely if they were friendly and we could extend our friendship to them, love Suspensefuls response and can relate to that too. Huggles Ellie :D
@grayxenon (1313)
• Philippines
6 Jun 10
i have my reservations of aliens, since the universe is such huge, there is a big possibility that they exists.
i don't want to lay some spoilers here, but i didn't like the film much, it reminds me of the film blairwitch project.. so early in the film i knew what the plot is heading.
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jun 10
Hi Grayxenon, I have never seen the Blairwith Project but have heard that said about this film annd also Paranormal Activity, both were ok films but didn't rate that much either. Thought for discussion as someone was watching it round at mine last night whilst I was online. I agree the universe is so be there must be other life out there. Huggles. Ellie :D
@wendie2781 (108)
5 Jun 10
not seen film to be honest babe, but i do think it's very narrow minded of us little earthlings to believe that we are the only planet that can harbour life.. whether any of the others would want to visit us after what we get up to is a different matter! x
@ellie333 (21016)
5 Jun 10