i want to be slim
By queeny
@queeny (80)
713 responses

@1angeldee (589)
• United States
6 Oct 06
found this web helpful
http://www.fitday.com (this has a free journal )
http:www.about.com (has lot of information
the best way to star its reading, find good information, that keep on track
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@shaggydog (647)
• Canada
31 Aug 06
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@catwoman1459 (2971)
• United States
26 Oct 06
sounds good, gonna give it a try.
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@classicaljazz (1628)
• United States
31 Aug 06
This diet is very healthy and nutritious http://gofigure8.com/index.php and I suggest you find an activity you enjoy that will keep you active.
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@phgonline (627)
• United States
18 Oct 06
All you have to do is eat less fattening stuff and work out more, little walking to start will help alot. My wife and I jog everyday.
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@Victoria7 (1240)
• Spain
17 Oct 06
I wasn´t being flippant bharathshah, I was just saying that is the only key to weight loss. Almost all diets worth their salt are based on eating fewer kcals and being active. There´s no magic secret to weight loss. Just use common sense, that´s all.
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@bharathshah (655)
• India
6 Oct 06
you said so easily but u know how hard it is to remain slim
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@ceddyboi (75)
• Singapore
19 Oct 06
its never easy to remain being slim. you need to be committed and disciplined
and its true to eating less and exercising more. mainly need to reduce those cards and those fattening/junk food as well as gassy drinks like coke/pepsi
I lost 7 kg just by reducing my food intake for all 3 meals
another way is to have like 6 SMALL meals aday.. helps the metabolism rate
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@ViewsOnNews (129)
• United States
31 Aug 06
I was asking the same questions around an year ago but after doing more and more excercise daily before breakfast and eating little less , I am today a smart guy! require more efforts! Don't use any product to reduce, just work hard! Good Luck! :)
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@Healthelp (34)
• United States
9 Oct 06
I have tried so many different diet programs and they just don't work for me. Exercise does work. However, many people don't feel motivated to lose weight until they start to see something working. For me it was this cleansing system. I have been using it for a few months now and its a total body cleanse. Toxins adhere to fat cells making it almost impossible to get rid of any other way. Which is why diets don't work. This did for me. So far I have lost close to 30# and 40 inches. In my first 9 days on the program, I lost 6.6lbs and 13 inches. So I just kept going. Now I can exercise because I am not to tired. If you want details,let me know.
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@1angeldee (589)
• United States
10 Oct 06
great information its the key
this web has great information , check links
Here you will find free journals and free diet plans
(are great dvds cathe workout)
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@KaHathaway (189)
• United States
25 Sep 06
I am an athletic trainer and also a personal finess trainer. Honestly it all comes down to calories in versus calories out.
Expend more calories than you take in a day.
For every 3500 calories you burn after you have zeroed your intake for the day equals one pounf of fat loss.
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@amygulley813 (77)
• United States
20 Oct 06
congratulations! - proof that you just gotta get up off your behind and do something other than eat. when you're busy, you won't even notice you're not snacking as much
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@catwoman1459 (2971)
• United States
26 Oct 06
yes I agree, just eat less. When you dont eat something you love the craving gets worse, so eat it just dont as much.

@anandtkonline (53)
• India
18 Oct 06
try go for a walkin every day and burn some extra calories daily
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@deepika_mona (1338)
• India
24 Dec 06
As you need to do excersice like yoga n meditation n also do early morning walk n eat less corestrol food like oily these with make u fit n fine n also slim trim
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@GB2988 (194)
• United States
25 Sep 06
* Follow the food guide pyramid.
* Eat slowly. Your stomach’s kinda dumb. It takes about twenty minutes for your stomach to realize it has food in it.
* Enjoy the things you eat. Food is your nourishment, not your enemy.
* Eat more frequent meals but in smaller portions.
Drink a lot of water(1-2 liters a day). It makes your skin glow and helps “flush out” bad things in your body.
* Eat healthy snacks.
* Make wise substitutions. For example, instead of fattening ranch dressing on your salad, try low or nonfat Italian dressing.
* Eat your veggies!
* DO NOT restrict yourself. Restriction leads to misery, eating disorders, and/or weight gain!
* If you feel that you’ve GOT to have that slice of extra cheesy pizza, have it. But balance it out with and extra day of walking or something.
* If you’re on a diet, have one day where you can eat anything you like. That way you won’t feel left out on other stuff.
* Exercise at least 3 times a week. For more information, go to the other fitness sections.
* Don’t put salt on your food.
* Throw out that dratted scale!
* Eat breakfast! Scientists say that people who eat breakfast weigh 10 pounds less than people who don’t. Have a combination of grains, dairy, and fruit for each morning.
* Turn off the TV while you eat.
* Limit sodas and caffeine. These drinks contain phosphoric acid in them, which robs your body of calcium and makes your bones all jittery.
* Eat a variety of foods. If you eat the same thing every single day, your body will feel restricted.
* Eat a low carb diet
* Keep track of everything you eat
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@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
24 Oct 06
This is a great free weightloss site.
@takenaback (44)
• Mexico
1 Oct 06
Diet and exercice, and when you diet know exactly what you are doing. Starving yourself is not enough, you should know what to eat and what not to eat and what quantity to eat. If you miss lunch and eat a heavy dinner, it's the same thing, you won't lose any weight, and to make things worse, if you eat the wrong food at dinner, because you are starving you will gain more, let alone to stay where you are. If you want good result start by doing some research on dieting.
@prasad1961 (5597)
• India
19 Oct 06
Try your luck with this fruitjuice. It is free too. http://sensatiafruit.com/pre/py057412.html