Are you random?
@mario_stevens (6964)
June 19, 2010 10:40am CST
there are so many types of people in the world. there are smart people and not smart people. there are creative people and those who do things by the book. there are decent people and there are naughty ones too.
and then there are those who are random.
imagine this. you're sitting down having a cup of tea at a cafe with a bunch of friends. and stranger comes up to you and says 'excuse me, you have nice shoes'.. that's mildly random.
or imagine this. you're walking along down a sidewalk and someone comes up to you and says 'hi, this is my phone number, i don't know if you're going to call me but you look cool enough that i want you to have it'..
that pleasant surprise is interestingly random.
or you can try imagine this. you're having dinner at home with your kids. suddenly one of them just blurts out a question, 'mum, dad, would i need to breath more if i fart too much? my friend said that i need to'..
that is innocently random.
or you can visualize me. i had an appointment with the owner at an upmarket mall in town. i was early for my meeting so i took my own sweet time walking to the office. i was passing a toy shop and on impulse, i just had to go in. i ended up going for the meeting with my new Transformer toy right next to me. it was random, and it really helped me to break the ice without me even realizing it
random thoughts..random situations..random actions..random questions. they're usually out of the box, and all of a sudden (as in out of the blue)..
so, are you random? 

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16 responses
@meowcow (931)
• Philippines
19 Jun 10
"Do I have to breathe more if I fart?" LOOOLS!!!
This is exactly the reason why I love kids and always wish I can still be that innocent. :)
Yes I think majority of the people nowadays or this generation is random. Mixed races, mixed traditions, mixed cultures. I think the internet is the culprit. Regardless, I love it, cos yes, I do consider myself random too.
As far as random actions go... I usually get lost all of a sudden and no one can find me for a few days because I will go away to a far place and turn off my phone without telling anyone (I always get in trouble for this). Or sometimes I have to suddenly paint or draw on anything I can get my hands on. Or I have to write lyrics down or a story. I have tons of little pieces of paper with little doodles and stories (even little txt files in my computer with lots of lyrics and stories) lying around wherever I go and I never bother collecting them or bringing them to my next place cos I know I'll never stop anyway. If I start collecting them I'd be up to my neck almost drowning in trash and stuff.
Sometimes I just go into a store to buy something suddenly and I come home with a piece of crap toy then I realize I just wasted money. And often I like to make up stories while talking with my friends just to spice the conversation up. Then after days I will fess up that I made it all up when they ask me again about it.
Anyway, yes. I am random. And my brain is acting weird. :P
Great topic, mario! And well put! ++!

@meowcow (931)
• Philippines
19 Jun 10
LOOOLS oldchem that was a hell of a response!!
Yeah I think you do have to reload often. And farts are funny. :P
mario: you're welcome! Haha I have the same problem! sometimes I have to keep my hands super busy to keep me from saying stupid inane things. And I LOVE to rant too! Haha. Sounds like we can both be in separate corners of the block across each other in New York just shouting out random stuff like Mario Land and the end is near! We could mimic that ina heartbeat Hahaha! Someone get me a cardboard lol. 

@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
19 Jun 10
yes you do...if not how does the fart get reloaded? hahaha....
meowcow: thanks for your kind response!
you really do sound a bit like me. my hands can't keep still and i always have to do doodle & sketch, or fiddle with things here and there. and if my hands can't move, then my mouth starts to say things.. my favorite is my rantings about the 'Declaration of Independence for the Land of Mario' also known as Mariotopia
that bit of randomness is for the double plus rating! woohoo...thank you thank you :)

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@sunnycool (12714)
• India
20 Jun 10
I'm one of those random guys in offline----i got an answer for every thing,all kinds of counters and actually my friends enjoy my company coz we have a blast with my random answers which are quiet funny and confusing.there have been cases when people never dared to argue with me....not that i'm argumentative all i do is come up with a single word which can make them shut their mouth.

@sunnycool (12714)
• India
20 Jun 10
Wooow its real fun to exchange some random words with our friends and we end up somewhere else at the end of it and we laugh like crazy coz of the "Specific things" i bring in 

@sunnycool (12714)
• India
20 Jun 10
there are some nicknames for each of my friends which are associated with some funny and idiotic names which make us burst out in laughter

@sender621 (14890)
• United States
19 Jun 10
I would like to think I am a good mixture of different types of people. I aim to be pleasanr and decent and good. I am creative and giving as well. I hope my good qualities outshine any bad ones. I have never considered myself to be a random person though.

@meowcow (931)
• Philippines
19 Jun 10
Most artists don't realize that they are great artists.
And this is your art. I totally agree in keeping up the balance. We don't really want them to think we're REALLY crazy anyway, right?
At least we don't want them to know we are. hehe.
Keep up the balance, sender! I liked this line the most ... "I hope my good qualities outshine any bad ones." +! :)

@RisaAttrell (418)
• Canada
20 Jun 10
No, i dont think i'm random, but maybe i should work on becoming random because i think i would like to be more random.

@RisaAttrell (418)
• Canada
21 Jun 10
When reading your original post, i didn't think being random meant being disorganized. I thought it meant being spontaneous and not being so afraid of what other people think. I think it's nice to tell a stranger you like her hat, or whatever.
@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
20 Jun 10
but when you work on becoming random, you might end up organized.. 

@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
20 Jun 10
i shudder when i think of that Opal..!
even i scare myself sometimes 

@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
20 Jun 10
and it's good that you are
. too many random people will just cause a big imbalance to our world.. 

@GreatAttractor100 (246)
• United States
20 Jun 10
I am at times a Homer, but most times a Lisa and I have strong urges to be a Bart, and when dealing with imature I can be Marge. The rest of the time....
You can light your farts on fire COOL!

@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
20 Jun 10
load it up on YouTube when you do it...i wanna share the laugh 

@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
20 Jun 10
eat a lot of beans before trying to perform that act. the gas build up is very very important to get a good burn in the flame.. 

@GreatAttractor100 (246)
• United States
20 Jun 10
I saw it Myth Busters, and they replayed it in slow motion too. Beans dont give me gas for some reason guess I have figure something else to do. Maybe some TNT will work it should make a big enough boom to keep me happy for a while. ;)

@dierdre (2207)
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Well, when i see something that i like and i have the money to buy it then i'd go for it. Well let's call that 'materially random'. Lol. And when it comes to other things, i plan ahead before i do something. I weigh first the pros and cons before making a decision. Also based on your example, since im not really a 'people person', those random 'hi's' to a stranger will never happen, lol.
@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
28 Jun 10
hi dierdre
random 'hi's' are the most fun thing to do! and you won't believe how many people actually respond to a sincere smile and a good hello
or maybe they just like random people?
hehe...i so confuse myself sometimes..

@anawar (2404)
• United States
20 Jun 10
I don't think any action is random. Synchronicity is the key to the universe. I know my response is not really in keeping with the spirit of the conversation, which is hysterical and witty, but I had to say my thing.
The transformer toy seemed like a random act, but turned out to be an ice-breaker. That's not random, it's synchronicity.

@anawar (2404)
• United States
27 Jun 10
Hi mario,
It's funny; at first I felt defensive when I read your last thought. Then, I had to laugh at myself. You have a valid point worthy of consideration. The whimsical side of me is in control however, and after reviewing events in my life I'll hold onto synchronicity as my favorite theory.
Also, they would not appear a synchronistic event other than to the people involved, so the point is difficult to resolve. Hence, that fine line.
And, I actually have been thinking about this since I responded, and have to agree with you on the validity of randomness.
The thinking continues . . .
@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
20 Jun 10
hi anawar
thanks for bringing that up
. i had this lengthy debate with a learned friend of mine regarding 'synchronicity' and 'random actions'...and we kind of concluded that there really is a fine line between the two.
what we did agree upon is that events in synchronistic event has a tendency to be associated with 'coincidence', which will only be apparent to those who are involved in said synchronistic event. Random on the other hand may be an individual affair which can be experienced by oneself. Hence random thoughts, random questions to oneself and such. but when random actions take place, and those actions may turn out to effect someone else, or even effect an event that is to take place, it might be construed as a 'synchronistic event'..
and the other thing is, it's kind of weird how synchronicity is always determined 'post event' if justifying the actions that have taken place..
just a thought, something that i've pondered about 

@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
19 Jun 10
I don't think I'm random but I'm certainly friendly and like to talk to people although at my age you mostly get ignored.
@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
19 Jun 10
hi Bluepatch
sorry to hear that you're ignored..well, if someone was interesting to me, i'd never ignore them. and the weird part about me is that i always find something interesting about anything 

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Jun 10
when I am completely comfortable, ie in a family setting or whatever, I have been known to commit random acts of silliness, but I don't do stuff like that in public with people I don't know, too introverted...

@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
24 Jun 10

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@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
19 Jun 10
i think you are... that new avatar is sparkling all over randomly.. my eyes are all glittering now

@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
20 Jun 10
maybe not random enough... maybe just not clear enough when saying things. remember to articulate when you pontificate. then it might be clearer
thanks for sharing Sagar 

@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
19 Jun 10
madly random or randomly mad. the latter sounds like a description of the Joker in Batman..
but in this case, Bat-Homer
i think i'm so random that the lines between being nuts and being normal have blurred so much that i can't see it anymore
and i don't think you're mad. you're not even angry, how can you be mad? hehe..

@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
19 Jun 10
no..i'll just mention 'Own Goal'.. and that'll make me angry too! 

@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
19 Jun 10
now that is a cool random way of meeting
once upon a time i always thought that things like that only happen in the movies...and then i grew up and realized that it can actually really happen in the real world
thanks for sharing Annina 

@goddessjes (788)
• Philippines
19 Jun 10
hi there.
nice topic. ;-)
well, i don't i am random. what is random is what i do.
@rangerkoji (196)
• United States
19 Jun 10
Yes. Everyone tells me that i am random because i ask random questions. I am smart but i make stupid questions because i dont pay attention to direction so i have to ask again.
@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
19 Jun 10
there are no stupid questions...just stupid answers. and i have a lot of those stupidly random answers
hey, we're both random!