my baby is kicking me

June 22, 2010 12:14pm CST
my baby is kicking me and i love it... im 6 months preg now... it just amazes me how a baby could push her mother's tummy... it somehow hurts a little bit but i like the feeling... i have been really anticipating for the time to come that i would be able to feel my baby move in my tummy.. i want to capture every moment that my tummy moves... seems like my baby is so strong he could hurt my tummy.. lol i want to take video of it... just sad, my baby's dad couldnt feel the kicking... how about you?.. how does it feel?.. just share your experience..
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17 responses
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
23 Jun 10
Congrats on u being pregnant!! IT's always an amazing feeling to have a baby in u, and feeling it movements inside of u.. haha =D PLus, when u try talking to him, or stroking him, by stroking your tummy, the baby can sense it there.. hehe And the way baby respond back to the mother, is via kicking of the tummy.. haha =D SOmetimes it can show their happiness or even resentment to things they dun like to hear.. haha =D WIsh u have a smooth deliverly and healthy baby!! hehe
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
yeah,i like that feeling,when the baby is kicking the mother's tummy. really nice to touch it while let them listen to music as well. yeah,it feels really fun! specially to mothers.
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@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
24 Jun 10
yeah,i think most people really appreciates music even without letting them hear it from their mother's wombs.
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• Philippines
23 Jun 10
yeah, they said that the baby can actually hear inside the tummy... if youd bang the door the baby would react.. i would love to let my baby listen to music so when he comes out to the world my baby will knows how to appreciate music..
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
29 Jun 10
like you have said, i also felt sad that i have not felt how my tummy being kicked by the baby inside because i am a dad. but to tell you, just the touch of our hands, just the feel of the life inside, makes us daddies the happiest person during pregnancy, next to moms.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
30 Jun 10
he is working in the city? i thought you are from the city? do you mean you are not staying in one house in baybay?
• Philippines
29 Jun 10
yeah, i hope he can feel it too.. he is working in the city and we havent seen each other since i became pregnant.. i am hoping he could come home and feel my baby's kick.. i have been looking forward for that time to come... hoping to see his reaction when he feels the kick..
• Philippines
21 Jul 10
no... i mean in the big city of metro manila.. hehe but he is now in leyte.. will be applying work here soon..
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
23 Jun 10
Congratulations. Enjoy those little kicks while you can. Once you get closer to your due date it feels like the baby is trying to come out of your skin. I'm 9 months pregnant and can't wait to meet my bundle of joy and for my stomach to not be sore from her kicking me all the time. lol I do think its cool how you can see them move and it changes your stomach and trying to figure out, what part of the body is that big bump. I like feeling the hiccups also. I have seen some really neat videos on youtube of women who were able to video their stomaches. You should try to video it.
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
hahaha.. yeah me too.. i have seen some of those videos... i have tried to capture the movement but it wasnt that strong.. i want to capture a video with his strong movement that could create really big bumps.. i think its really cool
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
and oh, it almost time for your baby to come out to the world... congratulations to you too..
@much2say (57370)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Jun 10
Oh, I loved that feeling!! I felt it early on with both my daughter and son . . . I can't remember exactly what week, but it was around the end of the first trimester anyway. It felt like a heartbeat . . . but as they grow, you really feel that kick!! Well, your baby's dad may not be able to feel it inside like you do, but make sure he gets his rub-the-tummy time in and he'll be sure to feel it!! My hubby did that for both our kids . . . it was a special bonding time for all of us. And the funny story about my daughter . . . he was rubbing the tummy one day - and even poking it . . . he put his head on my belly and she kicked him - ha ha. I guess we should have known back then that she was a little rascal - hee hee. Congrats and I'm very excited for you!!
@much2say (57370)
• Los Angeles, California
24 Jun 10
Hee hee - yah, we keep reminding my daughter of that story! And I will tell you she has the strength of a horse in those legs of hers - that girl can kick! Yah, it's hard to tell at first if those early baby kicks are really kicks . . . doctors say it could be gas too. But I felt them regularly - so I'm pretty positive it was a kick!! Enjoy the feeling of life in your tummy!!
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
hahaha.. its funny how you described her as a little rascal... probably she doesnt want to be disturbed and so she has to kick her dad.. LOL i felt something moved during the last of my first trimester too but i wasnt really sure if it was my baby kicking.. when people asked me if it has been moving already, i just replied i dont know.. hehe anyway, thanks much2say!
@dian21 (606)
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
I love that feeling when I was pregnant and I miss that feeling too. But of course I enjoy my baby more now that she's outside my tummy. It was a great feeling when baby kicks. With me, my baby was really active in my tummy during night time when I'm lying in my bed and about to sleep already. I can see my tummy was moving also, that it seems my baby was rolling inside. I'm happy for you that you're experiencing that wonderful feeling. Enjoy every moment of it.
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
26 Jun 10
oh,i remember my sister,she was also having difficulties when she was pregnant. same as you,she don't know which place to go cause also the baby is rolling inside her tummy...i think it's really a wonderful feeling..
• Philippines
26 Jun 10
yup.. it makes me uncomfortable... makes me want to buy pregnancy pillow, i saw it online...
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
hehehe.. yeah, i find it hard to position my self when i sleep.. i can feel my baby moves inside.. makes me worry i might pressed my baby inside and that he is not comfortable and that is why he is moving and kicking hard...
• China
23 Jun 10
Congratulations to your pregnancy .I hope that you and your baby are going well in next 4 months . I am man , So I have no experience to give you . hehe. Good luck to you !
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
thanks woodman.. well, probably soon you could feel a baby's movement inside your wife's tummy..
• Philippines
26 Jun 10
well, i want more... hahaha... just kidding... i was hoping i could have just a twin...
• China
26 Jun 10
After I get married , I hope to have two babies .one is a boy ,the other is a girl .
• Philippines
26 Aug 10
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I'm 5 months pregnant and I can feel some fetal movements in my tummy, usually at night and while I'm sitting down. The kicks are stronger compared to last month and its fetal heartbeat is good. I feel scared and happy at the same time because this is my first baby.
• Philippines
29 Aug 10
thanks.. congrats to you too.. yeah, baby moves a lot at night, its hard to sleep really.. my due is drawing near and my baby's kicks are getting stronger too.. it literally hurts.. and i find it hard to sleep.. im excited and scared too.. since this is also my first baby.. i hope we wont have problems with delivering our baby..
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
Congratulations!!! I too is currently pregnant though I am nearing my due, actually it may happen at anytime now. The first time i felt my baby moved inside my tummy it really made me smile. It's like he was telling me, hey mom i am here. The emotion that i feel is really different and I am so excited to see him face to face. When you reach your 7th or 6th month you can even see that your tummy may even look uneven at times because of the movement and it becomes lopsided. Motherhood is such a miracle!!! TC
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
wow.. i pray youll have smooth delivery... me too, i have been anticipating for his movement, since my mom has been asking if i can already feel the movement.. the first time i felt it i was so excited... i cant wait to feel the and see my tummy looking really uneven when my baby moves..
@Rainegurl (2156)
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
Hello, juicekodai Congratulations on you pregnancy! Yeah, it does feel nice. I am five months pregnant and I feel my baby move too. She's pretty strong. I cannot help but smile, and even laugh, sometimes, my hubby wonders what's going on. I guess the movement gets stronger until the baby is born, huh? Can hardly wait Take care, girl!
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
hahaha.. yeah, me too.. when i was still 4 or 5 months preg, i could already feel my baby move.. but when i touch to feel the movement, my baby stops.. i like feeling his movement in my tummy... i took a video of it once.. but i want to take a video of my baby strong movement..
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
by the way, congrats to both of us...
@mimiang (3760)
• Philippines
24 Jun 10
Textbook of pregnancy - this is a book on pregnancy.
It should be ten in 12 hours and lesser than that could be bad. It felt like bubbles bursting inside
• Philippines
26 Jun 10
yup.. it does feel like huge bubbles bursting.. anyway, thanks for the info, i guess i should start keeping tracks of the kicks then...
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
my sister has been pregnant three years ago,and i always get surprised and happy everytime my niece was kicking her mother's tummy.really fun,but i happen to know that always midnight my niece always kick and get wild sister would somehow be awake because of my niece. i find it funny cause my niece always having fun inside her mother's tummy,hehe and now she's three years old,she always become a hyperactive one,and talkative,so many stories in her mind,nonstop... i really loved her so much,same as the whole family loved her...
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
24 Jun 10
my niece is really hyperactive even nowadays she always seems so alive,even though sometimes if she's sick,she is still happy and hyperactive. she seldom makes sad and she is easily hurt when someone don't talk to her the way she likes to be talked with.
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
wow.. i noticed that too.. i usually sleep late.. sometimes, i sleep 3am... and i noticed my baby would start moving when its already late at night... hahaha.. wow, your niece is already hyperactive even inside the tummy, she could wake up her mother.. hehe
• Philippines
24 Jun 10
It is great that you appreciate the kicks ... anyone keeping score? ;) best wishes! Eric
• Philippines
26 Jun 10
yeah.. its a nice feeling.. knowing that ur baby is active.. lol
@Bellapop (1279)
17 Jul 10
ohh, that is nice, congratulations, hope you're having a goog comfortable pregnancy. Enjoy it while you can, only three months left. To be pregnant is amazing... good luck :)
• Philippines
21 Jul 10
yup.. it is really amazing.. the feeling of having a baby inside your tummy.. hehe thanks bella
@sahm01 (22)
• United States
22 Jun 10
When my baby first started kicking I had to lay in my side for my husband to be able to feel it. He would put his hand between my belly and the bed. The best is when you are relaxed and they are so big you tummy jumps and your baby kicks your hand! Have fun and enjoy having your baby in one place....soon you it will be running from you!
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
hehe.. yeah, sometimes, i just sit down, watch tv and wait for my baby to move... makes me want my baby to stay a longer inside my tummy.. haha
• Philippines
28 Sep 10
Am a first time mom and I am 7 months pregnant now and yes my baby is kicking me a lot, he even tickled me most of the time and like you, i really love the feeling. The first time i felt his movement during my 5th months was really an awesome feeling. Me and my hubby was really happy feeling his kicks for the first time and even up to now that he is rolling all over my tummy, we still enjoy it and love watching my tummy's wave as he rolls over. Im loving the feeling and this experience is something that money cannot buy.
28 Sep 10
I remember when I was pregant the first time and I felt the movements. It did feel very strange at first, but it is simply amazing isn't it? When I was at full term with my first baby I remember being able to see what looked like an elbow or perhaps a knee working it's way around the tight skin on my tummy, now that was an odd sensation!
• Indonesia
22 Jun 10
baby kciking her stomach is normal, means he lives. you need to maintain healthy lifestyles sports, and lots of morning sun when your stomach to feel the warm morning sun na, for the propagation of mushrooms, and you do not sit idle, thanks