Pet Euthanasia.....Can you do it?
By gifana
@gifana (4833)
November 16, 2006 7:51pm CST
I was just out walking my friends toy poodle who is 16 years old, almost blind, losing his balance, and stumbling. He is my friend's first and only pet she has ever had and being single treats him like a child. I have often said that she should be thinking of putting him to sleep before he starts to suffer. I thought I could do it but for some reason just now walking him I began to have doubts. He's not mine but I have grown very fond of him and I have decided that I will not bring up the subject again. The idea actually brought tears to my eyes.
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26 responses
@AIKOMEI (300)
• Singapore
17 Nov 06
It would be a very difficult and sad decision. I once had a pet maltese for 15years. In the end, it became absolutely necessary, if not, totally depressing to euthanasize him. He had totally lost his appetite, was losing all his hair and could not even stand, without stumbling. I guess it must be dreadful not to have any energy whatsoever. I brought him to the vet and the vet recommended euthanasia. My family stayed with him thoughout the process. It was so sad and we mourn his passing for, I think, a long time. Just responding to this discussion still bring tears to my eyes.
So, euthanasize your pet only if absolutely necessary.
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
24 Nov 06
I have had to make this hard decision several times unfortunately. The hard thing with terminal illnesses and with old age, is that these pets can have good days and bad days. It's hard to know when to end it sometimes.
I've found I tend to feel much more guilty if I feel that I waited too long to have the pet euthanized. While if I later think of one more thing I could have done, I do not feel as badly because at least the animal didn't have to suffer longer so that I could have tried one more thing.
I feel much worse if the pet ends up dying and probably should have been euthanized but I was just too selfish to go in and have it done because I wanted to keep trying to save them.
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@hodgemo2 (272)
• United States
5 Dec 06
That's an excellent point. With my fiance's cat, I really didn't want to do it. I felt bad that it had gotten as bad as it did (the cat actually lived at my fiance's parents house) and wished we could do something...but it was time. I feel bad that I didn't try to step in and adopt him into our home (because you always think you can change things) but I feel glad that I didn't try to make him suffer more by putting it off.
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
24 Nov 06
That was exactly one of the reasons I started this discussion. However, for some it has meant bringing back sad memories. Fortunately, in my case, the decisions is not mine to make because Kyko is not my pet. I had brought up the idea on many occasions with his owner but she is absolutely unable to make a decision. She agrees in principal with most of the comments made here but somehow is hoping that the moment won't come and that he will die of natural causes. He does not appear to be in pain but he just isn't himself. I never in my life ever thought that I would come to this. Well, only time will tell. Thanks for adding your thoughts. Appreciate it.
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
5 Dec 06
hedge...Couldn't agree with you more. But I'm sure you did the right things. Animals are God's creatures and they should be treated equally as humans. How can some people can not understand what our pets are going through and not suffer with them. Thanks for dropping by and your input.
PS: If you are looking for Best Responses may I recommend that you always go up and post your comment in the discussion posting box above. Thanks, just a thought.)
@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
17 Nov 06
i am faced with this decision quite often with the animals that i care for it is an extreemly hard decision to make each time until i think 1 ..the animal is suffering 2... the quality of life will never be the same 3...the would be better off than in their current situation dying very slowly
then i consider that they are just going to sleep they will feel no pain only a pin stick they will then just drift off to sleep it`s sadder for us as we will miss then their company that we have been fortunate to of had sometimes for many years but believe me it is better that they don`t suffer you really wouldn`t want to either if you had a choice
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
17 Nov 06
Thank you for your response. I certainly won't say I envy you. This is the first time that I have been face to face with this dilema....and it isn't even my dog. I always figured it would be a cinch but after take Kyko for a walk tonight I really started me to thinking and the thought of it made tears come to my eyes. I am not what you could consider an pet enthusiast...I still think that a house pet, especially dogs, should not be cooped up in a apartment. They need space to run and play. Don't get me wrong I would never hurt an animal in any way. We had a cat when I was little but I never really got attached to it.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
24 Nov 06
The hard thing for me has always been when a vet is unable to do the euthanasia properly. The good vet I drive to normally is about an hour away. When it's an emergency euthanasia because the pet has gone agonal, you can't drive an hour. But a lot of vets do not know how to properly euthanize exotics. It's really hard to have to tell the vet how to do it when you're really sad over the whole thing. For example, in guinea pigs you do not find a vein to put the euthasol into as it takes forever to find a vein. Euthasol directly in the heart or liver is much faster and less painful just because it is so much faster than a bunch of poking. Because of vet errors, I kind of don't want to watch at all if it's not a good vet doing it because I don't want to know that they messed up.
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
24 Nov 06
Oops I missed this one....glad I came back tho. Your point is very enlightening. Just when you think you found all the answers another one pokes his head out. Have no idea if Kyko's vet has had any experience in this sort of thing but I suppose she does. Sure hope so cuz if Ana has to go thru something as excruciating as that I dont know what will happen. Appreciate another good input. ++++++ if it were possible but you'll have to settle for + im afraid...But I can expand on it.....
@Argonaut (260)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I have done three times already. The worst was hen I took my cat who was my buddy when I was just single and into my marriage. I didn't expect to has such a stronge reation when he passed as I held him. I was so distrought the doctor made me leave through the back entrance!
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@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
5 Dec 06
We have had many animals over the years and sometimes have had to make a decision to have them put to sleep. It is always sad of course, but it is better than letting the animal suffer. I expect that in the forseeable future we will face this decision regarding our son's dog. She is his pet and he has had her since she was a puppy but these days we have temporary custody of her as he is travelling around the world. She is now 18, has arthritis, is deaf but still gets around quite well.
We are all agreed though that if she starts to suffer and we cannot relieve it, then she will be put to sleep. That is not something that I am looking forward to deciding, and every time our son disappears, I hope his Jessie will still be here when he returns.
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
5 Dec 06
At least it will not be your first experience but some how I get the impression from some comments...experince doesn't make it any easier. If it is meant to be then perhaps when it comes Jessie's time your son will be there to make the decision and sees that she is put to rest in peace. Thanks for dropping by and for you input. Always nice to hear from you.
@hodgemo2 (272)
• United States
5 Dec 06
My fiance and I had to have his cat put down a few months ago. It was REALLY hard, but I know it was the best thing to do. Wow, I'm starting to tear up just thinking about it. It's a delicate balance to be the one to determine suffering and mercy, but sometimes you just know. I hope most people out there don't have to go through it.
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
5 Dec 06
Okay...see you took my advice. Don't forget to do it in the future. Also your added comments are also good input. Only those who have pets that have become members of the family will go through more pain I'm sure. Thanks for coming back and sharing that with us.
@mygreyparrot (1461)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I had to make this decision 3 yrs ago. This was the dog I had grown up with all my life. He was 18 years old. His quality of life was nothing, but I kept trying to hold on. He started having seizures, and I just had no choice. I had the vet put him down. He kept hanging on, and the vet had to give him two shots. I felt it was the best decision I could make for him, but I will never get over losing him.
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@Al3xius (1776)
• Romania
5 Dec 06
I can`t do such a thing . Yesterday when i come to work i found at the door a little cat . It has some injuries at the nose and we toked it to a vet. Now it`s ok and it is the mascot of the copany :)). I can`t imagine how peoples cand make deadly ijections to the animals. I think they have no soul !
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
5 Dec 06
I agree and disagree. First you did the right think about taking the little cat to the vet. Very humane of you. But you have to realize that there will come a time when something has to be done in order not to let the animal suffer. It appears that you care for animals, and if that is the case, I feel that if you had to make a decision of letting an animal suffer or put him out of misery you would make the right one...even tho you couldn't witness the act itself. Think about it. Thanks so much for dropping by and telling us about your noble gesture with the kitten....good input.
@mit0312 (252)
• India
5 Dec 06
I think euthanasia is a vey delicate subject, not only for pets but also for human beings, i believe evry persn has a right to die if he or she is suffering from gr8 pain . M a complete supporter of euthanasia,i believe it moreoer helps . Id rather not see a loved one suffering in front of my own eyes .
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
5 Dec 06
My sentiments exactly. For pets it is not as difficult as it is an animal. As pertains to humans it is much more complicated. No one likes to see any creature suffer. But before the decision is made for humans the procedure is almost unending. But let's not mix apples with oranges. From your answer I presume that you can put your pet down if they were suffering. Thanks for dropping by and for your input.
@eslproofreader (517)
• United States
10 Dec 06
I've had to do it several times in the past, and, believe me- it is humane. I hope that if I get old, lame, and helpless that someone puts me out of my misery.
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
10 Dec 06
That would be unlawful unless you sign an affedavit to the effect that you do not want to be rescusitated and that you do not want to be hooked up to machines. Otherwise your family would have to go to court. I agree that pet euthanisia is very humane as the animal has no way to communicate his desires to be put out of his misery. Thank you for dropping by and for your input.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
5 Dec 06
I thnk its cruel to make an animal suffer like that really..once the animal is at the point of no return and they are goin through pain and their quality of life has seriously diminished its time to put them down...No its not easy by any means especialy if its a pet you've had for yrs - we've had to put down a few animals over the yrs - but its the right thing to do in my opinion
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@nobodyspecial (1011)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Years ago while trucking I decided I wanted a small dog that I could carry in the truck with me. I decided on a toy poodle for several reasons. They don't shed, toys are small enough to be able to exercise within the confines of such a vehicle and my toy made friends easily, which was another plus.
This dog traveled the USA and Canada with me for many years.
When he was 18 he had difficulty breathing. He still went out to do his business, he still ate like he was starving (table food only), and he still liked to be at my side.
But he couldn't breath. He couldn't lay down in his favorite positions, he couldn't cuddle, he was not happy nor comfortable.
I took him to the vet and she agreed, his lungs were failing him. He wasn't suffering, he was just uncomfortable. He might have just fallen asleep and gone on his own, or he may have held on for days or weeks.
I couldn't let my friend be that uncomfortable for that long...I let him go while he could still enjoy the smell of steak, feel my hand upon his tiny head and could still show me his appreaciation of my company.
I let him go before there was no longer a quality to his life. It was the kindest thing I could do for him at that time.
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
11 Dec 06
What a wonderful response. I can imagine how you feel. Your toy poodle sounds just like described Kyko to a T. He still eats like a horse but his sight is going and he stumbles alot. He doesn't wimper unless he wants to go out or wants some food. His last to the vet she didn't mention anything about how much long he has...he will be sixteen on the 9th of January. But I agree with you that it was the kindest thing that you could do and you will remember him when he still not suffering. At least you will not have to go thru that. Thanks so much for dropping by and telling us about your "friend".
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
24 Nov 06
It is sad to think about putting an animal to sleep but if the animal is suffering it is in the best intrest of the animal to have them put to sleep. My mother had to put her dog to sleep a few years back and it was really hard but it had to be done, the poor thing couldent run any more because of arthritis, she would pee and poop on the floor, the poor baby was just really old and it was time. My mom at 1 tim had said that she didnt want any more pets until my son went to live with her and then they decided to get him a kitten.
@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
24 Nov 06
That is the general observation that most of the comments. I hope that Ana doesn't decide to get another pet. I would like to do some travelling and see those portions of Portugal that I still haven't seen. Am unable to do so because she will not put Kyko in a kennel and will not put him with friends who have offered so many times. Jokingly I have told her that it's a pet or me.....Don't know what I'll do if she decides to get a dog. Probably love it just much as Kyko which I was very much against in the beginning. Thank you for your response....Happy Thanksgiving.
@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
23 Nov 06
Sorry wrong answer. You may not have a comment to make on the posting but please, please, dont make a idiotic remark like pets are very idiots. They are move loving and intelligent than a lot of people I know. My mother used to tell me it takes an idiot to know an idiot. But thanks for response.
@vmoore709 (1101)
• United States
24 Nov 06
It's really hard, but I have had to do it. My dog got cancer and it spread really quickly. There was nothing I could do for her.
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@kiah25 (128)
• United States
23 Nov 06
I had to put my baby to sleep last december. I'd had her for almost 13 years. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. I held her while my fiance held me and my vet gave her the injections. I couldn't have left her to be alone for the vet to do it and I know it was the right decison. She had been getting very sick about every 3-5 months for about a year and they finally figured out as close as possible without spending thousands that she had a brain tumor. She was my baby, but I know I made the right decision since she waas suffering. I miss her terribly still, but she is better off now. i added a picture of her.
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
23 Nov 06
Everyone that has comment so far has had the same response. And the more I read the harder I know it's going to be. I will probably go with Ana if he must be put to sleep because I know she will be in no condition to drive. On second thought maybe I should hire a chauffer. Happy Thanksgiving...Thanks very much for your response. PS: Cute dog....