Why there is no Black Light color Bulb available?

June 25, 2010 4:42am CST
There are many color bulbs available in market like Yellow colored bulbs, that spreads yellow light in room, Red colored bulbs, that spreads red light in a room but why there is no bulb available that able to spread BLACK colored light, or black light or Darkness.I was thinking that if we can make bulb which spreads black lights, We can use it in Day(in sunlight) to spread Darkness/dark.It could be very useful for military/army, they can use this kind of bulb to create darkness in particular area in battlefield to hide their weapons or soldiers to avoid direct contact. what do you think?
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18 responses
@srganesh (6339)
• India
25 Jun 10
Hai Crazy_Poster! You definitely think different. A black color bulb.......no ordinary mind can think in this angle. And the reason as you have stated, to drive away the day light! That is really brilliant. An inquiring mind like you only can invent new things. I bet, one day or other, you will become a great scientist. God bless you! Take this as a compliment alone!
• India
25 Jun 10
:) I cant be a scientist because I am in different field,I am an MBA.But I am always interested in learning something new, Mysterious thing,unsolved answer and beliefs...etc.
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@srganesh (6339)
• India
25 Jun 10
That is nice. Do you use to raise such extreme difficult questions in the class room? How did your lecturers take you? Will they answer you properly or consider your questions as serious jokes? How did your friends see you? As a mysterious man or a good entertainer?
• India
25 Jun 10
In school and college, I was very naughty, I have always been punished and I was compelled to stay out of my class :) but there were difference between me and other student, I was always ranked in top 5. So my parents were happy. My friends say that I am very complicated in nature.
@dogsnme (1264)
• United States
25 Jun 10
Well, there actually is a black light bulb available just not the way you imagined. But, I'm sure you already knew that. Blackness, or darkness, is the absence of light. If you want darkness you simply remove the light kinda like when you turn off the light in a room. But, in the case of the military, since you can't "remove" or replace the daylight at will that is why you use camouflage. Anyway, the idea you have about using darkness to aid the military wouldn't work. They already have technology that allows them to see during the night almost as well as you can see during the day.
@debsgw (256)
25 Jun 10
black lights are used to read invisible ink aren't they? I remember seeing that in the film Gone in 60 seconds..
@dogsnme (1264)
• United States
26 Jun 10
Yeah, I believe that's right. They can also be used to find dried pet urine in carpets I think.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
25 Jun 10
Every bulb ever made has two options: 'Black' and 'Coloured'. This is controlled by the switch on the wall or on the flashlight that contains the bulb. If there is another light source, of course, you have to use separate methods to eliminate it. What you are describing is something different, however. You are proposing to use energy from a single source to exactly oppose and negate energy arriving at a point. Theoretically this is possible and demonstrable - the phenomenon is called 'interference' and it can be demonstrated in the classroom or laboratory - but it is only possible to do it for discrete frequencies and only at particular points where the energies from each source are in exact opposition. The idea you are proposing (which, no doubt, you got from Harry Potter) is completely impossible.
• India
25 Jun 10
The idea I proposed was not from Harry Potter, but I read one article in Magazine a year ago. I:) don't like harry potter movies........by the way nice answer!
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
25 Jun 10
You can purchase black light bulbs. You can find them in hardware store, retail stores, music stores, all over.
@cv1957 (41)
• United States
26 Jun 10
Hi, I agree with you i went to walmart just the other day and i was looking for the flurocsent light bulbs and i seen a black bulb. but your right you can find black bulbs at the hardware store, walmart, ect.
@catalyser (531)
• Malaysia
25 Jun 10
Darkness is the absence of light. Like cold in the absence of a source of heat. You couldn't shine darkness to hide particular things because it is impossible. Besides, colors in lightbulbs are created by using inert gasses such and Neon, Helium, Argon and such. We just don't have any black ones
• India
25 Jun 10
"Saying that the dark is just the absence of light is as silly to me as saying that cold is simply the absence of heat"
@dian21 (606)
• Philippines
26 Jun 10
There is no need for black bulb. Darkeness is natural at night already. If you want it to use during day, I think it is still impossible. Because you will still see that area that you want to be lighted with black bulb because there is still sunlight.
@Mitraa (3183)
• India
26 Jun 10
Technically your idea of black-light seems to be very sound, but what I think is that a bulb may not produce this. Because, darkness is defined as absence of light and in Nature it prevails everywhere as a normal case! Another fact is that black(or dark) is not a colour. It is the absence of all colours! In other way, people say, "Black will take no other hue!" As per army, more developed and modern methods have been desined to hide the weapons and soldiers in the battlefields! Thanks for this nice discussion on black-light!!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
26 Jun 10
We have black lights here in the states, Crazy Poster. In the 70's they were really popular but they are still available. I actually think I still have one somewhere. I remember we used to use visine and write on our faces and it'd glow in the dark under a black light. Look on line. I'll bet you could mail-order some.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
26 Jun 10
There are black lights of course but I don't think they can make any that do what you're asking. If it were at all possible it wouldn't work out very well in the battle field since the time you would use it would be in day light. I'm pretty sure people would get suspicious of a big black spot in the middle of the day time and go to investigate.
@kaylachan (76018)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
26 Jun 10
It defeats the purpose of using the bolb in the first place. Light is used to expell darkness, not create it. If someone doesn't want to be seen simply don't use light. Which is impossible, since light is the basis in which we as humans see. So without it we would all be blind. Not to make fun of those that are. But some light has to enter the eye in order for the eye to project images in which we see. to live in darkness, would not benifit you.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
25 Jun 10
Whether dimmed or otherwise it remains black. And black is darkness. What good is black if it doesn't help to light up. Besides there is no black light. Light is light.
• China
25 Jun 10
Nice question i like it. Well black light is not available that because we use light for remove the black. If anybody want black then no need to use any light. And if it discover then terrorist also can use this for hiding there weapons. So batter you we don't have black light.
• Philippines
26 Jun 10
maybe because black simply means darkness which no light...
@noemlice (18)
• Philippines
26 Jun 10
In the first place the reason for the bulbs is to provide light at darkness,,,now if we have a black bulb for sure it would be of no use...
@grayxenon (1313)
• Philippines
25 Jun 10
i had a couple of black bulbs, there are busted though..haha
@delkar (1712)
• Romania
25 Jun 10
It`s not posible what you are thinking at. Black bulb isn`t available, because , even if it was, there would be 2 posibilities : 1 The paint from the buld would be too thin and the light can pass thru the paint, and the white light will be seen. 2. the paint it`s ok, and the white light inside the buld can`t be seen, and so, you turn that on for nothing.
• India
25 Jun 10
Black colored bulb is not possible because black color is the great absorber of light. So it will not let the light pass out of the bulb shell and the very purpose of the bulb will not be fulfilled. Moreover , spreading the black light is just like keeping the place dark. What's the different? Light cant be black just like hot cant be cold and sand cant be gold. ;) take care -Miraz :)
@megrawab (166)
• Philippines
25 Jun 10
there is. . . Ive seen one. It's transparent black. . . When the light produces glare but you need light, it is okay to use black light but there is blue so why use black!. . . :-)