may november affairs

July 4, 2010 6:53am CST
i am in my early 50s. despite the age, i manage to go on relationship with people who are young enough to be my grandchildren. i tried several times to put a stop on this but I failed because i feel guilty. I hope that i will have the strength and the courage to put an end to all these.
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8 responses
@eLsMarie (4345)
• Philippines
6 Jul 10
I always tell myself that age doesn't matter but in your case, I guess I have to think twice with the statement. Why would you feel guilty if you want to stop? What's with younger people? I think it's best if you tell us the reason so that we can understand your side.
@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
5 Jul 10
You must ask yourself why you are attracted to young people. Does it in some way make you feel younger? How do you feel about people your age or only slightly younger? The answer to that will give you a lot to think about. T
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
4 Jul 10
WHY would you want to put an end to it??? In my youth, I ONLY wanted to be with men who were atleast 20 years older than me...They made me feel mature & ALIVE!!! As I got older, I found it hard to find men that were 20 years older than me who were willing & able to keep up with me, so I gradually switched to men who were younger than me. They made me feel young & ALIVE!!! Now I'm at an age where I'm beginning to find it hard to keep up with the younger group, so I'm not dating at all. I feel that as long as the other person is OVER 18 & mature enough to consent to a relationship with you, that there is NO problem. Life is way too SHORT to worry about age differences!!! If you BOTH enjoy each other's company, I say GO FOR IT!!!
@eve301345 (658)
• Philippines
4 Jul 10
My partner and I have very big age gap and if ever I tell everyone here would go crazy :-). The question is why would you want to stop it if your intention is good and willing to love the girl and stay with her forever? When it comes to love age doesn't matter as long as both parties have good intention. Good luck with that.
@aguas_aj (498)
• Philippines
4 Jul 10
if you're in-love, then I think there is nothing wrong with it. but if you have other intention other than love then, i think you should check your ethical background or respect issues
• China
4 Jul 10
Though that is not strange in this social now , do not hurt your family ,expecially your old partner . They are your relatives , they love you .
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
4 Jul 10
Does really age matter? In the minds of others, it does but I'm not sure if we really have to depend on the perception of others for us to enjoy life to the fullest. But again, if you are into stopping it then take it one day at a time. We know that things don't just happened overnight, it has to go step by step in order for you to get used to it and get rid afterward. Have a strong determination and a goal to achieve.
@merma1267 (130)
• Philippines
4 Jul 10
did you ever asked yourself.. about your intentions? is it love or just something to feel and release, i mean " biological needs of a man "??? do you think, you can possibly love someone that is very young let say 20 years of younger with your age?