
Gang - This is photo of MS13 gang...
@ET28LV (1890)
July 6, 2010 3:14pm CST
Hello! Have you ever had think about gangs? Gangs is different's members of them is kids and adult people. But, each gang intentions is always the same. Threatening, blackmail, people killing, steeling etc. I know one gang in New York with name MS13. If you want join in this gang, gang members hit you cruelly 13 seconds. If you want to quiet from gang the only way is suicide. Gang leader usually says that he helps you If you have some financial problems, or you need a big support, because you are in trouble. Maybe this time we do not talk about kids gangs, but for real gangs where is adult and cruelly people like MS13 gang members. What you do If one day you have a big problem and someone tell you a dell. If you join the gang they would help to you do not look what is the problem? Or what would be your reaction If you find that some of your short haul friend, or some other people What you love had joined in gang? What is your thoughts about gangs at all? Do you ever had think about them? Do you ever had a deal to join in the gang maybe in the kid age?
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17 responses
@yresh12 (3210)
• Philippines
9 Jul 10
hey eteee!! My sister was a member of a gang. Good thing she quit because it brought no good to her. She's always out and now she has a baby boy. I think that she learned her lesson and is trying to be a good person. As for me I haven't really tried joining one. I am a member of a fraternity myself. I just got curious with the hand shake and liked it that's why I joined. I never regretted joining but I feel ashamed with my fellow brothers and sisters who are so popular on TV not because of the good things they have done but the crimes that they are doing. My father doesn't know I'm a member of one but I think he would be pretty disappointed if he knew that I joined and It's not a fraternity that one should be proud of. I never regretted to be a member though. I stand for what I did.
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@yresh12 (3210)
• Philippines
14 Jul 10
hello Eteee!! Yeah she did. I think she got more mature now and she has a baby so there is no more sense in continue doing so. It's a good thing you didn't. It's nice not to know some things. I never regretted why I joined but I'd rather prefer not joining one at all if time permits. Yip, it's an embarrassment on our fraternity that they are making it popular because of the crimes they do. MY papa will scold me to the bones I think if he knew. He saw the signs but did not confirm it yet. I'm still trying to avoid confrontation and still praying that he forget about it completely.
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@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
15 Jul 10
Hi yresh! Yes now she have a better life and she have a baby and this is a good reason only for good jobs. It is hard to hide problems in my family always find all If I have a problems. I hope you get solution to your problems. Good luck, Take care, Have a nice day!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Jul 10
hi et28LV oh how I hate these gangs and in Santa Ana about three or four miles from here I wou ld never go into the residential areas as they are overrun with young teens and adult vicious gangs who kill other gang members every day in drive by shootings .these are all illegal aliens from Mexico and the most fierce and vicius of all gangs. terrible to have them and I stay out of that town all the time. dangerous place to visit or to live there.
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@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
7 Jul 10
I always think of green men from Mars when the word "alien" is mentioned.. I suppose we are all aliens in America if we are not native americans. I think gangs are bad and quite dangerous no matter where they come from. Where do you live, friend? Big cities are more difficult, as gangs go. Take care.
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@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
13 Jul 10
Hi Hatley! Ah It is sad to hear that there is place near your place. It is good to know that you do not live there. I never would not understand people who kills other people like gangs. They do not get anything maybe a zone. Gangs divided towns and then life there and do dirty jobs like selling narcotics etc. Marguicha Yes all gangs is very dangerous, but I think the most dangerous gangs is where members is from Chine and Mexico, because they are very cruel. If It was a question to me then I can answer.. I live in the Latvia there is no gangs, but a people what we call urlas this people always attack to vulnerable people and always they are attack many like gangs. Richnai Yes we have a gangs from all races. The gangs work in divisions, but attack to other members. Yes gangs members do not have a respect of themselves they do not care for their life they have only one aim attack to others. Thanks for share, Take care, Have a nice day!
• Philippines
8 Jul 10
the word "gang" is already bad why join them..if ever i'm in desperate need of money i would rather seek help from charitable institutions that to be involve in any type of gangs..nobody gets out of it alive..if you want out the only way is to why would i risk myself and my family's safety for a money that i can get in a proper way or why not better earn it myself in a right way..also i don't want my future kids to follow my footstep if i join gangs..i will not be setting a good example for them..
@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
13 Jul 10
He he yes when we heard word gang we can think that something bad is under all this. Yes I too better prefer some institutions than gangs. Yes no one come out of gang alive. Yes why to risk with family and relatives we can earn money legal for working. Yes We're always sample for our children. Take care, Have a nice day!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
8 Jul 10
I've never been in a gang and I am not in an area where there is a lot of gang activity. I would be very uneasy if I were to walk up on a gang or if I lived near an area that had a lot of gang activity. Gangs can be very dangerous and you never know what will happen.
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@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
13 Jul 10
Hi JenIn! Nice to hear that you never been in gang and you do not live in dangerous place I too do not live in place where live gangs, but in my area there is people we call them for urlas they usually attack in groups to vulnerable people. Yes If you live near gangs your life is threatened, because they can unintentionally hurt you. Take care, Have a nice day!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
9 Jul 10
There are some gangs in the area that I live in, and I actually know one person that used to be a member of the gang. However, it isn't something that is a huge problem where we live. I saw a television show about MS13 and let me tell you, I wouldn't want to know anyone that was a member of that gang. However, if I'm not mistaken there was another way to become a member of that specific gang besides being beat in. In the show that I saw about it, the girl that was trying to get some members prosecuted ended up being murdered.
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@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
13 Jul 10
Sad to hear that there is gangs where you live. Does this member really join to the gang? Yep I too do not want a know a members of MS13. I never do not want to be a gang member and I think It is a big problem in world, because police officers can fight with them. Take care, Have a nice day!
@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
26 Jul 10
I think I will not join gang for any reason because I don't believe cruelty can solve a problem. I think I can handle to be reason someone lose their life,even if I really hated thats person. I believe there is justice in this world because God is not blind and i will let him to judge not me. I think This gang thing usually involve more man than woman, we tend safe from this kind offer because its seem they don't interested make woman join their group. By the way it just my personal opinion because I heard a woman gang.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
7 Jul 10
ITs not good to get into a gang. I dont know what right minded kid would but I know they do form preasure from some of thier friends. It ususally just ends them up in jial and the protectors dont protect you from that. Gangs are lazy people thaT THINK BY ROBBING AND THREATS TO PAY PROTECTION is an easy way to make money but in the end not good for all . If you know of someone you love is thinking about joining a gang do all you can to talk them out of it!
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
7 Jul 10
In my opinion for what its worth, gangs are kids that probably were not spanked enough. To say that they are poor and had to join is crap. I grew up poor and never felt the need to shoot at somebodies house. My mother worked, went to school, no father in the home. But we were a FAMILY.People need to stop having kids they cant/wont raise.
@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
13 Jul 10
Gangs do not have a future they have only one aim. I too life alone always my father and mom was worked, but I grew up very normal. This people who join into the gangs unnecessarily wasted they life. Also people join into the gangs, because they was meet wrong people. Take care, Have a nice day!
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
7 Jul 10
Here in Australia we do have trouble with gangs as well. I just had an experience with my daughter in court, where a gang of youths came into the court house to threaten my daughter. They were not at all scared of the police in attendance at the court house. They were finally removed but it was scary. I think the world has gone mad letting these gangs get away with the crimes they commit
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@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
13 Jul 10
Here in Latvia we too do not have troubles with gangs, but other teenagers we call them for urlas is like gangs they always attack in groups and attack only too vulnerable people who usually go for walks alone. I can imagine how scary It was yes world is gone to mad they allow this crimes. Police officers think that they are powerless. Take care, Have a nice day!
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
7 Jul 10
Alot of gangs are very scarey. Once a co-worker of mine had stopped off at a convenience store to get something to drink and when she came up to the counter the attendant told he saw someone slip into the back of her car. She freaked and called the police. This was an ongoing thing I had seen in the news. It was a gang want to be that had to take an older woman and beat her up so he could get into this gang. Is that not scarey? Gangs seem to be a outlet for young people who don't get the love and consideration from their families. I think this is VERY sad. Another side of this too is that there alot of very repretable motorcycle clubs that get a bad rep because of motorcycle gangs like Hells Angels.
@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
13 Jul 10
I think they all is scary. Oh my it is one of scariest thing what I have heard. Yes gang members usually is young people who do not get so much love, attention from family and then they meet a wrong people who is very nice in first moment and say that he can help.. And then youngster join a gang. Yes It is very sad to hear something like this. I have heard about Hell Angels another scary gang in world. Take care, Have a nice day!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
7 Jul 10
I feel very much afraid of gangs and the like. I have been fortunate enough not to ever have encountered any. I guess that many youths who join these gangs are individuals with dysfunctional upbringings who have a need to belong and control. Having said that I imagine there would also be some exceptions to the rule! The 13 second initiation sounds horrible and I feel sorry for those who have a need to join these groups, it is sad...
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@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
13 Jul 10
Yes I am afraid of this gangs. I hope I never have affair with them. People who join in the gangs doing It, because they do not feel so much love, attention from their family or is in big problems and they think gang would help them. It is very painful If people hit you 13 seconds very cruelly. Take care, Have a nice day!
@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
7 Jul 10
i ever have one gang when i was in high school.I try to find some identity. i think most of teenagers do that. they will feel cool if they are bond in one gang. but now after i am adult, i know that is bad.
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@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
13 Jul 10
Yes teenagers always is searching something interesting and one thing that they found is gang. They do not think that It is something bad or police officers never caught us. I am happy that you now have learned how bad is gangs. Thanks for share, Have a nice day!
@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
7 Jul 10
Gangs are part of sick societies, in my idea. Unfortunatly, not much can be done to give young people other choices and real protection. Gangs exist in all big cities in the world (more in some, I suppose). There´s no posibility that any of mine will join a gang. The gang offers protection an a sort of sick family instead of the real thing. So, to join a gang, there must be a need to do so. I belong to a society stratus that is very far away from that.
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@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
13 Jul 10
Yes gangs is part of sick societies. Yes, but many young people believe that gangs can help them and protect them in dangerous situations. Yes gangs exist in big cities in the all world. Yes to join in the gang you need to do something and always It is something unpleasant. Yes society stratus is many times better than gang. Take care, Have a nice day!
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
7 Jul 10
I too am scared of these gangs, as they abound in my country too. When I was younger I try to stay away from them and I was successful in doing so. I just hope my kids (they are now 11 and 7 years old, both boys), when they grow up won't join any gangs.
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@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
13 Jul 10
Sad to hear that gangs is in your country too. Yes I am too scared from these gangs. I too hope that your boys do not join in the gangs. Also It depends from parents you need to tell about gangs how bad It is they understand and they will stay at a distance from them. They can not meet a wrong people. Take care, Have a nice day!
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
6 Jul 10
I think that Gangs are very scary and not really necessary. The reasons I have heard this being a choice is because someone feels like they are isolated from their family. When they make a choice to join a gang because they want to feel like someone is always their and a family is committed to them.
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@ET28LV (1890)
• Latvia
13 Jul 10
Yes gangs is very scary and why we need them? We can live without them. Yes this can be one of reason they do not feel good in family they are not rated so much and they do not have a attention. But, like all people they want a good family and in gangs they feel this comfortable felling. Have a nice day!
@snowy22315 (186476)
• United States
10 Mar 16
I think gang violence is terrible. A cop here was kidnapped and killed, as part of some kind gang iniatiion or something.
• India
6 Jul 10
I have never been part of all these gangs. In collage there were few groups who used to claim them as a leader for the students who need help on anything but I never joined them, even when I needed help and I knew that they can help me. The reason behind not joining was simple – they will do a small favor and in return may ask something big in future, they will make you feel like a best friend when helping and will turn to foe if you deny what they expect. One of my friends was part of these so called gangs and he was in trouble with police just because his gang leader asked him to do something which was against law and he could not deny the request or demand. I hate all these concepts of gangs and anything similar. I can help people around me as per my capacity and request help from individuals but no support to these gangs.
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