What you do if the dog started going deaf ?

July 12, 2010 8:53pm CST
My friend told me to use "Baby Oil" in his or her ears,and it works and she started to hear allot better,and if you live where you get allot snow use vaseline on their pads they love you for that,what do you do? My dog is getting to age 11yrs old, she's is cockpoodle white her nane is daisy!! cd
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9 responses
@commanderxo (1494)
• Canada
20 Jul 10
Years ago, I went out with a girl who was a real dog, so my friends have told me. I used to put Vaseline on the bottom of her feet in the winter, and she slid all over the place! :-D cdrxo
• Canada
20 Jul 10
Yes i did, but it doesn't taste very good with chicken soup. cdrxo
1 person likes this
• Canada
22 Jul 10
But dose it really work? I know chicken soup works it only take's you to try it hahaha I am surprise you are not barking by now,or meow, cd
• Canada
20 Jul 10
It only thake you to go with dog ,,,,You pure thing,I hope you kept some for your self, cd
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• United States
13 Jul 10
My mother's cats are well familiar with baby oil. - Baby oil is effective in soothing itching feline ears as well. I think it drowns the mites that gather in the little ears.
• Canada
13 Jul 10
That's good to hear,How many cats dose mom have,I got 4 cats and one baby one going 2yrs old,Plus daisy which is dog, cd
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• United States
14 Jul 10
Some of my mother's kitties had passed away of old age. She no longer has as many as she had, but I am embarrassed to say I don't really know, she has some shy ones that hide, they don't make it easy to count noses.
• United States
13 Jul 10
White dogs and cats have a tendency to go deaf. My white Maltese went deaf and there was nothing I could do as it is generic. However I made sure I would stomp/tread heavily when I came into a room where he was as he could always sense the vibrations and that way I did not scare him. I would do this when he sat a the window watching for me to return after I went out as the poor baby was still sitting staring out the window after I opened the door.
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• Canada
13 Jul 10
That's to bad about your dog I would still try some Baby Oil and see if will help!! cd
• United States
13 Jul 10
huh I have never heard of those tricks. my mom has a yorkiepoo and she is 16 years old, poor thing is deaf and blind. So she doesn't change the furniture and she has fenced off a smaller part of the yard so she can't wander off. For her age she is fairly healthy and hasn't had too many problems in her life.
• Canada
13 Jul 10
Why not try and see if will work I know it for daisy and she's is 10yrs old and she is cockpoodle I understand how you feel and your mom dose, cd
• United States
13 Jul 10
Yes I will have to let my mom know this trick so we can see if it helps too.
• Canada
13 Jul 10
Hello; using baby oil can cause infections,ear mites luv it and also heavy wax build up. You can get professional ear cleaner from most stores like Pet Smart etc. There is not to much you can do about getting deaf keeping ears clean, HEARING AIDE, WHAT, the normal things when aging. Try the internet there might be some good ideas out there.
• Canada
13 Jul 10
That's what they said. cd
@sunvg1976 (108)
• India
13 Jul 10
If the dog going deaf,then need to start practicing hand signals, for each command need to be trainded the hand signal language.
1 person likes this
• Canada
13 Jul 10
You are right about that they do have dogs for the deaf. cd
@GardenGerty (162452)
• United States
13 Jul 10
Evidently the baby oil dissolved the wax in her ears and she could hear better. I do not have a dog, but I would think they need regular check ups, just as we do.
• Canada
13 Jul 10
Yes you are right about that it's just to help them hear better I always take my dog to vets on regular check up, cd
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
17 Jul 10
I don't think I would put anything in a dog's ears without doing some research first and talking to a vet (or two or three). It's not as if the dog can tell you if it helps or not and it might even do some harm.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
13 Jul 10
Hi cd, It is not abnormal for an old dog to lose hearing. My previous dog had started losing her hearing when she was 12. She heard loud noises, but her hearing wasn't so fine any more. From my experience, I would advice you to keep her on leash whenever she is outside her home, as she can't hear when you call her, or when a car approaches. When they go old, our beloved dogs start to show a lot of problems, hearing weakness is one of them. But as they go old we love them more and more. Give a lot of kisses to your beloved Daisy from me!
• Canada
13 Jul 10
I will do that for you... she looks like the dog in picture here I will make sure I will keep her on a lease so she dosen't get hit by a car Thanks . cd