Have You Ever Noticed

July 15, 2010 7:34pm CST
Have you ever noticed how people's attitude has changed so drastically? Now I don't know about you all, but when I was young and still able to work if anyone would have ever given me a five dollar tip, AND... believe me it never happened but if it would have I would have been proud, excited and grateful enough to say Thank You. Well now that I'm on disability and not able to work I have to have my groceries delivered and I always give the young delivery boy 5.00 tip. I also gave the managers son a 5.00 tip for replacing the dish washer in my apartment even though it was due six months ago BUT.. not the boys fault so I gave a tip. All I get is 644.90 per month. If not for looking after my brother in law resulting in him paying half the rent I would be in real trouble. I guess I need to quit tipping my helpers which makes me sad because I really do appreciate the help. Is it because 5.00 is nothing today? Is this an insult and the direct cause of never given a Thank You if you think so please let me know. Thank You in advance
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19 responses
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
16 Jul 10
I'd say you are being more than generous, even in these days Because, like you, I am on a fixed income that isn't all that much I don't get a lot of "frivolous" things any more like having pizza delivered. But, when I do get that chance, I always tip the guy at least two bucks. He always looks very happy, as I know there are a lot of people that do not tip the guy at all. yes, he makes minimum wage but he also has to pay for his own gasoline So, if possible, I think you should keep on tipping what you can afford. Better than no tip at all!
3 people like this
• Canada
16 Jul 10
Thank You for your + response and it gave my feelings a boost.
1 person likes this
• Grand Junction, Colorado
16 Jul 10
Hello grandma, It's been awhile, nice to see you again. When I first left home I used to leave a tip of 10%, then I saw a publishing in a magazine about certain industries and that a tip of 15% to 20% should be given. I started to leave tips of 20%. I think in the economy that were in any tip should be appreciated. However I have heard that those people that work in the service industry have said that if people can't afford to leave the right tip then they shouldn't go out. I highly doubt that the owners of those establishments would agree with that. Not when so many business have been hit hard by the economy. As for people getting a wage + tips, well I believe at least here in CA people that waitress don't get minimum wage and haven't for years. Also the tips at most places go in to a collection and are divided up amongst the waitress the kitchen staff, bussers, hostess ect.... My thoughts are pretty much the same if you can afford to leave the standard tip then you should and if not then leaving what you can afford should be just fine, again, especially with the times we are in. At least stimulating the economy with what we can afford.
• Canada
16 Jul 10
Yes after reading fwidmans response and now yours this is giving my confidence a boost and eventually someone will appreciate the tip small as it is. Thank You for your response.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
16 Jul 10
WEll we tip the waters or waitresses $5 no matter what the bill is most say thinaks. and if we win a Royal we give $5 and get thanks. BUt on washing your car we give a $2 tip and never know if the feller that did all the work gets it or not. adn as this is tip city they tell ya $2 tip is about regular for the services but then we go by the service and th way teh people act!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
18 Jul 10
yes it is!
• Canada
16 Jul 10
Thank You for your response. Thank Goodness you get a Thank You because I just think that's the way it should be.
@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
17 Jul 10
I think that it is great that you give those workers a tip AT ALL. It is a gift from you and not something that you have to do. I'm sure they aren't concerned about YOUR financial situation, but I am sure they would like more. If it makes YOU feel better, than don't let their attitudes bother you. It sounds as though you give the tips from the goodness of your heart AND thinking of someone else and not yourself. Again, if it makes YOU feel better, then keep it up.
• Canada
17 Jul 10
Yes Thank You so much all I needed was my myLot friends to smarten me up. I do have my faults obviously but I do feel good to give from my heart and that is the reason I do. Thank You so much for yuour response I am so plesased to have heard from so many people.
16 Jul 10
You are so kindhearted to think of other people. I remember an incident that happened to me here in our country. A beggar came knocking at our door asking for alms, since I was the only one at home, I quickly gave her some change but instead of thanking me, she asked me what is it I gave her. I readily answered the amount and asked her immediately if she wants it or not. She took it and went away. I know I should be polite to her but I too was taken aback by her attitude. I also had a boy asking for money but instead I gave him food, but he refused it and ask for money instead. Since he refused the food I gave him, I took it back. I think some people can be quite abusive and complain about so many things. If they don't know how to appreciate your generosity, I don't think you should give them that much next time. Maybe after that, they would think about it and be more polite next time.
• Canada
16 Jul 10
Thank You very much for such a wonderful response. I just appreciate the help so much as I am not able to do the whole shopping, loading and unloading the groceries so I like to offer a tip but I am not able to give more than I do.
@T_Diamond (965)
• New Zealand
16 Jul 10
I'm sure the boys will understand if you stop giving them tips. At the least they should be grateful you did gave them tips.
2 people like this
• Canada
16 Jul 10
It's not like I don't want to give them anything it's just the attitude they display when all I can give is a small amount. Thank you for your response.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
16 Jul 10
Hey Lady, how are you doing? I have been good, really busy lately. As too your discussion, a $5 tip to me is alot of money. I would be thrilled with a $5 tip. I don't understand why someone wouldn't be. Maybe they just don't have any manners. Take care and have a good day, I think of you often and hope all is well. XOXO
1 person likes this
• Canada
16 Jul 10
My dear friend Thank You for your response. With fighting health issues and to many hours on my game site I have been away from myLot far too long. Busy is good hope you're well. Yes I agree I'd have always been thrilled with a five dollar tip. Thank You so very much.
@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
16 Jul 10
I think it is not ingratitude, so much as it is shock. Very few people tip anymore, except perhaps at nice restaurants. Those young people have not seen gratitude modeled or been taught how to deal with tips. If it gives you pleasure, keep tipping, but otherwise, you are very generous with your limited resources.
• Canada
16 Jul 10
Well Thank You very much and yes I do feel good about giving a little something and yes I will continue. Thank You myLot friends you've come through for me one more time. All plus responses here!!! Thank You
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
16 Jul 10
I think thats a very nice tip! But your are right....if you can't afford it.don't do it. And a thank you would have went a long way as far as your well being is concerned...you sacrificed for someone else..that deserves a big thank you!
• Canada
16 Jul 10
Thank You for your wonderful response.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Jul 10
hi grandmaof2 people used to be grateful for tip now they all expect them and rarely are ever happy unless you are wealthy and give them a ten or twenty. I used to have my groceries delivered too but albertsons charged plenty to do it so I felt those men were also well paid.To me five dollars a great tip. I was once offered a tip whenI worked in the library but we were not to accept tips so I gave it instead to the friends of the library to put towards buying new books.
1 person likes this
• Canada
16 Jul 10
That was a very nice thing to do with your tip. Things are definately different then when I was young and still able to work. We have seen many changes, some good and some not so good. Thank You for your response
@crazydaisy (3896)
• Canada
16 Jul 10
I think that's a really good tip!!The problen with people they weren't raise the same way as you and I were we always said Thank you I told my daughter always use her matters always say "please or thank you" so don't feel bad. cd
1 person likes this
• Canada
16 Jul 10
Another positive response, Thank You and you are so right. Guess the times have changed and I need to see it the way it is. I taught my daughter manners as well and I must say her two children know how to use manners too. Thank You
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
16 Jul 10
Hi Grandmaof2! No, a 5$ tip is still a decent tip for doing what you are already supposed to be doing! It is the youth today! They are disrespectful and don't know how to be gracious! I don't know if they weren't brought up right and taught to say "thank you" when someone gives them something or they just don't think it's necessary and everything is just coming to them! If someone doesn't have the decency to say thank you then I wouldn't ever tip them again no matter what they do!
1 person likes this
• Canada
16 Jul 10
Thank You very kindly for your response. I thought as you said that a 5 dollar tip was still a decent amount. In todays world the young people just get too much handed to them and with little manners as you have said. Thank You for your response.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
16 Jul 10
I can't tell the value of 5 dollars in your place. Converted to our currency, that's roughly 225 to 250 pesos. And well that's quite generous for a tip. I can manage with 50 for little or lighter labor. For electricians they charge 150 to 250. Carpenters 300 with free snacks and meals. I think 5 dollars is good enough.
1 person likes this
• Canada
16 Jul 10
Thank You so very much for your response.
• Australia
16 Jul 10
I think you sound like a lovely person. Not many people today would tip at all. I think that maybe these people who are receiving the tips are just ungrateful and wouldn't known an act generosity if it jumped up and bit them on the nose.
1 person likes this
• Canada
16 Jul 10
You could be right and Thank You for the vote of confidence but GardenGerty has made me think, as you see in her response she suggests that maybe they're a bit taken back in surprize I don't know???? Thank You I appreciate your comment. +
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
20 Jul 10
Kids Now days don't appreciate the value of a dollar and how hard it is to come by..I do think that is because we give kids to much and they don't have to work for things like we used to. SO $5 to them basically means nothing to them..now days it seems to take a $20 bill to make them appreciate things... Heck even now I appreciate the value of the dollar knowing how hard it is to come by. And it is always appropriate to say thank you no matter the value, even if it is a quarter...I simply think that kids need to work for their allowances or money they get..shows how to appreciate money more..
@BarBaraPrz (49095)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
16 Jul 10
I rarely tip. Those people get a wage. I don't.
• Canada
16 Jul 10
Well I suppose that's the way it is yes. Thank You for your response.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
21 Jul 10
Sadly if you stop tipping.. the delivery boys will start getting rude with you.. and probably once they get used to not getting your tips they will be less careful with your groceries. I used to be a Pizza Delivery driver.. now mind you I was always pleasant, even when I didn't want to be.. that's all part of customer service and having the job. But I quickly got to know the houses that didn't tip, and the ones that tipped well (as a driver anything above $3 was a good tip.. but this was 10 years ago.. who knows what it is now). I was happy with anything over $1.. and 99% of the customers did tip something worthwhile. But then there were those few that their bill came to like $19.60 and they'd hand me a $20 and say keep the change... that's almost insulting! Then there were a couple that would always hand me exact change and no tip at all. Though I was still polite because it was part of my job.. I still felt angry that they hadn't tipped at all.. I mean I was using my gas to make this delivery, and my car.. and I only earned minimum wage at the job. It's not like the job covered gas expense and vehicle repairs. I would never have been the type to do anything rude or mean to a non-tipping customer.. but some of the guys I worked with used to joke about driving donuts in the customer's lawn or spitting on the pizza.. or other crazy things like that. I don't know if they ever did.. but they joked about it. To this day I try to tip well.. unless I get really crummy service then I leave an insulting tip to let the person know that I was not pleased!
• United States
16 Jul 10
i doubt you should really tip so often and so much...think of it, those people are already earning what they should be earning and if you keep the 5$ everytime you feel like tipping, in end you will save alot, just because you are a little bit selfish.
@ilann1 (372)
• Israel
16 Jul 10
I wouldn't define it as 'selfish' but more 'economic'?
@ilann1 (372)
• Israel
16 Jul 10
Tip is just a bonus, it can be anything from one cent to one million dollars and even more (even though I am totally exaggerating now). But giving tips over and over for all of your helpers can drain you pocket money in the speed of light. You should either cut down the tips, or just hope your good deeds will pay off in the future. People nowadays are so used to take tips for everything, it's just amazing. I mean, if you get a tip be thankful and go and if you don't just shut up and drive.
• Canada
16 Jul 10
Well I think you're right in saying prople automatically expect a tip but I will never give what I can't live with. Thank You for your response.