My son will not let up
By jugsjugs
@jugsjugs (12967)
July 18, 2010 4:10pm CST
My son is on medication for ADHD and you can always tell when the medication is running out.Well it is the same every night aswell as in the evening,he gets like a new lease of energy.Tonight we have had running about upstairs at bed time,putting things down the sink to block it and the loo,then there is now wet tissue every where on the walls aswell as beds,etc.Last night when i was not here he decided it would be great to put his toys aswell as bedding on the steps of the stairs aswell as empty out all the clothes drawers and constantly annoy his brothert,role on when he gets off to sleep tonight which will be the usual 12 or 1 am.
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21 responses
@celticeagle (172915)
• Boise, Idaho
19 Jul 10
You know what I would do Mom? I would have a little meeting with that young man and explain how you feel about him doing this. I would ponder ahead of time the type of things he likes to do, the little extras he enjoys in his life. And, I would tell him that you are tired of this behavior and if it happens again you will take these extras away and he will have to work to get them back. Work in that he will have to be a good little fellow for several nights to get them back. Ofcourse Mom would have to stay strong and be committed to this.

@celticeagle (172915)
• Boise, Idaho
8 Aug 10
If he is that bad he should be on some heavy duty meds. When they are severe like that they need to be.
@jugsjugs (12967)
6 Aug 10
We have tried all of that, but nothing works.With adhd his mind is still working over time and that makes him really restless, aswell as disterbs my other children.My mother had him aswell as his brother at her house and he was the same there for her and she had tried tiring him out with my oldest daughter playing in the garden,1am he went to sleep in the end.
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@sleepyredd (201)
• United States
19 Jul 10
or maybe even a different medicine. With the kidney problem I am sure you have to be very careful about what he ingests. I have a grandson who is ADD and he can be a handful at times. My daughter as well as I hate the medicines but I know that they can be necessary. His school wants him on them when he is class. He talks a lot and fidgets all the time. He argues when you tell him no always tries to bargain.LOL That is about the worst of his behavior. My daughter takes him off the meds during the summer. I dont know if the up and down of that is good but I guess it gives his body a break. I feel for you I get wore out just from this behavior I cannot imagine what it would be like to have such extremes. Anyways what I wanted to say is that we did experiment a bit with foods. Sugar always makes him worse. Has she also tried different changes in his diet? There is a lot of information on the web about it. I like this site for some general info on the sugars etc. I would at least give it a read and see if any applies to his lifestyle. Hopefull i got that copied right for you. Good Luck Also I would like to say that when we get the chance as much as possible we take our grandson outside like in the summer we keep him in the pool a lot it seems to help to wear him down a bit.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
6 Aug 10
Thank you.I have now got the appointment for sleep therapy and it starts in September.I think that it is very hard to try to keep up with him aswell as my other children.Trying to give them a bit of my attention each is really hard and when you are soo tired aswell it is soo hard.
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@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
18 Jul 10
If I may say so, ADHD is probably caused by mercury poisoning, as as Autism,Asphergers, etc. I would suggest that you go to the Autism Research Institute web page and to the Yahoo group Autism Mercury for help.
@jenseyedea (579)
• United States
18 Jul 10
That is a theory. I do not believe that it is accurate, but many people believe it is. I think sometimes, people just want to place the blame somewhere. That seems to be much easier than realizing that many things have been undiagnosed for years. It doesn't really matter in this case, what the cause it. Rather, we need effective treatment across the board.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
19 Jul 10
IT's always a problem for parents when their kids are hyeractive.. hehe ^_^ It will seem like the kid have endless energy, always wanting to play or creating trouble, when they dunno they are right or wrong in doing certain things!! haha =D
As such, it needs one parent, whom can be as active like them, in order to bring them down.. haha =D
BUt there's another problem though, ADHD kids, cant concentrate, and will be easily distracted by things around them.. THus if possible, do replenish their medicine before it runs out, because it's gonna be good for everybody in the house 

@jugsjugs (12967)
6 Aug 10
Thank fully we have at long last got him some sleep therapy, his appoitment is in September so i hope they have something that will work.My mum and my oldest daughter had him aswell as one of my other sons over my mums the other night and i must say i had sleep,but they did not get alot.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
18 Jul 10
We are waiting for an appointment for sleep therpy and there is over a six month waiting list.However we have now got what they call a buddy to take my son out aswell as try to give us a bit of a break as he is such hard work as well as tires us out,so lets hope they can help.He is due to see the ADHD nurse next month aswell as the consultant.He has a kidnet problem aswell which they have to be careful with what meds they give him.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
19 Jul 10
It's hard to believe there is a six month waiting list for sleep therapy.........I am glad you have the buddy now tho. That should really help and give you all some rest.
ADJD is a difficult thing to deal with.
I do not envy you but you are doing the best you can.
Make sure you check with the ADHD nurse about changing the times you give him the meds and maybe he'll sleep better.
Here, they'd already have him in therapy and have his meds regulated. But dear , you take care and remember you are stronger than you think you are.
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
18 Jul 10
My grandson is ADHD as well as OCD with a defiant disorder, so I know exactly what you're going through. He drives his mom crazy with his destructiveness and anger.
You need to talk to his doctor and maybe get his meds adjusted. Also, he may need something to help him sleep at night, like my grandson.
You didn't say how old your son is. My grandson is now 10, and he has calmed down some, although there are still many bad times. He is of a mind that no one can tell him what to do. You tell him he can't do it, and he is thinking yes, I can, and he does it. He is extrememy independant, and several times, the police had to be called to find him, although not recently.
Talk to your doctor...he is really the only one who can advise you.
@jugsjugs (12967)
18 Jul 10
My son is now seven years old and has been diagnosed since the age of six.He used to smash up the class room at school aswell as run off,kick helpers teachers,refuse to go in school and class and when he was praised for his work he would throw things aswell as hit out.From day one he never slept not even as a baby.He has a kidney condition that he is on medication for aswell as he is seeing the kidney consultant this week,as he is due for another scan aqnd the normal tests and then next month it is the adhd nurse aswell as the consultant.Both consultants are great as they are for ever talking to each other to ensure that they do not give him anything that would cause a problem with the other medication that he is on.We are on a list waiting to see a sleep therepist but it seems to take for ever.We have a great parent support worker that has got funds for him to have more support through a association so he is getting a buddy now aswello as other things to keep him busy,which will give us a bit of a break aswell as his mind busy.
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
19 Jul 10
I'm glad to hear you have a lot of people working with him.
Something I would like to point grandson has learned, to a small degree, what behaviors are more acceptable than others. My hope is that he will continue to learn how to behave without acting up.
Luckily, he has no other physical problems, but he does take a sleeping pill at night. He's very thin, but healthy, because the meds interfere with his appitite.
I know what it's like to have your hands full, because this boy's sister is a juvenile diabetic, so my daughter can get really stressed out at times, and she really doesn't have any help.
It's a good thing you have all the help you do.
@GardenGerty (162769)
• United States
18 Jul 10
That must be exhausting for the whole family, especially you. have you spoken to the doctor about this aspect of your son's day and the behavior he exhibits? I am not a doctor, but it would seem some kind of adjustment would be necessary for the peace of all around and for his own good.
@jugsjugs (12967)
18 Jul 10
I have contact number to get in touch with them and they are getting a sleep therpy appointment,the only problem with that is the waiting list is soo long.My son also has a kidney condition so he is on medication for that aswell,so they are very careful when it comes to treating him with medication.He is ok during the day most of the time,but when the medication is wearing out that is when he gets a new lease of life.We are seeing the ADHD nurse aswell as the consultant next month,aswell as the consultant for his kidney condition this week.
@marriedman111399 (1207)
• United States
30 Jul 10
My 2 son also have adhd and I can definitely tell when the medicine is wearing off. We have talked to there doctor and there is a medication that they can take in the afternoon that will help them with there symptoms once there other medication wears off. It does a pretty good job so you should talk to there doctor about it.
@jenseyedea (579)
• United States
18 Jul 10
I am sorry to hear of the problems you and your family are going through. I have adult ADD and take Concerta which is very effective for me. However, I experience many of the same side effects as your son. Since I am an adult though, my Mom doesn't have to deal with my inability to sleep! I also work in the mental health feild, primarily with addictions and children. Since he is on a stimulant, those are some of the typical side effects. Also, decrease appetite is very common. I am wondering if he has had a med re-check lately to see if he is on the appropriate dose. Also, some people find it helpful to take herbs like melatonin, not eat or drink much prior to bedtime, aviod other stimulants, exercise, and creating an enviornment conducive to sleep. Sometime quiet music, or fans may help. You may want to call your doctors office and report your concerns so they are documented. That way if things do not get better, you have a timeline to go back through with your PCP.
Hope that helps. Good Luck!
@jugsjugs (12967)
18 Jul 10
Thank you soo much for your help,it is helpful that you know yourself what it is like,when you were younger did they give you different medication to help you with your sleep.My son can have one pill in the morning and then another at mid day and if needed half a pill later on when he is home after school.He has never really slept from day one not even as a baby,so i do not think it is just down to the medication.However if he was to have another pill nearer bedtime they do stop him from sleeping that is why he can not have more than the two and a half.He also has kidney condition so he is on other medication for that.We are on a list waiting for sleep therepy for him,but the list is soo long so it will be a very long wait.We do see the ADHD nurse aswell as the consultant next week,so perhaps they will speed things up in the sleep therepy.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
20 Jul 10
I can understand your frustration. I have 3 children that are on medication for ADHD and I can tell when it wears off as the day wears on. I have found that there is one way to help them all sleep better and fall asleep earlier at night. My kids also have allergies that bother them this time of the year, so I give them a bit of allergy medicine close to bedtime and within an hour or so, they are all sound asleep. I have also found that the more active I keep them throughout the day, the easier they fall asleep when the medicine wears off.
It sounds like your son is also doing things to simply get your attention. One thing I have found that helps stop these behaviors is to ignore them. It is not an easy thing to do, but it really does help. My daughter used to scream, whine and do things just to get under my skin, such as throwing her clothes on the floor "just because". After nothing else worked, one day, I did not say one word to her, I just calmly walked into her bedroom, picked up all of the clothes she had thrown in the floor, put them in a plastic bag and took them away. I didn't pay any attention to her at all...not even when she tried to block the doorway or put her face in mine. After a few of these episodes, she began to understand that I was not going to allow her to get away with things like that, and I was not going to give her attention when she did things like that. It was also important for me to praise her when she did something positive. This way, she understood that positive behavior gets positive results and in order to get my attention, she has to behave.
Of course, she eventually got her things back....little by little she earned them back. Now, she takes better care of her things and she tried very hard to get positive attention from me.
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
18 Jul 10
that has to be very hard to deal with. I have a 5 year old and she is hyper but the only problem i think we have is that I don't do enough with her through out the day in order to be able to get her energy out so it takes a while for her to go to sleep at night. When she was in school this past year in head start I was able to get her to lay down and get up early because she knew she had school the next day. All I would do would talk to the doctor. see if there is something that is 24 hours instead of 12 or something to where you can combine to medications. I wouldn't know what else to tell you. good luck.
@jugsjugs (12967)
18 Jul 10
It is hard work as i have other children aswell that need their sleep and what with the one creating it stops the others from getting the sleep that they need.We are waiting to see a sleep therpist and are due to see the adhd nurse aswell as the consultant next month.My son is due to goto tyhe kidney consultant this week,which he is also on medication for that aswell.Between the consultants they are having to ensure that the medication that they are both giving him are ok with each other aswell as regular checks,lets hope something works soon as i am soo tired.Thank you for your response.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
18 Jul 10

@jugsjugs (12967)
19 Jul 10
I am due to see his adhd nurse aswell as the consultant in august and this week we see the kidney consultant.I think that the meds that he is on during the day work ok,but it is at night aswell as in the evening when they start to run out is what the problem is and what they have said is that if he had one pill of a night time he would not go to sleep either as there is something in them thst helps them to concerntrate.They do have to be careful what they give him as he is on other meds for his kidney.We are waiting for appointment with a sleep therpst and that could be a while as yet as there is along waiting list.However he is getting what they call a buddy and they are the people who take him out for a while to give us a break,aswell as that they have funding for things that my son can do.It is now 1am and he has been asleep now for all of ten minuites,we are soo tired and soo are the other children.
@yresh12 (3210)
• Philippines
21 Jul 10
Hi jugs!1
That must be very challenging when you have a kid like that. It goes extra effort for you because some kids are just happy sitting around the corner. I hope that it will all be alright soon. Just give him activities that could really tire him during the day so that he will be to exhausted at night.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
19 Jul 10
I have never lived with a person like that, it would be very frustrating for me.
No wonder you have health problems also. Is there anyway you can reprogram him to expend that energy at a different time of day?
@missybear (11391)
• United States
19 Jul 10
Sounds like you got your hands full...better get a refill
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
19 Jul 10
It sounds like you have a lot to deal with there! My husband suffers from Bipolar as well as ADHD and he is on medication for both conditions but his doctor will regularly revises his meds to ensure that nothing has changed and the dosages need to be adjusted. As an adult my husband has learnt how to deal with both conditions himself but for a child of course it is not so easy. I would take him back to the doctor and ask for a revision of his medication regime.
@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
19 Jul 10
YIKES!!! I dont know anyone with ADHD so this is all new to me.
Just a thought, couldnt you give him his medicine so he wont be this way come night time? Just saying.